HunnYNunnY posted on 16-4-2013 11:06 AM
ye ke? bape hengget? camne cara nk mkn? ade side efek x?
tp sebenonye habi dh pesan awal2... jgn ...
iols jual 150 termasuk postage....huhuhuhu...makan 2 biji sehari untuk kesan yg cepat...makan 1 biji 30 minit sebelum bfast pagi n sebiji lagu untuk mlm 2jam selepas mkn malam...
nak tgk testimoni leh je click kat glutaking punya link
GLUTAKING is a supplement that goes well beyond just artificially making skin fain and young looking, with GLUTAKING, you will notice visible whitening results in as little as 2 weeks. It also proves to be far more superior in skin whitening than the leading whitening food supplement brand. It keeps skin youthful with its superior moisturizing and hydrating benefit, minimizing fine lines while visually restoring the suppleness of younger, healthier looking skin.