※ 구혜선과 연예계 관계자 지인들의 Twitter= GHS and tweeters from supporting entertainers/associates
그림자살인 박대민 감독님= <Shadow Murder> Director Park Dae Min
(I need some help with many Korean words here. ) http://twitter.com/postblues
@koohs '밥'은 그 아이만 부를 때는 미쿡 아이 같은데 함께 부르면 구수한 토종 아이가 되네요
'Bhap' seems/sounds like calling an (mikook)= American? kid, but if we call him all together, he sounds like delicious tojong?.
@koohs 개봉확정 기사가 났네요^^ 축하드립니다 구감독님. 그때까지 필살 마무리하세요~
I saw the report about the opening date confirmation, Director Goo. Until then, please finish up ?pilsahl?
@koohs 아.... 대참사..... 예전에 냥이들이 이불에 커다란 응아를 해 놓고 기다리던 기억이 나네요
Ahh,,,Big Tragedy,,,,I remember cats waiting around after soiling the blanket.
(Are they sympathizing with each other as pet owners? keke)
@koohs '요술' 개봉일이 6월 24일로 밀렸군요. 완벽한 작품이 되길 바랍니다.
I see that the opening date for <YoSool> has been postponed to June 24th. I pray that it will be a perfect product.
스포츠동아 양형모 기자님=Sports Donga Reporter Yang Hyung Mo http://twitter.com/ranbi361
@koohs [스포츠동아] 구혜선씨를 위해 1면과 2면을 싹 밀어넣었던 모 신문도 잊지 말아주세요^^ ㅎㅎㅎ
문장도 구혜선씨 개성이 고대로 묻어나죠?
[SportsDonga] Please do not forget that certain newspaper for which I squeezedin first and second sides just for you GHS-ssi. hohoho Even thesentences exactly bring out your personality, right?
(Does this mean GHS knows how to work the reporters? keke)
비밀애 류훈 감독님= <Secret Love> Director Ryu Hoon http://twitter.com/xmasinaug
@koohs 안녕하세요? 비밀애 감독 류훈입니다 vip 시사때 오셨다는걸 나중에 알았습니다 인사도 못했네요 암튼 반갑습니다
Ahnyung ha se yo? This Director Ryu Hoon of <Secret Love>. I heardlater that you came to my vip premier. I did not even get to greet you.Anyway, I am very happy to know you.
@koohs 제 제자가 구감독님 연출부 막내였어요 황경현이라고... 지금 같이 있는데 안부 전해달래요 ㅎㅎ
Mystudent/apprentice is the youngest member in your production team,named Hwang Gyung Hyun. S/he is here with me now and wants me to relaygreetings to you. hoho
영화배우 서태화씨=Movie actor Suh Tae Hwa http://twitter.com/sulzip
@koohs ㅋㅋ나도 어제 낮부터 함께일한 한감독이랑 일상이야기를 지금까지 하고있네 ㅋㅋ
keke I also have been talking about everyday stories with Director Han since yesterday. keke
@koohs 어떤땐 사람보다 개가 나을때도 ㅎㅎㅎ
I know,,,sometimes dogs can be better than people,,hohoho
이창우 PD(왕과나때 조연출)-전SBS프로덕션 드라마D, 현 로이젠프로덕션 드라마D
PD Lee Chang Woo (Assistant Director of King and I)-previous SBS production drama PD, currently Ro Yi Jen Production Drama PD) http://twitter.com/dramaholic07
@koohs 혜선옹 잘지냈니? 못본지도벌써2년인가 촬영장에서바둥바둥힐때가엊그제같은데말야 진짜조만간함뭉치기
HyeSun, How have you been? I have not seen you for 2 years. It feels likeonly yesterday when I saw you squirming and wriggling on location.Really, we should get together soon.
