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Author: idril

Permohonan Visa australia ditolak. apa perlu kita buat untuk rerapply?

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Post time 13-7-2018 04:50 PM | Show all posts
pokokbunga replied at 13-7-2018 04:03 PM
apa yg menyebabkan visa ke australia kena reject eh?? utk sesape yg main terjah jer beli ticket mura ...

Tak tentu jugak reason tu selalunya.
Kadang tu sebab nama depan ada muhammad pun di reject. ada yg lepas.
Husband sy penah kena reject, lepas tu mohon direct dr australia embassy, alhamdulillah lepas.


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 Author| Post time 16-7-2018 12:22 PM | Show all posts

intan.... akak ada email intan n tanya question hope intan dapat reply ya tq.

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Post time 18-7-2018 05:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Salam juga mmpunyai msalah yg sama iaitu, eta visa xlulus..dan perlu refer ke embassy malaysia..mohon pandangan dan tunjuk ajar dri kawan2 yg dah pun email ke [email protected] bersma
1. Eta form yg dh siap di isi yg didownload dri web
2. Copies of full passport biodata
3. Copies of  screenshot eta reject
Bersama bbrpa dokument yg dminta sperti
1. Statement and iternerary
2. List of immediate family mmber
3. Travelling companion
4. Family, friends and contact in australia
5. Evidence of employment
6. Statement bank 2 month transaction
Adakah cara sy betul..?
Brpa hari selalunya akn dpt maklum bals dri pihak mereka ya..?
Sy dah 6 hari email ke etakl tu, to belum dpt apa2 maklum balas..
Mohon pndangan ya kwn2..terima kasih..

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Post time 18-7-2018 11:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
riniyfariza replied at 13-7-2018 04:50 PM
Tak tentu jugak reason tu selalunya.
Kadang tu sebab nama depan ada muhammad pun di reject. ada y ...

Brpa hari yer riniyfariza buat rayuan...? Lama x nak dapat maklum balas...?

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 Author| Post time 19-7-2018 09:24 AM | Show all posts
anne8389 replied at 18-7-2018 05:43 PM
Salam juga mmpunyai msalah yg sama iaitu, eta visa xlulus..dan perlu refer ke embassy mala ...

aduhai sama la kita hari ni dah seminggu email the documents.... tp isnin baru2 ni email lg sebab terlupa jawab yg dia tanya companion and ada contact tak kat australia... monday 16hb baru ni baru email jawab no companion and no contact tak kat australia.

flight awk ke aussie bila?

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Post time 19-7-2018 09:56 AM | Show all posts
Edited by neve4881 at 19-7-2018 09:58 AM

saye just nk share bad experience saye masa ke Gold Coast ujung bulan lepas...ETA saya apply dan approved awal bulan 5.. plan awal saye pergi berdua dengan member...last minit, member xleh join trip tu...kami join Gold Coast Marathon.. bile da kena pegi sorang, saye print out all documentation ie entry confirmation, tiket balik, ETA n booking confirmation AirBnb..just what? 1st check passport terus kena tahan...kena pi tepi...border officer minta all documentation termasuk lah passport..sib baik semua da ader..ingatkan dah lepas..lepas tu kena masuk bilik, kena soal siasat lagi..officer tya pasal detail GC Marathon tu, masa tu saye da slack skit sbb x berapa study.. yelah, the next day before race ade expo kan, masa tu la baru kita nk tau kt mana start finish line n route semua...disebabkan jawapan saye x memberangsakan, officer call MAS tuk verify tiket balik...ok da lepas satu stage...then derang tanya pasal kije saye kt malaysia pulak...berapa lama da bekerja semua...kebetulan saye kije kt co ni baru 2 tahun n bagi officer tu 2thn x cukup...officer minta hp n ipad berserta passcode, derang nak check email saye..masa tu saye da tunjuk gmbr2 saye berlari di memacam negara..masih jugak x menyakinkan.. officer minta no tepon opis di msia...kebetulan company saye ade office di Sydney n saye da ader inform manager situ yang saye akan ke GC bln june n manager tu pun da verified saye..then officer start punggah beg...saye bwk beg tarik yg beratnye cuma 9kg..yelah nak stay pun 2 malam je..makanan langsung tade..baju ade la 5 pasang..still saye di syaki nak overstay n kije illlegal kat saner...last officer call host airbnb saye..lps host verify booking saye baru la saye saye tya kt border officer kenapa saye ditahan, jawapan border officer tu ialah " data msian masuk australia dr seblm commonwealth games smpai bulan lepas tak tally...means ramai msian derang mmg berhati2 bile msian masuk saner"
to conclude; kalo ETA approved pun x bermakna anda lepas masuk Australia pun...just be prepared all documentation tu..print la segala sebagai langkah berjaga2..

