Maklumat Rasmi KEHILANGAN MH370 [Hari ke X]
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scientific american
Malaysia Airlines Jetliner Disappearance Likely Is TemporaryAviation experts say it’s unsurprising that no trace of Flight MH370 has been found thus far
Mar 11, 2014 |By Geoffrey Giller
A Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777
planegeezer, Flickr Creative CommonsThe disappearance this past weekend of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, carrying 239 people, remains a mystery for now. Despite a search effort involving ships and aircraft from multiple countries, all potential leads as to the fate of the craft—including a long oil slick and a floating object thought to be a door of the plane—have failed to pan out. How does a jetliner simply disappear? Conventional tracking systems performed well; civilian and military radar tracked the plane until it vanished. As Patrick Smith, a pilot and creator of a blog called “Ask the Pilot,” points out, “They knew where the aircraft was up until the point where something catastrophic happened.” The plane followed the path that the same flight had taken a few days earlier, according to the private flight-tracking Web siteflightradar24. So the next question is why evidence of the plane has yet to turn up. Smith says this is mostly due to the size of the oceanic search area. He’s confident that the wreckage eventually will be found. There are a variety of methods for tracking planes in the air, says Sid McGuirk, associate professor and air traffic control specialist at Embry–Riddle Aeronautical University’s Daytona Beach College of Aviation. At the airport until about a minute after takeoff, he says, “the tower” is in charge, with flight controllers visually tracking planes. As soon as the plane is out of sight, radar systems take over. Radar works well on land, where coverage is extensive, but about 300 kilometers from shore the signal becomes too weak, McGuirk says. In 2009, when Air France Flight 447 crashed in the Atlantic while en route to Paris from Rio de Janeiro, it was no longer being tracked by radar, which is what made finding its wreckage so difficult: more than five days for the first debris and two years before the black-box flight recorders were located at a great depth on the ocean floor. Unlike the Air France flight, however, Flight MH370 was still within the range of radar tracking systems. Flightradar24, which does not use radar but instead a network of antennas that receive location information broadcast by planes via a technology called automatic dependent surveillance–broadcast, or ADS–B, tracked the plane to around the same spot. But radar and ADS–B also have limits. Flightradar24 loses ADS–B coverage below about 9,000 meters. And radar also can only track aircraft above a certain elevation, McGuirk says, although that can vary based on the proximity of the plane to the closest radar antenna. A number of factors can contribute to where plane wreckage ends up. “Dynamics of aircraft can vary,” he says, including how they hit the ocean or whether they disintegrate in flight. In addition, “the aircraft’s flying pretty fast,” says Larry Cornman, a scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. “It gives kind of a large window…for where the aircraft could be,” he says, “especially if it broke apart in flight.” McGuirk thinks that the possibility of the plane being hijacked but still intact is unlikely; it would have required not only turning off the ADS–B system and the plane’s radar transponder, but also flying the plane below where radar could detect it. Then hijackers would have to land the plane unnoticed—a difficult task, given the size of a Boeing 777. “That’s sort of a far-fetched solution,” McGuirk says. “It’s not far-fetched to jump to the conclusion that some catastrophic event occurred onboard,” he says, especially considering the lack of emergency communications from the crew before the disappearance. After the Air France disaster, which killed all 228 people onboard, some people called for systems that automatically beam an airplane’s location to satellites. It’s unclear, however, if such a system would have helped in the case of Flight MH370; the plane’s location was known before it disappeared. Cornman also points out that because commercial airplane crashes are so rare (with only 0.34 fatal accident per million departures 2002 through 2011, according to Boeing) the cost-benefit argument doesn’t favor adding these systems. Ultimately, McGuirk says, we likely won’t know for awhile what happened to Flight MH370. “Anything that’s said right now is pure speculation,” he says. Right now, it’s “way, way too early in the investigation to come to any conclusions.” |
summary berpeta - tak leh sembang sini... aku letak peta ni kat bawah... muahaha...
