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Author: HangPC2

Misi Penghantaran Bantuan Kemanusian Ke Gaza

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Post time 21-6-2010 02:03 PM | Show all posts
Reply  niceghost2005

    ko ni memang ada masaalah mental la.... ko phobia dengan polis ke ?
malberi8 Post at 21-6-2010 12:22

Phobia dgn POLIS??
Jangan buat lawak Palestin laaaa......

Just look around you.
Jangan amalkan double standard dalam reporting.

Tengok negara sendiri then tengok negara Israel.
Perhati betul betul.

Open your mind and your eyes.
Kalau bosan sangat, tutup mater tapi buker tinger.

Lepaih tu pi solat taubat banyak banyak.
Istiqfar selalu.

Yang hadapi masaalah mental sebenor adalah KAMU.

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Post time 21-6-2010 07:24 PM | Show all posts
niceghost2005:-kamu ketinggalanlah....kenapa nak mempertikaikan aktivis-aktivis tu nak mempertahankan diri padahal pada masa tu aktivis-aktivis Turki pada masa tu dah kena tembak. Kena tembak tu kat perairan antarabangsa..Kalau nak sekat kapal aktivis tu pun kenapa nak bawa berpuluh kapal senjata dengan helikopter sekali..

Lagipun Yahudi mana ada negara..Mereka takda negarapun..Mereka tu cuma penjajah..

Berita terbaru sekarang, Mawi Marmara akan belayar ke Gaza sekali lagi di mana kemungkinan insya'Allah akan menyambut bulan Ramadan bersama-sama dengan penduduk Gaza. Sukaralewan-sukarelawan Malaysia telah pun bertolak ke Turki malam tadi untuk membincangkan perkara ini bersama-sama aktivis di sana..

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Post time 21-6-2010 07:53 PM | Show all posts
Reply 306# Lista

alhamdulillah ini berita gembira...semoga pemergian aktivist2 ini mendapat berkat dan rahmat dari Allah, kita sama2 doakan agar bantuan ini selamat sampai ke tangan penduduk2 Gaza...amin..

setiap perjuangan perlukan pengorbanan.......

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Post time 21-6-2010 07:54 PM | Show all posts
Reply 305# niceghost2005

ko ni memang confirm ada masaalah mental..

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Post time 21-6-2010 11:37 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by malberi8 at 21-6-2010 23:45

Israel Rejects International Investigation but Cannot Hide its Crimes

It was no surprise that the Israeli government rejected an international and independent inquiry about its assault and massacre of humanitarian activists -eight Turkish and one American- aboard the ship Mavi Marmara on May 31. With support of an increasingly discredited Obama Administration, Israel is doing its best -including fake promises of an easing of the Gaza blockade- to persuade the international community to forget the UN Security Council´s call for a prompt, impartial, credible and transparent investigation conforming to international standards.

Israel has announced that it will only accept its own internal probe. In order to badly disguise the farce, Israel has agreed on the appointment of two foreign experts for the inquiry. One of them is Northern Ireland´s Lord David Trimble, who according to the Jewish Chronicle, previously called on Israel to stand firm on the boycott of Hamas.

Of course, Israel is not interested in determining who is guilty for the attack and killing of the civilians on the Freedom Flotilla, and what decision-making process was followed in the run-up to the assault. That information is, without doubt, already in the hands of Israel´s government and military establishment. War criminals Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak are reportedly leading the charge against any international investigation. Barak was said to have advised the cabinet to â

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Post time 21-6-2010 11:38 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by malberi8 at 21-6-2010 23:43


Shortly after the assault and massacre of the humanitarian activists, Israeli chief military censor tried to prevent information about these facts from reaching international media for hours, but with the presence of hundreds of witnesses aboard the Mavi Marmara they were impossible to hide. Later, when the information came into light, Israeli and pro-Israeli media in the US and other countries used the old Israeli tactic of blaming the victims for the crimes. Israeli official version of the massacre is actually an insult for any sane mind.

