wakakakkaa..alamak! dah telambat ke..adess..que pun que la...
tpikan aku rase mekap dia agak tebai beno...bedak cam overdose..tp takpo la..dia tetap gojes...ish..ish..kalo la dpt laki cam tu kat doniya ni..walaaaaaaaaaaa...
yeahh!! dah abis donload sume epi & subs sekalik...semlm tido kul 2 pg...tgk sume epi tp lompat2...mlm nih baru nak tgk bebetul...lawak tul
den pun nak cop jung in gak....dr masa tgk 'bad guy' lagik....terkesima ngan character dia...kalik nih cengkung la muka dia compared dlm 'bad guy'...patut kena berisi sikit baru lagik encem
hahaha...since masa kbs drama awards berlangsung..akak berada di sana....harusss la g stalk dia.....nnti akak akan jadik paparazi smbil lompat2 panggil dia ye
hahaha...since masa kbs drama awards berlangsung..akak berada di sana....harusss la g stalk dia..... ...
Jelita Post at 22-11-2010 14:54
aduyai....jelesnyer ngan kak jel nih....
tolong laaaa kak jel.....pleaseeeee...kalau ternampak Jang Geun Suk masa KBS award tu....tolong laa snap photo dia jugak....huhuhuhu...
Mary Stayed Out All Night - Last scene Ep5, Preview Ep6
MG is slumped over cuz he is still upset about the manager and everything that is going on in his life
Mary comes running in saying “sweetie” and clings to his arm.
MG still not lifting his head says”I’m not in the mood to this right now, let go”
Mary: ya – you cant be like this now- this is an emergency
MG: what now
Mary: that guy keeps being suspicious of us. he said we are awkward.
MG: what?
Mary: so -when he comes – can you help?
J walks in and calls out MG’s name
MG gets up and Mary holds onto his arm and leans her head on it still clinging
MG looking at J:
you said you would do everything you could
you told me to be nervous
MG kisses her in front of J