[BRF] Istana Bawang 16 - Meghan vs Buckingham , still !! ...Lilibet who ?
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snazzydaisy replied at 28-6-2021 04:46 AM
"HYPOCRISY is not a good foundation on which to build a business model."
... and the Sussexes sti ...
Iols baru je nak tanya ni article thn lepas ke apa. Tengok bwh tu paper arini. Omaigat h&m tak sedar diri sgt. Well, lookin forward gak kalo boleh dimaterialized. Sedangkan oprah nye network pun nak kaput… h&m valuenya???? |

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Post time 28-6-2021 01:17 PM
From the mobile phone
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snazzydaisy replied at 28-6-2021 06:11 AM
Re workplace bully ni, especially pompuan, they have the need to be liked and be popular, mean gir ...
Hahahaha parasite ... Tgk la si harry ni nanti ...
Dah x de kepentingan esok2.. dia tinggal je ...
Ni skrg pon dah suffer xde income from brf |
snazzydaisy replied at 28-6-2021 05:53 AM
what vacuum?
bila tgk video ni baru terjawab persoalan dlm fikiran i selama ni kenape meghan suka pakai baju sleeveless sbb i rasa not appropriate utk royal. i ingatkan sebab bahu dia lebar, rupanya sebab diana pun ada banyak pakai sleeveless juga. |
mana mungkin QE nak mencemar duli terhegeh jumpa her 'dumb' grandson.
nampak sgt just heri n megain ni ingorant, dia xtahu ke sejarah gelaran tu n some more org xkan adress anak dia dgn title tu la, da tentu2 org address dgn nama.. dengar2 org2sussex n dumbarton xnak kan dua ekor badut ni.. duke of edinburg tu akan diwarisi by prince edward, after charles ascended the throne.

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Post time 29-6-2021 07:41 PM
From the mobile phone
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tipah89 replied at 29-6-2021 10:04 AM
nampak sgt just heri n megain ni ingorant, dia xtahu ke sejarah gelaran tu n some more org xkan ad ...
Meghan tu kot la mmg ignorant..
Kan dia claim tak di beritau apa apa pasal istana..
Yg si heri tu mmbesar dgn royal fam
...pon nak jadi ignorant jugak ke ..
Nanti jangkit penyakit bini yg acah semua x tau |
bengong punya jenglot.. |
Smeg obsess dgn Diana since zaman remaja... cuma satu benda aje yg Smeg takkan sanggup tiru, Diana's blonde short hairstyle! 
si Smeg ni diam tak berkutik sepjg minggu ni, pelik lah... July 1st is approaching, adakah kita akan dapat lihat kelibat baby Betty?
Sky News picked up story psl their baby's live birth cert BS 
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The Obgyn yg nama dia tercatat dlm Lili's live birth cert tu is not an ordinary obgyn...hmm!
Kalau ada Louis sekali mesti lagi meriah... 
Dapper George!
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SHUT UP Scoobie, you're NOT a RR, you're just Meghan's lapdog, stop talking abt the royals!!! 
snazzydaisy replied at 30-6-2021 07:36 AM
SHUT UP Scoobie, you're NOT a RR, you're just Meghan's lapdog, stop talking abt the royals!!! :curse ...
And how did this monkey speak on behalf of the royal?
Mana acik angela levin? Squash this monkey now! Perasan royal expert. |
snazzydaisy replied at 30-6-2021 07:11 AM
si Smeg ni diam tak berkutik sepjg minggu ni, pelik lah... July 1st is approaching, adakah kita ak ...
Macam seminggu nak tunggu 1 july ni. Weols tengoklah esok apa jadi. Typical attention seeker. Tengok monkey belaan sheols pun dah berkata kata komen jadik expert royal. |
snazzydaisy replied at 30-6-2021 07:36 AM
SHUT UP Scoobie, you're NOT a RR, you're just Meghan's lapdog, stop talking abt the royals!!! :curse ...
ewwww sejak bile plastik ni jd royal expert  |
Tgk megsy ni mmg rasa nak carut je |
snazzydaisy replied at 30-6-2021 07:36 AM
SHUT UP Scoobie, you're NOT a RR, you're just Meghan's lapdog, stop talking abt the royals!!! :curse ...
Scobie ni muka dia punya la over cucuk.. mmg asik kena troll dlm daily mail comment section |

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Post time 30-6-2021 06:27 PM
From the mobile phone
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snazzydaisy replied at 30-6-2021 07:22 AM
The Obgyn yg nama dia tercatat dlm Lili's live birth cert tu is not an ordinary obgyn...hmm!
So maksudnya .. meghan bukan natural conceive la kannn |
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