Netanyahu called the Mavi Marmara a hate boat and Israeli media repeated the official allegations. The Ynet described the humanitarian activists as brutal people and said that Israeli commandos had been attacked and beaten by the former ones, who were armed with glass bottles. Israeli media also described activists aboard the ship as terrorists with links to Al Qaeda. Israel commandos were lauded for showing nobility and great restraint as they only killed nine of them. The massacre of unarmed activists was called a battle. Once again, an Israeli cold-bloody massacre of defenseless civilians was presented as self defense.

A editorial of the Washington Post characterized participants in the flotilla as a motley collection, deserving no sympathy due to their ulterior motive on provoking a confrontation. It added that the calls for an international investigation into the flotilla raid could potentially become part of a campaign to de-legitimize the Jewish State. The major US newspapers and TV channels that echoed Israeli official lies also deliberately ignored the death of a US citizen, Furkan Dogan, born in New York City, who was killed by Israelis aboard of the Mavi Marmara.

However, Turkey and most nations in the world will not let themselves be fooled by Israel or its agents in the US or elsewhere. Turkey has opposed to an Israeli internal probe and has compared it with the case of a murderer who is allowed to investigate its own crimes. Israel does not have the authority to assign a national commission to investigate a crime perpetrated in international waters, said a statement released on Tuesday by the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. An inquiry to be conducted by such a commission cannot be impartial, fair, transparent and credible. Turkey has expressed its support for a proposal by UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon for an international commission comprising one Turkish national, one Israeli and three international experts. For its part, Amnesty International has dismissed the Israeli inquiry as a virtual farce.

Unfortunately for Israel the flotilla massacre -which resulted in the death of eight Turkish citizens and one American one and injures to dozens of activists of more than 40 countries- will not be forgotten or forgiven. The Israeli assault on the Mavi Marmara was actually an international crime under the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against Maritime Navigation Safety, which punishes those who seize control of a ship or to harm its passengers.


Moreover, as Jean Shaoul wrote on the World Socialist Web Site (, â

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Post time 22-6-2010 10:09 AM | Show all posts
niceghost2005:-kamu ketinggalanlah....kenapa nak mempertikaikan aktivis-aktivis tu nak mempertahanka ...
Lista Post at 21-6-2010 19:24

Ketinggalan bas?? Keretapi?

Kalau nak gi 'berjuang' , kena ler ada disiplin yang tinggi.
Sudah tahu kat situ ada hazard, kena ler manage the risk dulu.
Baru dapat di kurangkan incident.

Perairan antarabangsa or tidak............itu bukan isu di sini.

ISU yang hendak di bincangkan adalah bagaimana dapat mengurang or di elakkan inccident tembak dari pihak Yahudi.

Contohnya seperti Iran-Iraq War.
Iran guna human waves.
Begitu juga di dalam peperangan Korea.
Korea Utara dan China guna human waves.

Sememangnya mereka berjaya tetapi berapa banyak kematian di pihak mereka??

Begitu juga dgn Bantuan Kemanusian ini.
Guna lah strategi yang betul.
Memang tidak dapat di sangkal, aktivis aktivis Islam ini semuer nya hendak 'mati syahid'.
Tetapi bukan dgn menyerbu asokar Yahudi dgn kerusi, pisau, kayu and besi.
Itu bukan cara/kaedah kita berjuang utk mati syahid.

"Bersiap sedia lah kamu dgn segala kelengkapan yang ada....."
Ingat surah di atas.
Apa suruhan/perintah dari Allah??

Kalau pergi dgn cara AMAN, lakukan lah ia dgn "AMAN."
Ada DO's and DON'Ts. (setakat ini tiada siapa yg sudi menerangkan nya utk tatapan forumis di MPSA)
Komer takut/khuatir ker yang forumis di sini dapat melihat akan KESILAPAN yang di lakukan olih para aktivis??
Jangan PROVOKE pihak Yahudi.
Be calm and jangan panic.
Pastikan semuer peralatan yg tajam, kayu, besi dan yg bley menimbul syak di pihak asokar Yahudi di kumpul dan di simpan di tempat yg selamat.
Agar ia tidak menjadi 'BAHAN BUKTI' mengatakann mereka(asokar Yahudi) di serang.

