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Author: Rahah

[tvN/Netflix 2022] LITTLE WOMEN - Kim Go Eun, Nam Ji Hyun, Park Ji Hoo, Wi Ha Joon

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Post time 9-10-2022 09:40 PM | Show all posts
dalam BM ade perkataan tamak dan ditamnah dengan

tamak haloba

haloba tu makna ape?

depa ni keluarga Park Jae Sang and Sang - A ni dikira bukan tamak dah, tapi tamak halobeeee, gegiler punya tamak...

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Post time 9-10-2022 09:49 PM | Show all posts
Rahah replied at 9-10-2022 06:19 PM
Injoo memang naive...
Banyak perkara dia tak tau...

scene hwa Young Making a comeback , entry ke dalam court tu...i teringat doctor lawyer , babak ji sub masuk ke dalam court ...

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 Author| Post time 9-10-2022 09:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kata2 Mari tu agak annoying jugak dengar... salah satunya dia jealous sebab Inkyung tu happy even though miskin... itu pun jadi masalah dia jugak ke...

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 Author| Post time 9-10-2022 09:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 9-10-2022 09:49 PM
scene hwa Young Making a comeback , entry ke dalam court tu...i teringat doctor lawyer , babak ji  ...

1st episode tu ke...
Masa 1st time dia masuk court kan...
Character Jisub tu lagi hebat sebab dia jadi doctor & lawyer...

Tonight nak tengok Hwa Young punya plan... Hopefully takde plot twist dia plan dengan Won Sang Ah...

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Post time 9-10-2022 11:35 PM | Show all posts
lega dah abis...
everything wrapped up nicely...
duit tu dapat balik kat 3 beradik tu sebab masuk dlm akaun hyorin...
citer ni truly women centric...watak2 utama yg menggerakkan cerita semua watak perempuan...
the 3 sisters, sang ah (the villain) & hwa semua watak2 paling penting dlm citer ni...
even the director & writer pun perempuan...

yg lain2 tu iols komen esok, tunggu bila ramai dah tgk...xnak bagi spoiler dulu...

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Post time 9-10-2022 11:46 PM | Show all posts
iols bagi hint sikit :
1) sang ah is totally lunatic - ni xde sebab lain, dia memang gila sejak azali lagi
2) salah satu kapal belayar - iols rasa writer x puas hati dgn ending kat novel,that's why dia buat kapal ni belayar in her version...  
3) choi do il is so dashing masa selamatkan in joo...

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Post time 9-10-2022 11:53 PM | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 9-10-2022 11:46 PM
iols bagi hint sikit :
1) sang ah is totally lunatic - ni xde sebab lain, dia memang gila sejak azal ...

alamakkk yg nomot 3 tu yeayyy..
pssst kapal apa yg belayar tu

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Post time 10-10-2022 12:09 AM | Show all posts
jappp kenapa wi hajoon tetiba jadik  hensem ek?
goeun n hajoon ni ada berlakon sama dlm coin locker girl.. cerita sadis tu.. tp dlm film tu goeun couple dgn park bogum

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Post time 10-10-2022 12:34 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
zehra2 replied at 10-10-2022 12:09 AM
jappp kenapa wi hajoon tetiba jadik  hensem ek?
goeun n hajoon ni ada berlakon sama dlm coin locker  ...

Bukan dia memang hensem ke? Pada iols dia hensem sgt especially part senyuman dia tu…manisnya lahai…siapa2 pun blh cair tgk…tapi dlm citer ni dia memang nampak charming especially kalau pakai baju hitam…

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Post time 10-10-2022 12:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
zehra2 replied at 9-10-2022 11:53 PM
alamakkk yg nomot 3 tu yeayyy..
pssst kapal apa yg belayar tu

Kapal satu lagi, yg equivalent to Jo-Laurie dlm versi novel/english…

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Post time 10-10-2022 01:27 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 10-10-2022 10:40 AM

ep 12

for me wow brilliant ending
puassss hati


goodness and truth  eventually will definitely be overpowering the evil deeds and deception.

Benarlah kata that old elementary teacher yg the last member of Jeongram Society -  I chose Park Jae Sang over you Song - A because i knew it from the start that you 're looney....tinggg tong ...dan babak terakhir , antara dialogue In Joo and Song - A ( tiberzzzzz....i terkejutsz jugak sebab In Joo is like Freud pulaksss...she psychoanalysing the psychopathic thoughts - behaviour of Song - A ; wow masa tu sel sel otak neuron  In Joo bersambunggggg sangat pulaksssss In Joo trauma did your brain good yeah?) menerangkan bagaimana song - A tu jadi looneyyyy...tingg togggg...

wah wah cantik konklusi dan wrapping ups to all the 3 sisters,
so eloklah In Kyung pursue her dream to study things ....

and In Hye - who knows - adik yg i paling benci pangainya dah jadi manusia....she is as i said could selectively use her wits whenever the condition suits her ...dan if she willing to ...kalau dia nak care dia bleh sebab dia an artist - very perceptive and receptive, now nampak apa observaton dia pasal layanan kakak 2 dia erhadap dia...

