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Author: sherrina

Dan Brown - new book: The Lost Symbol

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Post time 23-5-2006 01:29 PM | Show all posts
aku tak habis2 lagi baca buku nie
esk dh booking tiket..kena habiskan hari ni gak!!

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Post time 23-5-2006 04:54 PM | Show all posts
kiter rase dia da tukar ending asal..  takut nak timbulkan byk lagi kontro.  karang ni pun, dan brown hidup dlm ketakutan. dah jadi cam salman rushdee sket,

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Post time 23-5-2006 05:17 PM | Show all posts
pls reply to the original da vinci's code thread here ... &extra=page%3D1

kang cik mod seri balik, dia akan mergekan..



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Post time 24-5-2006 01:40 PM | Show all posts
nih dia, dia dok mai...thanks komrad, for holding the fort...

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Post time 24-5-2006 06:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by periwinkle.. at 23-5-2006 08:50 AM
hmm.. masih belum tengok cerita ni... anyway, tadi terdengar dalam radio akan dibuat pulak prequel cerita ni sebab sambutan yang hangat.. adaptation cerita angel & demon pulak.. angel & dem ...

That would be interesting too. I would not be surprised if people would start groping into quantum physics ...heheheheh!

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Post time 24-5-2006 09:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by seribulan at 24/5/06 01:40 PM
nih dia, dia dok mai...thanks komrad, for holding the fort...

welcome back chief comrade... leganya dah balik

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Post time 25-5-2006 01:19 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Robab at 19-5-2006 09:22 AM
so, agaknye watak robert langdon boleh direplace ngn george clooney?
what a disappoinment
why should he change the ending???

tak sesuaii.. still tom hanks paling sesuai jadi langdon.. ko patut bace buku angel and demon.. ade describe macamner robert langdon..

diorang nak buat angel and demon movie ker?? pehh..

angel and demon plak pasal experiment yg buat lab.. dpt buat small bigbang.. huhu

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Post time 25-5-2006 11:11 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by LimpBizkutMerri at 25/5/06 01:19 AM

tak sesuaii.. still tom hanks paling sesuai jadi langdon.. ko patut bace buku angel and demon.. ade describe macamner robert langdon..

diorang nak buat angel and demon movie ker?? pehh..


buku DVC ada gak desrcribe camne rupa robert langdon, macam harrison ford.. then eligible lagi, kalau dari rupa tom hanks mmg biasa je

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Post time 25-5-2006 02:30 PM | Show all posts
akhirnya dapat gak aku habiskan baca DVC nie.
dan malam semlm aku dah g tengok movie.
memula bila tengok dorang tukar storyline,xsama macam buku aku cam frust gak la..bengkek jer..tapi bila dah tamat,aku rasa ok la..walaupun kat tengah2 tu cam boring skit..watak bezu fache dalam citer ni tak macam dalam buku..dalam buku dia lagi agresif.
dan lagi,aku paling suka baca part yang polis nak periksa kapal terbang tu,masa teabing kata kalau nak check kena ada waran..dalam buku suspen,tapi dalam movie biasa jer..
tapi yelahkan..mana leh sume nak tiru sebijik2 dalam buku..:nerd:
kesimpulan aku,buku dan movie dua-dua pun enjoyable..aku terasa paling dramatik masa langdon melutut kat holy grail tu..dont get me wrong,bukan sbb aku pcaya kewujudan mary magdalene tu tapi scene tu dgn bckground music buat aku rasa tersentuh..

just my 2 cents...



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Post time 25-5-2006 02:57 PM | Show all posts
personally, i like angels & demons much better dari DVC (Kalau buku la)
just wishing the movie would be much better :D

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Post time 25-5-2006 03:36 PM | Show all posts
Scottish chapel is 'Da Vinci Code' site By SUE LEEMAN
Mon May 22, 1:09 PM ET

ROSLIN, Scotland - There's no mystical rose line running through it, no Star of David carved into the floor or hidden vault where the fabled Holy Grail may rest. And the brutal veil of metal scaffolding shrouding the chapel doesn't help either.

