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Author: paler kembang


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Post time 7-10-2011 02:10 PM | Show all posts
Reply 260# SmokinAces


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Post time 7-10-2011 04:38 PM | Show all posts
Reply 260# SmokinAces

gempak la bro. penjelasan yang mantap. kat cydia aku dia tulis 4.3.3 & 4.3.5

so maknanya aku x boleh downgrade ke 4.3.1 ke walaupun aku buat restore pakai itunes?:re:

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Post time 7-10-2011 07:53 PM | Show all posts
macam aku yang hijau ada 4.3.3, 4.3.4, 4.3.5....tapi aku xder plak rasanya buat yg make my life easier masa baru2 kira aku belum save aku punya SHSH ke mcmna..sori..aku xpaham sgt bacer pasl blob ni..tsk tsk tsk...

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Post time 7-10-2011 08:27 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 7-10-2011 10:11 PM | Show all posts
Reply  SmokinAces

gempak la bro. penjelasan yang mantap. kat cydia aku dia tulis 4.3.3 & 4.3.5 ...
_dj_ Post at 7-10-2011 16:38

Tq.. X bleh even tukar ke server cydia..

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Post time 7-10-2011 10:12 PM | Show all posts
Reply 264# bacteria82

Heheh.. Bac, aku nk letak ko nyer SS sbnrnyer tp mcm sama ngan aku nyer.. Heheh

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Post time 7-10-2011 10:15 PM | Show all posts
Reply 263# xiemean

Nie bli bru ke? Dr telco?

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Post time 8-10-2011 06:08 AM | Show all posts
Reply 267# SmokinAces

celcom punya pakej..xsilap ios asal 4.3.1 dulu..aku update pastu jb....

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Post time 8-10-2011 06:25 AM | Show all posts
iphone 4s punya ram stil 512mb jer rupanya...isk isk isk....

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Post time 8-10-2011 08:05 AM | Show all posts
Reply 269# xiemean

Antara sbb Apple tidak mengeluarkan iPhone 5 (bigger screen, NFC, LTE) adalah kerana business strategy. Kebanyakan telco di sana menjual iPhone dgn contract 2 tahun. Oleh itu iphone 4S sebenar adalah utk menarik pengguna baru, bukannya utk pengguna lama upgrade. Ini berlaku juga berlaku kepada di zaman iPhone 3G kepada iPhone 3GS. Sebab itu iPhone 5 akan dikeluarkan pada tahun hadapan dgn spec dan design yg baru dan uptodate.. Tetapi mmg agak teruja dgn Siri dan camera baru iPhone 4S.. Harap2 kuat iman utk menunggu iP5 dan tidak membeli iP4S

-Ikhlas dari seorang iFag

p/s: iFag adalah gelaran yg diberikan kepada peminat tegar iPhone & Ipad oleh pengguna Android/Nokia.. Fag adalah singkatan daripada faggot.. Sila gugel

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Post time 8-10-2011 08:09 AM | Show all posts
Ok gak Apple keluarkan iPhone 4S so firmware iPhone 5 nanti akan jadi iPhone5,1.. Tak la konpius nanti.. Ekekeke

P/S: Firmware iPhone 4 adalah iPhone3,1 dan iPhone 3GS adalah iPhone2,1. Oleh itu dijangka firmware iPhone 4S adalah iPhone4,1

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Post time 8-10-2011 11:22 AM | Show all posts
Reply 271# bacteria82

nak tengok ipsw senang skit, kalau tak, keliru gak...

btw, kat Apple Singapore agak2 berapa? kalau dulu harganya dalam SGD 888 utk 16gb.

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Post time 8-10-2011 11:38 AM | Show all posts
Reply 272# macpunks

Tah la, x pernah beli kat sana.. Tunggu celcom je la, wpun sedikit lambat tapi berbaloi

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Post time 8-10-2011 09:45 PM | Show all posts
tapi kalau beli kat Singapore, boleh extend AppleCare, kat malaysia dia tak support!

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 Author| Post time 9-10-2011 12:06 AM | Show all posts
Tunggu celcom pakej..
Tapi aku tetap dengan iphone4..

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Post time 9-10-2011 07:44 AM | Show all posts
Artikel yg bagus.. Pengguna iOS dan Android patut baca

Apple announced speech recognition for the next iPhone. Big deal. Android’s had it for more than a year. Apple is just playing “catch-up” and the feature’s not really earth-shattering anyway. Right?