Cho Do Il - yeah i kinda like the dynamics between In Joo - Cho do Il - well yeah so cool  and hopeful...he likes her lah , mana ade a guy yg sanggup susah payah gitu if he didnt like her ...'kan kene tikam lagi tu dgn im soo tu , argh ...

best babak dia tag team with Jung Ho masa babak 16 minit  terakhir tu...

yeah about their parents  - lantaklah sampai ke sudah ...hmm ...???

tapi scene yg i suke ialah scene In Joo pi rumah kondo by the river han..yg auntie dia punya - sentimental scene sebab  - she is reflecing on her thoughts self , hopes
adakah dia akan duduk rumah tu...???
sebab kata kata dia tu deep, she wants to feel alive and living her life when she lives in a house that her soul is comfy with....dia nangis kan...dia nak berubah...
tak sangka itu a gift....with hye pun appreciate pengorbanan dia.

So pandai Cho Do Il ni plan...yg duit tu dia sifon ke account  hye rim in panama. so sejahat song - A ,segiler dia and sejahat park jae sang - well , they at least did well in talking care of hyo rim financially lah kan.

okay then pasal - Hwa Young and IN Joo...yeah a lot to take in...bertuah Hwa Young sebab dapat kawan naive dan berani macam In Joo...isk ngeri bila tengok sprinklers berisi HCl tu  iskkkk

so apa yg berlaku di Singapore - terjawab....

i percaya Hwa young wujud sebab kasut yg dia suruh In Joo pakai semasa in Joo separa sedar bangun darikatil dan nak lari...ketika tu ababk kemalangan in Joo pakai kasut tinggi...

dan on Hwa Young 's part - yes good for her ...i mean she is safe in the jail anyways.

Dan itulah kesahnyaaaa Jeongram Society yg tak ada makne rupenye
depa kecewa - a few trained cmmadoes who went rogue , sebab kesalahan korea jugak yg tak nak depa balik and dah signed dengan CIA...dan CIA juga trained depa untuk bunuh anasir subversive laos and cambodia? vietnam tu, tapi depa depa ni dah dilupai dan dikorbankan begitu saje sebab kerajaan korea dah terima pampasan and they were not supposed to live and return to korea  pun...ini halnyer...

i think ini cara depa balas dendam and betullah depa considered dead...ghost rogue commandoes ...

so kalau macam tu apakah halal tujuan dan matlamat penubuhan depa ni then?


nice wrappings.

betullah auntie i=seo hye tu kire kene aniaya lah , she is not part of them...

tertanya i  - apa jadi kat ayah  cho Do Il? dan ibu cho do il?
dan ayah Cho Do Il tu bagus ye...i think ayah dia hidup sebab bawa bomb, kan dia cakap kat In Joo , u kene bawa bomb juga..i think he is alive...tatau pulak nasib mak Cho Do Il...

apa jadi kat wartwan lady yg nasty tu ?


i like the camera works - cantik drone shot In Joo semasa dia lalui taman ke rumah Song _ A babak akhir..
i suke wide angle shot - to capture the whole context then zoomed in...

so kudos toKim hee Won - you rock...
screen writer

i suke pengarah ni dalam Vincenzo i follow my hunch, purely and ternyata best dan tak mengecewakan,

little women i tengok sebab nak tengok Joong Ki je, jadi penjual kasut sebab dia ade sebut yg Kim Hee Won panggil dia buat cameo, dia berbesar hati itu je hahahaa ...but bila tengok ep 2 tersuke dan tengok ep 1 juga and wow yeah i strongly recommended ini citer, penangan Song Joong Ki si penjual kasut hahaha


good original idea untuk plot and plot development, aspek character specification - castings and development through out the drama  - bagus , mmg sesuai watak - pelakon yg mainkan watak memasing.
intrigue and suspense elements ;  wowwwww ini yg pandai keeps me going ... bagus organizaton and plot sequencing drama ni.
main plot  bagus - progresss dia logik...semua watak utama and crucial ade air time yg cukup...cuma in ep 3 ke  4 yg babak in hye sakit, then keputusan auntie dia tak nak sponsor in hye belajar arts sendiri , atas biaya sendiri tu  yes, i found a bit funny, then. Tapi bila tahu auntie dia meninggal dan ade tinggalkan aset kurang daripada hutang? liabiliti ten i terfikir oh  okay....ade juga issues auntie dia ni, tapi sapa ambil alih perniagaan Auntie dia ye? in kyung dah nak ke US?
yeah puas hati, secara overall, 70-75%%.


i suke Intro music and graphic citer ni the intro music tu catchy...

cume adamas je intro musc and OST dia i tak dapat tangkap...