Reality at Rosslyn Chapel is very different from the portrayal in Dan Brown's hit thriller, "The Da Vinci Code," but the novel has been a welcome boost for a church in desperate need of repair.

The book suggests the medieval stone building perched in a gentle fold of the Pentland hills outside Edinburgh could be the repository of the fabled Holy Grail ? and with it the secret of whether Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene founded a dynasty.

Many visitors, although drawn by the novel, are skeptical of its theories.

"I loved the book, but at no time did I come here thinking I should look for the Holy Grail," said Margaret Silberman, a psychologist from Chicago, as she emerged into the chapel's blossom-splashed garden.

"It didn't disappoint me that it's not just as Brown described ? it's fiction, after all."

Myra Pruitt from Atlanta also didn't support Brown's theories, "but even without that, this is a spiritual, fascinating place," she said.

Rosslyn hosted 117,000 visitors in 2005 ? more than three times the number three years ago ? and another 145,000 are expected this year, according to church director Stuart Beattie.

Hoping to swell those visitor numbers, VisitScotland, the official tourist agency, has invested $54,000 on a DVD, "The Rosslyn Enigma," which it is using to promote the destination in North America.

After the film's international release in May, "I guess more people will come but the rush is already with us," Beattie said.

Guides inform visitors that the chapel, which was built in the shape of a cross, was founded in 1446 by Sir William St. Clair, a Grand Master in the Knights Templar, an ancient order of benevolent knights.

The chapel is probably just the back end of what was conceived as a much grander building, but Rosslyn is famed for its profuse and exuberant ? some would say over the top ? decoration.

"The architecture within is exquisitely beautiful," Dorothy Wordsworth, the poet's sister, said after visiting in 1807, though she feared that "as nothing is done to keep it together, it must, in the end, fall."

Guides focus on the intricate stone carvings of angels and green men (a sign of rebirth) and the imposing "apprentice pillar" with its twisting wreaths of stone leaves, named for a young worker supposedly killed by a boss jealous of his skill.

With a bit of imagination, guides say, you can glimpse the ancient Jewish six-pointed star implicit in parts of the architecture that Brown posits as a sign of mystical goings-on.

But there is no Star of David on the floor, no rose line leading to the grail, and no vault that could be hiding the legendary relic, said Beattie.

"People come to Rosslyn with a great raft of different reasons and theories, all of which we enjoy although we don't necessarily agree with them," he said.

Director Ron Howard brought Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou here to film scenes from the book. The crew paid the chapel for four days of lost tourism revenue, a figure reported to be upwards of $36,000, though Beattie won't be specific. "We are making a net profit," is all he will confirm.

The chapel needs $23 million to correct damaging repairs inflicted in the 1950s; visitors are charged $12.50 to enter.

The influx has meant recruiting five extra staff ? there are now 14 ? and the new car park above the pretty sloping churchyard is taking a pounding from tour coaches.

There's very little that is specifically Christian in the gift shop, which offers Less Templeur chardonnay ("a dry white that comes from vineyards planted when the Knight Templar roamed the southern French countryside" ), Masonic symbols, a Da Vinci board game and books about the Holy Grail theories, including Brown's.

Across the road from the chapel, an enterprising farmer markets "Da Vinci manure" at 90 cents a bag.

Brown's thriller claims that Jesus Christ fathered a child with Mary Magdalene and their descendants became the kings of France.

But it contends that the Roman Catholic church, keen to play down Mary's role, suppressed this truth.

The book follows fictional Harvard professor Robert Langdon (Hanks) and code expert Sophie Neveu (Tautou) as they investigate the murder of an elderly member of an ancient society that guards the secrets of the Holy Grail and the story of Jesus Christ.