Wrong. Everything in that opening paragraph is wrong, except the sentence that reads “big deal.” Siri is a very big deal, the biggest of deals.

In fact, Siri is the most important thing to happen to mobile in this decade so far.

Siri naysayers fall into two camps: 1) those who say it’s no big deal; and 2) those who say Android has had it since August. Both classes of naysayers are wrong.

Siri is a Very Big Deal

As I detailed in this Cult of Mac post, Siri traces its lineage directly back to the largest artificial intelligence project in history, the Pentagon’s CALO project. CALO stands for “Cognitive Assistant that Learns and Organizes,” and the project involved over 300 of the world’s top researchers in various aspects of A.I.

The entire Pentagon project was headed by Adam Cheyer, who is now director of engineering for Apple’s iPhone group.

Speaking to MIT Technology Review, Cheyer said that CALO sought to integrate “dialog and natural-language understanding, vision, speech, machine learning, planning, reasoning, service delegation and integrate them all into a… human-like assistant that can help you get things done.”

He described the Siri project as seeking to do the same thing in a consumer product. In fact, for the past four years, Cheyer and his team have been focused on optimizing the parts of CALO technology that can execute from a powerful cell phone and be usable by millions of everyday consumers. For the past year and a half, they’ve been working hard to integrate Siri technology into the iPhone OS and application set.

It’s not “voice recognition.” It’s artificial intelligence. And A.I. in your cell phone is a very big deal.

Siri Is Not Like Android Voice Actions

Android Voice Actions is great technology, and is widely used by many Android fans. But it’s not really in the same class as Siri.

Android Voice Actions offers a very solid and capable voice recognition engine that’s on the high-quality end of the spectrum among the wide range of similar products and services that have been around for awhile.

Like all existing voice-command and dictation products, it requires you to say a relatively narrow range of commands or it won’t understand you.

Siri, on the other hand, will be unlike anything the public has used before. You can say things that technically or literally have nothing to do with what you mean, but Siri will in many cases figure out what you mean based on context, history and and artificial intelligence designed to understand regular human speech.

For example, if you want to set an alarm for your nap, just say “wake me up in 20 minutes.” If you want to know what meetings you have scheduled for later, you can say, “how does the rest of my day look?”

These inputs specifically reference neither the application to be used nor the information desired. Yet Siri understands.

As humans, we take the understanding of such comments for granted. But getting machines to understand such tricky phrases is the Holy Grail of artificial intelligence.

Even more human-like is that once you’ve got a conversation started with Siri, it can understand requests that are even more cryptic. For example, you might ask: “Are there any top-rated Italian restaurants within walking distance?” If Siri replies, “no,” you can say, “how about Mexican?” Siri interprets your input in the context of a conversation about top-rated restaurants within walking distance.

Android Voice Actions can’t do anything like this because it’s voice command software, not artificial intelligence.

Siri sometimes gives you web search results, sometimes takes actions for you and sometimes controls the applications on your iPhone.

But Siri also answers questions, thanks to Wolfram-Alpha integration. You can ask random questions like “how many kilometers in 30 miles?,” “What time is it in Paris?,” “how many octaves on a piano,” or “why is the sky blue?” and Siri will just give you the answer. Not a web page. An answer to your question.

What’s the Greatest Great Thing About Siri

But the greatest thing about Siri from a historical and cultural perspective is not that it’s artificial intelligence. It’s that Apple via Siri will make A.I. a mainstream, everyday reality.

The reason is that Apple is baked Siri right into the core experience of using the iPhone. And also Siri is designed for mainstream, everyday use in a way that just about everyone will find compelling.

By mainstreaming, I mean the process of taking something that’s on the fringe of human culture, and making it an everyday part of life for a vast number of people. Right now, Google Voice Action is on the fringe of culture. The average personal on the street never heard of it.

Siri will become mainstream. Just about everyone will become familiar with it, even if they’re not iPhone users.

Edison didn’t invent the lightbulb. He mainstreamed it through product design and marketing.

Ford didn’t invent the automobile. He mainstreamed it through cost reductions and marketing.

We remember the mainstreamers because these are the people and companies that put technologies into every day use for everybody. And we can trace all current lightbulbs and cars back to Edison and Ford.

Google Voice Actions isn’t artificial intelligence. But it is an effective way for users to use voice to do things they would otherwise have to do with typing and touching and navigating through a visual interface.

However, the Android tool isn’t taking voice command mainstream. A lot of power users use it. But your mom will use Siri.