Tapi teman tak perlu bicara dgn panjang lebar mengenai perkara ini.
Komer lebey arif dan pakar.

Memang kamu benar.
Memang oghang Yahudi itu salah.
Itu tidak dapat di sangkalkan.

Hanya teman lihat di sini, para aktivis tidak dapat mengawal perasaan dan kurang disiplin. (begitu juga dgn kamu dan para forumis yang lain bila berbicara dgn oghang Yahudi)

Harap penghantaran ke2 ini di kawal selia olih aktivis yang LEBEY DISIPLIN.


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Post time 22-6-2010 11:57 AM | Show all posts
Reply 311# niceghost2005

oohhh... bersisiplin macam kamu la yek he he he..... ikut suke ko lah labuu

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Post time 22-6-2010 12:32 PM | Show all posts
Reply  niceghost2005

oohhh... bersisiplin macam kamu la yek he he he..... ikut suke ko lah lab ...
malberi8 Post at 22-6-2010 11:57

Komer tak berani punya post the do's and don'ts tersebut.
Akan terserlah akan kesilapan yg di lakukan olih para aktivis yg di bangga banggakan itu.

Kalau dalam forum begini pung kamu cuba menutup kesalahan, bagaimana yg tidak di ketahui olih oghang lain.

Aktivis kunon......pppppfffffrrrrttthhhhhhhhhhhhh
Nak berjuang Islam kunon.

Basic pung goyang...............


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Post time 22-6-2010 02:57 PM | Show all posts
Gush Shalom: Israeli Control over Gaza Continuation of Occupation Date : 21/6/2010   Time : 22:41
TEL AVIV, June 21, 2010 (WAFA)- 'It took the killing of nine people at sea and the blackening of Israel's name throughout the world to make the Israeli government decide to stop interfering with what the people of Gaza may or may not eat, ” said  the Gush Shalom movement.

“It apparently would have been too much to expect from Israeli PM Netanyahu and his ministers to have taken even such a small positive step at their own initiative - not to be dragged to implementing it by massive external pressure,” added.

'It would, however, be wrong to assume that the government's decision, taken at last, will be the end of the matter. Israeli control over the entry and exit of people and goods from the Gaza Strip is a continuation of the occupation by other means. It would certainly be welcome to see that from now on more trucks will enter the Gaza Strip, loaded with a greater variety of commodities, and that the Gazans' hard lives will be a bit alleviated. But basically, it is an unsustainable situation that it is the government of Israel which has the power to decide whether trucks would enter Gaza and what goods may be loaded on them. There is an absolute worldwide consensus that the solution for our region is a complete end of the now 43-year old occupation and the establishing of a free and sovereign Palestinian state alongside Israel. This certainly includes an end to Israeli control over the entry to Gaza by land, sea and air, which is a continuation of the occupation,” it concluded.

Source: AJP

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Post time 23-6-2010 12:49 AM | Show all posts
kalu cara lembut dengan menghantar aktivis pengaman disambut dengan serangan lanun jehuds sambil membunuh aktivis, maka ada eloknya cara kekerasan digunakan utk memecah blockade jehuds tersebut. Hantar bantuan dengan payung terjun menggunakan pesawat2 tentera yg diiringi beratus pesawat pejuang dari serata donia yg membenci tindakan luar tabii jehuds. Kalu depa tembak, pesawat2 pejuang bangsa2 bersatu sedonia bolehlah menembak balik atas dasar mempertahankan diri dari serangan lanun2 dan pengganas2 jehuds yg pada dasarnya, adalah bersalah di sisi undang2 dan ketetapan yg telah pon dibuat oleh UN, i.e. betapa tidak sahnya blockade yg dilakukan jehuds tersebut.

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Post time 23-6-2010 05:29 AM | Show all posts
Reply  Nick_Perelman

    where you get all the figures? from the hebrew bible?? what evidence  ...
malberi8 Post at 20-6-2010 07:42

Jerusalem is mented 669 times in The Bible and not even once in Koran - fact.

Jerusalem Arabs live better than Malaysians. Thats also Fact.