Last edited by atira on 13-3-2014 09:51 AM
kenapa dlm peta tira Kota Bharu nun jauhhh kat siam? |
PART 1 : Malaysia Hari Ini TV3 MH370 Kapten Norudin Abd Majid #PrayForMH370 #doakanMH370
Pandangan mengenai kejadian MH370 oleh Kapten Norudin Abd Majid bekas juruterbang B777 Fleet Mas di Malaysia Hari Ini TV3 11 Mac 2014.
Part 2
Last edited by BelovedTaeyeon on 13-3-2014 09:17 AM
MH370: Hari keenam, kehilangan pesawat terus jadi misteri
KUALA LUMPUR: Hari ini hari keenam operasi mencari dan menyelamat (SAR) pesawat MH370 yang sehingga ini masih hilang selepas dikesan kali terakhir pada awal pagi Sabtu lalu.
Sehingga semalam, misteri kehilangan pesawat Boeing 777-200 milik Malaysia Airlines (MAS) masih belum ada tanda-tanda akan ditemui.
Hari kelima, Pemangku Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein Tun Hussein belum menemui sebarang kotak hitam daripada pesawat MH370 yang hilang awal pagi Sabtu lalu.
"Tidak ada apa-apa kesan ditemui, tidak ada kotak hitam milik MH370 dan operasi mencari dan menyelamat masih diteruskan.
"Fokus kita untuk mencari pesawat. Kita melakukan operasi di Laut China Selatan dan Selatan Melaka.," katanya.
Hishammuddin yang juga Menteri Pertahanan berkata sebanyak 12 negara menyertai misi SAR pesawat MH370 dengan negara terbaru India, Jepun dan Brunei.
Beliau berkata Malaysia juga amat mengalu-alukan lebih ramai pakar dalam bidang penerbangan tampil membantu operasi SAR.
"Sehingga kini 39 pesawat, 42 kapal dan 12 negara bersama dalam operasi mencari dan menyelamat MH370 ini," katanya lagi.
Manakala, pihak Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) memberitahu, pesawat yang berpatah balik yang dikesan radar tentera Malaysia awal pagi Sabtu tidak dapat disahkan sebagai MH370.
Panglima Angkatan Tentera, Tan Sri Zulkefly Mohd Zin berkata, untuk tidak mengambil sebarang risiko, pihaknya menghantar pesawat C130 untuk meninjau tetapi tidak menemui apa-apa di kawasan terakhir pesawat misteri itu dikesan.
"Apabila Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak pada petang Sabtu mengarahkan supaya kawasan mencari dan menyelamat diperluaskan, kami (ATM) melihat kawasan yang akan diperluaskan.
"Kita kaji semula rakaman daripada radar dan kami mendapati ada kemungkinan pesawat ini berpatah balik dan tak pasti sama ada ia adalah pesawat yang sama tapi dalam radar ada nampak patah balik," katanya pada sidang media di Hotel Sama-Sama, semalam.
Manakala Panglima Tentera Udara (PTU), Tan Sri Rodzali Daud mendedahkan satu pesawat tidak dikenali dikesan pada kedudukan barat laut Pulau Pinang, awal pagi Sabtu.
Rodzali berkata pesawat yang masih belum dikenalpasti itu mungkin pesawat Malaysia Airlines (MAS) yang dijadualkan ke Beijing.
“Saya tidak kata bahawa ini adalah MH370. Kami sedang mengesahkannya. Kami masih bekerjasama dengan pakar," katanya.
Beliau menjelaskan, pesawat misteri itu dikesan pada 2.15 pagi waktu tempatan pada Sabtu, kira-kira 45 minit selepas pesawat yang membawa 239 penumpang dan anak kapal itu hilang dari skrin kawalan trafik udara antara pantai timur Malaysia dan Vietnam.
Katanya, radar tentera mengesan pesawat tidak dikenali itu berada pada kedudukan kira-kira 320 kilometer di barat laut Pulau Pinang.