@koohs 여전히 야행성인가봐 내가아는사람중 가장호기심많고체력왕성하고 열씸인 혜선^^나도늪에서 서서히벗어나려고 몸부림중
Youstill seem to be the nocturnal kind. Out of all the people I know, youwere the most curious, had the best stamina and always working veryhard. I am also trying very hard to set myself free from the swamp.@koohs 아직나도트윗에익숙치않아서 핸폰으로dm아 안보내지는군 쩝잠시쉴때 체력충전하고 공부도하고 좋지뭐. 사케한잔하고싶다아아... 도산공원쪽에 넘넘깔끔하게 맛있는 노바다야끼를 찾았어^^
Iam not all that familiar with tweeter yet either. I can't send dmthrough handphone. While resting, make your stamina bette, study some,that is good. I feel like sake....I am in search of the most neat anddelicious NOBADA yaki near the Dosan Park.
@koohs 하핫 사케좋지 좋아좋아. 그럼 조용한시간에 연락주렴. 혜빈이까지 같이 연락해볼까? 좋은 친구들과 함께 일잔~
Hotsake is so good so good. Give me a call when it is a quiet time foryou. Should I also contact HyeBin? Let's have a drink together amonggood friends~
@koohs 하핫 나물소녀 터프혜선짱~ 나두 나물^^ 집에서 일산mbc가는 길에 벚꽃과 개나리와 진달래가 정말 흐드러지게 펴서 정신을 차릴수가... 오늘도 날씨에 취해 차버리고 왔당. 조만간 일산올일 있음 암센터 앞쪽에 들르시게
Hotvegetable girl, tough HyeSun best~Along the path from my house to IlSanmbc, there are tons of cherry blossoms, forsythias and azales spreadall over that I cannot get my head straight. I was again intoxicated bythe weather that I left my car. If you ever happen to come to IlSan,come to the front of the cancer? center.
영화배우 류덕환씨=Movie actor Ryu Duk Hwan http://twitter.com/clownryu
@koohs 혜선씨 안녕하세요. 저 류덕환이에요/ 영화잘끝났다고 얘기들었어요/ 수고많으셨어요 기대하고있어요^^
HyeSun-ssi, ahn yong ha se yo. This is Ryu Duk Hwan. I heard that youcompleted the movie well. You really worked hard. I am looking forwardto it.
영화배우 박중훈씨=movie actor Park Jong Hoon http://twitter.com/moviejhp
MBC Radio 손한서 PD - 현재 '최양락의 재미있는 라디오' =MBC Radio Sohn Han Suh PF- currently '~~interesting Radio' http://twitter.com/SohnPD
@koohs 구감독님 글들이 하나하나 빠져드는 매력이 있네요^^ 앞으로도 쭉 부탁합니다!
Director Goo-nim, there is something addictive about every word that you write. I would like to beg you to continue on!
(I completely agree!)
OAPD 김재덕 대표이사=OAPD CEO Kim Jae Duk http://twitter.com/jedikorea
@koohs무슨 상황인지 눈앞에 펼쳐진듯이 잘 보입니다.^^@koohs 간혹 어머니께서 반찬을 짜게..다른 행동을 취하면 다음끼니부터 밥을제대로 못먹을수도 있어서.. 아부지께서는 쌀밥만 좀 많이 드시는것도 같고 저는 반찬은 많이 안먹습니다.
I cansee clearly as if it is happening right in front of me. ^^ (he isresponding to GHS’s tweet about: sometimes my mother makes theside dishes salty. If we do anything different, we may not be able toeat our next meal properly. So, Dad seems to more rice and I tend notto eat too much side dish.
@koohs 역시..^^ 좋은 감독이 되시겠군요..좋은 관찰력에좋은 표현입니다.@koohs ...단단히 잘살고 있는것 같은 그런 기분에 하는것 같습니다. 가족들도 단단히 잘살고 계신듯합니다. 저렇게 대단한 콧소리를 내시는걸 보면요.ㅎ
I have a feeling^^that you willbecome a very good director. You have a keen sense for observation andvery good way of expressing yourself. (he quotes GHS’s lines: Itis a feeling and a sign of living a solid and good life. I think myfamily is feeling that way too, by the grand way that they are snoring.Ho
@koohs 이건 저도 트위터로 알게된 동영상인데 작곡에 도움되시라고.. http://bit.ly/19uRsQ!
I also learned about this video through tweeter. I hope it will help you in your composition.
