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Author: Takki_Aniki


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Post time 6-2-2004 01:33 PM | Show all posts

Part 2

To read the article, just click on the image to open up a new window.

Credits to chrissejin of; articles from KoreAM.

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Post time 6-2-2004 01:40 PM | Show all posts
Wah.......... thank you KATT...........

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Post time 6-2-2004 02:05 PM | Show all posts

Anything for the thread ^_^

Originally posted by Asiafever at 2004-2-6 01:40 PM:
Wah.......... thank you KATT...........

Hehe, anytime. It's no problem at all. Just a "copy and paste" job.

Something for the SS thread yang dah slow down these days.

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Post time 6-2-2004 02:14 PM | Show all posts
Semalam tak de citer Summer Scent. Mungkin sebab tu lah lambat sikit. Hari ada kan? Mesti cepat nanti..... karang sampai tak sempat nak jawab pula nanti...

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Wonyee This user has been deleted
Post time 6-2-2004 02:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 2004-2-5 12:05 PM:
Hmm, from Autumn to Winter to Summer, the scriptwriter sure knows how to 'kill' the good image of the second lead. Masukkan saja elemen 'paksaan' and he'll be the bad guy. Padahal tak perlu buatkan ...

I have to agree with you, katt! That's why I've never particularly like this director's works and  in my own way I've always supported the underdog from Autumn/Won Bin, Winter/Park Yong Ha to Summer/Ryu Jin. Another thing I can't stand is their mushy dialogues that is so me the only incredible creation of this director is bringing out the absolute beauty of Korea in locations as well as songs.

Katt, I've received your message and signed the petition. A BIG thanks to you for all your hard work and efforts.

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Post time 6-2-2004 04:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Wonyee at 6-2-2004 02:26 PM:
I have to agree with you, katt! That's why I've never particularly like this director's works and  in my own way I've always supported the underdog from Autumn/Won Bin, Winter/Park Yong Ha t ...

lagi satu yoon suk ho pandai direct romantic scenes.walaupun biasa,tapi romantik.dia punya words pun sama.

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Post time 7-2-2004 12:45 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nmi at 6-2-2004 04:42 PM:
lagi satu yoon suk ho pandai direct romantic scenes.walaupun biasa,tapi romantik.dia punya words pun sama.

mungkinkah dia nak mengimpretasikan kisah first lovenya dulu...mungkin daripada setiap cerita yang dia arahkan kita boleh mengagak macam mana kisah cinta pertama pengarah Yoon Suk-Ho.....

sebab dalam setiap dramanya dari Autumn In My Heart, Winter Sonata even Summer Scent mempunya kesamaan yang tak dapat dinafikan....

Contoh dalam AIMH Joon-Suh pilih Yoo-Mi sebab dia kata nak jadi pokok pada hayat akan datang..well sama macam Eun-Suh kata....

Dalam Winter Sonata pula pada mulanya Yoo-Jin pilih Myung-Chul sebab dia seiras dengan Jung-Sang....

Dalam Summer Scent pula Min-Woo tertarik dengan Hye-Won sebab dia mempunyai sifat dan perilaku seperi En-Hui....

mungkinkah kisah cinta pengarah ni pun begitu juga?...sebab if i not mistake dia kata dia buat drama ni untuk mengingat kembali kisah cinta pertamanya...

well what do you think?

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Post time 7-2-2004 12:47 AM | Show all posts
thanks katt for the article....well memang tak dinafikan scene dalam setiap drama korea memang menarik dan cantik seolah-olah memaksa kita nak ke sana juga...terutamanya dalam Autumn In My Heart, Winter Sonata, Summer beautiful and i love it so much...;)

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Post time 7-2-2004 09:55 AM | Show all posts

EP 18 RECAPS...6/2/04

entah kenapa terbukak internet hari ni, hehehe...OK, here goes...

Jung-ah comes to the condo and scolds Jung-jae for drinking..Jung-jae tells her to go back. Jung-ah finds the piece of paper with Hye-won's donor name 'En Hui' ...Jung-jae realizes that Min-woo's first love is Hye-won's donor.


Hye-won tells Min-woo that she's introducing him to her parents at the church. She tells him about her parents' fatal car accident. Min-woo thanks Hye-won for bringing him there.. She tells him that she's a weakling who came to seek her parents on her team since everyone is against her. She tells him that her parents loved Jung-jae like their own son but they would always be on her side...Min-woo thanks Hye-won's parents and promises that he'll make her happy..Hye-won asks her parents to forgive her.. and that for the first time she found a person who makes her heart pound.. and that she is happy...