Read more at: http://www.astroawani.com/news/s ... di-misteri-31737?cp |
(Gambar) Staff MAS di China dimaki, dibaling botol air oleh keluarga mangsa MH370
Sekurang-kurangnya tiga botol air dibaling dalam satu perjumpaan yang diadakan di Beijing di antara syarikat penerbangan MAS, pegawai kedutaan dan sebahagian kaum keluarga daripada 153 penumpang warga China yang berada di dalam pesawat MH370 yang hilang itu.
Kaum keluarga mendesak pihak kakitangan MAS memberitahu maklumat terperinci daripada Tentera Malaysia mengenai kehilangan pesawat tersebut.
"Beritahu kami yang benar!" Jeritan beberapa kaum keluarga dalam perjumpaan itu.
Namun, kakitangan MAS tidak dapat menjawab permintaan tersebut. Akibat berang perkara itu enggan dibincangkan, beberapa botol air berterbangan ke arah kumpulan kakitangan dan pegawai kedutaan.
Tidak cukup dengan itu, kata-kata makian turut dilemparkan oleh beberapa kaum keluarga mangsa.
Kedua-dua pihak sememangnya berada dalam tekanan berikutan kedudukan pesawat MH370 masih belum diketahui sehingga kini. Semoga semua yang terlibat bersabar terhadap dugaan berat yang menimpa mereka.
MH370: Satelit China kesan 3 objek dipercayai ada kaitan dengan kehilangan pesawat
KUALA LUMPUR: Satelit negara China mendakwa menemui tiga objek yang terapung di perairan Laut Cina Selatan yang dipercayai mempunyai kaitan dengan kehilangan pesawat Boeing 777 - MH370 Sabtu lalu.
Menurut laporan berita saluran CNN itu, objek-objek terabit dianggarkan berukuran sekitar 13 kali 18 meter, 14 kali 19 meter dan 24 kali 22 meter.
Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Industri Pertahanan Kebangsaan negara itu yakin penemuan ini adalah petunjuk baru kepada kes kehilangan MH370.
Imej berkenaan dirakamkan pada 9 Mac lalu di selatan Vietnam atau timur laut Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur.
Ia berkedudukan di koordinat longitud 105 perpuluhan 63 darjah timur, 6 perpuluhan 7 darjah utara pada latitud.
Pesawat MH370 yang sepatutnya mendarat di Beijing pukul 6.30 pagi Sabtu dilaporkan hilang dari radar kira-kira pukul 1.40 pagi Sabtu.
Gerakan mencari besar-besaran mencari dan menyelamat yang dilancarkan oleh pelbagai negara sehingga semalam gagal menemui sebarang petunjuk dan perkembangan tersebut hanyalah menambah lagi kerisauan dan kebimbangan terhadap keluarga dan waris 239 penumpang dan krew yang berada dalam pesawat tersebut.
new suspected crash site.. harap2nye dapat cari kat tempat yg betul lah..
Satellite images on a Chinese government website show suspected debris from the missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner floating off the southern tip of Vietnam, near the plane’s original flight path, China’s Xinhua News Agency reported Wednesday.
The revelation could provide searchers with a focus that has eluded them since the plane disappeared with 239 people aboard just hours after leaving Kuala Lumpur for Beijing early Saturday. Since then, the search has covered 92,600 square kilometres, first east and then west of Malaysia and even expanded toward India on Wednesday.
The Chinese sighting, if confirmed, would be closer to where the frantic hunt started. The Xinhua report said the images from around 11 a.m. on Sunday appear to show “three suspected floating objects” of varying sizes, the largest about 24 by 22 metres.
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/n ... 70/article17449451/
Last edited by Ha_Neul on 13-3-2014 09:32 AM
MH370: Kemanakah arah pesawat sekiranya berpatah balik?
KUALA LUMPUR: Bekas Ketua Juruterbang Malaysia Airlines (MAS), Datuk Kapten Nik Ahmad Huzlan Nik Hussain berpendapat jika sesuatu penerbangan berpatah balik dan menuju ke tempat yang tidak selamat ia menimbulkan tanda tanya.
Nik Ahmad Huzlan berkata dalam kes kehilangan pesawat MH370 milik MAS itu, ia menimbulkan banyak persoalan ke mana hala tuju penerbangan tersebut.
