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Author: seribulan

[Pelbagai] ...Pet Peeves...

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Post time 19-3-2018 10:28 AM | Show all posts
Edited by miss_curious at 19-3-2018 10:30 AM

- People who save seats for another people/friend on public transport/in event..
-orang yang tak tahu escalator etiquettes. right line is meant for people who want to walk down for god sake
- and yes people who talk during movies..and worst case scenario, when they tell what happens next . so fricking annoying.
- as for work-related, it's when a staff of a company/organisation send an e-mail without indicating who is the sender.. especially when they use one e-mail for all, and you dont who you are communicating with.



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Post time 19-3-2018 02:37 PM | Show all posts
one of my pet peeves..

org yg suka menyebar nyebarkan cerita cerita yg x betul, through whatsapp or whatever. tak kisahlah fitnah tentang orang ke, pasal mitos tah ape kebenda.

boleh tak selidik dulu???

sangat annoying....



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Post time 19-3-2018 03:29 PM | Show all posts
one of my pet peeves is buying new clothes setiap kali ada program luar  ofis (official or not) and also  everytime when i have to go outstation (for meetings, seminar, etc).. it's really annoying and had try to avoid buying a new clothes but till now, still a frequent customer to some clothes boutique near my office!!!



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Post time 19-3-2018 03:49 PM | Show all posts
pet peeve bila naik/turun escalator (esp public transport) those double lane hoggers. kekdahnya, nak berdiri kat escalator tu, diri sebelah kiri, bagi laluan kanan tu kosong senang org yg nak cepat turun/naik.

tapi mereka2 ni selamba je (yg couple) take up both left and right lane. or ada gak yg single take up right lane.

tak baca ke?

stand to the left.




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Post time 20-3-2018 11:36 AM | Show all posts
My pet peeves list:

1) Que cutter - Especially in IKEA. Somebody ahead of you squeezed to make way for adik, isteri, anak, tok nenek to go after his / her turn. Totally ignoring the initial queue-r me. FRIGGIN' ANNOYING!

2) Severely moody cashier who slam the cash register drawer and loudly drop your bucket.

3) Golongan kak bawang gomen staff yang semedang duduk lama di meja restoren di hari Jumaat, taulah break time sampai 2:45pm but please have some civic awareness not everyone is a public servant and entitled for identical lunch time break duration. Duhhhh.

4) Selalunya dekat kaunter order fast food, berlama-lama decide nak order apa. Cmonnn girl, this not even a fine dining end. Duhhhh.

5) Severely moody colleague yang pagi2 datang moody, slamming pedestal drawer like nobody's business. Masalah rumahtangga mohonlah settle di rumah, jangan bawa ke office. Pandai pulak bila masalah kerja taknak bawa balik rumah. Duhhhh.



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Post time 20-3-2018 01:37 PM | Show all posts
another pet peeve: loud open mouth chewer...

uhhhhh dunno la. I just cannot.

chap chap chap chap chap.... just grates on my nerves.



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Post time 20-3-2018 05:20 PM | Show all posts
Edited by snazzydaisy at 21-3-2018 10:21 AM

My major pet peeves are #08, #09, #10 and #11.
Still annoyed with the rest of the behaviours that I listed, but all depending on my mood..

(1)  Rudeness
- it doesn’t hurt or cost you money to be polite & be kind to others.
- why you have to treat people differently, based on their social rank?
- if you don’t have anything nice to say, just shut-up!
- I always observe how other people treat the waiter/waitress, it is a good indicator of how nice a person is IRL.

(2)  Line cutters
- Cutting in line at toll booth, at cashier counters, at crowded roads, at lift entrances etc.
- There are social rules you MUST follow, this is one of it!
- Other people’s times are as precious as yours, d-bag!

(3) Thoughtless drivers & bikers
- Driving too slow in the fast lane.
- never use signals to change lane, hello! I cannot read your mind.
- never plan their journey, sudden stops/brakes, if you know you need to turn left soon, then keep left.
- tailgaters.
- bikers who conquer the road.
- bikers who have their jackets unzipped/unbuttoned while riding, it’s distracting!

(4) Obliviousness, in general
- Texting & talking during movies.
- Texting & talking on the phone while driving.
- Parents who simply ignore their misbehaved child.
- People who walk slowly or stop suddenly in the middle of the sidewalk/pathway, i.e. Pokemon hunters.

(5) Discontinued Products & Menus
- I avoid buying limited edition perfumes & make-ups because I know our “relationship”won’t last long.
- I have favourite dishes/beverages @ my usual F&B outlets, keep on ordering the same menu until am sick of it, then I will change. Too loyal? Or afraid to try new ones?

(6) Indecent Clothing
- men wearing saggy pants until your brief/boxer can say hi to me.
- women wearing shorts that are too short (daisy dukes), eh why do I need to see your butt cheeks?
- women wearing off shoulder/spaghetti tops with pink bra straps exposed, why can’t you buy strapless?
- women who go braless in public.