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 Author| Post time 19-7-2018 10:21 AM | Show all posts
neve4881 replied at 19-7-2018 09:56 AM
saye just nk share bad experience saye masa ke Gold Coast ujung bulan lepas...ETA saya apply dan app ...

aduhaiiiii...... kesian awak.... sampai mcm tu skali immi sana layan kita..... tapi nak salahkan dorang x boleh jugak those yg keje illigal ni yg buat taik dah menyusahkan kita ni yg betul2 pegi sana for tourist n business purposes and also mcm awk just nak join fun run kat sana....
saya ni sebenarnya dah tawar hati dah nak pegi pikir nak tukar plan B je mungkin nak ke osaka ke ingat boleh pegi universal studio sana jer... nak ke GC pun sbb nak ke thempark dia jer sbb cuaca tgh nyaman2 x larat nak main themepark USS n legoland panas belengenggeng....
smlm saya dah terpaksa cancel dulu apartment kat sana nasib baik pilih yg boleh cancel sampai tarikh yg dia bg tu... and semalam pun dah call airasia. mmg x boleh refund ticket sbb visa tu jatuh kat personal issue bkn salah airasia. boleh claim airport tax jer.... tatau la visa husband saya ni mcm mana coz visa saya n anak lepas. harap dorang dapat reply by nextweek ke semua documents dah bagi tapi dah seminggu ni senyap jer....

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Post time 19-7-2018 11:46 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ramai rupanya kena reject ETA application. Syukur byk haritu saya nak ke Australia flight Sabtu, hari Isnin baru apply ETA and approve immediately. Next time tak boleh buat last minute dah, takut kena reject. Ini semua thanks to those who stay illegally kat sana la ni. Kesian effect kat orang lain yg genuine nak ke sana atas urusan masing2 haih

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Post time 19-7-2018 11:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
idril replied at 19-7-2018 10:21 AM
aduhaiiiii...... kesian awak.... sampai mcm tu skali immi sana layan kita..... tapi nak salahkan d ...

Awak submit email brpa hari bulan ye..? Sy submit ke [email protected], ari tu 13 julai 2018...smpai skrg xda jwapan lgi..flight sy 30/julai/2018... Lagi la nerves nk tnggu jwapan...tido skrg xbrpa nk lena..sbb booking flight dh buat..sedih rsa sbb xpernah pun ada rekod yg xbaik kat pun first time mohon..tetiba xlulus..

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 Author| Post time 19-7-2018 02:42 PM | Show all posts
moonbug replied at 19-7-2018 11:46 AM
Ramai rupanya kena reject ETA application. Syukur byk haritu saya nak ke Australia flight Sabtu, har ...

nak tanya moonbug lelaki ke perempuan? yg saya perasan adult man yg dorang susah nak approve

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Post time 19-7-2018 02:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
idril replied at 19-7-2018 02:42 PM
nak tanya moonbug lelaki ke perempuan? yg saya perasan adult man yg dorang susah nak approve

Perempuan kak. Tapi masa apply tu sekali dgn husband, dua2 pun last minute. Apply pagi Isnin tu, 20 minit dah dapat ETA dah. Nama husband pun ada nama Muslim yg Caucasian selalu reject tu tapi Alhamdulillah lepas takde masalah

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 Author| Post time 19-7-2018 02:45 PM | Show all posts
anne8389 replied at 19-7-2018 11:59 AM
Awak submit email brpa hari bulan ye..? Sy submit ke [email protected], ari tu 13 julai 2018...smp ...

sama la kita. lastweek jumaat hantar 13hb. tapi dah petang dlm kul 4 camtu sbb menunggukan documents siap semua.....
sampai kang xde apa reply. tp baca kat somewhere allow 2 weeks for them to process the application. so within 2 minggu tu ikut dorang la samada cepat or lmbt.
flight saya 5hb august ni @anne8389 awak ada nak call embassy ke follow up? nanti kalau awk call nanti share dgn saya ya apa dorang kata....

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Post time 19-7-2018 02:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
anne8389 replied at 19-7-2018 11:59 AM
Awak submit email brpa hari bulan ye..? Sy submit ke [email protected], ari tu 13 julai 2018...smp ...

Current processing time 2 weeks kan kalau ikut Australia High Commission tu. Maksudnya minggu depan lah u boleh dpt reply sama ada approve atau reject

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 Author| Post time 19-7-2018 02:48 PM | Show all posts
moonbug replied at 19-7-2018 02:45 PM
Perempuan kak. Tapi masa apply tu sekali dgn husband, dua2 pun last minute. Apply pagi Isnin tu, 2 ...

lucky both of u...... akak n anak jer lepas husband kena bagi additional information. dah bagi pastu xtau bila resultnya.....

