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Author: atira

[Jenayah] SR, Wall Street Journal berterusan memfitnah Najib- PANAS! bukti dah keluar

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Post time 4-7-2015 03:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bila mesia nak sign TTPA?

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Post time 4-7-2015 04:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
atira replied at 4-7-2015 03:48 PM
sis gi ofis dia buat apa?

patut la beria2 sheols bekap najib ngan kak ros.. sumber dana ngo nye ...

Hehe. Rahsia la sis.

Beliau lagian telah dilantik sbg pegawai khas kan, jadi tugas beliau memang utk bela jibby dan isteri la... lol

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Post time 4-7-2015 04:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
atira replied at 4-7-2015 03:48 PM
sis gi ofis dia buat apa?

patut la beria2 sheols bekap najib ngan kak ros.. sumber dana ngo nye ...

ngo tu ilham jibby juga... Beliau cuma tukang jaga jah...

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Post time 4-7-2015 04:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
selama ni punyalah susah utk pundekar mulayu indon ni mendapat tempat dlm media massa tersohor antarabangsa sampai terpaksa sesah jota2 duet rakyat untuk bayar pelobi to arrange for 'scripted interview' antara beliau dgn media asing but this time around wsj bg free publicity kat beliau n bhammm! terus jadi 'media sensation' inland and abroad

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 Author| Post time 4-7-2015 04:09 PM | Show all posts
mufti.... bab ni yg melibätkan kepentingan rakyat.. tak pula komen apa2 ye..
bab si pondan azwana tu lajuuuuu je

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 Author| Post time 4-7-2015 04:10 PM | Show all posts
revolusi_30 replied at 4-7-2015 04:05 PM
ngo tu ilham jibby juga... Beliau cuma tukang jaga jah...

upah jaga pon ...mau lumayan tu sis...


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Post time 4-7-2015 04:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hzln replied at 4-7-2015 12:44 PM
ko jgn nak berpropaganda sangat bulih? itu ranking negara terbaik utk warga2 emas mereput tunggu m ...

Dah macai bongok tu cerita pasal taraf hidup tinggi..aku pun tepek lah standard of living n negara pilihan pesara berdasarkan standard of living n quality provided..

Kalau nak quality of living..pergilah negara maju..tapi duit pun sendiri mahu ingatlah..

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Post time 4-7-2015 04:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Iols ingat ke sampai Mara je skandal dia, rupenye x abis lg, kali ni sampai mbabitkan acct bank pribadi, well esok luse pasti ade skandal lain pulak

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Post time 4-7-2015 04:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
atira replied at 4-7-2015 04:10 PM
upah jaga pon ...mau lumayan tu sis...

Ok la.  X lumayan xkan sanggup nk membodohkan diri mcm ne kan ... Lol

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Post time 4-7-2015 04:18 PM | Show all posts
hzln replied at 4-7-2015 03:34 PM
payah najib nak nafi transaksi dr src itu langsung x wujud, sbb harus diingat, duit itu masuk dr sin ...

teruskan perbincangan.... syok ni sambil buat lasagna sambil baca semua ni.... aku dah penat...nak pikiaq kata oghang kedah

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 Author| Post time 4-7-2015 04:25 PM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki replied at 4-7-2015 04:18 PM
teruskan perbincangan.... syok ni sambil buat lasagna sambil baca semua ni.... aku dah penat...nak ...

hebatnye menu buka puasa sis

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 Author| Post time 4-7-2015 04:28 PM | Show all posts