@koohs 개들도 술냄새는 좋아하지 않더군요...ㅜ.ㅜ
I don’t think dogs like the smell of alcohol. T.T
@koohs 그래도 다섯마리정도되니 다행입니다. 그 친구 입장에서 한마리였다면 힘들었을 거에요.^^;
Butit is fortunate that you have 5 fo them. From their point of view, itwould have been hard if he were the only one. ^^ (I think he is talkingabout how GHS tends to talk about her problems with her dogs?? keke)
@koohs 하지만 개와 대화하는 자세는 바람직한 자세입니다. 그, 한없는 충성심과 순수함...영화 <말리와 나> 추천합니다.아마 보셨을지도...
But,it is really admirable and right attitude to have conversation withdogs. They are so endlessly loyal and genuine. I want to recommend amovie called <Mally and me>. Perhaps you saw it already….
@koohs "힘드니까 정이간다" 소박하지만 설득력있는 깨달음입니다. ^^ 이런 자세.. 배워야겠어요..-.-
GHS’s quote, <because it is hard, you feel affection>. Itis simple yet so persuasive realization. ^^ I think I need to learnthis type of attitude.,,,,
'투 타이어드 투 다이' Too Tired To Die 진원석감독=Director Jin Won Suk http://twitter.com/wonsuk
Glad @koohs is digging Twitter. Snapshot w her & @blueinu 구혜선씨 트윗가입기념 급번개, 이현승감독님과 함께. 먼저 가신분들께도 참석 쌩유! ^^ http://yfrog.com/jdx4oj
CommemoratingGHS-ssi’s registering with tweeter Lightening, With Director LeeHyunSeung and to those who left already, thank you for coming!^^
@DIRECTOR0626 담 트윗 감독모임엔 구감독도 당근 나오겠죠? ㅋㅋ 임지규씨 얘기 전달하니 반가워하시더라구요. ^^
@DIRECTOR0626Do you think Director Goo will attend our next Tweet Directors Meeting?keke She was so happy when I told her about Lim Ji Gyu .
(hmmm, I wonder what it is? Did he get another great part or something??)
@koohs담에 저 기타가르쳐주세요. ㅋㅋ 전 침대에 누워 이것저것 들춰보고 있어요. 아이패드가 이래서 좋네요. 침대에 딱 좋은 컴퓨터. ㅋㅋ
Nexttime, please teach me how to play guitar. keke I am looking at this andthat while lying on my bed. That is why I like ipad. It is the bestcomputer for bed. keke
@koohs 사실 5학년때 피아노때려치운일이후로 저도 악기완 거리가 멀어... ㅠㅠ 아이폰 요즘 비싸지 않다고 해요. 편리함 많이 느낄거에요. 암튼 저도 열심히 일해야겠어요. 열심히 사는 혜선씨모습보면 자극되요. ^^
Ihave not touched any instruments since I gave up on piano at 5th grade.(sad face) I heard that iphone is not that expensive these days. Youwill feel the comfort with it. Anyway, I also need to work very hard.When I see HyeSun-ssi working so hard, I get motivated. ^^
@koohs 트윗을 통해 연재소설읽듯이 혜선감독님 글 넘 재밌어요. ㅋㅋ
I really enjoy reading your writing through tweeter. I feel like I am reading a serial novel. keke
백야행 박신우감독님=<Towards the Midnight Sun> Director Park Shin Woo (Did Lim Ji Gyu appear in that movie??) http://twitter.com/DIRECTOR0626
@koohs 구감독님 굿모닝입니다. 트윗을 위해 태어나신것 같아요. 글 너무 재미있음.
Good Morning Director Goo. I feel like you are born for Tweeter. Your writing is so fun.
흑. 너무가고싶은데 오늘은 심히 눈치가 ㅠㅠ 죄송해요. 감독님. 인사전해주세요~
(sob) I really want to go but today I am too aware of others around me ㅠㅠ Sorry. Please send my regards.~
RT@blueinu: 오련ㅋ?Coming? ke RT @DIRECTOR0626: @wonsuk @koohs @blueinu 와우즐거운 모습. 근데 이상하게 구감독님이 빛이 납니다. Wow, you look so fun. But, strangely,there is light coming out of Director Goo-nim.
