~CASA deAMOUROUS DIDDY 10~ Bowling Diddy FC 10/8 The Summit
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Reply #282 hezzach's post
makkk aihhhh....
Reply #287 kiera55's post
make sure dtg sabtu ni  |
Originally posted by hezzach at 2-6-2008 08:31 AM 
Good morning diddians sumer....
for your info, since kita sibuk mencarik available date diddy utk buat picnic tu tak dpt2... finally, this weekend punya show is cancelled and abg bad suggested that kita buat gathering kat umah abg Inc kita instead...
so hopefully uols don't mind, since time is very limited, kami dah buat judgment call nak buat potluck pukul 5 ptg ari sabtu 7hb kat Sri Hartamas (rumah abg Inc)
so all diddians and SR and non diddians are invited... kalau sapa2 nak map, let me know
oh yes, tolong bagi nama ek sapa yg dpt pegi so kita boleh estimate food... thanks
2)maya |
Sorry, kebizian melanda
pheewwit n linda, tre tanya korang nak main boling tak 20/6 ni? kalau tak cukup player, kawan tre (radi & azwan) volunteer nak main.
kena confirm kan ari ni jugak..
tq. |
Reply #263 hezzach's post
makkkaiihhhh..hesem tul dia angkat kaki tu
terserlah ke cute tan mukenyer.. |

Geram pulak tgok muke dia nie..
Ishhhhhh... |
Originally posted by pheewwit at 3-6-2008 12:40 PM 
toce2 piwit... at last ada gak yg nak confirm betul2
ok kita listkan nama:
1. pheewwit
2. maya
3. hezz
4. Inc
5. wawa
6. aqua
7. arin
8. linda
9. abad
10. diddy
please confirm ek guys... boleh estimate makanan nanti |
Reply #298 hezzach's post
uishhh...haaa..gaduh-gaduh.. |
Reply #298 hezzach's post
diddy nie bergaduh pun muka cute jer...cam ner nak takut nie  |
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