bagi aku mmg sgt berbaloi..... hehe... ada teman tanya aku..kenape tgk berkali2... tak faham ke? .... aku jawab mcm ni.. bukan tak faham.... tp terlebih faham! hehehe...
hehe to me lain pulak, orang yang dah baca banyak buku would know this twilight book especially lit wise biasa2 cousin suruh i baca new moon, dia kata sedih gila dia nangis i would prolly read it...sebab tgh rasa mcm nak melayan perasaan haha.
Originally posted by Kittie at 8-12-2008 06:40 PM
sbb dpt tiket free n my bff ajak, kite gi premiere uk tuh, terpaksela tgk even pakse rela gitu... dpt jumpe dua2 pattinson ngan kristen......
haha,yg sedey dier 2 part drg putus..pastu mostly citer sal dier ngan jacob,x byk scene edward ngan bella..
tpi nak dekat last2 bru ader,
apa2 pon hav fun reading it..haha
omo,bestnyer~~even x minat pon kire untung arr..
sal rain 2 jealous sgt2,huaaa.. <<bacer kat umah rain,hee
dorang mcm mat salleh biase jer... my bff yg kacuk british irish + american french tuh lg nmpk outstanding mlm tuh dr pattinson smpai org ingt mamat tuh model baru mane, rase nk tendang jer... mat salleh mmg hensem n tak cantik kt luar... kulit dorang kasar, make up tebal sepuluh inchi, yg serabai lg nmpk serabai... mcm org kita, kt screen or pix nmpk cantik kt luar lg cantik tp dorang sebaliknye... lgpun kite dok luar ckit dr london, kt kawasan mewah (tp kite dok umah biase2 jer, ala2 local kononnye, pdhal mmg tak kayepun), byk holiday house or 2nd or 3rd or 4th houses tuk celebs nih... org2 cni pun xlayan sgt rupe serabai dorang tuh, tp sbb talent dorang n income dorang n status dorang, tuh yg org respek. tp locals mmg tak layan la, byk stalkers jer yg kejar dorang...
mase nmpk tsubasa kt spain n meeting rain few times around europe lg rase jumpe celebs, org lalu lalang tgk jer, baru ade aura star.... that's why la, my frens sini ckp, the most sacred beauty in the world is asian beauty... tp mayb sbb kite slalu gi premiere screening n terserempak ngan celebs mat saleh nih kot, tuh yg mcm lali... lgpun kitekan dasar pandang ke timur... hehe....
hehe... bace ctu ek... tuh ar, nk sgt jumpe org lain, tp asek terjodoh ngan rain jer, kebetulan time kite holiday memane asek terserempak die, sib baik die nih jenis peramah pemesra orgnye, nak2 klu jumpe asians... pattinson pun ramah la gak, baru nk naik katekn but i'm not the layan la, let bdk2 16 thn jer angau kt die. mat salleh is not my taste, klu tak dah lame dh my bff tuh my bf, look with brain plus beautiful bank account, bersusun minah gatal anta valentine cards... nasib la, selagi kite kat cni he's my ticket to free premiere screenings and free broadway stage shows...
overall, org2 production team twilight nih baik2 la, don't know la, because of my bff or my ayat pedas or dorang mmg baik, but dorang ok la... tgh kumpul fan base la katekn... but i do need someone like james dean or river phoenix to stir my interest in white stars again... ketandusan org yg btul2 leh berlakon n ade rupe tul la mat salleh nih... skrg nih mmg kite judge movie base on quality jer, not blinded by stars in it, and my level of quality is very high, but i sometimes need to be blinded, that's the joy of being a fangirl... it what's called youth... sib baik asian entertainment still can make my heart doki doki... *sambil klik masuk movie secret, il mare ngan heartbreak library into media playlist to watch them again*
Extract of Extra interview with Rob!
Posted by Pili ?10 Nov 2008
Today, Extra had an interview with Rob, and here's the cutest extract from the interview, it's so R/K:
Interviewer: I read that you were following Kristen around for days, proposing to her? Is that true?
Rob: Oh yeah. We were going to get married for a long time.
Interviewer: What about her boyfriend?
Rob: (laughing) Who cares?
Interviewer: (laughing) What ABOUT her boyfriend?
Rob: (laughing) Yeah, what ABOUT her boyfriend?
Interviewer: Do you really have a crush on her?
Rob: I have no idea. I mean, she's a really good friend of mine.
Interviewer: What do you mean you have no idea?
Rob: I was in some kind of weird world for 5 months, convincing yourself .......... it's kind of awkward now. It took me a long time to get out of it. It took me like 2 months to stop introducing her as my fianc閑. Even to her boyfriend.
haha that interview was funny. i did watch the video of it. his expression was priceless. and there was rumour he proposed to kristen. both actually clarified it. turn out to be real but rob did that to most gals. proposing for fun. thats a video of access hollywood where he showed a message he got from women asking if the marriage is still on.
hahaha.....basically the marriage will still be on till the end of Breaking Dawn! hahahha...... whatever it is, rob n kristen do look very cute together...