Katanya, jika pesawat itu berpatah balik dan mahu kembali ke Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA), akan ada radar di Selat Melaka yang dapat mengesannya.
"Kalau dia pusing ke bawah pun ada radar di kawasan Selat Melaka, di Singapura, kalau dia pusing ke atas juga akan ada radar di kawasan Thailand," katanya kepada Astro AWANI.
Mapping chronology konon tapi geografi pun tak lulus.... |
Lagi Chinese Satelite
Report: Chinese site may show plane debris images
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Murky satellite images that a Chinese science and defense agency said may show debris from the missing Malaysian Airlines jetliner provided a fresh clue Thursday in the search for the plane, pointing searchers to a location nearer to the plane's original flight path south of Vietnam.
The revelation could provide searchers with a focus that has eluded them since the plane disappeared with 239 people aboard just hours after leaving Kuala Lumpur for Beijing early Saturday. Since then, the search has covered 35,800 square miles (92,600 square kilometers), first east and then west of Malaysia and even expanded toward India on Wednesday.
The Chinese sighting, if confirmed, would be closer to where the frantic hunt started.
The Xinhua report said the images from around 11 a.m. on Sunday appear to show "three suspected floating objects" of varying sizes in a 20-kilometer radius, the largest about 24-by-22 meters (79-by-72 feet).
The images originally were posted on the website of China's State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense. That site reports coordinates of a location in the sea off the southern tip of Vietnam and east of Malaysia.
But since the satellite images were taken four days ago, it is far from certain that whatever they show would be in the same location now.
No other governments have confirmed the Xinhua report, which did not say when Chinese officials became aware of the images and associated them with the missing plane.
Two-thirds of the passengers were Chinese, and the Chinese government has put increasing pressure on Malaysian officials to solve the mystery of the plane's disappearance.
Malaysia's civil aviation chief, Datuk Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, said Malaysia had not been officially informed by China about the images, which he said he was learning about from the news.
He said if Beijing informs them of the coordinates, Malaysia will dispatch vessels and planes immediately.
"If we get confirmation, we will send something," he told The Associated Press early Thursday.
Until then, he urged caution. "There have been lots of reports of suspected debris."
On Wednesday, it was revealed that the last message from the cockpit of the missing flight was routine. "All right, good night," was the signoff transmitted to air traffic controllers five days ago.
Then the Boeing 777 vanished as it cruised over the South China Sea toward Vietnam, and nothing has been seen or heard of the jetliner since.
Those final words were picked up by controllers and relayed in Beijing to anguished relatives of some of the people aboard Flight MH370.
The Chinese reports of the satellite images came after several days of confusing and conflicting statements from Malaysian officials.
Earlier Wednesday, the Malaysian military officially disclosed why it was searching on both sides of country: A review of military radar records showed what might have been the plane turning back and crossing westward into the Strait of Malacca.
That would conflict with the latest images on the Chinese website.
For now, authorities said the international search effort would stay focused on the South China Sea and the strait leading toward the Andaman Sea.
Chinese impatience has grown.
"There's too much information and confusion right now. It is very hard for us to decide whether a given piece of information is accurate," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said in Beijing.
"We have nothing to hide," said Malaysian Defense Minister Hishammuddin Hussein. "There is only confusion if you want to see confusion."
Flight MH370 disappeared from civilian radar screens at 1:30 a.m. Saturday at an altitude of about 35,000 feet above the Gulf of Thailand between Malaysia and southern Vietnam. It sent no distress signals or any indication it was experiencing problems.
If all those on board are confirmed dead, it would be the deadliest commercial air accident in 10 years.
The amount of time needed to find aircraft that go down over the ocean can vary widely. Planes that crash into relatively shallow areas, like the waters off Vietnam, are far easier to locate and recover than those that plunge into undersea canyons or mountain ranges.
Much of the Gulf of Thailand is less than 300 feet (91 meters) deep.
