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Author: BicaraHatiku

"Rindu Bau Anak", Serina Redzuawan. (Update #451)

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Post time 8-10-2019 07:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
LadyCarefree replied at 8-10-2019 06:07 AM
Hang DM nissan serena hang tolong dia sikit tang macam ni. Dia xberapa cerdik plus tersangat emo m ...

Adoii kosser i olls haha .. harap2 ada follower dia screenshot thread ni hntar kt dia .. yg pastinya nanti i olls cari air heaven serina okkk .. support bmf n usahawan wanita .. go go go serina

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Post time 8-10-2019 07:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
faint_heart replied at 8-10-2019 07:17 PM
Dia patut shut her pie hole la .. nyibuk sgt .. padahal dia xde hak langsung atas the kids .. some ...

Memang dia takde hak pun bagi aku dia ni memandai mandai since si G lepas tangan bagi dia bersuara. She should just stay behind G and let G do the talk. Lepas tu gelak2kan bekas bini menjual keropok dengan kawan2 dia. Eh kuang ajarnye.

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Post time 8-10-2019 08:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
faint_heart replied at 8-10-2019 06:23 PM
Adoii kosser i olls haha .. harap2 ada follower dia screenshot thread ni hntar kt dia .. yg pastin ...

Hehehehehee  iols tetap team serina sbab iols percaya adik beradik tu eloklah duduk dgn mak sendiri

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Post time 8-10-2019 09:04 PM | Show all posts
OsHiN_hOnEy replied at 8-10-2019 04:23 PM
dia ingat being vocal on socmed she has all the right
to call up people with names
apa perasaan  ...

No, I sokong Serina all the way, mmg dari mula rasa ada something tak kena dgn mak tiri. Maybe cuma jalankan agenda hubby dia, atau sama2 kot. Hak penjagaan pun sementara je. Kalau Serina fight for full custody, mesti ada peluang menang, sbb tu they are trying to find ways to stir the pot and somehow play up on atok's story and slander thingy to make S looks like a bad mother, when in fact these are all only allegations .  Also somehow help steer public opinion their way. My heart goes to S no doubt. That is why like u, I want her to fight tooth and claws for her children. Wtever it takes.


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Post time 8-10-2019 09:41 PM | Show all posts
OsHiN_hOnEy replied at 8-10-2019 02:14 PM
dlm court order also stated apart from the agreed every weekend of the month + persetujuan bersama ...

well said dear.

forumer cari ni kebanyakkannya acik acik cerukan ... nampak gavin tu mat saleh .. ader la handsome sikit .... mula lah deme membetulkan segala.

wal hal si serina tu jurus jer mencari rezeki ...

kalau apak nya serina nak mengayah (entah betul entah tidak) .. tidak menghilangkan atau mengurangkan hak serina.

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Post time 8-10-2019 09:44 PM | Show all posts

.. i am so happy now acik acik ramai dah team serina .... awalan benang ramai yang mengutuk  serina .... u go girl .... hakak sokong u serina.

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Post time 8-10-2019 10:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
guesswho09 replied at 8-10-2019 02:37 PM
I rasa nissan tu tak tahan dok rmh
kena buat keje mcm org gaji
allowance pun agaknya tak da

Betul keranda tu masuk daun lah.konon2nya jesian pahtu goda jantan tu.aku yakin memang sejak dlu lagi dia berkenan dkt gaviscon sbb spnjg aku kenal pinay depa mmng suka laki mat saleh

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Post time 8-10-2019 10:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Posh67 replied at 8-10-2019 04:08 PM
Harap Serina fight for her kids, make sure all the court case pay by ur x english man yang kedekut i ...

Aku percaya je si gaviscon ni kedekut dan sengaja ambik kesempatan sbb nissan ni lurus.maybe sbb tak bg nafkah tu yg nissan keluar rmh.aku doakan yg nissan dpt anak2 dia semula dan si penjajah ni bankrap. Biar bini dia plk jual keropok.rskan

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Post time 8-10-2019 10:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
So what kalau chep bernombor tu gayah?itu tetap tidak menafikan hak nissan sbgai mak kandung kepada budak2 tu.dan kalau betul gaviscon betul2 mengikut ajaran Islam patutnya dia tahu nafkah utk isteri tu wajib

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Post time 8-10-2019 10:49 PM | Show all posts
Wow!semakin panas cite nissan & gaviscon nie...d latest post keranda da kna deleted lepastu nk play victim pulak ke..come on nissan fight for ur right,u can do it!

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Post time 8-10-2019 11:22 PM | Show all posts
After reading both threads psl serina, G and mak tiri (K) this thread and satu lg thread berpagar aras 3 tu.. akak lebih berpihak kpd serina. Reason being.. whatever it is.. serina still ibu kpd anak2 itu... serina sbg ibu lahir drpd keluarga Muslim dan dididik dgn cara hidup islam sejak kecil wpun keluarganya mungkin lah x mengamalkan cara hidup Islam sepenuhnya….berbanding dgn G dan K. K masih still newly convert dan dia pun msh perlukan bimbingan dr saudara Muslim sepenuhnya. I doubt this lady K, if she is really a good woman, just do your job, don't spread news over the IG and badmouth about others. Let G do the talk.. I believe sooner G will get tired of her own chaos.. could it be that she is afraid of losing G to S, so she is trying to portray herself as the best mother on earth..

Kalau akak jadi serina pun berdebar2 rasa hati nak lepaskan anak2 utk diasuh oleh org yg just newly convert...biar hilang harta segalanya but not hilang aqidah anak2..itulah harta yg plg bernilai yg akan ditanya di akhirat nnt..  

