kekekeke!!! aku ROFL bile terbace ade org ckp psl YoonYul tu lesbo!
kalo YoonYul lesbo, then YulSic tu ape??
extreme lesbo? kekekekeke!!
btw, aku ni RF shipper, tp xpenah terpikir dieorg ni ______.
fan services je tu..all those skinships just to please the fans..
n aku advise jgnla bce fanfics! wat corrupt kepala otak je!kekekeke!!
BINGO!!! soshi nyer fanfics fanddom sangat la bahaya... so hati2 ek
Bobola Post at 8-8-2010 22:05
kekekeke!! aku penah bace dlu2 mase memule terjebak dgn snsd nih.. tp bile dh bace masuk ke 3..4..fanfic, kepale aku mule serabut! nak study pon ssh! cpt lupe!!
warrrghh!!! b4 my mind completely corrupted, aku decided to stop!
xleh terima la...kekeke~ after all...i'm such a naive person! tapi ni citer dulu la..skrg da xpenah bace..merepek je.. *no offense for those yg bace* huhu...n sbb tu aku dh warning awal2, jgn bace...xelok utk kepala otak!
kekekeke!! aku penah bace dlu2 mase memule terjebak dgn snsd nih.. tp bile dh bace masuk ke 3..4 ...
outLAw Post at 8-8-2010 22:19
tu la pasal skang kat fanfics threads mode da xbagi post rated punya.. all PG-13... ramai writers berpindah ke LJ... meh some good writers da stop writing kat SSF so aku ikot la depa ke LJ.. tp bila time dorang post Rated ones mengeluh je la gua x mo baca kang rosak~!
tu la pasal skang kat fanfics threads mode da xbagi post rated punya.. all PG-13... ramai ...
Bobola Post at 8-8-2010 22:53
hahaha...momod2 kt threads fanfics strict gile dh..byk gak thread yg diorg close sbb xikut spec...tapi kalo dieorg xwat cmtu..ramai writers (xsemua) yg terlebey2 imagine..wt rosak image dak2 soshi je..then, wat rosak kepala dak2 sone je!kekekeke!!
personally, aku rase xsalah nk bace fanfics tu..well, sometimes aku bace gak oneshot yulsic taeny etc...just for fun.. tapi kalo yg long fics yg smpai berpuluh2 episodes tu..they tend to put soo much erotic actions *xsesuaiii!!!*
simpanla imaginasi terlampau tu utk diri sendiri kekekeke!!!
anyway, ssf really make my day!
aku tanak membaca sehingga kejangkan otak,
tapi mahu melihat sehingga otak aku tak kejang
pernah tgk video, yul panggil sica.. "erm, sica~~~~~~"
lol, muka sica blushing!
kiwibenz Post at 9-8-2010 00:30
welcome to the royal family club!!kekekeke!! xpayah baca ape2...tgk vids je udah...leh kurangkan kekejangan otak!
k,for the record, n for your info, list of Royal Couple of soshi adelah:
1) TaeNy (Tae Yeon & Tiffany): 1st married couple!kekekeke!!they used to be so close to each other. taeng dgn fany penah dok satu blk mase jd trainee.. kalo xsilap dkt 3thn gak r.. ni couple yg memule famous among soshi. their daughter: Seohyun!
2) YulSic (Yuri & Jessica): said to be the most possessive pair...try tgk vids2 Yulsic..famous act eg. magnetic hand..backhug.. well, personally, aku rase sica was so lucky to be so close to yuri at early debut. die jd sgt2 dorky bile rapat dgn yuri. penyakit hyperactive yuri tu dah turun ke sica! dieorg nmpk sgt sweet sbb yuri sgt protective.. always being there whenever sica need her! aku pon nak gak kwn yg best cam yuri tu!!! their daughter: YoonA
3) SooSun (Soo Young & Sunny): the shortest wif the to put this huh??? chaos!!kekekekeke!!
4) YoonHyun (Yoona & Seohyun): since i dont put much interest on this pairing, i dont have any clues bout em'
1) YoonYul (Yuri & Yoona): twin troopers!kekekeke!! they look alike, dua2 pon super dork! tgk je mase kt Hello Baby! aku suke dieorg berdua ni..nampak sgt close n xfake. rasenye, dieorg ni btl2 close fren plus they are roomate now.
2) JeTi (Jessica & Tiffany): American couple...
3) YulTi (Yuri & Tiffany): More aggressive than JeTi but less possessive than YulSic pair! Yuri dgn Fany start rapat sbb dieorg berdua ni plg slalu g variety show sama2.. then, dua2 jd partner MC utk music core. penah tgk Invincible Youth ep.1 (or 2 xingatla).. Yuri call fany (org lain sume call mak!)...die express die pnye appreciation as having a good fren like fany! cool~
4) TaeSun (Tae Yeon & Sunny): Danshin couple! kekekeke!! they r sooo funny..maybe sbb size dua2 MINI they look good in whatever they do..cute sgt!
...etc...etc...etc... leh gi lawat thread soshi pairing kt ----> SSF
btw, de sesape taw x..penah x dieorg wt live perf with diz song? i'm sooo damn curious..dah google..cari kt youtube.. tapi xpenah nampak ape2 perf on diz song since i'm a big fan of sooyoungster n yurisistible, i'm eager 2 know!
btw, it's a lil bit weird kan..i figure out about diz duet song just recently.. (malu je..padahal lagu ni thn 2009 dah)
i was amazed on how good actually, yuri n sooyoung voice..