The Malaysian government said it had asked India to join in the search near the Andaman Sea, suggesting the jetliner might have reached those waters after crossing into the Strait of Malacca, 400 kilometers (250 miles) from the flight's last-known coordinates.
Malaysian officials met in Beijing with several hundred Chinese relatives of passengers to explain the search, and to relay the last transmission that Malaysian air traffic controllers received before the plane entered Vietnamese airspace, according to a participant in the meeting.
Aviation officials in Vietnam said they never heard from the plane.
Its sudden disappearance led to initial speculation of a catastrophic incident that caused it to disintegrate. Another possibility is that it continued to fly despite a failure of its electrical systems, which could have knocked out communications, including transponders that enable the plane to be identified by commercial radar.
Authorities have not ruled out any possible cause, including mechanical failure, pilot error, sabotage and terrorism, and they are waiting to find any wreckage or debris to determine what went wrong.
Two U.S. Federal Aviation Administration technical experts and a regional representative are in Kuala Lumpur as part of a National Transportation Safety Board team supporting the investigation. Experts in air traffic control and radar are providing technical help, the board said.
Hishammuddin described the multinational search as unprecedented. Some 43 ships and 39 aircraft from at least eight nations were scouring an area to the east and west of Peninsular Malaysia.
"It's not something that is easy. We are looking at so many vessels and aircraft, so many countries to coordinate, and a vast area for us to search," he told a news conference.
Confusion over whether the plane had been seen flying west prompted speculation that different arms of the government might have different opinions about its location, or even that authorities were holding back information.
Choi Tat Sang, a 74-year-old Malaysian, said his family is still holding out hope that the plane and all on board are safe. His 45-year-old daughter-in-law, Goh Sock Lay, was the chief flight attendant. Her 14-year-old daughter, an only child, has been crying every day since the plane's disappearance.
"We are heartbroken. We are continuing to pray for her safety and for everyone on the flight," he said.
Source : http://my.news.yahoo.com/report- ... ages-214930324.html |
TanSriJess posted on 13-3-2014 09:09 AM
kenapa dlm peta tira Kota Bharu nun jauhhh kat siam?
menunjukkan oberC tak kenal malaysia
US satellites found no blast on missing jet: officials
US spy satellites detected no sign of a mid-air explosion when a Malaysian airliner lost contact with air traffic controllers, American officials said Wednesday.
The US government in the past has used its satellite network to identify heat signatures linked to exploding aircraft but in this case, nothing was found, according to US officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
The absence of evidence of any mid-air explosion has added to the mystery surrounding the fate of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, which disappeared at about 1730 GMT Friday after taking off from Kuala Lumpur bound for Beijing.
NBC News first reported the lack of satellite results.
With no specific area identified by satellites, US naval ships that joined the search effort in the South China Sea were not sent to a particular location to look for debris, officials said.
"If they had picked up something (by satellite), our ships would have been sent to that spot,"one official told AFP.
The hunt for the missing Boeing 777 now covers a vast area of nearly 27,000 nautical miles (over 90,000 square kilometers).
Organizers said Wednesday an international pool of satellites from different countries has joined the search effort for the missing airliner, with plans to share images from orbiting satellites.
According to author and intelligence historian Jeffrey Richelson, the US government's space infrared satellite system detected the blast that brought down TWA Flight 800 in 1996 in the Atlantic Ocean, shortly after take-off from JFK airport in New York City.
In his book "America's Space Sentinels," Richelson describes the satellite network that was initially set up to relay instant warning of an imminent Soviet missile launch.
Although the "Defense Support Network" satellite system was created to detect the infrared signals from missile launches, it "proved to be valuable in a number of other ways -- such as detecting aircraft flying on afterburner, spacecraft in orbit, and terrestrial/atmospheric explosions, if of sufficient intensity," Richelson said by email.
"Thus, DSP data was examined after a number of air crashes," he said.
The satellites have detected a mid-air collision over the Grand Canyon, the crash of a stealth fighter jet, the crash of an A-10 aircraft and the collision of US and German military planes off the coast of Africa in 1997, he said.