예썰!!!RT @wonsuk:@koohs @donghae861015 많은 동남아 팬들의 멘션 홍수속에 "누나다. 이놈아"라는 멘션 묻힐지도. ㅋㅋ 이럴때한류감독님 @DIRECTOR0626 이 도와주셔야죠. ㅋㅋ Yes sir!!! RT @wonsuk: @koohs@donghae861015 During the flood, many southeastern fans’s mention,”This is noona, you rascals” may stick. Keke During thesetimes, Hallyu Director must help our. Keke (I have no idea what thismeans.)
@koohs @skjhung 앗 민망. 빠르신데요?? 그사이에. ㅎㅎ
Ah, pity, you are quick?? Within such a short time, hoho
@SKJhung @wonsuk @koohs ㅋㅋ 저 기분 좋아해도 되는거지요??
Keke if it OK if I feel good??
@wonsuk 그러게요 너무 아쉬워요. 요술에 저의 배우님도 출연하시는데 ㅎㅎ 임지규씨라고. 그래서 더 기대중이지요. 담에 또 기회가 있겠지요.
Ahh,I regret so much. Our actor-nim also appear in Yo-Sool. Hoho His nameis Lim Ji Gyu. That is why I am anticipating it even more. I am sure wewill have other opportunities.
@koohs 넵 팔로감사합니다. 저도 진감독님께 트윗배웠어요. 제대로 배우셨을듯!! ^^
Thank you for following me. I also learned how to tweet through Director Jin. I am sure you learnd it well.
@koohs 와우 반갑습니다. 사진도 올리셨네요. 오늘 못뵈서 아쉬워요~^^ 다음 기회에!! 아 팔로했습니다. 전 백야행 박신우입니다. 트윗에서 자주뵈요~
Wow, Glad to know you. You even posted picture. I regret that I did notget to see you today.~ ^^ Next tiem!! Ah, I am following. I am ParkShin Woo of <Towards Midnight Sun>. Let us meet often throughtweet~
나무엑터스 김정도대표이사=NaMoo Actors CEO Kim Jung Do http://twitter.com/NamooActors
@koohs 안녕하세요 구감독님
Ahn young ha se yo Director Goo-nim.
형님 잘지내시죠 ^^ 구감독님 팔로우합니다 ㅋㅋRT @moviejhp 혜선아!안녕? 배우 구혜선을 트친소합니다 ^^ RT @koohs 선배님. 안녕하세요. 트윗왕초보 안사드립니다.
Hyung-nim(addressing older brother), are you doing OK? ^^ I am followingDirector Goo-nim. Keke HyeSun-ah! Ahn Young? I am ?teu-jin-so? actressGHS. ^^ Sunbae-nim (to someone who is your senior in work), this istweet king beginner sending you greetings.
그러네요 트윗도 하시고 자주봐요 우리ㅋㅋRT @koohs @NamooActors 아이쿠, 여기서 뵙네요. 안녕하세요. Let’s all meetoften through tweet. Keke ai-Koo, I see you here. Ahn young ha se yo.
저두 예전에 개두마리 키웠는데 송희와 송도 ㅋㅋ 그놈들 보고싶네요^^RT @koohs 짱아치, 꽁치, 순대, 만두, 밥. 이는저의 개 이름입니다.^^ 다섯마리가 함께 살고있습니다. I used to have two dogs—SongHeeand SongDo keke I miss those rascals. (Koo says, mine are named pickle,mackerel, sausage, dumpling and rice. ^^ I live with all five of them.)
영화배우 김기방씨=movie actor Kim Ki Bang http://twitter.com/kimkibang
오홋!!이게 누구신가요 ㅋㅋㅋ RT @koohs: 짱아치, 꽁치, 순대, 만두, 밥. 이는 저의 개 이름입니다.^^ 다섯마리가 함께 살고있습니다.
짐 혜선감독님보러 홍대 갑나다 ^^
Oh!!Who is this. Kekeke (quoting GHS’s mention of 5 dogs’names) I am going to Hongdae Club right now to meet Director HyeSun. ^^
@koohs following you, happy sunday in the this planet!
@koohs 맛있는 저녁식사...ㅋㅋㅋ 맛있게 드세욤
Delicious dinner,,,,kekeke Please eat well
@koohs 친절한 설명.... 감사해요!!
