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Author: yanieray

Dituduh Mendera, Rupanya Johnny Depp Yang Didera Isteri!

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Post time 3-2-2020 08:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Amber Heard admits to 'hitting' ex-husband Johnny Depp and pelting him with pots, pans and vases in an explosive audio confession obtained exclusively by
The Aquaman actress, 33, opens up about her violent tantrums in a series of taped conversations the estranged couple made in 2015 as they tried to talk through their marriage problems.

What Amber Heard told Johnny Depp during 'informal' two-hour therapy session day after actress 'hit' Pirates of the Caribbean star

Johnny Depp: I'm not going be in a physical f**king altercation with you.
Amber Heard: Don't. Then don't.
JD: You f**king hit me last night. You f**king…
AH: What about all the other times you split? C'mon you cannot act like that's about that.
JD: Well on a plane, I can't split.
AH: No, and you hit back. So don't act like you don't f**king participate.
JD: I pushed you.
AH: I'm not going to get into the details of that fight. You and I both know that you split when there is no physical violence involved and that you do it... like at the very beginning of fights these days. And if you split and you go into a different room and you don't actually leave that house, it does nothing but perpetuate the fight and you don't actually do it respectfully.
JD: You were f**king screaming at me.
AH: I'm not going to validate my actions last night. I feel very bad about what I did.
JD: No, I'm talking about Toronto.
AH: I did not start screaming until you had f**king said all the s**t - you poke an animal enough, it is eventually, it doesn't matter how friendly it is, it's not cool.
JD: That's not true. It's the same for me, it's the same for me.
AH: I stayed cool for so long and you kicked and kicked and kicked.
JD: I need the same things but when you start flipping out, and I can't get a word in, and it's manic and angry, what the f**k Amber?
AH: I get angry. I'm human. This is the kind of situation when one gets angry.
JD: Just try. Let's both try. If there's anger, if there's something really, really poking us in the a** let's try not to f**king fight. Try to address it without jumping down each other's throats because all that's gonna do is build a mountain of f**king, uh, resentment, some species of f**king hatred.
AH: You take me for granted.
JD: It's not true. It's not true. I'm not the one who throws pots and whatever the f**king else at me.
AH: That's different. That's different. One does not negate the other. That's irrelevant. That's a complete non sequitur. Just because I've thrown pots and pans does not mean you cannot come and knock on my door.
JD: Vases and f**king...
AH: Just because there are vases does not mean that you come and knock on the door.
JD: Really, I should just let you throw?
AH: No, I'm not saying that. You're saying that. You're putting words in my mouth.
JD: The only time I ever threw anything at you was when you f**king threw the cans at me in Australia.
AH: Why are you trying to justify who throws things based on whether or not you come knocking on the door? I don't get why one informs the other.
JD: Because that is a f**king irrational and violent f**king maneuver. So a man would want to get out of that area so that he doesn't get so f**king angry that he actually does pop the f**king wife.
JD: You're just afraid that the truth will come out.
AH: What truth?
JD: That you lied. No, I said to you, tell Travis what you just did, did you punch me in the f**king jaw.
AH: What are you f**king talking about? I didn't f**king even have a f**king thing to lie about. What are you f**king talking to? Every f**king fight. There's a new thing that you've convinced yourself there's a lie.
JD: No, I said to you, Amber, tell Travis what you just did. Did you just f**king did you punch me in the f**king jaw? Did you f**king kick? Did you? Did you? And you wouldn't say a f**king, you said I don't know what you're talking about. I never f**king, it never f**king happened.
AH: I see the lie. I see the lie. You should really run with this. In fact maybe you and Travis can like, go and like do a tell about a, you know an investigative study.
JD: Listen, I was not high. You lied your a** off.
AH: You're f**king full of s**t.
JD: You lied your a** off.
AH: What conversation did I have with Travis, big, big investigative study you've done. I'm not sitting here fighting with you about the fight that we had last night.
JD: No I was in a situation with you. After you physically f**king got violent with me, I texted Travis, I said come up here, because I didn't want anything to happen.
AH: I know, come and save me.
JD: Come and what, save me?
AH: No go ahead, continue, Travis to the rescue.
JD: No, that was the last one. You can go, ah, you can go. That was the last insult.
AH: Oh yeah, you called me a liar, and yet, yet...