Muhyiddin Yassin
31 mins ·

Kenyataan Media
YAB Tan Sri Muhyiddin Haji Mohd Yassin
Timbalan Perdana Menteri
Saya berasa amat bimbang dengan pendedahan terkini Wall Street Journal mengenai beberapa akaun peribadi milik YAB Dato' Seri Mohd Najib Tun Abd. Razak yang didakwa telah menerima sejumlah wang daripada beberapa buah entiti yang dikatakan mempunyai hubungan dengan 1MDB.
Tuduhan ini amatlah berat kerana ia boleh menjejaskan kredibiliti dan integriti Dato' Seri Najib sebagai Perdana Menteri dan Ketua Kerajaan. Isu ini juga telah menarik perhatian rakyat serta media antarabangsa dan pastinya menyentuh kepentingan awam.
Oleh itu, saya berpendirian bahawa pihak berkuasa penyiasatan seperti Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM), Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) dan Polis Di Raja Malaysia (PDRM) dengan kerjasama Jabatan Peguam Negara perlu bertindak segera untuk menyiasat segala tuduhan yang dibuat terhadap Dato' Seri Najib. Saya yakin siasatan mengenai perkara ini akan dijalankan secara terperinci, telus dan bebas demi mencari kebenaran.
Oleh kerana tuduhan ini adalah bersifat peribadi, maka adalah wajar bagi Dato' Seri Najib untuk memberikan penjelasan yang meyakinkan atau membuat penafian. Sehubungan itu, saya menyambut baik kenyataan Dato' Seri Najib yang telah menafikan tuduhan yang dilemparkan terhadap beliau. Sekiranya beliau yakin semua tuduhan itu adalah tidak benar dan fitnah semata-mata, maka adalah wajar beliau mengambil tindakan undang-undang ke atas pihak-pihak yang membuat tuduhan demi membersihkan nama beliau dan mengembalikan kredibiliti kerajaan.
Sementara siasatan terperinci dijalankan, saya menyeru semua pihak supaya bertenang. Saya pasti kebenaran akan muncul hasil siasatan yang dijalankan oleh pihak berkuasa.
Saya berdoa mudah-mudahan di bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak ini, Allah s.w.t akan memberikan kita segala tawfiq dan hidayah untuk menyelesaikan segala kemelut yang berlaku dan mengurniakan kesejahteraan yang berkekalan kepada rakyat dan negara kita.
Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia
4 Julai 2015


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Post time 4-7-2015 04:29 PM | Show all posts
atira replied at 4-7-2015 04:25 PM
hebatnye menu buka puasa sis

Hebat apa... ni menu orang pemalas....bukak tin prego ..panas susu dgn tepung...campoq parmesan cheese...susun keping lasagna... selang seli dgn prego dan susu..cheese..whalla... pi bakaq...tu pun pakai pretimer

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Post time 4-7-2015 04:34 PM | Show all posts
senang je, hantar la macai2 seperti ketua twitter dan zahid jawa gi tangkap wsj tu...close case

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Post time 4-7-2015 04:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
PenyokongNajib replied at 4-7-2015 05:46 AM
Personal gain tu refer kepada tuduhan duit masuk ke akaun beliau..samada untuk tujuan kempen pilih ...

ok, 1st thing 1st
1st dia kena jawab tuduhan yg dibuat olh sr n wsj iaitu sejumlah duit dimasukkan ke account peribadi beliau n pilihan jawapan yg beliau ada ialah

A) benar, sekian sekian amount dari src telah dimasukkan ke ac peribadi saya seperti yg dilaporkan

B) tidak benar sama sekali. tiada sekian sekian amount dari src yg telah dimasukkan ke ac peribadi saya spt yg dilaporkan

itulah juga soalan yg perlu beliau jawab dihadapan hakim sekiranya beliau ada telor untuk membawa perkara ni ke muka pengadilan

tidak perlu membuang masa buat penafian tdak guna duit for personal gain coz the news reports only states that the money trail end up in his personal bank account and it stops there. tiada pun dalam reports tulis untuk apa n ke mana wang yg dimasukkan ke ac pribadi najib digunakan. paham?