Thank you for your kind explanation,,,,Thank you!!
@koohs 몇년 전 kbs모 드라마에서 혜선씨는 연변 새댁으로, 윤지는 새댁으로 나왔던 적 있었는데, 전 그 당시 윤지 소속사 대표 맡았었습니다. 여기서 뵈니 감회가 참...
Fewyears ago, at kbs’ certain drama, Hyesun was the Yanbin new brideand YoonJi also a new bride. At that time I was the representative ofthe agency that YoonJi was a member. To meet you here, all the memoriesare flowing,,,,,.
@koohs 와우!! WOW!!!
@koohs 요즘 바람과 같이 혜성처럼 트위터에 혜선씨가 등장하신 후로는 트위터 하기가 무척 즐겁습니다.
With wind and like Hye Sung???,,,these days, ever since HyeSun-ssi came to tweet, I am enjoying tweeting so much more
@koohs 영역 표시는 길을 잘 들여야 합니다. 기선 제압이 중요하죠
English expressions need good training. ????important to manage/control steam.motor????
@koohs 올리시는 글이 언제나 훈훈하고 풋풋해서 정감이 갑니다
I feel such attachment to your posts—always warm and nice and ?fresh?
파비엔에이치 샵 부원장 이승연씨(조인성씨 메이크업 담당)
PaBi and H Shop Vice-Director Lee Seung Yun (in charge of make up for Jo In Sung) http://twitter.com/lovelylindsy
@koohs 안녕.잘지냈죠? 기억할른지... 조군 군대가기전 우린 수많은 촬영장에서 만낫엇지요^^ 기방이트윗통해서 팔로잉하구 가오~~^^트윗하는줄알앗으면진작왓을껄.... 건강하길^^
Ahnyoung. You been well? I wonder if you remember me…Before Jo wentinto the army, we met at so many different film locations. ^^ I amfollowing you through KiBang’s tweet. ~~^^If I knew you tweet, Ishould have come sooner…Be healthy^^
@koohs 트윗 기념으로 인사~~~~ㅎㅎ
Greeting to you for registering to tweet
(주)로보트태권브이,신씨네 영화마케터 곽신애씨
Robert Tae Kwon V, ShinCine Movie Marketer Kwak ShinAe http://twitter.com/cinekwak
@koohs 어서 오세요. 또 한명의 사랑스런 여우의 트윗 입성을 환영합니다.
Welcome. I welcome another lovely fox’ entrance into tweeter.
구혜선 씨가 마라도 짜장면 번개를 제안하는 거임^^ RT @koohs 혹 마라도 번개가 이루워 진다면...짜장면은 쏘도록 하겠습니다.ㅎ
GHS-ssiis proposing the idea of MaRado jja-jang-myun bungae^^(I reallydon’t get how this word bungae is used in this context!!) (GHSproposed in her tweet that she will treat people to jjajangmyun in theisland of Marado south of Jeju island.)
아부지와 저녁을 먹었습니다. 막내 녀석 '밥'이와 산책도 했구요. 집에 걸어오는 골목길에는 아부지께서 심어놓으신 꽃들로 아기자기 합니다. 아부지께선 한참을 자랑하시네요. 상추도 보입니다. 우리 부녀는 부자가 되었습니다.ㅎ
<about 11 hours ago via twtkr>
Ihad dinner with my Dad. We even took a walk with the youngest rascal,Bhap. The alley along the way home are lined with picturesque flowersthat my Dad planted. He talked very proudly for a long time of hiswork. Even lettuce can be seen. This father and daughter have becomewealthy. (Regarding the last sentence, GHS played with Korean words:BooNyu(=father and daughter) became BooJa(=wealthy). clever and witty!She made her father very happy by listening to him and spending timewith him.Indeed they are very wealthy even by their relationship).
