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banapore posted on 23-8-2013 09:56 AM
“A human being is a part of the whole, called by us “universe”, a part limited in time and ...
Sigh ... Good picture. Perfect in every detail except they spolt the whole thing by pasting log of atheism on the lower right side.
Our real problem comes when we start judging and commenting on what the present moment contains. Let's say you drop a plate of food in a restaurant and it breaks. "Why does this always happen, this shouldnt be happening to me right now. This is stupid, I refuse to go through this crap again. If that stupid plate didnt have water on it, which idiot put water on it?"
Or how about "you did it again, you always mess up, just like your parents tell you. Everyone thinks you're an idiot now. Who drops a plate like that? How old are you, 3?"
Of course, 10 minutes later, the voice would still be going off in your head "Way to ruin the meal for everyone". We end up believing these thoughts, we think that it is US who is thinking them, and then we react to the situation because the thoughts generate corresponding emotions. Next time a "problem" arises, don't even call it a problem. Don't call it anything. Don't judge it or label it, or even resist that it is happening. Don't listen to the voice in your head that has fed you the same bullsh*t your entire life. Just calmly deal with whatever the present moment contains. Honour it, and accept it. The thoughts in your head is where the problem lies, not in the problem itself.
With no internal battles occurring within you, who can possibly harm you?
The Wise Man's Ten Rules Of Life
Do not hope that your body will be free from illness. If you do not experience illness, you will be fallen to temptation in arrogance and thus act immorally.
Therefore, the wise man says that you should think of your illnesses as good medicine to learn from.
Do not expect a life free from hardships. Without the experience of hardships, you will become arrogant and boastful.
Therefore, the wise man says to gain wisdom from the obstacles of life.
Do not expect to learn self-discipline without any hardships. Without hardships. your learning will always be incomplete.
Therefore, the wise man says to think of the obstacles as everyday occurrences.
There will always be people who will not cooperate with your plans. If there were not, you would not be able to learn.
Therefore, the wise man says to befriend those who will be against you so that they may help you to learn.
Do not expect your plans to be fulfilled easily. if they are easily fulfilled, you will be prone to arrogance.
Therefore, the wise man says to enjoy the overcoming of obstacles as learning experiences.
Do not befriend someone for your own interest only. If you do, you will only hurt yourself.
Therefore, the wise man says to seek friends who may not always agree with you so that you may learn from them.
Do not expect others to always agree with you. If they do, you will always think that you are always right.
Therefore, the wise man says to look to those who disagree with you so that you may learn from them and become wise.
Do not expect something in return for helping someone. If you expect something, then you will become prone to arrogance.
Therefore, the wise man says to forget and to be satisfied only with the help that you have given.
Do not expect to gain more than you have contributed. If you gain more than you have put in, then you will have evil thoughts which will prevent your progress.
Therefore, the wise man says to be satisfied with humble profits.
Do not always try to vindicate your feelings of victimization. If you try to vindicate yourself. you will have to put the blame on someone or something else.
Therefore, the wise man says that through this experience, you can open the door of self-discipline.
Originally posted on: Kimsoo Karate
a Last edited by banapore on 11-2-2014 06:09 PM
Last edited by banapore on 14-3-2014 10:48 AM
Edited by banapore at 3-2-2015 04:14 PM
banapore posted on 25-3-2014 08:22 PM
Romans and Greeks are hardly the people who could teach others what Good and Bad looks like. Dogs just cannot teach Man about table manners.
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