oooooiii ..... jgn pandang rendah si mat super slow tu
Lagi laju dari tu
jawab hujah kat sini dulu
tang bani quraizah tu apa kesian sangat pada puak yg mungkir janji dan plan plot nak membunuh rasulullah saw
seei i jawab je persoalan you
yang tinggal JAWAPAN hujah you ?
u perhatikan yg you tak ada hujah untuk setiap persoalan you buka
hujah kehulu kekehilir konon. hujah lu macem cartoons la.
Pahem apa itw karton?
Lobainita and the gang tengah high la acong, manyak minom ayerrrr konching onta padang paserrrr![](static/image/smiley/default/laught16.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/rofl.gif)
Ala .... kesiannya.
Sorang kaki royan bagai janda gila talak & sorang lagi mat super slow menangis & memujuk antara sama sendiri pasal dah kantoi
Ha ha , the common factor ..... dua2 tak ada pelajaran .... apa lagi , jadi lauk pada kami yg ada pelajaran
Last2 mentetel lari , sampai tak cukup tanah lari
For the 7th time :
Mana data & facts ko ttg pembunuhan oleh muslims
Pembunuhan oleh atheists ~ 259.5 mil (upper end) , atheis lah puak yg ganas
so macam ni lah ye....'jawapan' awak.
Hari ni dah brapa jugs hang tonggang ayer kencing onta padang paserrrr?
Since ko tak mampu jawab , baca ni lagi analisa dari Prof Pape , the World Foremost in Terrorism studies
For the most part they’re responding to the military occupation of a community that they care a lot about.
I put together the first complete data set of suicide attacks after 9/11. I did that because, like many people who come into suicide terrorism, I thought I was going to figure out when an Islamic fundamentalist goes from being a devout, observant Muslim to somebody who then is suicidally violent. But there was no data available, so I put together this complete database of suicide attacks around the world from the early 1980s to 2003.
I was really struck that half the suicide attacks were secular. I began to look at the patterns and I noticed that they were tightly clustered, both in where they occurred and the timing, and that 95 percent of the suicide attacks were in response to a military occupation.
And military occupation matters because it represents not exactly how many soldiers are on a piece of soil, but rather control of the local government, the local economic system, and the local social system. It’s the military occupation of the U.S. and NATO in Afghanistan that allows us to inform and impose change in women’s rights. And I’m not saying that’s a bad thing; what I’m saying is that when you impose women’s rights at the point of a gun, then that creates a sense in the local community that they’ve lost their self-determination. What you’re seeing with not all, but most, suicide terrorists is a response to loss of self-determination for their local community. I think it’s just wrong. [The author Graeme] Wood is painting a picture of ISIS as all religious, all the time. Interestingly in the second section he is talking about how the main difference with Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda is that ISIS really wants territory.
Wanting territory means there’s a community that wants a state. ISIS, and most suicide groups, are driven by an ideal of nationalism; they want to control their destiny with a state. ISIS is composed of a leadership of about 25 people, which is one-third very heavily religious, for sure; one-third former Saddam [Hussein] military officers who are Baathists, who are secular; and one-third who are Sunni militia, Sunni tribal leaders. That just conveniently is lost in the Wood piece.
It’s definitely the case that ISIS wants to kill people who are not part of its community. But this is normal in nationalist groups. (Hutu wanted to kill Tutsi; they also wanted to kill moderate Hutu who didn’t want to kill Tutsi.)
Robert Pape is Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago specializing in international security affairs. He is the Director of the Chicago Project on Security and Terrorism and his current work focuses on the causes of suicide terrorism and the politics of unipolarity. Recent publications include Cutting the Fuse: The Explosion of Global Suicide Terrorism and How to Stop It and Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism. His commentary on international security policy has appeared in The New York Times, Washington Post, New Republic, Boston Globe, Los Angeles Times, as well as on Nightline, ABC News, CBS News, CNN, Fox News, and NPR. Before coming to Chicago in 1999, he taught international relations at Dartmouth College and air power strategy for the USAF’s School of Advanced Airpower Studies. Pape received his Ph. D. from the University of Chicago in 1988.
What say you? Pening lah sorang mamat ni yg meroyan bagai janda gila talak
Mana data & facts ko tu? So far yilek ..... bab meroyan ko champion lah
Kat Jepun tu bonoh orang bermotifkan apa?
Isis, taliban dan al qaeda tu bonoh orang bomb orang sana sini bermotifkan apa? lu tau beza ka?
Biasalah kan jika lobainita gona memori stick hang manu tau perbezaan pembunuhan tu bermotifkan apa.
sebab tu tuan awlah bagi lu otak ontok berpikir, tapi lu maseh gona memori stick berosia 1400 taon.
How about that atheist fascist dictator Mussolini in the Premier League of 20th century despots ? ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
syabra syatilla
desert storm
desert shield
weapon of mass destruction
BOSNIA Herzegovina
david koresh - yups
Bolsheviks - satu family Czar Nicholas dibunuh
Holocaust - org islam ke buat ?
cultural revolutions
okay now u tell me
Mao , Pol Pot and Stalin certainly tried to praise atheism , so whatever their upbringing it is reasonable to cast them as religious people of faith and advance that as acceptance to christianity apologists . What a shame . ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
mbhcsf replied at 28-7-2016 02:25 AM
syabra syatilla
desert storm
What do you expect from him ? His answer ? Nothing ....
Author |
Post time 5-8-2016 03:40 AM
From the mobile phone
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Boleh kah manusia delusional buktikan pembunuhan jutaan manusia krn bencikan tuhan? :zz |
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