And One More Thing

iPhone 4s may be the first-ever phone to support Bluetooth 4.0, an ultra low-power technology that does a neat trick: It can wake devices up.

Combine this wireless capability with Siri, and you’ve got some interesting uses. For example, you can imagine a super long battery life wristwatch that stays asleep unless you touch it for the time, or when Siri wakes it up with some incoming information. And, of course, you’d talk to Siri by talking to the watch, while the phone is in your phone or purse.

You could also imagine a special-purpose desktop microphone that wakes up your iPhone when you talk, enabling a Star Trek experience of just talking without pushing a button, and getting responses back from the Enterprise’s, I mean iPhone’s, A.I.

So let’s be very clear about what Siri means for the human race. Siri represents the dawn of a new era in human-machine interfacing, real artificial intelligence for the masses.

No, it’s not perfect. Apple took the rare step of calling it “beta.” And no, it’s not the super advanced kind of A.I. you see in science fiction.

But it’s also not finished. The iPhone 4s’s Siri is just the beginning. Future versions will become ever more sophisticated.

Google, Microsoft and others will come out with their own A.I (in that order, I predict).

So when you get the chance to finally talk to Siri, be nice. Siri is a very, very big deal, and unlike anything that has come before. It represents a new era in computing. And it will definitely get everyone talking.




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Post time 9-10-2011 07:51 AM | Show all posts
This Is The Reason Why The iPhone Will Always Have A 3.5-inch Screen

Here’s a little tidbit that we just discovered, and it’s all about the size of the iPhone’s screen. More specifically, it’s all about why the iPhone’s screen is still 3.5-inches across its diagonal, while most Android, and even Windows Phone 7 (ultimate special super duper series edition 7) handsets are sporting ever increasing screen dimensions.

The revelation comes from Dustin Curtis, a designer who has been spending a little time with a Samsung Galaxy S II Android phone, complete with its huge 4.21-inch screen. Apparently, the reason Apple’s iPhones are smaller is all down to how you use the device with one hand, and more to the point, where your thumb reaches.

When you first see a phone with a 4-inch or larger screen, it seems like a much better experience. I thought it was a technical decision, and it could be, but since switching to an Android phone — a Samsung Galaxy S II, the “best Android phone you can buy, anywhere” — 15 days ago, I have realized another huge downside of larger screens: when holding the phone with one hand, I can’t reach the other side of the screen with my thumb.

By contrast, Curtis notes that when using an iPhone, he has no trouble reaching across its screen, and can happily tap away on the far side to where his palm lays. This does actually make perfect sense, and gels well with my own personal experience with smartphones.

Over the last few months I’ve been lucky enough to get my hands on a few different handsets to have a play with, and two of those sported considerably larger screens than my iPhone 4. The two smartphones I’m thinking of are the Samsung Nexus S, and the HTC HD7 (Windows Phone 7).

Both screens are pretty expansive – the Nexus S comes with a 4-inch display, while the HD7 is even larger at a whopping 4.3-inches.

In the case of both handsets, I struggled to use their massive screens properly. Simply reaching up to the notification drawer on the Nexus S proved hard work for me, though I must confess, I do have rather small hands considering I’m a 29-year old male. Still, the point still stands.

The HD7, well, that just felt too big in general. The creaky case construction didn’t really help here, either.

But I digress. Did Apple choose to go with a 3.5-inch screen because of ergonomics, instead of following the lead of the competition who clearly believe that big is better?

It’s possible, and if true, don’t expect to see a larger screen coming to the iPhone any time soon.


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Post time 10-10-2011 11:54 AM | Show all posts
Mls tol nk menaip.. Sape2 ade masalah "error 1015" waktu nk restore/update ios utk 3gs bgtau la yer.. Kalo ade bru nk tuto..

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Post time 10-10-2011 11:55 AM | Show all posts
Reply 276# bacteria82

Yg nie mmg buat teruja.. Huhu

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Post time 10-10-2011 12:13 PM | Show all posts
Kepada pengguna ipod.

Kalo nk add lagu tanpa sync kt itunes (tested kt ipod shuffle):

1. Install driver ipod (kira install itunes la senang)
2. Cucuk ipod
3. Bukak explorer n tgk ipod tue drive ape. (andaikn ipod kt drive F:)
4. Kt "address bar" kt win explorer tue type "f:/ipod_control" atau type je "f:" n pilih folder "ipod_control"
5. Create je ape2 folder n copy paste je lagu2 kt situ..


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