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Post time 23-6-2010 05:43 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 25-6-2010 11:22 AM | Show all posts
kalu cara lembut dengan menghantar aktivis pengaman disambut dengan serangan lanun jehuds sambil mem ...
windof Post at 23-6-2010 00:49

Ini hanyalah angan angan sahaja.
PBB di bawah telunjuk US di mana mereka juga adalah di bawah telunjuk Israel.
Hanyalah Oooohhh......I......See.

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Post time 25-6-2010 03:00 PM | Show all posts
kalu cara lembut dengan menghantar aktivis pengaman disambut dengan serangan lanun jehuds sambil mem ...
windof Post at 23-6-2010 00:49

Cara yang paling lembut dan agak selamat ialah negara islam yang majoriti dalam OPEC mengenakan harga minyak yg tinggi kepada mana mana negara yang menyokong negara israel ini...Kalau israel boleh melanggar perjanjian kenapa kita pun x boleh...tuhan bagi minyak kat semua negara islam..tapi kita masih x tahu sebab apa tuhan kurnia emas hitam tersebut. samada kita sedar atau tidak U.S mebekalkan dan senjata dengan harga yang murah kepada Israel. tetapi senjata yg dijual kenegara islam..majoritinya aset terpakai dan harganya berkali kita masih x tahu memikir benda ni kan..mmg sedih betul.........agak agak kalau la minyak dinegara islam sudah habis....pastikah tenaga nuklear akan dijual dengan murah kepada kita.....

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Post time 25-6-2010 03:24 PM | Show all posts
Reply 318# niceghost2005

   dari angan2 dan mimpi, manusia dah ke anagkasa lepas, bukan takat terobang jer..... aku pon dolu berangan nak terobang jugok.... last2 ianya menjadi realiti dan bukan angan2 lagi.... got what i mean?

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Post time 25-6-2010 03:32 PM | Show all posts
Reply 319# tempur

   that's a good angan2 by you tempur..... aku harap ia akan menjadi satu kenyataan suatu hari nanti, kita cobalah menyeru pokcik2 Oh I See tuh supaya coba merealisasikan angan2 yg sangat bijak ini..... tapi, pokcik2 tuh pon musti bersedia utk digempur balik oleh pokcik sam dan anak2 buah kesayangan depa....

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Post time 25-6-2010 05:12 PM | Show all posts
Reply 315# windof

    setuju bro, cita2 bermula dari angan2 ...kalu setiap negara islam di dunia ni menyumbang anggota tentera untuk ujudkan angkatan tentera Islam tentu yahudi kecut, Pakistan pon ada senjata nuklear.
tapi malangnya sekarang ni kerajaan negara2 Islam lemah dan dibawah telunjuk US . so generasi kita dan generasi akan datang kena berpegang pada ajaran Islam dan menerapkan nilai2 Islam pada generasi2 muda dan yg. kemudian hari akan menaikkan panji2 Islam di setiap negara Islam. Di US dan Europe, Islam pon semakin diterima dan dianuti..

namun ada juga manusia2 yg mengaku islam , tapi depa jugalah yg nek menjahanamkan agama ni...depa kira nak kondem semangat, cita2 dan perjuangan Islam yang lain..pendek kata ..hampeh punya malaun!! yg dia tau dok puja2 idola jews dia...

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Post time 25-6-2010 05:19 PM | Show all posts
Reply  niceghost2005

   dari angan2 dan mimpi, manusia dah ke anagkasa lepas, bukan takat tero ...
windof Post at 25-6-2010 15:24

Itu berkenaan kamu seoghang.

Ini ghamai.............ghambut sama itam.
Ada pernah dengar ker peribahasa melayu ini???

Atas dasar apa yg kamu mahu mereka bersatu??
Dan apa yg mereka mereka itu sedang amalkan???

Cuba dulu satukan oghang Islam kat Tanah Melayu ini.
Then baru boley berangan angan utk satukan asokar Islam seluruh duniya.

Pakistan pung asyik dok membunuh oghang Islam di negara sendiri.
Apa nak di harapkan dgn mereka.

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Post time 25-6-2010 05:29 PM | Show all posts
kalu mental dah dijajah yahudi itulah jawapannya he he

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