xtau la psl aper pose teukie mcm tuh. bg me, maybe teukie x tahan dgr sore nayoung nyanyi!!
omo, review rumah blh psl WGM mcm lawok ek?? me x masuk lg kat sana!! kalo ada tolong tepek ek mulan ^^
They have a very short screen time (the Alex and Shinae couple) but darn... it is SO damn funny. When they arrived, Eeteuk was so noisy that Alex needed to shoo them for a while. But when they're on the second floor of the house, Eeteuk's still noisy. T__T While the babies were sleeping.
Then after looong minutes of showing the other couples, the girl baby woke up and cried when she saw her 'father' and uncles. Eunhyuk decided to took care of the annoying crying baby. And he's got a weird way of taking care of her. SO FUNNY. And Eeteuk was just talking with Alex. Then decided to wake the other baby up but in the end, he just made him cry.
credit aneng07 @ soompi
yg tak tahan uh damifino pun ada gak bagi review tapi aku mls nak bawka kuar... dia kata alex tipu budak berdua nih dia kata shinae nak jumpa budak berdua nih.. padahal shinae tuh ada hal lain tak leh jaga anak diorg tuh wakakakak.. sekali sampai2 diiorg berdua kena jadik babysitter
WAKAKAKAKAKA ~~ mmg lawok ah. just baca review org tgk pun, dh gelak guling2 depn pc nih!! cian dorg kena prank dgn alex... and nmpk mcm dorg x tau nk jaga baby sbb boleh buat babies tu nangis jer!!
wakakaka aku dah tgk.. tak tahan nak gelak.. omma memang ntah aper2.. hyuk plak aku tak tahan tgk cara dia dia tuh.. lawak giler...tapi memang berkesan wat sementara waktu je.r. peh tuh nangis balik baby tuh.. sian hyuk sampai lenguh2 tangan.. tak tahan biler dia jadik statik tuh.. mengalir2 air mata aku kuar... gelak tak hingat nyer pasal...