Originally posted by ladydolph at 6-12-2008 10:28 PM
wow! gotta have my dose of Edward Cullen again ptg tadi... hehehhe.... my 4th time dah..... probably will continue to have my 5th dose later next week?
it's safe to say that i'm not going to the cinema to watch this movie.......tunggu kuar kat tv jek....and I'll have the tendency to compare it with my fav tv series....
and talking about vampire hair......here's a nice article on edward's bad vamp hair and other vamps that shares the same bad hairdo......hehehe
ader lakk umah ne,x sedar..
buku dier bru abes bacer eclipse,ingt nak bli breaking dawn biler ujung taun maser abes sem..
tup2 kuar wyg trus abes stok sumer sequel dier kat kdai buku,benci aku..nyesal x bli awal2..:@
btw,for my opinion..movie dier mmg laa xleh compare ngan buku,cam citer2 lain arr..4 exmple harry potter..and yeah, the books mmg x sptotnya d compare ngan buku2 yg mmg di iktiraf 2..org yg bru kenal buku mmg akan ckp cmtu,but strt sne drg akan xplore buku2 yg len n slowly akan taw byk ttg value sesuatu buku 2..mybe 5 yrs or 20 yrs later bru drg phm,x kesah la..so,let them ok?
i love the books, and also the movie..let us just pretend like this,if it is about the books..so comment about the books,if it about the movie,commnt the movie..just pretend it just have the same title, sme chrcter n story line..n hopefully next sequel dier ader improvement eventhough aku pon x dpt bygkan cmner drg nak wat part volturi 2..n hope leh wat aku nngis mcm aku nngis bacer new moon,u know the part 2 those yg bcer books dier..hehe,aku ne snang skit kuar air mate,miahahaa
sorry if my commnt offended some of you here~~
n for those yg nak tgk wyg ne,g laa tgk..n get urr own opinion..
n keciwa skit laaa,cos subb cam biskut..jap kuar,jap timbul..yg susa nak tgkp 2,kerut2 dahi nak pham..hee
n yess,the baseball part pling best ngan lgu muse dier seswai sgt..omo,sukerrr..
btw,love edward~~~
both edward, in the books n in the movie..he's hot,heee
ader yg interested nak download link twilight nyer soundtrack x kat cni?..heeee
aku suker lgu supermassive black hole, bella lullaby ngan flightless bird 2..omo,seswai tol ngan movie ne,
Originally posted by ladydolph at 6-12-2008 10:28 PM
wow! gotta have my dose of Edward Cullen again ptg tadi... hehehhe.... my 4th time dah..... probably will continue to have my 5th dose later next week?
wah nak masuk kali ke-5 ni. laju nye. aku rasa aku nak gi tgk lagi ah. org kat thread ni rupanye ramai yg dah tgk more than once eh.
uish,bad daa tgk braper kali?..chy tgk bru due kali..
1st sbb xcited nak tgk cmner movie ne,abes drag kwn2 g tgk..heee
2nd time ngan cousin,x der nak teman dier tgk so me ngan rela hati g tuk kedua kalinya..mybe x tgk lgi kot,nak tunggu vcd..
sbb dpt tiket free n my bff ajak, kite gi premiere uk tuh, terpaksela tgk even pakse rela gitu... dpt jumpe dua2 pattinson ngan kristen...
cam biase ar, pelakon omputih nih... mcm mat saleh lain, tak gorgeos langsung kt luar, so tak la kisah sgt...
kt dlm, smbil2 gaduh ngan my bff, few times la i blurted out psal c- adaptation screenplay citer nih... tb2 kt luar ade staff kasi something kt kite, bukak2 broken heart twilight... then dtg sorang lg staff ckp, girl, you really got some guts... kih kih kih... then editor yg kite ckp berbalas emel b4 that pun ade rupenye, die ckp die dh agk mmg kite lps dgr bff kite panggil name kite and the way kite talk about the movie mase kt dlm... tp tuh ok lg...
yg plg best, kitepun pkai broken heart gak mase tuh, then staff tuh tanye, kate tak minat tp pkai broken heart gak, then editor tuh tanye, is that the blue moon love broken heart? kih kih kih, terkena lg staff tuh... sorry to say la, i use broken heart necklace long time ago before any twilight team got an idea of that... sib baik editor tuh tahu...
mlm tuh, kite balik dgn suka rianye sbb dpt necklace, even tak semahal ivana trump punye collection tp at least better dr fans yg xdpt pe2... n plg best mlm tuh dpt pick up broadway tickets for snow white ngan with a song in my heart yg mahal itew, bff banjer sbb teman die tgk twilight... next time i nk try gi critic filem2 hebat mcm i come with the rain ke... maner tahu dpt dinner ngan lee byung hun or kimutaku or the director himself (i don't like josh hartnett, n tgkpun sbb director ngan LBH ngan kimutaku)... mintak2 i come with the rain masuk cpt la kt uk, nnti mcm twilight kena gi tmpt lain tgk movie...
btw, lupe lak, editor tuh ckp kt kite, please watch new moon, we'll try to get a new director which at least will please you 70%. kite bls blk, and please not another mushy female director, well it's ok if it's a she but a she with out of box minded and making some cool adaptation, you got huge budget now... dgn panas ku memerli and i walked out the scene with style except my careless bff forgot to reserve a table at my fav korean restaurant and we end up having kebab as our late dinner ...
Originally posted by Chynez at 8-12-2008 06:27 PM
uish,bad daa tgk braper kali?..chy tgk bru due kali..
1st sbb xcited nak tgk cmner movie ne,abes drag kwn2 g tgk..heee
2nd time ngan cousin,x der nak teman dier tgk so me ngan rela hati g tuk k ...