ALL ABOUT EBI KORNELIS - Dulu & Kini : Volume 4
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Reply #315 mrcrab's post
abe Banderas no 20 lah, ahkak...
abe Depp ader x...???  |
Reply #319 miss_manja's post
ntah la...iols pakai antivius kaspersky...baagi bersih scan satu pc
pastu hilang lah |
"modelling is the best because you have to look hot, which comes easy to me, you know. I'm blessed with that"- Ashton Kutcher #19.
kalolah eb#3 ckp camtuh, pasti kena kompang poyo  |
Reply #327 miss_manja's post
hehehe tak tau lah nyah
tapi memang kalo ikut survey,antivirus ni paling ok dan tak beratkan pc lah |
Reply #328 Inspire's post
nyah Ins, tks for info,
uols load dr tenet ker antivirus tu......???
anje xreti sgt nih, rabun IT katanyer........
nnt lah suh my bro. buatkan .........  |
Reply #332 rubi_perez's post
yup si colin firth katanya ... camni dikatakan seksis? soo ordinary  |
Reply #330 miss_manja's post
iols ambik kat torrent...torrent mana ntah dah lupa |
Reply #337 mrcrab's post
joni depp ek? ada iols nampak tadi.. tak silap nombor 6 |
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