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Author: noraidil_06

Miryang gang rape

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 Author| Post time 9-10-2019 12:54 PM | Show all posts
7th replied at 9-10-2019 12:24 PM
Korea ni dalam pada advance ada juga sisi yang sangat kolot. aku rasa isu ni terlalu taboo untuk cul ...

tengok movie yg ade kt channerl A-list astro pun, hurmmm sgt korean ni. tp kite nk ngata org pun, kalau tgk kes kite pun teruk2 juga.

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Post time 10-10-2019 10:27 AM | Show all posts
This case is just one of many evidence of how South Korea handling its rape cases. Toxic.

Rape case won't be treated as serious to police if the girl is not dead. If she's alive, go to police - the officer will ask 'Why did you do that? Why didn't you resist?' and then when she asked for female police officer, then office will changed but they kept asking same thing - why they didn't defend herself.Most of them, police take this just an simple case. Kalau ada yang nasib baik sikit jumpa polis yang jujur dan bertanggungjawab ambil kes ni, tapi lain pulak jadi. Keluarga pelaku pulak yang masuk campur, ugut mangsa macam-macam. Dan itu kalau kena rogol dengan orang asing, kalau family, ipar, boyfriend sendiri? Selain kena tuduh macam-macam, memang tak ke mana.

This what happened to this Miryang case, where the family members of the perpetrators threatened the victims, warning them that they should "watch out from now on for reporting our sons to police." In a television interview, a parent of one of the offenders stated, "Why should we feel sorry for the victim's family? Why don't you consider our suffering? Who can resist temptation when girls are trying to seduce boys? They should have taught their daughters how to behave in order to avoid this kind of accident." One girl reportedly quit school after repeated visits and verbal attacks from the offenders' parents.

And. This not just happens to their local people, but the tourists too. There are A LOT of cases they were raped by local but i) too afraid to lodge a report ii) don't know what to do iii) police & embassy didn't taken this case seriously.

So please, be careful wherever you go.



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 Author| Post time 10-10-2019 10:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cik_sssara replied at 10-10-2019 10:27 AM
This case is just one of many evidence of how South Korea handling its rape cases. Toxic.

Rape ca ...

I can't help but to feel judgemental towards korean. As u aptly put, this is not the only case.

Blm lg berckp psl kes2 rape pd girls yg nk jd singer.

May Allah ease pain n suffering all women.

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Post time 10-10-2019 11:37 AM | Show all posts
Edited by cik_sssara at 10-10-2019 12:57 PM
noraidil_06 replied at 10-10-2019 10:31 AM
I can't help but to feel judgemental towards korean. As u aptly put, this is not the only case.


Kes ni, satu lagi kes Suwon Torso, dan banyak lagi. Memang sangat sedih, sakit hati, geram.

1. The police failed to protect the identity of the victims.
2. Used allegedly humiliating investigations techniques.
3. (On several occasions) were accused of insulting the victims and their families –blaming them for the incident.
4. Many of the assailants were from rich influential local families, most of them got away with a warning and allegedly continue to live normal lives.

The truth about Miryang incident;
There were 44 assailants officially but the real estimate is MORE THAN THAT - totally about 80-90 rapists involved. Very sick! Most of the assailants were sons of local bigwigs. Therefore, even though there was a lot of fuss around the case while it was being followed by the media, as the media interest in the case died down, victim was turned into a wrongdoer, the criminals were turned into victims. The victim of the crime had repeatedly moved around and transferred school, but at the end gave up her studies. Meanwhile the assailants all graduated the school and are all living normal life. All 44 suspects sent to police headquarters were released as the interest of media in the case waned. In the end, among the 44 assailants no one received a criminal penalty. No one received a criminal penalty. No one received a criminal penalty.

Entertainment industry? I rasa diorang semua sedia maklum perkara ni, bagi mereka siapa nak masuk entertainment mestilah 'sacrifies'. I believed not only entertainment industry, but all, everywhere. Tak kisahlah siapa pun, bila buat report semua akan diambil 'lite-lite' je. Mostly salahkan perempuan. Which woman would walk around trying to encourage a sexual assault? Does she have it written on her face “please could you rape me?"


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 Author| Post time 10-10-2019 11:56 AM | Show all posts
cik_sssara replied at 10-10-2019 11:37 AM
Kes ni, satu lagi kes Suwon Torso, dan banyak lagi. Memang sangat sedih, sakit hati, geram.

tq dear for the added info.

world is a sad place for woman. sighhh

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Post time 15-10-2019 01:17 PM | Show all posts
MentariSenja replied at 8-10-2019 07:33 AM
Violence against women ( VAW) is a global issue. It is something to do with our cultural practices.  ...

Weyhhh pakcik! kenapa ko tak mati dari dulu! Depress la aku baca benda2 macam ni! Minta dijauhkan dari kita semua!

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Post time 16-10-2019 05:21 PM | Show all posts
baca komen rasa takut pulak nak tengok cerita mcm tu

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Post time 17-10-2019 01:47 PM | Show all posts
MentariSenja replied at 8-10-2019 07:33 AM
Violence against women ( VAW) is a global issue. It is something to do with our cultural practices.  ...

saya setuju.. anak-anak kecil perlu diajar seni mempertahankan diri.
ya, mungkin ada yang akan kata bukan semua orang mampu.
tapi, semua ibu bapa perlu ajar basic pertahankan diri.
banyak cara kan.
emosi sikit..kesian pada wanita/kanak-kanak perempuan yang selalu menjadi mangsa.
dahlah jadi mangsa, bila tiba untuk pembelaan, tak dapat yang sewajarnya.
boleh pulak mangsa dituduh menggoda pelaku.

tak boleh diterima akal langsung.


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