JD: I watched you lie.
AH: You called me a liar.
JD: I watched you lie.
AH: You're full of s**t. You still haven't told me what lie it is.
JD: We'll talk to Travis..
AH: You do this every single f**king time.
JD: We'll talk to Travis...
AH: I'm not f**king talking to nobody. F**k that. You go f**king j**k, go j**k him off. I don't care. I really could care less. It's you every single f**king time, you latch onto some sort of thing. I already told you. I don't know what you're f**king talking about. You don't even know what you're talking about. You still haven't even told me what it is, but run with it. You run with it.
JD: I have told you what it is.
AH: No you haven't.
JD: I said to Travis, I said, no, I said to you, hey tell Travis what just happened.
AH: Oh, you told me to do it. You told me to. You said 'go do that'
JD: I said tell no, tell him what just happened.
AH: And I lied!
JD: And that you that you punched me in the f**king thing.
AH: You're right! You figured it all out!
JD: In the face. And you said, no I f**king didn't. What the f**k are you talking about?' And I watched you lie.
AH: I didn't punch you. I didn't punch you, by the way.
JD: You punched me.
AH: I'm sorry that I didn't, uh, uh, hit you across the face in a proper slap, but I was hitting you, it was not punching you. Babe, you're not punched.
JD: Don't tell me what it feels like to be punched!
AH: I know, you've been in a lot of fights, been around a long time. I know, I know. Yeah.
JD: No! When you have a f**king closed fist.
AH: You didn't get punched. You got hit. I'm sorry I hit you like this. But I did not punch you. I did not f**king deck you. I f**king was hitting you.
JD: You can't deck me.
AH: I don't know what the motion of my actual hand was, but you're fine, I did not hurt you, I did not punch you, I was hitting you.
JD: How are your toes?
AH: What am I supposed to do, do this?
JD: How are your toes?
AH: I'm not sitting here b***hing about it am I, you are.
JD: Oh, your poor toes.
AH: That's the difference between me and you, you're a f**king baby.
JD: Because you start physical fights?
AH: You are such a baby! Grow the f**k up Johnny!
JD: Because you start physical fights?
AH: I did start a physical fight.
JD: Yeah, you did. So I had to get the f**k out of there.
AH: Yes, you did, so you did the right thing. The big thing, the, you know what? You are admirable. Every single time, what, what's your excuse, when there's not a physical fight, what's your excuse then? You're still being admirable, right, by running away? And you can sit here and call me names, but you get called a name and what do you do – 'that's the last insult!' You're a baby. You're a hypocrite. You don't do anything that you actually do. You expect from people what you can't give them. If they do something a taste of it to you, you f**king lose it. But yet you dish it out.
JD: I left last night. Honestly, I swear to you because I just couldn't take the idea of more physicality, more physical abuse on each other because I had, we continued it. It would have gotten f**king bad. And baby, I told you this once. I'm scared to death we are a f**king crime scene right now. If we don't get our s**t together by getting ur s**t together, that might mean f**king a, we do this and we make it. That might mean Goddamn. You know, you say I've tried and done to Lou, but we've got to get our s**t together as individuals and as a couple. Because I love you and I do not want to leave you. I do not want to divorce, I do not want you out of my life. I just want peace.
JD: If things get physical, we have to separate. We have to be apart from one another. Whether it's for f**king an hour or 10 hours or f**king a day. We must, there can be no physical violence towards each other.
AH: I agree about the physical violence, but separating for a day, taking a night off from our marriage?
JD: All I'm saying is we need to take whatever time we need you. You need, I need, to kind of let things settle for a minute. So that we don't f**king kill each other or f**king worse, you know, f**king really kill each other or f**king break up or whatever.
JD: If the fight escalates to the point of where it's just insulting for both of us, uh, or if it gets to that physical f**king s**t, the violence, that's when we just said, look, let's go to our corners, man, you hang wherever you want, baby. I'm going in the office and I'm just gonna f**king sit there and try and de-jellify my f**king brain.
AH: I can't promise that it will all be perfect. I can't promise you I won't get physical again. God I f**king sometimes I get so mad I lose it. I can f**king promise you I will do everything to change. I promise you. I'm not going to throw around divorce I not say divorce unless I really mean it.
JD: I love you and I want you to be my wife. And I want to be your husband. And I wanna be a good husband. If I haven't been, I'll do everything I can to find out how to be a good husband.