I returned home. My sister andbrother-in-law have been arguing for few days and finally made up. Iwish I can have a nephew/niece fast but there is no news yet. I want togive him/her bath, wash its hair and tickle its toes. I am going toname him/her ‘cloud’,,,a lightly floating‘cloud’.
sekali ai nk tempek posting kaka sue
I wonder where she went?? Anyway, GHS is following another actor whose name is Lee Tae Sung (dobApril 21, 1985) He has a brother Sung YuBin who is a singer?? Lee TaeSung also follows GHS and left a message for GHS asking if she is doingOK and that he was so happy to see her. I noticed Lee Tae Sung walkingthe red carpet at the JIFF where GHS premiered her YOSool. He follows Heo Yeoung Seng who is part of SS501and of course he follows all SS501 members!!. I even found KHJ's tweeter but his last tweet was on April 11, saying that he is very hungry and wishes to go to DooRae Noodle. http://twitter.com/SShyunjoong
lama tk update pasal hyesun...komawo dongsaeng tempek magic trailer tuh
thanks minjee for the article from soompi
Magic teaser released, directed by Goo Hye Sun
Itwas announced a while back that Goo Hye Sun, after doing everythingfrom acting to writing a book, would be directing a movie titled Yosulor Magic in English.
This is the second movie that she has directed, her first being Cheerful Caretaker in 2009.
Althoughthe movie was set for release in April of this year, some postproduction difficulties pushed back the date of release to June 24th.
Today,YG Entertainment released a trailer for the movie, revealing a bit moreabout the plotline of the movie. Although titled Magic, a big focus ofthe movie seems to be about music. No surprise there since Goo Hye Sunhas taken up singing already, even singing for the movie, and also hada very small appearance in August Rush, a movie about a child guitarprodigy.
You may or may not like the girl, but there is noargument that she is one hard-working entertainer.It’s been abouta year since we’ve seen her on the screen when her popularityexploded with Boys Over Flowers, but fear not. Goo Hye Sun has alsobeen cast in an untitled musical for 2010.
thanks to smdrma and susAmerica for translations from soompi
@koohs 끊임없이 새로운 작업을 시도하며 노력하는 모습을 보며 해외사는 늙은 보잘것 없는 한 예술가를 감동시켰으며 자극시켰지요..그점 고마워했는데 트윗에서만이라도 그 뜻을 전합니다. 늘 응원하니 계속 분투하시길..() http://twitter.com/artteakorea/status/14259706703
@koohsYou have impressed and motivated one old and worthless artist livingoverseas with your tirelss effort and endless venture into new types ofwork. I am so thankful to you for that and wanted to at least convey myfeelings through tweeter. I will always cheer for you. Please continueto work hard.
<여성조선> 두경아 기자 <WomanChosun> Reporter Du Kyung A
@koohs 느낌 너무 좋아요^^ 혜선씨 화이팅! http://twitter.com/dududududu/status/14250016480
@koohs I get a very good feeling about it.^^ HyeSun-ssi FIGHTING!
@koohs 영화 요술 신작 영화로 소개했습니다. <여성조선> http://twitter.com/dududududu/status/14277641694
@koohs I have presented YO-SOOL, the new movie. <Woman Chosun>
(WOW! YO-Sool is getting advertised through word or mouth by savvy people like Reporter Doo!! Thank you!!)
권영호 사진작가 Photographer Gwon Yung Ho
@koohs 혜선아 축하해. 꿈꾸던 멋진일을 하고 있구나 영화 기대하고 있을께~ 한번더... 축하해 http://twitter.com/eoside/status/14273381500
@koohsHyeSun-ahh. Congratulations. You are living/doing what you have beendreaming of. I am looking forward to your movie~Congratulations onceagain.
이민호 매니저 한재희 LMH's manager Han Jae Hee
(I noticed that GHS and Han Jae Hee are following each other in tweeter. And, of course, Han Jae Hee is following Lee MIn Ho.)
@koohs 좋네...좋아...느낌잇어... http://twitter.com/starhaus1347/status/14261111127
@koohs Good...Good...It's got that feeling.....
<스포츠동아> 양형모기자 <SportsDonga> Reporter Yang Hyung Mo
나 구혜선 감독의 격한 팬. 아직 못봤는데 좋아요? 꼭 극장 가서 봐야지 (결심!!) RT http://twtkr.com/status.php?screen_name=ra..._id=14215559381
I am Director GHS's extreme fan. I have not seen it yet but is it good? I am definitely going to the theatre to watch it. (I resolve!!)