(7) Chronic tardiness
- always late for no good reason, no guilt, no sorry, just goofy smiles.
- slow to decide or very indecisive on what foods/beverages to order, then eventually, simply copy others.
- slow in performing tasks assigned, affecting other colleagues, overdue but unable to commit to new date, keep quiet & never update the boss/team.
- slow inresponding to work emails.

(8) People with poor hygiene practises
- Not washing hands after using the restroom.
- Messy/unflushed shared toilets.
- Stuffing used toilet papers into sanitary box (meant for used pads).
- Blowing noses at the table.
- Spitting in public esp. out of the lorry/taxi/car/bike.

(9)  Strong body odour
- smelly armpits.
- smelly sweat.
- smelly breath.
- smelly feet.
- people who don’t shower in the morning.

(10)  Toxic friends
- Friends who eat food off my plate with or without asking just because mine looks more appetising.
- Friends who unashamedly share “my dessert with me”, hello! I don’t share my dessert esp. ice cream, ever!
- Friends who talk about themselves a lot, non-stop, all about them, them, them.
- Friends with agenda.
- Friends who are too nosy.
- Friends who are holier than thou.
- Friends who say “Let’s make plans!“ then acting don’t know this don’t know that, leaving me alone, making the actual plans, making every decisions, they just wanna show-up, but then start complaining this & that.

(11) Stupid questions + unnecessary remarks
- Are youChinese? Are you Sarawakian? Yes, I have very fair skin but that doesn’t mean I belong to a particular race/ethnic, people have been asking this Q all my life, please stop!
- Why you always wear black? Hmmm… because black is the new pink.
- You smell so good, which perfume are you using? Hey, if I tell you, you’ll go & buy the same.
- I have been looking for the same kinda pant/jeans/skirt/dress/top etc, what brand? Duhhh… very shallow & intrusive, miss copy-cat detected!



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Post time 21-3-2018 01:25 PM | Show all posts
waaaa.... baru tau apa true definition pet peeves, ingtkan pasal haiwan kesayangan

My lists

1.   Reckless n lousy driver, especially time nak pi kerja pepagi. siap ada bg lampu besar nak suruh bg laluan dkat dpn sekolah, sbb dah lmbat hantar anak + org yg tak reti using the signal (buang je la signal ko) Yach!

2.   Housemate + siblings sndiri tak reti letak cutlery pd space yg sepatutnya. Sudu, letak tmpat garpu. Pisau letak sekali dgn sudu kecik. Please, i try so hard buat2 tak nmpak, tapi tak boleh.

3.   People who say “ew” to the food on my plate,  kuang ajorr. Table manners, mngunyap berbunyi2, korek celah gigi... please lah! Lpas makan, tak reti kemas elok2, segala tulang temulang atas meja, nasi sepah2, yikes okey.  

4.   Org yg tak tau true definition of "queueing up" .

5.   Texting using words yg iols tak paham + forward ridiculous text via w'app. Hari cuti pon sibuk ber w'app dan sembang psal kerja.. takde keje lain kew

6.   Spesis "Ms / Mr Know It All"... kdg ntah betul ke tak, confident level bila brcakap seluas indian ocean... bosannyew

7.   Smoking tak mengira tempat...

8.   Sejenis manusia yg tak faham konsep sesuatu perkara and twisting my words, lepas tu justified their things as if iols pulak yg tak faham....

9.   Orang yg tak bayar hutang, tp keluar sekali dgn iols, beli macam2.....

10.   Women yg pakai mekap tak kire tmpat..... meluat!

11.   Sekumpulan manusia yg bercerita 24 jam pasal KPOP! Stop it!

eh mcm the list goes on and on je tt



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Post time 26-3-2018 02:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1) orang yang berborak dalam train and pasang movie or lagu tanpa earphone!!! Excuse me!!! Orang yang gi kerja balik kerja ni telinga dia sensitif sikitttt and mereka penat. Sakit hati takit telinga nak dengar kau cakap apa or apa yang kau dengar. Please slow your voice and tolong beli earphone yachhhhh!!!

2) pantang i orang makan tak abis. Maybe my parents ajar makan sampai abis walaupun tak sedap. Itu rezeki tak baik buang buanggggg. Lainlah ada bulu atau benda benda tak elok. But makan sikit dah kenyang. Macam harem
Perangaiiii. Kalau tak abis nasi berlauk. Ambik sikit. Abeskan lauk. Jangan bazir please!

