Wowww, dia mmg pandai jaga kencantikkan diri.. Paling suka part dia jaga rambut. Iolss pon mmg rasa pemikiran mempengaruhi kesihatan rambut.
Ohh btw, betulke minyak wangi dia ada whale sperm? Weird  |
Tweety_Senrose replied at 24-9-2019 07:31 PM
Amboiii sis daily routines nya tu mcm too much je. Mcm her world revolves around beauty je adoi. Aku ...
Mind to share...
Another photo of her royal Highness. Comel sgt |
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uihhh lawanya i boleh imagine mesti satu parut pon xde kat kulit dia dan mesti kulit dia selembut bayi, kecantikan ni mmg menggunakan modal besar kalo nak maintain, biasanya kalo cantik2 mcm ni mmg jadi milik bangsawan jelah walaupon dia lahir2 miskin |
not sperm from whale..tapi muntah sejenis whale dinamakan Sperm Whale..AMBERGRIS is a secretion made in the sperm whale's digestive system. Typically it is either expelled in whale feces or vomited out. It's purpose is to encase any sharp or harmful objects a sperm whale might ingest to protect them from internal injury. Although ambergris has a soft texture, and smells like fishy poop when it's first produced, after years of floating around in the ocean, and eventually washing up on the shore, it develops into a waxy solid. It has a sweet, earthy odor, often compared to rubbing alcohol but without the harsh burn of chemical fumes. For years it was used in perfumes to make the scent last longer. It is currently only legal for use and trade in France and Switzerland...
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ni gamba masa wedding kot
tapi sad ending..
Elisabeth was an emotionally complex woman, and perhaps of her Wittelsbach lineage (the best-known member of the family being her favorite cousin, the eccentric Ludwig II of Bavaria),[22] she was interested in the treatment of the mentally ill. In 1871, when the Emperor asked her what she would like as a gift for her Saint's Day, she listed a young tiger and a medallion, but: "...a fully equipped lunatic asylum would please me most".[ "Children are the curse of a woman, for when they come, they drive away Beauty, which is the best gift of the gods
In 1889 Elisabeth's life was shattered by the death of her only son Rudolf, who was found dead together with his young lover Baroness Mary Vetsera, in what was suspected to be a murder-suicide on Rudolf's part. The scandal was known as the Mayerling Incident after the location of Rudolf's hunting lodge in Lower Austria, where they were found.
In 1898, At 1:35 p.m. on Saturday 10 September 1898, Elisabeth her lady-in-waiting, left the hotel on the shore of Lake Geneva They were walking along the promenade an Italian anarchist Luigi Lucheni stabbed Elisabeth with a sharpened needle file that was 4 inches long ,the empress collapsed. They noticed a small brown stain above the empress's left breast,undressed and noticed a few small drops of blood and a small wound. When they then removed her from the stretcher to the bed she was clearly dead; Frau Mayer believed the two audible breaths she heard the Empress take as she was brought into the room were her last. She was pronounced dead at 2:10 p.m. Elisabeth had been the Empress of Austria for 44 years.
The autopsy was performed they discovered that the weapon, which had not yet been found, had penetrated 3.33 inches into Elisabeth's thorax, fractured the fourth rib, pierced the lung and pericardium, and penetrated the heart from the top before coming out the base of the left ventricle. Because of the sharpness and thinness of the file the wound was very narrow and, due to pressure from Elisabeth's extremely tight corseting, the hemorrhage of blood into the pericardial sac around the heart was slowed to mere drops. Until this sac filled, the beating of her heart was not impeded, which is why Elisabeth had been able to walk from the site of the assault and up the boat's boarding ramp. Had the weapon not been removed, she would have lived a while longer, as it would have acted like a plug to stop the bleeding.[41]
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tapi nape dalam gambar nampak gemuk, painter silap lukis ke 
boleh bayang Anne Hathaway amek roles dia kalau nak difilemkan |
Obses plak baca pasal her beauty regime.
Ni petik dr https://thebeautygypsy.com/sisi-beauty-tips-from-19th-century/
Dia mandi dgn minyak zaitun uols. Kite nk beli sebotol pun tengok price tag.
Olive oil bath: Sisi took a warm olive oil bath every evening to keep her skin soft and smooth – a practise that’s lauded by spas till date. Olive oil contains vitamins A and E, which are intensely nourishing, along with a host of antioxidants that guard against environmental toxins. To make your own olive oil bath, simply pour a cup-full of virgin olive oil in the bathtub and fill with warm water. Or slather your body with warm (not hot) olive oil, leave it on for 5-10 minutes, then rinse off with warm water. |
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Face mist dari bunga mawar.
Face mists: Sisi relied heavily on rose or lavender face mists to protect her skin against inflammation and infections.
Her favorite was violet vinegar, made from freshly picked violet blossoms, cider vinegar and distilled water: Layer the violet blossoms (or rose petals) in bottle and douse them with cider vinegar.
Shut tightly and allow to infuse for two days. Then strain away the flowers and use the liquid to spritz your face.
Gambar hiasan semata. |
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Egg white face mask: A really simple and effective way of toning the complexion, Sisi’s favorite face mask needs 2 oz rose water, 1 oz milk, oz grape juice, 5 drops frankincense essential oil and 2 whipped egg whites. Combine all ingredients, except the egg whites. When everything is well mixed, fold in the egg whites and immediately apply the paste to your face. Go to bed and rinse off in the morning.
This one sampai sekarang org buat. Cume sy jarang2 dengar campur mcm2. Frankincense oil tu mahal. |
Honey & strawberry face pack:
To keep her complexion soft, Sisi would slather her cheeks with pure honey and crushed strawberries – thereby calling upon the effects of modern fruit acids that cleanse, exfoliate and brighten the skin.
And that’s not all: this face pack also reinforces the skin’s resistance to environmental stress and strengthens its immunity.
Ni mcm best je. |
Rose cream (my personal favourite!):
History says that Sisi never left home without this rosy moisturizer.
To prepare, crush 20-25 rosebuds and simmer them in a covered pan filled with 1/8th litre distilled water for 45 minutes. Add 50g lanolin and 20g fresh, unsalted butter; then put everything in a high speed blender till it becomes creamy.
Keep in the fridge and apply to your face every morning for glowing skin. |
noraidil_06 replied at 29-9-2019 01:45 PM
Rose cream (my personal favourite!):
History says that Sisi never left home without this rosy mo ...
I can't imagine going out with greasy butter. |
dia boleh laa mak Nora..dia byk hamba sahaya yg bole buat mcm2 utk dia..kita ni..kalau ada maid indon kat umah pun..kalau kita suruh buat cenggini..mau dia santau jer kita..
bayangkan laa..betapa delicate nyer skin dia,,tapi kalu muka berpalit gitu..bila kala King tu boleh comolot..ke dorang quikie je..janji bole jadi anak
puteribaya replied at 30-9-2019 09:29 AM
bayangkan laa..betapa delicate nyer skin dia,,tapi kalu muka berpalit gitu..bila kala King tu bole ...
Ade yg akak baca2, king stress gile dgn Sisi ni sbb obsess sgt dgn kecantikan sampai dia x blh nk sentuh. Abis dah kalau malam pun penuh ritual kecantikan caner? |
cantiknya dia, tapi terlampau obses dengan kecantikan. masalah jugak..hehehe |
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