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Post time 25-5-2006 04:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by limau_nipis at 25-5-2006 11:11 AM

buku DVC ada gak desrcribe camne rupa robert langdon, macam harrison ford.. then eligible lagi, kalau dari rupa tom hanks mmg biasa je

seriously between harrison ford ngan tom hanks.. mane lebih sesuai utk jadi watak professor havard yg takde life n loser dan mengajar subject yg membosankan..subject symbolist??? harrison ford ke tom hanks..:hmm:

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Post time 25-5-2006 10:52 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by LimpBizkutMerri at 25/5/06 04:33 PM

seriously between harrison ford ngan tom hanks.. mane lebih sesuai utk jadi watak professor havard yg takde life n loser dan mengajar subject yg membosankan..subject symbolist??? harrison ford  ...

harison ford tua2 handsome gak tau :pompom:
george clooney perhaps?

opss.. terbabas dari topik

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Post time 26-5-2006 09:36 AM | Show all posts

harrison ford nampak ilmiah sikit dari george clooney
particularly like his film, the fugitive (ker?)

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Post time 9-6-2006 10:06 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mardhiah12 at 26/5/06 09:36 AM

harrison ford nampak ilmiah sikit dari george clooney
particularly like his film, the fugitive (ker?)

if harison ford become robert langdon.. heheheh

Review from

A film review by Steve Rhodes

Copyright 2006 Steve Rhodes

RATING (0 TO4 star):  * 1/2

If you believe that any joint collaboration between Tom Hanks and Ron Howard would have to be entertaining, you'd be so wrong, as THE DA VINCI CODE, a big budget bore, proves. Running a painfully long two-and-a-half hours, it turns a page-turner of a novel into a plodding and perfunctory production. The lifeless performances are all phoned in, and the cinematography is so dull and dingy that you'll swear they forgot to clean the camera lenses.

The book may not be great, but it does provide some absorbing and easy reading. The plot is convoluted and preposterous, but the book makes it seem just plausible enough to forgive its flaws. The movie, however, is baffling, boring and silly. Moreover, the more confused the audience gets, the less it cares. The big mystery about battling secret societies within the Catholic Church and about a big secret which will "shake Christianity to its very foundations" becomes increasingly ridiculous and tedious in the movie. One of the main characters is a mysterious albino monk (Paul Bettany) named Silas, who spends his all free time in self-flagellation, an activity which the movie finds so fascinating it insists we observe it again and again.

Hanks plays Robert Langdon, a famous religious symbologist who is in Paris to give a lecture and sign copies of his latest best seller. In no time, he finds himself accused of murder by a corpse who had written Langdon's name in blood on the floor in one of many notes the victim left in code before he died. Audrey Tautou plays Sophie Neveu, the dead man's granddaughter. In one of the most wooden performances of his career, Jean Reno plays Bezu Fache, a grim and humorless French detective with a hidden agenda who spends most of the movie chasing Langdon.

If you've read the book, as I had, or even if you haven't read it, as my wife hadn't, you'll eventually figure out most of what is going on among the various warring factions. Understanding and caring, however, are two different things.

The movie fails on just about every level possible. Only in a few nicely done musical moments, especially during the last of the film's many endings, is the movie ever briefly satisfying. At least Tom Hanks is able to keep a straight face when reciting cheesy and nonsensical dialog, such as, "This. This can't be this."

If the rest of the summer is filled with more blockbuster turkeys like THE DA VINCI CODE, the studios may need some divine intervention to save their continually sagging box office receipts.

THE DA VINCI CODE runs an excruciatingly long 2:33. It is rated PG-13 for "disturbing images, violence, some nudity, thematic material, brief drug references and sexual content" and would be acceptable for teenagers.

The film opens nationwide in the United States on Friday, May 19, 2006. In the Silicon Valley, it will be showing at the AMC theaters, the Century theaters and the Camera Cinemas.