3) makan lepastu tak kemas! Fastfood restaurant, ikea especially. Urghhhh

4) orang tak beratur naik train. And pintu bukak cepat jer nak masuk. Tunggu orang keluar dulu boleh takkkk

5)burp kuat kuat. Ewwwww. Senonoh sikit boleh takkkkk. Orang geli tahu takkk. Bau lagiiii. Yuckssss

6) bila orang dah cakap sorry silalah buat reaction. Yes! Senyum! Takyah nak muka ketat harom sangat eh. Sombongnyaaa



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Post time 28-3-2018 07:54 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
My pet peeves:

1. Smokers. Terambah yang kurang kesedaran sivik. Depan bebudak dibantainye smoking. Memang make my blood go upstairs.

2. Eyes on the phone when im talking pastu dok hah hah. Banyak masa lak haku  nak ulang ulang cakap. Hello, i bukan nak the entire day pun ur attention. Stop kejap boleh x?

3. Manusia yang suka makan berbunyi bunyi. Sangat kurang sopan.

4. Bangsa yang x suka tutup lampu,  kipas or ekon after guna. Suka bena membazir. Pastu bila tegur buat muka.

Annnnddd a lot more, malas nak type.



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Post time 29-3-2018 01:05 PM | Show all posts
My list of pet peeves:

3. Talking Through the Movie

kalau pegi tgk wayang mmg tak blh tahan dgn org yg mcm ni lg2 bila kaki tu pun tak reti ddk diam jg

7. Waiters with Bad Timing
8. Know-It-Alls
10. Untrained Baggers
13. Discontinued Products

paling sedih bila barang yg kita suka guna tiba2 dah stop production

14. People Touching Your Food or Drink

- orang yg suka potong line masa tgh beratur
- org yg tak basuh bekas makanan sendiri slps mkn
- org yg tak buang sisa makanan lps mkn
- unfriendly receptionist or front desk
- org yg guna barang org lain mcmc harta sendiri
-org yg masuk bilik lps tu tak pandai ttp pintu



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Post time 30-3-2018 05:06 AM | Show all posts
Loud chewing, or people chewing with their mouth open.
Yes this annoys me and some even talks with food still in their in mouth
What a turn off

People who don't cover their mouths when they cough... or yawn
And worst when they start to sneeze into your personal space and you start to see their drool and snot.

People who talk over you while you're clearly still talking.
I find it rude. I dont like rude people.

People who comb their hair in cafes and restaurants or any anywhere public.
Think about hair and dandies flying into your coffe. Urghh

People who takes toddlers and the likes to the cinema to watch PG-15 movies.
And the parents glare at you for not being understanding.
Go find Alvin and the Chipmunks. Please

Humble braggers

I hate it.



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Post time 30-3-2018 02:43 PM | Show all posts
anony-mous replied at 17-3-2018 12:12 PM
Mati2 ingatkan pasal pet. Baru nk cerita pasal kucing2 i

Btw, pet peeve paling tak boleh toler ...

apa yang aku nk ckp ko dh ckp semua, maksudnya pandangan kita agak sama. driver yang jenis pandu melulu ni mmg boleh menyusahkan org lain.

pasal order drive thru tu pun betol, aku bengang aku order berger mcd xde daging..hijau kejap sbb mmg aku tgh lapar....arghhh!! terkenang..



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Post time 30-3-2018 02:50 PM | Show all posts
nak tambah ...

selain dari rude driver yg giler yang xtau adab bawa kenderaan

1. aku bengang giler kalau kt opis org bukak lagu kuat2 kt hp mcm ko sorg je dlm tu, bising tau x!!

2. pagi2 masuk opis memuncung tanpa sebab, hilang mood keja aku hari tu. pagi tu bglah muka yg indah2 ye dak?

3. ko nak aku dgr mslh ko, time aku ada mslh ko wat xtau je. ape punya org la....klu x boleh menolong pun tolong dgr kita dh ckup happy.

eh...xtau la byk plak klu pikir2 blk..



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Post time 2-4-2018 12:59 AM | Show all posts

My list of pet peeves

1- Whiners.

2- Slow drivers.

3- Rude drivers.

4- When someone says “gross,” “ew,” “yuck,” or something else along those lines in reaction to a food you like.

5- Having to repeat yourself multiple times.

6- People who interrupt when you are speaking.



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Post time 4-4-2018 11:47 AM | Show all posts
my pet peeves:

1. hb isap rokok dlm rumah or toilet...marah btl kalau dia kantoi hsp rokok kt situ

2. letak cawan merata2 lps minum kadang tak perasan dh berulat sbb berhari2 kt luar

3. habuk rokok merata2..kadang dpn pintu rumah!

4. driver lane 3 tp bawa slow nk mampus...kita nk potong dia x bg jalan argh!!!

5. org yg suka borak tak kene tempat kt group wasap n share benda nthpape

6. org yg setiap masa mata kt fon smpai terlanggar bahu org berjalan

7. mak bapak biarkan anak berlari2 tak tentu hala smpai jatuh or terlanggar org lain



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Post time 7-4-2018 03:34 PM | Show all posts
my biggest pet peeve might be the pronunciation of bruschetta. it should sound like "broosketta". nothing like brooshetta!



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