Jung-jae confirms with the doctor that the donor was a woman who died in a car accident 3 years ago. Jung-jae meets Dae-poong to ask about Min-woo's first love... and confirms that En Hui/Un-hae was his lover..


Min-woo brings Hye-won to see his mother.

Min-woo: Mom, I have somethng to tell you. I want to introduce Hye-won to you formally.
Mother: Min-woo.. but..what's going on.. (Hye-won leaves momentarily)
Min-woo: Mom, you like Hye-won.
Mother: But this girl already has a fiance.. and his sister likes you..
Min-woo: Mom.. I really love Hye-won... very.. deeply.. I found a new person to love.. mom.. please help me..

Min-woo's mother is uneasy about the situation.. Hye-won overhears the conversation.


Jung-jae goes to see En Hui's father..He tells Jung-jae that he suspects Hye-won is the recipient of his daughter's heart..He asks if Min-woo and Hye-won have met.. and if he recognizes her heart..Jung-jae asks En Hui's father to keep the truth a secret...


Min-woo's mother tells Hye-won that she is starting to understand why Min-woo likes Hye-won. She says that Hye-won shares many similarities with En Hui/Un-hae including picking petals off a flower.

Jung-jae thinks about En Hui's father's comment that sometimes through heart transplant, a donor's personality may also transfer...


Min-woo and Hye-won are watching the stars. She comments about the stars the same way En Hui used to...Min-woo stares at Hye-won.

Hye-won: What's wrong?
Min-woo: No, I just started to think about something else.
Hye-won: Perhaps.. about En Hui?
Min-woo: I'm sorry.. I sometimes think about her when I'm with you.. you remind me so much of her sometimes.. like mom says.. I'm sorry..
Hye-won: It's okay. Maybe the more I'm like her the more you'll love me..
Min-woo smilingly: Hye-won, why don't you have any jealous trait?
: *smiles*
Min-woo: In that respect you're very different from En Hui. She would not understand me forgivingly.
Hye-won: Because I'm Shim Hye-won.

Min-woo smiles and agrees.


Jung-jae's father asks about Hye-won at the family gathering. Jung-jae's mother is about to tell the father something when Jung-jae says she's very busy at work lately..


Min-woo and Hye-won stroll through the fields... with food prepared by Min-woo's mother. Hye-won feels bad that she's enjoying herself so much when everyone else seems to work so hard.. Min-woo says she's not alone anymore.. He tells her that he is with her through everything from now on. Min-woo goes to get hats for them both. Hye-won calls Jang-mi to assure her that she is well... and that she is happy. Min-woo asks if everyone is very worried. She nods.

Jang-mi asks Dae-poong if the two are at Min-woo's family's place.. Dae-poong denies but Jang-mi asks if Jung-jae is planning on going after them.


Jung-jae goes to see Min-woo's mother. Min-woo's mother apologizes. Jung-jae apologizes for disturbing her. Hye-won and Min-woo return.

Min-woo: Talk to me instead.
Jung-jae: I want to talk to you both.
Min-woo: Just talk to me.
Jung-jae: I want Hye-won to listen too.

Jung-jae: I won't give up Hye-won. I can't give up Hye-won.
Hye-won: Oppa...
Min-woo: Please talk to me alone.

Jung-jae asks Min-woo if he loves Hye-won because she reminds him of En Hui/Un-hae.  Min-woo asks him what it is that he wants to know. Jung-jae reminds Min-woo that not long ago Min-woo said he could not forget his first love. Jung-jae asks again if Min-woo has forgotten his first love. Min-woo says he has not but he loves Hye-won. Jung-jae tells Min-woo that he will remember that Min-woo cannnot forget En Hui/Un-hae.

Jung-jae tells Hye-won that the one Min-woo loves is En Hui/Un-hae and not her. He tells her that Min-woo can't forget En Hui/Un-hae. Hye-won apologizes that she can't return to Jung-jae anymore. Jung-jae tells Hye-won thar she will return, that he will make her return.
Jung-jae tells Hye-won that this weekend on Sunday, their family is celebrating her 'second birthday'...


Min-woo asks Hye-won what is the meaning of 'second birthday'. Hye-won tells him that it's the day she received her transplant. Min-woo apologizes for not knowing so much about her.. Hye-won asks him to listen to her wish. She aks him to be with her on that day. Min-woo says it would be his pleasure. He tells her from now on they will go through everything together.. happy events and sad events.. together.. She agrees.