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 Author| Post time 4-7-2015 04:37 PM | Show all posts
cupin_cipin replied at 4-7-2015 04:34 PM
ok, 1st thing 1st
1st dia kena jawab tuduhan yg dibuat olh sr n wsj iaitu sejumlah duit dimasukka ...

skarang ni najib gebang apa pon org tak caya..
terpaksa la dia tunjuk bukti yg mantap utk bersihkan nama dia

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Post time 4-7-2015 04:42 PM | Show all posts
PenyokongNajib replied at 4-7-2015 04:12 PM
Dah macai bongok tu cerita pasal taraf hidup tinggi..aku pun tepek lah standard of living n negara ...

list tu generally utk expats yg nak pencen lah, dgn expats punya keupayaan kewangan, mmg lah bagi depa MURAH kos hidup kat sini
sewa rumah 2-3k sebulan celah gigi jah bagi depa, dlm duit depa baru baper ratus jah
bagi ummah lokal gaji 1200 sebulan, mampu duk flat pprt bersesak dgn indon bangla jah, itukah standard dan kualiti hidup yg kau banggakan?
kau kalu nak memacaikan diri dlm ni pun, jgn la bagi ilmu menyeleweng

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 Author| Post time 4-7-2015 04:45 PM | Show all posts
Edited by atira at 4-7-2015 04:46 PM ... oversy-at-a-glance/
5:17 AM EST JUL 3, 2015 By Tom Wright

Malaysian investigators scrutinizing a government investment fund have traced nearly $700 million of deposits into what they believe are the personal bank accounts of the country’s prime minister. A breakdown of what you need to know on this story:

What is 1Malaysia Development Bhd.?
A strategic development fund Prime Minister Najib Razak set up in 2009, promising it would develop new industries and turn the capital, Kuala Lumpur, into a global financial center. 1MDB is 100%-owned by the Finance Ministry, which also is headed by Mr. Najib. But unlike sovereign-wealth funds, it financed itself through issuing debt, and today owes more than $11 billion.
Why has it stirred controversy?
Critics of the fund, including members of Mr. Najib’s ruling party, say it took on too much debt and lacks transparency. The fund raised billions of dollars in bonds and has moved large amounts to accounts offshore. Some of its projects, including plans to develop oil fields overseas and a mine in Mongolia, haven’t panned out. The fund this year has rescheduled debt repayments and had to rely on a $1 billion capital injection from an Abu Dhabi state fund to repay other loans. 1MDB has defended its record and says its assets are worth more than its debts. There are four official government investigations ongoing into the fund’s activities.

What's the latest?
The Wall Street Journal in June reported that 1MDB played an indirect role in funding Mr. Najib’s election campaign in May 2013. The fund bought assets from a Malaysian company at what appeared to be an inflated price. That company later made donations to a Najib-linked charity that spent money on schools and other projects Mr. Najib was able to tout as he campaigned.
More recently, the Journal reported that Malaysian investigators looking into 1MDB had traced nearly $700 million of deposits into what they believe are the personal bank accounts of Mr. Najib. The investigation documents, reviewed by the Journal, mark the first time Mr. Najib has been directly connected to the probes into 1MDB.

How could this affect the U.S.?
Malaysia under Mr. Najib, who came to power six years ago, has drawn closer to the U.S. The country is seen in Washington as a bulwark against China’s growing territorial ambitions in the South China Sea. Foreign investors also have played a large role in Malaysia’s economy, and own about half of the country’s government bonds. Worries the government will have to step in and bail out 1MDB — worsening its fiscal position — have pushed the ringgit this month to fresh 10-year lows.


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Post time 4-7-2015 04:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
@atira kp caye tak pasni si penyokongbijan tu gula gulakan nama yidin neh mcm dia gula gulakan KJ kat benang sebelah lepas stetmen terbaru yidin?

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Post time 4-7-2015 04:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by cupin_cipin at 4-7-2015 04:49 PM
atira replied at 4-7-2015 04:37 PM
skarang ni najib gebang apa pon org tak caya..
terpaksa la dia tunjuk bukti yg mantap utk bersihk ...

masalahnya bukti yg beliau ada pun tidak berpihak kpd beliau
sebab itulah dari awal lg beliau telah bertindak menutup pembohongan dengan pembohongan baru n now pembohongan2 yg beliau cipta itu telah menjerat diri beliau sendiri
macai pun tak boleh nak tolong tutup lubang skang ni
harap nanti takdelah kita dengor brita ada org masuk spital kes telan pil berlebihan

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