Originally posted by donbotak at 18-2-2008 07:07 PM
ok ok.....
cik thruth8. kalau penganut injil tu kristian....pengikut bible tu kristian jugak ker????
kenapa you tak percaya injil tapi you percaya bible.... are you kristian!!!!
injil itu versi muslims lah.....mana boleh percaya |
Reply #48 Truth.8's post
versi muslim?????
apa ni????
mana ada versi mana2.....
dalam bahasa english ia dipanggil bible. dalam bahasa melayu ia dipanggil injil... apa lah lu.... mana ada versi muslim. kalau ada saya pun mau itu kitab!!!!
ok sekarang boleh lu cerita didalam kitab bible...
apa mereka kata mengenai arak,babi dan juga anjing????
tolong bagi jawapan jujur yer.... |
Reply #48 Truth.8's post
Erk, since went Muslims have Injil... Muslim have Qur'an only...
Dear Truth, Injil and Bible is same things... Bible in English and Injil in Bahasa Malaysia... |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 17-2-2008 02:04 PM
did i used words:
old men
ular caban dua
I have behave myself all the while and i question islam faith because the koran mentioned Jews and Christians are corru ...
Indian Caucasuioan. Sikap menipu dan mohong hang tuh lebih bughuk daghi perkatanan diatas. Wahai India Caucasian yg selalu mohong. |
are dvp and BD still watching on us? |
[fly]Err.. kenapa thread ni ada kat sini..? tak paham aku[/fly] |
senyap? |
beandiesel pegi mane?? lame x nampak... ooo bean... watsup... |
What I have seen is that for many, and by many I will say for majority of the users here, Religion forum is only interesting when:
- they can pick up a fight on some matters;
- if they can accuse others of having an attitude of being 'the only righteous person here' without looking into their own selves.
SAD!! |
Take note!
No post or thread shall be allowed that is for the express purpose of picking fights with other members, and/or name-calling other participants in this regard. A thread that has an indecent, offensive, misleading or provocative title shall be modified/removed. Posts containing indecent, flirtatious, foul, offensive or abusive language or insulting and derogatory to other members, their family or relatives shall be removed. Broadly speaking, topics opened for a discussion on a particular topic should stick to discussion on that or any directly related topic. Please don't derail discussions by irrelevant side-topics. |
Originally posted by purplehyppo at 2/27/08 06:35 PM
are dvp and BD still watching on us?
Originally posted by Nocturna at 3/2/08 12:59 AM
beandiesel pegi mane?? lame x nampak... ooo bean... watsup...
not really. and i don't really have to look into the threads to see what the people are saying. it's gonna be pretty much the same ol'things. and i'm sick of the attitude of most of the people here. so i'm quitting. |
by mod BD in beandiesel inisiative wont work #97:
My Muslim friends, I'm sure you're well aware where this one is going even from the very beginning of this thread. So, in my opinion the more you go along with it the more you'll prove that Debmey is right about the fate of the effort.
adakah ini menunjukkan muslims gagal mengemukan hujah yg jelas
atau non muslim itu masih tidak mengalah???
harap penjelasan... |
Originally posted by orangbesi at 4-5-2008 12:52 PM
adakah ini menunjukkan muslims gagal mengemukan hujah yg jelas
atau non muslim itu masih tidak mengalah???
harap penjelasan...
engko berapa lama and berapa thread dah engko jawap sampai habis?
bukan yg setengah2 pastuh blah..
si Deb tuh dah 8 tahun dia nyeksa muslim
klu engko pi selak belak...(I know mesti engko malas nak selak..pandai complain jer keja..pastuh bagi posting setengah2)
aku tengok muslim dah bagi jawapan..
yang non muslim maseh playing around..
tu namanya tak respect..
watpa nak layan...
ngok juak org tok |
Reply #314 demonagirl6's post
betul sungguh cik demona.. |
Originally posted by orangbesi at 5/3/08 08:52 PM
adakah ini menunjukkan muslims gagal mengemukan hujah yg jelas
atau non muslim itu masih tidak mengalah???
harap penjelasan...
none of the above. I was just hoping that we'd quit involving in pointless arguments, or talking to people we know won't care to listen. |
Reply #314 demonagirl6's post
8 tahun???
takkan lama kotttttt
dan 8 tahun sepatutnya org islam dah banyak BERPENGETAHUAN
dah 8 tahun sepatutnya org islam cuba tackle situasi dr sudut berbeza
dah 8 tahun org islam masih dlm kebodohan
dan yg peting adalah hari ini dan hari esok
adakah kita sanggup memperbaiki diri kita
dan berakhlak yg baik utk dicontohi oleh mereka yg masih JAHIL????
sedangkan org islam sendiri yg merojakkan agama mereka
ikut sikit sunnah nabi tapi banyak sunnah syaitan - setuju ka??? |
bolehkah kalian bayangkan
jika apa yg dicakap itu adalah salah
maka diikut oleh org banyak yg masingx tnggelam dlm kesesatan
tahukah kamu apa AZABNYA menyesatkan yg lain??
kalian masih tak dapat bayangkan nya deritanya
bukan sederita diketuk dek non muslim
tapi berlipat kali gandanya
***api tak leh lawan dgn api, makin PANAS lah ia
cuba sirim sikit dgn AIR KETENANGAN
Reply #318 orangbesi's post
pandai nya cakap..
"jika yang dicakap tu adalah salah"...
tapi ko masih tak jawab soalan aku dan soalan kak pan..
ko masih tak setelkan kekeliruan yang KAU DAH BUAT...
so kat sini ko nak cakap AZAB BILE MENYESATKAN ORANG??
hipocracy at it's best.. |
Mods mintak tolong. Debmey bertukar jadi spammer yang rampant di RSF. Terlalu banyak.
Aku tahu BD that kalau ikut oath tu kita tak payah reply tapi si spammer ni selalu ulang benda sama, kadang-kadang benda merapu lah.
[ Last edited by jaundice at 5-5-2008 01:30 PM ] |
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