Intro and graphic citer love in contract i suke jugaksssss

yeah overall review i personally,  puas hati sesangat ...


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Post time 10-10-2022 01:33 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 10-10-2022 12:34 AM
Bukan dia memang hensem ke? Pada iols dia hensem sgt especially part senyuman dia tu…manisnya lah ...

imej wi hajoon dlm kepala ku ni selalu mcm drama dgn wookie.. gila2.. asyik melompat2

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Post time 10-10-2022 01:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 10-10-2022 12:38 AM
Kapal satu lagi, yg equivalent to Jo-Laurie dlm versi novel/english…

oooo inkyung ke..
kenapa tiga beradik ni tk bertemu lg sama2 ya.
dia org terpisah2 ke..
esok siang kena tgk semula

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Post time 10-10-2022 01:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tq semuaaa yg bersama2 komen psl drama ni. kdg rasa tk sempat nk tgk, baca komen korang, baru boleh tangkap.
jd extend 2.. 3 hari pun boleh follow

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Post time 10-10-2022 01:44 AM | Show all posts
zehra2 replied at 10-10-2022 12:09 AM
jappp kenapa wi hajoon tetiba jadik  hensem ek?
goeun n hajoon ni ada berlakon sama dlm coin locker  ...

yeah he is acting like a smart accountant and so sleekly professional at what he does

dia zahirkan watak sebagai seorang operative yg icik, bijak and all that - and calm tu

sebelum ni i tengok citer denga lee dong wook ke yg citer i tengok tak habis tu, dia i tengk so so je, tapi dalam drama ni wow watk dia memang appealingly nice..


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Post time 10-10-2022 01:51 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 10-10-2022 01:52 AM

i read english classic novel tapi bab little women i tak pernah sentuh and ambik tahu sebab i have this prejudice yg citer wanita zaman classic english akans edih dan melara - macam yg i baca jane eyre tu itu my mom suruh bace , so i bace sebab my mom's book ade yg versi english yg kulit berjahit and ade illustration...

so i tak pernah ambik tahu watak 3 women ni ...i pernah tanya a friend masa sekolah menengah rendah best tak novel ni little woemn tha friend cakap edih ade pneumonia.. hahahaa so i tak bace langsung

i baca yg involved ladies - jane austen and jane eyre , yg lain novelist like dickens, sherlock holmes , RLS , yg lain lain tu yess i bace...

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Post time 10-10-2022 04:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tamat sudah little women.. Puas hati lah dengan ending dia..

Baru terungkai segalanya.. Semua sebab rancangan Hwa Young. Rancangan dia simple je tapi jd complicated sebab Sang A..
Hwa Young tak terfikir yang Sang A ni gila ke cemane..mujur yang mati tu memang nak bunuh diri.. Kalau idok sesia mati katak camtu je..

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 Author| Post time 10-10-2022 04:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Woah... Best tengok ending...
rasa macam apa yang iols harapkan pada writernim tu semua ada kat ending...
Especially Won Sang Ah & Jeongran Society tu... Jeongran Society pun dah terkubur sebab pengasas pun mati jugak...

Pada iols drama ni antara best drama untuk tahun ni...
Dari segi plot drama, character development, cast, cinematography semuanya puas hati... even though 12 episodes tapi iols puas hati...

Cuma... pasal history Vietnam War tu je... writernim tak jaga sensitivity Vietnamese... kalau Korean je yang tengok tak kisahlah nak ubah fakta pun...

Overall... iols suka drama ni...

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 Author| Post time 10-10-2022 05:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Drama ni main cast, villain women... judge pun a lady...

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Post time 10-10-2022 05:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Baca komen2 selain drpd komen2 kat sini ramai yg x puas hati ending In Joo & Do Il…’eh camtu je? Masing2 just cakap bye2’…punyalah payah nak cari komen2 dari aspek lain…

pada iols ok je ending diorg tu…nak buat diorg kissu2 is so out of character…tunjuk subtle yg Do Il care kat In Joo camtu je pun dah cukup…kan Do Il cakap dia jenis manusia yg pikir pasal duit je…lagipun Do Il cakap ‘jumpa lagi’ maknanya diorg x terputus hubungan…pandai2lah Do Il cari In Joo balik nanti…

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