Investigators examined DSP satellite data after the disappearance of Air France Flight 447 in 2009, which went missing after taking off from Rio de Janeiro en route to Paris, he said. But it's not clear any clues were found, he added.
The spy satellites also have been used to track forest fires and detect meteorites, according to the book.
source : http://my.news.yahoo.com/us-sate ... ials-224629895.html |
Kenyataan JAKIM mengenai bomoh di KLIA....
MH370: Kaedah Bomoh Bercanggah Dengan Islam - Jakim[size=0.688em]Diterbitkan: Rabu, 12 Mac 2014 9:30 PM [size=0.75em]Jakim memutuskan bahawa rawatan perbomohan Ibrahim Mat Zin adalah bercanggah dengan aqidah Islam kerana mengandungi unsur-unsur syirik, khurafat serta penipuan.
[size=0.813em] (Ubah saiz teks)
PETALING JAYA: Kaedah bomoh yang digunakan untuk mencari penerbangan MH370 yang hilang jelas bercanggah dengan amalan Islam, kata Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim).
Dalam satu kenyataan Rabu, Ketua Pengarah Jakim Datuk Haji Othman Mustapha berkata walaupun hukum mengamalkan pengubatan alternatif atau kaedah perbomohan adalah harus di dalam Islam namun mestilah tidak bertentangan dengan syarak.
"Rawatan perbomohan Ibrahim Mat Zin adalah bercanggah dengan aqidah Islam kerana mengandungi unsur-unsur syirik, khurafat serta penipuan.
"Jika dilihat dari sudut alat-alat yang digunakan beliau pula menggambarkan bahawa bahawa raja bomoh ini menggunakan unsur khurafat dan tahyul yang ditolak dalam Islam.
"Panel menjelaskan bahawa Islam adalah saintifik dan menolak segala perbuatan tahyul dan khurafat," katanya.
Katanya, dalam satu Mesyuarat panel Kajian Akidah Jakim pada 22 hingga 23 November 2004, Jakim telah memutuskan bahawa rawatan perbomohan Ibrahim Mat Zin adalah bercanggah dengan aqidah Islam.
Jakim telah terlebih dahulu mengeluarkan Garis Panduan Perbomohan Menurut Islam untuk diteliti dan difahami oleh masyarakat dan ia boleh diakses melalui laman web Jakim www.islam.gov.my.
Othman mengingatkan semua masyarakat khasnya umat Islam agar tidak terpengaruh dan, atau mengamalkan upcara perbomohan yang jelas bertentangan dengan Islam.
"Ia bukan sahaja satu usaha yang sia-sia malah boleh mengundang kemurkaan Allah SWT," katanya.
Beliau turut memuji pihak berkuasa tempatan dan sukarelawan bantuan asing yang menggunakan pendekatan sains, kepakaran teknikal dan teknologi canggih dalam usaha untuk mencari pesawat yang hilang.
"Walaupun tidak ada petunjuk tentang di mana pesawatberada, kita tidak boleh berputus asa. Saya yakin kita akan mendapat petunjuk mengenai misteri pesawat yang hilang dengan izin Allah," katanya.
Source: Malaysia Airlines
Thursday, March 13, 12:45 AM MYT +0800 Malaysia Airlines MH370 Flight Incident - 16th Media Statement
Malaysia Airlines wishes to clarify the claims that some families of the passengers were flown to India instead of Malaysia. This is not true.
Malaysia Airlines flies directly from Beijing to Kuala Lumpur without a transit. There are also no Malaysia Airlines' direct flights from Hong Kong to Mumbai or any part of India.
The welfare of both the crew and passenger’s families remain our focus. At the same time, the security and safety of our passengers is of the utmost importance to us.
yang penting ramai terselamat inshaaAllah Amiin |
Alahai ... bezanya kredebiliti wartawan tempatan dengan wartawan dari China. Baru dengar temuramah di tv 1. Lancar je reporter china tu menjawab dalam bahasa inggeris mcm omputeh terhadap soalan2 wartawan tempatan yg tergagap-gagap bertanya soalan berbahasa inggeris yang agak menyegankan mengenai objek2 yg sedang di perkatakan ... |
Our infographic comes with the exclusive Zapp feature. Want to know more? Get your copy today. #MissingMH370 |
Has IT manager in Chicago found MH370 via ‘crowdsourcing’?