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Post time 3-2-2020 08:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dgn parents minah ni pun aku syak komplot nk kenakan Johnny Depp. Gigih dia try sauk elon pas cerai. Tp rse elon pun cm ada tlg funding kes minah ni je...

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Post time 3-2-2020 10:26 PM | Show all posts
HYSB replied at 3-2-2020 08:14 PM

Amber Heard admits to 'hitting' ex-husband Johnny Depp and pelting him with pots, pans  ...

mentalnyaaa. dari mula sampai habis minah amber nih gaslighting bang joni.


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Post time 3-2-2020 10:37 PM | Show all posts
dulu bang joni pernah dedahkan masa kecik dia selalu didera oleh maknya. siap bg tahu lg mak dia 'meanest bitch' gitu. tp dlm masa yg sama, joni sayang sgt dan terhutang budi dgn maknya.
psl tu la pompuan giler mcm amber tuh spt magnet utk bekas mangsa dera spt joni. sama kesnya dgn mangsa wanita dlm domestic violence, mangsa lelaki pun tak bleh terlepas drpd kitaran sebegini.

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Post time 3-2-2020 10:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by delia3003 at 3-2-2020 10:51 PM

Iols atas pagar. Tunggu keputusan mahkamah. Tapi tu ler, orang cepat je percaya bila perempuan bukak mulut kena dera. Bila lelaki mengadu kena dera fizikal, ramai yg skeptikal.

Amber Heard tak pandai berlakon, iols rengsa betul tengok scenes dia dalam Aquaman, byk 'control ayu'.  Peminat2 bang joni kot tgh buat petition utk DC gugurkan Amber dpd Aquaman. Iols ok je, bosan tgk minah tu berlakon, harapkan muka je lawa

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Post time 3-2-2020 11:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 3-2-2020 10:26 PM
mentalnyaaa. dari mula sampai habis minah amber nih gaslighting bang joni.

Terime kasih atas pencerahan maksud tu ape, haha ade juga

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Post time 3-2-2020 11:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
delia3003 replied at 3-2-2020 10:49 PM
Iols atas pagar. Tunggu keputusan mahkamah. Tapi tu ler, orang cepat je percaya bila perempuan bukak ...

Joni siap di gugurkan dari movie POC , movie dia Fantastic Beast habis feminists  dok pakat ramai ramai boikot cerite tu, sampai JK pun kene bash sebab side Joni oleh acik acik feminists kat sane

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Post time 4-2-2020 06:20 PM | Show all posts
HYSB replied at 3-2-2020 11:38 PM
Terime kasih atas pencerahan maksud tu ape, haha ade juga

sama2. sharing is caring

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Post time 4-2-2020 06:25 PM | Show all posts
amber heard sendirik pernah kena tangkap polis sbb pukul pasangan lesbiannya, bbrp thn sebelum dia kawen dgn bang joni. skang set white feminists nampak bodoh sbb gelojoh sgt angkat  minah batshit crazy tuh jd poster child utk DV.

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Post time 5-2-2020 12:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tak pe.. Tetap team jd.. Romantic gila cr dia bercakap gan wife dia walaupun tgh gaduh.. Dpt laki baik mcm ni pun kn belasah gan ade video kan yg wife dia bawak artist laki lain p apartment dia.. Dia nak beralih arah dah kot.. Abam jd dah senja.. X seagresif yg muda.. Tgk bini dia bantai dia.. Fuh dasyat Jenis ni.. Lari jauh2

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Post time 5-2-2020 06:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by 234126 at 5-2-2020 06:28 AM
ina_na replied at 5-2-2020 12:19 AM
Tak pe.. Tetap team jd.. Romantic gila cr dia bercakap gan wife dia walaupun tgh gaduh.. Dpt laki ba ...

