kat kbs nyer epi last week, aku rasa cam buduh la seung yoo tu. main serang cam tuh je. tak pasal2 kena tangkap.
pas tu, cam senang je dia idup balik. aishhh... tak logik betul. org ramai tak kenal ke dia? siap bleh jalan2 tgk kepala bapak dia digantung?
kawan dia yang berpaling tadah tu mmg ada ati la ngan ser ryeung tu ek. sbb tu sanggup bunuh kawan sdiri.
paling kesian, laki si princess tu. cam takde function je. maharaja pun sama, mmg kena ikut ke kata2 su yang tu? kalo tak ikut x leh ke? bukan dia lagi power ke?
godek2 jumpa yg ni... kalau dah ada kat belakang sori ye..
Historical background of “Princess’s Man”
KBS drama Princess’s Man is a drama that is based on one of the saddest historical fact of the Lee Dynasty.
The 7th king of the Lee Dynasty, Sejo became a king and killed his nephew, King Danjong.
To become a king he had to kill Danjong’s great supporter, General Kim Jong Su.
This drama is a love story between King Sejo’s daughter, Selyung and General Kim Jong su’s son, Seungyoo. It is kind of like an old Korean version of Romeo and Juliet.
There is no record about King Sejo’s daughter in the official history. In the unofficial history book named Geumgyepildam, King Sejo’s daughter, Sehee expressed her strong opinion against her father about stealing the crown and she has to flee because of her father’s anger. Sehee happens to meet a man and falls in love without knowing he is a Kim Jong Su’s grandson. In Geumgyepildam Sejo regrets what he did after he gets old and tries to find Sehee. Sejo wanted to help so that Sehee and her husband could have a normal life but they hid in a cave and lived there.
In the drama Princess’s Man, Danjong’s sister Kyunghye and Jung Jong’s love story will also be featured. Princess Kyunghye lost her mother when her brother was born and lost her father at age 16. She had to endure the fact that her young brother lost his crown and died. After her husband Jung Jong was killed by Sejo after he tried to take Danjong’s crown back, Princess Kyunghye becomes a slave . Her story seems to be more sad.
menarik! {:1_126:} tapi sedihla.. mati ek raja kecik tu? alahai siannya, dah la comei.. suami puteri pun mati ke.. sedia untuk nangis sambil sorok muka belakang bantal...
kat kbs nyer epi last week, aku rasa cam buduh la seung yoo tu. main serang cam tuh je. tak pasal2 k ...
EXLESSIA Post at 13-9-2011 11:06
yg nie plan die satu hal...g serang sooyang...nnt ep14 nnt die g kidnap se ryung...time se ryung kawin...lg la bodoh plan die 2...pas2 kene panah se ryung coz protect seung yoo...
yg nie plan die satu hal...g serang sooyang...nnt ep14 nnt die g kidnap se ryung...time se ryung k ...
sue87 Post at 13-9-2011 11:33
tu la.. berapa kali agaknya seung yu tu nak kena tangkap, lepas dan tangkap semula.. kekadang menyampah gak dgn tindakan bodoh seung yu tu.. agaknya pahlawan zaman dulu2 memang mcm tu kot, tengok la pahlawan melayu kita, semua dok pakat nak tikam gabenor british ja.. dgn seryoung lagi la nyampah.. tapi tengok jugak, sebab part romentik diorang comei tak hingat..
Se-Ryung: For my whole life, I will not marry anyone.
Se-Ryung's mother: What are you talking about?
Se-Ryung: I intend to live my life on my own will from now on.
Jo Seok-Joo: Regardless of her father or whatever, you just want to run to her and hug her, don't you?
Shin Myeon: Are you talking that I who am alive am inferior to the guy who is dead?
Se-Ryung: He is the person who is alive vividly in my heart.
Lee Gae: I intend to take the throne back to my Majesty(means Danjong) without fail.
Jung Jong: (In introducing Seung-Yoo) He's the son of the late Kim Jong-Seo, Kim Seung-Yoo.
Kyung-Hye: The identity of Dae-Ho* is none other than Kim Seung-Yoo, the son of the left-minister** Kim Jong Seo.
Dan Jong: (Did you say) Kim Seung-Yoo?
Han Myeong-Hoe: No matter what, we have to depose the ex-king and eliminate the existence of him.
Se Jo: I will root out.
Se-Ryung: If the person who is the king doesn't observe the duty of human being any more, I will try to stop with all my strength. I will not turn way my face any more.