An IT manager from Chicago, United States, may have tracked down the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 – simply by surfing the Internet.
A report in the Daily Mirror said Mike Seberger might have found the location of the missing aircraft after scrutinising a high-resolution satellite photo taken above the seas where the plane disappeared from the radar on Saturday morning.
The image he spotted shows a plane-shaped object under a bank of white cloud in the Gulf of Thailand.
Seberger, 47, found the mystery object after logging on to the Tomnod website, which uploaded the satellite images of 1,600 square kilometres the day after the plane disappeared.
Around half a million volunteers signed up for the online mission on the first day and up to 100,000 people a minute have been using the website. The site has frequently crashed from the high traffic.
The site works by allocating each viewer a tiny square of the search area.
The viewer then scrutinises that image in detail – a technique known as "crowdsourcing".
The satellite photos were taken 400 miles above the earth on March 9 and can capture a detail as small as a penalty spot on a football field, said the Mirror report.
If viewers see something of interest, they flag up the detail to the website managers.
The Mirror quoted Seberger as saying that it took him only a few minutes to find the image, whose dimensions are said to be consistent with a Boeing 777.
"At first I skipped past it, thinking, ‘Nah. No way I would find anything that quickly.
“But then I kept scrolling back to it and thinking to myself, ‘It does resemble a plane.’”
The search area for flight MH370 has been almost doubled since the plane disappeared last Saturday. At least nine people have said that they had seen the plane just before it went missing.
One was from a New Zealander on a rig off Vung Tau in southern Vietnam who said he had seen a “burning object” about 200 miles out to sea.
Oil rig worker Michael McKay claims to have seen it happen and sent an email to his employer about what he saw.
ABC News correspondent Bob Woodruff obtained a copy of that email.
McKay wrote that he believed he saw the MAS plane go down.
"The timing is right. I tried to contact the Malaysian and Vietnam officials several days ago. But I don’t know if the message has been received," he said.
McKay also described what he believed to be a plane burning at high altitude, about 50-70km away from his location on the oil rig 'Songa Mercur' off Vung Tau.
He said while he “observed the burning (plane), it appeared to be in one piece.”
“From when I first saw the burning (plane) until the flames went out (still at high altitude) was 10 to 15 seconds,” he wrote.
“There was no lateral movement, so it was either coming toward our location, stationary (falling) or going away from our location.”
The oil rig worker also provided GPS coordinates of his location and an approximate location where he saw the plane.
Globalnews reported that Woodruff said Vietnamese authorities confirmed that they had received McKay's email. – March 13, 2014. |
MH370: Pekerja pelantar minyak New Zealand dakwa nampak pesawat terbakar
KUALA LUMPUR: Seorang pekerja pelantar minyak New Zealand mendakwa melihat sebuah pesawat terbakar dan terjunam, dan percaya objek tersebut adalah pesawat MH370 yang hilang.
Maklumat itu didedahkan wartawan Australia, selepas mendapat surat yang dikirim Michael Mckay.
Mckay adalah pekerja pelantar minyak di Sonha Mercur, Tenggara Vietnam.
Dalam suratnya dia mendakwa pesawat yang dilihatnya adalah MH370.
Ini adalah berdasarkan waktu pesawat itu dilaporkan hilang.
Pesawat itu dilihat dari kawasan pelantar minyak di kedudukan 8.9 darjah utara dan 108 darjah timur.
Pesawat itu dilaporkan bergerak dari arah barat daya dalam keadaan terbakar pada altitud tinggi.
Susulan itu, Mckay menjelaskan beliau telah cuba menghubungi pihak berkuasa Malaysia dan Vietnam beberapa hari lalu.
Read more at: http://www.astroawani.com/news/s ... t-terbakar-31749?cp |
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