If serina baca thread ni, akak nak nasihatkan teruslah berjuang untuk mendapatkan hak penjagaan anak2mu..serina pun dah byk berubah ke arah kebaikan..teruskan usahamu dik..

pesan akak kpd serina sepanjang perbicaraan hak penjagaan ini berlangsung..
1) Banyakkanlah solat taubat dan solat tahajud supaya Allah mengampunimu dan memudahkan urusan perbicaraan ini
2) amalkan doa Nabi Yunus semasa ditelan oleh ikan yu
3) Niatkanlah jika hak penjagaan berpihak kpd serina, bawalah anak2 itu menunaikan umrah sbg tanda kesyukuran dan mendekatkan mereka kpd agama islam yg murni ini...sesungguhnya tiada tempat yg lbh baik dr berada di tanah suci


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 Author| Post time 8-10-2019 11:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
OsHiN_hOnEy replied at 8-10-2019 02:14 PM
dlm court order also stated apart from the agreed every weekend of the month + persetujuan bersama ...

Itu la aku ckp dari awal.. baca balik page 6 apa aku tulis. Jgn pakai main sembur jer.

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Post time 8-10-2019 11:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Meols team gavin.. Sebab heols sedap dap dap mata biru awww

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Post time 8-10-2019 11:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
BicaraHatiku replied at 8-10-2019 01:45 PM
Hak jaga tak timbul masaalah.

Hak lawatan tu bukan kah telah dipersetujui dan dah Court Order? ...

Salah. K memberikan tanggapan yg salah bahawa hak adalah sepenuhnya dalam bahasa Inggeris, full custody. Itu salah. Hak jagaan adalah sementara. You must read the documents especially in Malay, not K's rants. Her rants are misleading and so is your headline. So her readers are mislead by what she thinks is the syariah system.

Mahkamah bg syarat utk kali ini, bukan selama2nya. Si ibu boleh pi minta lebih kalau dia nak sbb hak paling byk jatuh pada dia selagi anak tidak mumaiyiz. Melainkan si bapa memberikan bukti si ibu tidak menepati syarat utk menjaga. Dalam hal ini berdasarkan pemerhatian porumer yg lain, G ditangkap basah, anak dgn K lahir selepas 8 bulan ditangkap basah, kini hamil lagi. Kemampuan utk dia menjaga dlm keislaman boleh dipertikaikan. The moment there is evidence that G or K is non-muslim, hak jatuh kepada si ibu as written in the document that you love referring to. It is written there. Read between the lines.

Akhir sekali, kalau hakim tidak memihak kepada si ibu, tanpa pengetahuan ataupun berpengetahuan tetapi masih mahu menyimpang, hakim yg kena menjawab di akhirat kelak, bukannya kita sbb tanggungjawab hakim dah diberikan dlm hadis sblm ini. Kita yg menghakimi juga 2x5. Semoga dijauhi perkara mungkar.

Walllahualam. Iols bukan loyar lagipun. Tapi iols pelik nape u ni mcm nak tutup mata dan percaya K sgt. U ni sebenarnya K, ke?

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Post time 9-10-2019 12:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sayawifenikmie replied at 8-10-2019 09:44 PM
.. i am so happy now acik acik ramai dah team serina .... awalan benang ramai yang mengutuk  serin ...

Kan kakak kita je yg sokong nisan
Yg lain dok ckp keranda x bersalah

Org dah ckp mak tiri duduk diam2 jgn tunjuk sgt jd batu api kt laki. Skg rasakan

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 Author| Post time 9-10-2019 12:20 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by BicaraHatiku at 9-10-2019 12:29 AM
Tinot7 replied at 8-10-2019 11:49 PM
Salah. K memberikan tanggapan yg salah bahawa hak adalah sepenuhnya dalam bahasa Inggeris, full cu ...

My response was based on the Court Order in 2017  on her IG pasal hadaniah. Tak nampak pun pasal “temporary” ke apa. Itu je....therefore I try to refrain myself from making assumptions or theories other than what she has posted and presented.
Feel free to post anything in Bahasa..(preferably graphic evidence) pasal temporary custody for rebuttal. Anyway, I bukan Keranda ye . Saya hanyalah pengundi atas pagar yg makan popcorn dan awak ni siapa pulak.. Tok Wan ke? Agree to disagree..

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Post time 9-10-2019 12:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
BicaraHatiku replied at 9-10-2019 12:20 AM
My response was based on the Court Order in 2017  on her IG pasal hadaniah. Tak nampak pun pasal ...

The term is hadhanah. You tak baca muka surat ketiga pada IG dia. Takpe. Iols anggap u ni bkn bbnu sbb tak reti swipe IG utk bace berita on the next page. U share, tapi u tak tau apa yg u share. It's ok.

Iols bkn CW. Iols T. Kih kih kih

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 Author| Post time 9-10-2019 12:32 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by BicaraHatiku at 9-10-2019 12:45 AM
Tinot7 replied at 9-10-2019 12:28 AM
The term is hadhanah. You tak baca muka surat ketiga pada IG dia. Takpe. Iols anggap u ni bkn bbnu ...

Ok terima kasih atas pencerah dan evidence itu. Ya i belum sempat baca, plus im not a full reporter yer. Apologize for having some other hobbies and a life.

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Post time 9-10-2019 12:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kepada sesape yg nak tau psl K sbb iols pun tak tahu sapa dia sampai la TT post psl dia.

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Post time 9-10-2019 12:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
BicaraHatiku replied at 9-10-2019 12:32 AM
Ok terima kasih atas pencerah dan evidence.  Ya i belum sempat baca. Im not a full reporter yer. ...

Aik kecik ati ke?
Kalau nak post kena buat homework dulu.

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