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 Author| Post time 19-7-2018 02:53 PM | Show all posts
moonbug replied at 19-7-2018 02:46 PM
Current processing time 2 weeks kan kalau ikut Australia High Commission tu. Maksudnya minggu depa ...

tu la tu, terpaksa la menunggu jer... dlm website dorang pun dah siap2 tulis pls do not buy your air ticket or make any travel arrangement before apply for visa. dorang xnak bertanggungjawab if ada financial loss kat situ.... aduhaiiiii......

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Post time 19-7-2018 04:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
idril replied at 19-7-2018 02:53 PM
tu la tu, terpaksa la menunggu jer... dlm website dorang pun dah siap2 tulis pls do not buy your a ...

Abeh tu, kalu kita yg jenis kaki travel, bila tgok tiket flight murah mcm mna..?? Lpas ni xboleh memandai2 nak booking awal lah klu x approve sad..

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Post time 19-7-2018 04:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
idril replied at 19-7-2018 02:45 PM
sama la kita. lastweek jumaat hantar 13hb. tapi dah petang dlm kul 4 camtu sbb menunggukan documen ...

Memang bercadang nak kang, tetiba rsa takut sbb lpas call nnti terus direject pulak...adehhh... mulai 1JULY2018 Smuanya undang2 baru...klu nk ikutkn, jika provide dokumen yg lma dlm tempoh seminggu je, dh dpat result..kejap sy sharekn provide dokument yg lama...

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Post time 19-7-2018 04:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
idril replied at 19-7-2018 02:53 PM
tu la tu, terpaksa la menunggu jer... dlm website dorang pun dah siap2 tulis pls do not buy your a ...

Nurrifhan Naser:

Hereby attached the screenshot of your unsuccessful visa application. Kindly please provide all mandatory documents including ETA Additional Information Form (refer previous email) and email [email protected].

Result will be emailed to you within 7 working days.

Thank you


Dear Applicant,

In order for the Department to assess your ETA application, you will need to provide the followingMANDATORYinformation:

Completed ETA Additional Information Form (clickhereto download the form); andA scanned clear copy of the ETA applicant’s passport biodata page (the page with the passport holder’s details and photo) and passport observation pages; andA clear copy of the screenshot of the ETA referral screen

Apart from the aboveMANDATORYinformation,the Department also require you to provide additional information to determine that you genuinely intend to visit Australia for tourism or business visitor purposes.

You are required to provide:

1.A bank statement showing at least the previous two months transactions. Please include all bank accounts that you and/or your sponsor hold.

2.An itinerary of your proposed stay in Australia. Please include any pre-booked (if any) flight, hotel and any other bookings that you have made.

3.A short statement outlining your plans in Australia. Please include whether the trip is for tourism or business visitor activities. Also include any other people who will be accompanying you on the trip. Please include their full name and date of birth.

4.A list of any family, friends and contact that you have in Australia. Please include their full name, date of birth, visa status and reason for their stay in Australia (if known).

5.A list of your immediate family members, indicating which of these family members will be travelling with you.

6.Evidence of you and/or your sponsor employment, this should be:

a.a statement from the employer that indicates you and/or your sponsor annual salary and that you have approved leave for your travel to Australia, or

b.If you and/or your sponsor are self-employed, business registration documents and financial records for the business (such as bank statements)

If you provide all the above information, we are able to process your ETA applications more quickly. Please note that under Australian migration law, the case officer can decide the application based on the information provided at time of lodgement and is not legally obliged to request further information from you before making a decision. You are therefore encouraged to lodge a complete application.

You must e-mail a complete application [email protected].

We will notify you by email once a decision is made on your ETA application.


Business visitor activity is defined under Regulation 1.03 of the Regulations as follows:

(a) means any of the following activities undertaken by a person:

(i) making a general business or employment enquiry;

(ii) investigating, negotiating, entering into, or reviewing a business contract;

(iii) an activity carried out as part of an official government to government visit;

(iv) participation in a conference, trade fair or seminar in Australia unless the person is being paid by an organiser for participation; but

(b) does not include either of the following activities:

(i) an activity that is, or includes, undertaking work for, or supplying services to, an organisation or other person based in Australia;

(ii) an activity that is, or includes, the sale of goods or services directly to the general public.


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 Author| Post time 19-7-2018 05:43 PM | Show all posts

We will notify you by email once a decision is made on your ETA application.

anne u  nak pegi less than 2 weeks from now kan? lebih kurang je ngan akak.... akak 5hb 8 ni.... so whats your plan? just tunggu je email ke camner? kalau tunggu jer dan ke nak appeal if unsuccessful?

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Post time 19-7-2018 09:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
idril replied at 19-7-2018 05:43 PM
We will notify you by email once a decision is made on your ETA application.

[/back ...

Dah dpat result tdi....eta xlulus...kna mohon visa lain....stresss...contohnya visa subclass 600... idril bleh bgi no fon atau email...? Kita pm tepi...

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