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Post time 15-6-2006 11:12 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by LimpBizkutMerri at 25-5-2006 04:33 PM

seriously between harrison ford ngan tom hanks.. mane lebih sesuai utk jadi watak professor havard yg takde life n loser dan mengajar subject yg membosankan..subject symbolist??? harrison ford  ...

rasanya kan... if they take someone yg not really established... maybe better kot... i mean yg takde identiti lagi... mcm aragorn nye watak dlm lotr... sbb tom hanks and harrison ford nih mcm dh ada diorang nye image dh... so tuh jadi tak best kot... anyway... i haven't watch the movie yet... takde kesempatan...

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Post time 15-6-2006 12:25 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by juya79 at 15/6/06 11:12 AM

rasanya kan... if they take someone yg not really established... maybe better kot... i mean yg takde identiti lagi... mcm aragorn nye watak dlm lotr... sbb tom hanks and harrison ford nih mcm ...

oh I agree on this :setuju:

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Post time 20-7-2006 06:51 PM | Show all posts
ngeh ngeh
dah habiskan angels and demons, deception point
tgh nk bace digital fortress
sedap lagi angels and demons dari DVC and DP
ending dan brown tu, mmg cenggitu ke?

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Post time 30-9-2007 11:13 PM | Show all posts

salam all..

well.. what can i say , i just had the chance to read the book  two weeks ago. Superbly written and to be honest , it's interesting though. Bagi siapa yg familiar dengan all those matters and aspects of the book . yer lah he  mentioned about all those masonsry etc kan, itu semua biasa jer in the sense that it fasciltate ur understanding should have been reading all that sort of stiff. and the necise thing that you know, as i finished reading the novel, i would say that : there's a reason why AllAh SWT  gives His word that Dialah yg Pelihara Al - Quran sepanjang zaman - why? reagrdless of any interpreatations made by the scholar AT LEAST .. they could go back to the real source kan? tak payah pening pening ... nak tahu siapa punya facts betul. You appreaciate nikmat yg ALLAh bagi kat you. tu jer kot. ANd bebenda yg DAn Bown sebut tu rasanya for those who must heard the tape entitled the shadows.. ni kat UK ada kot... dah tahu sedikit sebanyak ttg depa ni semua ni , and that's why you actually have no problem understanding the story.

Oh ya ... I like the dynamic between Langdon and Neveu? St Claire  as depeicted in the novel. Well ... quite disspaointed when HAnks just  eneded just like that with Sophie...kan?
Hmm ... chocolate for the  ears....



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Post time 11-12-2008 11:31 AM | Show all posts
dapat kat thread ni:

Angels and Demons (Da Vinci Code 2?) ~tentative release date 14.05.2009

Angels And Demons

Adapted from the novel "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown, the film follows the story of Robert Langdon, a well-known Harvard symbologist investigating a murder victim, branded with the Illuminati ambigram. Following his investigation, he soon discovers that a cult group is on a trail to murder four cardinals and destroy the St. Peter's Basilica during a papal gathering.

Classification: NA
Genre: Thriller / Mystery
General Release Date: 14 May 2009
Running Time:
Distributor: Sony Pictures Releasing International
Cast: Ayelet Zurer, Ewan McGregor, Stellan Skarsgard, Tom Hanks
Director: Ron Howard

Source: Cinema Online..

Sinopsis from yahoo movies:

Robert Langdon tries to solve a murder and unravel a plot by an ancient group, the Illuminati, to blow up the Vatican during a papal conclave.

Also Known As: Angels and Demons

Production Status: In Production/Awaiting Release

Genres: Thriller, Adaptation and Politics/Religion

Release Date: May 15, 2009 (wide)

Distributors: Sony Pictures Releasing

Production Co.: Imagine Entertainment, John Calley Productions

Studios: Columbia TriStar Motion Picture Group

Filming Locations: Europe

Produced in: United States



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