James franco tu ke? Footage dlm elevator?  Rasanya dia datang a day lepas amber gaduh dgn JD rasanya kot. Mungkin mengadu nak suruh james help kononnya.  Ni from cinemablenddotcom

“ James Franco finds himself in the middle of all this due to a 2016 surveillance video at Amber Heard and Johnny Depp’s apartment complex where he shares an elevator ride with Heard. The video took place on the night after the couple had a heated fight that Heard claims she received her bruises from, whereas Depp claims they didn’t appear until later in the week”

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Post time 5-2-2020 06:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
HYSB replied at 3-2-2020 11:41 PM
Joni siap di gugurkan dari movie POC , movie dia Fantastic Beast habis feminists  dok pakat ramai  ...

Melingkup tak POC yang without joni tu? Ke belum release? dah lost dah lama tak tgk movie. Tapi hal joni tetap iol ambil tahu hahaha.

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Post time 5-2-2020 06:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by 234126 at 5-2-2020 07:32 AM

these recorded audios from cctv audio recording ke eh? Takkan amber taktahu and ckp je all her batshit crazy without knowing boleh jadi bukti if JD nak fight back?

Good utk JD. Lama dia simpan bukti senyap je. Sekali bagi boom, padan muka amber

Dia yang provoke JD dia sendiri ckp dlm audio ‘and you hit back’ . Kantoi terang terang

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Post time 5-2-2020 12:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
HYSB replied at 3-2-2020 11:41 PM
Joni siap di gugurkan dari movie POC , movie dia Fantastic Beast habis feminists  dok pakat ramai  ...

Tak silap pelakon harry potterpun sama gak kan.. kecewa JK ambik JD dlm movie fantastic beast tu.

Now feminists diam je bila audio dah leaked

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Post time 5-2-2020 12:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 3-2-2020 10:37 PM
dulu bang joni pernah dedahkan masa kecik dia selalu didera oleh maknya. siap bg tahu lg mak dia 'me ...

Kesiannya bam joni

Pasal tu lah kot dah pernah kena dera dengan mak sendiri, klu boleh heols nak avoid physical fight dgn amber.. bit*ch sangat perangai amber ni. Lapar perhatian..

Amber tak suka kot bila gaduh bam joni mengelak.. meols tunggu je keputusan kes ni..


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Post time 5-2-2020 12:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
234126 replied at 5-2-2020 06:30 AM
these recorded audios from cctv audio recording ke eh? Takkan amber taktahu and ckp je all her batsh ...

Tak silap meols, audio ni asalnya amber yang record guna hp sheolskan?

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Post time 5-2-2020 12:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
234126 replied at 5-2-2020 06:23 AM
James franco tu ke? Footage dlm elevator?  Rasanya dia datang a day lepas amber gaduh dgn JD ras ...

Cctv tu nampak macam james franco cover muka heols kan. Amber lak berkaki ayam je..

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Post time 5-2-2020 12:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 4-2-2020 06:25 PM
amber heard sendirik pernah kena tangkap polis sbb pukul pasangan lesbiannya, bbrp thn sebelum dia k ...

Sekarang puak feminist diam je.. media ent pun tak cover citer ni..

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Post time 5-2-2020 04:42 PM | Show all posts
kalau JD is wife beater..mestilah his former partner akan buka cerita tp mana ada..malahan siap sokong abang JD lagi..anak dia pun sama....aku pun mmg dari dulu lagi tak percaya sbb amber heard nih pun kaki ting tong...masa memula dgr dia kahwin JD..aku terkejut sbb tak salah dia nih lesbian..tetiba bertukar arah

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Post time 5-2-2020 08:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
shoyuna replied at 5-2-2020 12:15 PM
Tak silap meols, audio ni asalnya amber yang record guna hp sheolskan?

Padan la muka dia if so sebab it bites her back. Clear as day dia provoke JD. Patut la suara dia mcm nak control2 konon taknak tengking ke apa ya. kalau tak record tu, mau pecah pintu dia tendang agaknya.

Kat google ada drawing how dia serang JD once dulu, kuku kaki dia luka JD menyorok belakang pintu taknak tambah api, tapi dia still tanya amber how are your toes and dia tunduk nak intai from bawah and amber tendang pintu kena muka JD. If recorded tu sure kecoh bising bunyinya kannnn...

Suara JD tu je yang tulen stay calm.

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