Min-woo tries to get a jewelry done by Sunday.. and realizes that Sunday is the day En Hui/Un-hae died. He apologizes to Hye-won that he would not be able to celebrate her 'second birthday' with her after all. She says that she understands and asks why. He tells her that Sunday is En Hui's death anniversary. She says she is fine but asks how he can forget that it was En Hui's death anniversary.

Min-woo: You're right. How could I forget..
Hye-won: I'm sorry.
Min-woo: Why would you be sorry?
Hye-won: I'm sorry, because of me I cause you to offend En Hui.
Min-woo: No, you're someone to thank to. When I wanted to die you remained with me..

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Kiddo This user has been deleted
Post time 7-2-2004 11:51 AM | Show all posts

x larat tunggu

hi all
crita nih makin best but wonder apsal jung jae nak rahsia kan sumer benda maybe he think that min woo hanya fall in love kat hye won yg memiliki jantung en hui dan fikir akan selamat kan hye dr situasi itu.
so guys anyone tau mana i boleh cari something about its ending becoz i dah tak larat la nak tunggu tak saba2. susah nak cari website pasal cite nih.

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Post time 7-2-2004 12:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sara at 7-2-2004 12:45 AM:
mungkinkah dia nak mengimpretasikan kisah first lovenya dulu...mungkin daripada setiap cerita yang dia arahkan kita boleh mengagak macam mana kisah cinta pertama pengarah Yoon Suk-Ho.....

sebab  ...

maybe dia pernah jatuh cinta dengan dua orang perempuan atau itu cuma fantasinya sahaja.

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Post time 7-2-2004 01:07 PM | Show all posts


Jung Jae mmg baik hati.. kesiannya dia.. dan kesian kat Hye Won... kesian gak kat Min Woo..

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Post time 8-2-2004 07:56 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Kiddo at 7-2-2004 11:51 AM:
so guys anyone tau mana i boleh cari something about its ending becoz i dah tak larat la nak tunggu tak saba2. susah nak cari website pasal cite nih

hai whitedove do you know where can i find review for all episod? I know it's crazy tapi dah tak larat dah nak menunggu coz my exam just aroud the corner...

well kalau whitedove tau kat mana boleh baca review cerita n dari awal sampai akhir baguslah...just post the link...onegaishimasu...chebal..

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Post time 8-2-2004 11:54 AM | Show all posts

Summer Scent

Hmm....ada berapa episod semuanya SS ni? 20? Last Friday dah episod ke-18, kan?

p/s: sara dah nak exam pulak? All the best to you & others in the same boat ;). And Takki, you too......

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Post time 9-2-2004 01:55 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 8-2-2004 11:54 AM:
Hmm....ada berapa episod semuanya SS ni? 20? Last Friday dah episod ke-18, kan?

p/s: sara dah nak exam pulak? All the best to you & others in the same boat ;). And Takki, yo ...

kalau diikutkan cerita ni ada 24 cd so mungkin cerita ni akan meleret sampai 30 episod...

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Post time 9-2-2004 01:57 AM | Show all posts
p/s: sara dah nak exam pulak? All the best to you & others in the same boat . And Takki, you too......

thanks .....

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Post time 9-2-2004 11:52 AM | Show all posts

Off-topic again: Song Seung Hun recently

Photos of Song Seung Hun taken at Lee Byung Hun's Japanese fan-meeting on Saturday, 7 February 2004.

SSH looks younger these days, totally different from his usual Autumn or Summer looks.

Credits: Photos from PlanetBH0712 & Byunghun & Rubeurs

p/s: more photos in the Beautiful Days thread ^_^

[ Last edited by katt on 12-2-2004 at 12:12 PM ]

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Post time 9-2-2004 04:07 PM | Show all posts
LBH pula nampak tua daripada biasa....

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Post time 9-2-2004 04:43 PM | Show all posts


Originally posted by Asiafever at 2004-2-9 04:07 PM:
LBH pula nampak tua daripada biasa....

Yes, unfortunately......he looks tired, too. :re:

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Post time 9-2-2004 09:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 9-2-2004 11:52 AM:
Photos of Song Seung Hun taken at Lee Byung Hun's Japanese fan-meeting on Saturday, 7 February 2004.

SSH looks younger these days, totally different from his usual Autumn o ...

lawalah hairstyle baru ssh.lbh ramput cam tu tak lawa lah.tapi kan,ssh in summer makes me remember bae in winter(maybe pasal rambut kot)

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