<뉴스엔> 김형우기자 <Newsen> Reporter Kim Hyeong Woo
2st's 1st Exhibition 'di ieri'
2010.05.03 19:26
di ieri
'Era una giornata come quella di ieri'??
2st's 1st Exhibition
2010 0515-21
서래마을 Gallery Manolin=Suh Rae MaEul Gallery Manolin
* 작가는 오픈일인 15일에만 갤러리에 있습니다=Artist will only be at the Gallery on the 15th, the opening day.
AM 11:00~PM 11:00
나에게 가장 소중한 친구 중 하나. =One of my most precious friends.
내가 전시회를 열게 해주게 손을 잡고 끌어준 아이=You held my hand and pulled me to open my own exhibition.
내가 사진을 포기하려할 때 그래도 힘을 준 아이=When I was about to give up my photographs, you gave me strength.
내가 여기까지 오게 늘 자극을 준 아이=You always motivated me to come this far.
바쁜 스케줄에 밤 늦게 홀로 찾아 사진을 보는 아이=Even in your busy schedule, you came alone late at nights to look at my photographs.
그리고 나와 '코드'가 참 잘 맞는 아이=You and I match so well in 코드'=kode?
그렇게 나에게 참으로 고마운 아이=That is why I am so grateful to you.
구혜선 전곡작곡 앨범발표 네티즌 호평 일색 ‘기대 이상’ [2009-09-03 18:52:28]
GHS's New Full-Length Album is Out. Netizens are United in their Good Review, saying <It is better than expected.> http://nimg.nate.com/orgImg/nn/2009/09/03/...852221002_1.jpg
[뉴스엔 김형우 기자=Newsen Kim Hyeong Woo reporter]
만능 엔터테이너 구혜선이 첫 앨범을 발표했다.
Multi-talented entertainer GHS is out with her very first album.구혜선의 소품집 '숨'은 9월3일 음원사이트를 통해 첫 공개됐다. 이번 소품집엔 연주곡을 중심으로 구혜선이 작곡한 총 8곡이수록됐으며 타이틀곡인 '골목을 돌면'은 같은 소속사 가수 거미가 보컬로 나섰다. '골목을 돌면'을 제외한 7곡은 모두연주곡이다.
일본 음악계 거장으로 꼽히고 있는 이사오 사사키는 '스카위 워커'(Sky walker)로 국내에도 잘 알려져 있다. 이사오 사사키의 이번 만남은 구혜선의 적극적인 러브콜로 이루어진 것으로 알려졌다.
(sorrysmdrma. I have translated this article before when GHS came out withher album, BREATH. I think everybody saw it already. But basically,Reporter Kim says that the reaction to GHS's album is positive and thatthe album is better than expected. She is planning to have a concertwith Isao Sasaki, the OVER THE RAINBOW concert.....)
김형우 [email protected]
그래서 나 역시 더욱 서두르게 된다"
I was really surprised by GHS's movie, Cheerful Caretaker. It was just so well made that I was moved
That is why I am also trying to rush my own project. (Healso wants to direct movies; also GHS sees him as her mentor and hassent him her writings for review. source: her long interview with oneof the reporters who wanted to know what is inside GHS's head.Remember?)
유지태 - Yeo Ji Tae
"구혜선은 미셸 공드리 감독처럼 될 거 같다. 좋은 스태프와 함께 하면 분명 크게 될 것"
I feel that GHS will become like the French Director, Michel Gongdri. I predict definite success if she works with a good staff.
"전에 혜선씨 단편영화들을 볼 기회가 있었는데 감각적이고 신선했다. 또 대중성까지 겸하고 있다"
I had a chance to see GHS's short film. It was very sensual and refreshing. At the same time, it also has a popular appeal.
"얼마전 저보다 먼저 장편영화 감독으로 데뷔중인 구혜선 씨가 있어. 솔직히 부담은 조금 덜합니다.
Nottoo long ago, I heard that GHS is in the middle of filming her featurelength movie, even before me. Honestly, I feel the pressure on me hasslightly lightened.
혜선 씨가 연출한 단편은 예전에 본 적이 있는데. 신동에 가깝더군요."
I saw HyeSun's short film. It was as close to seeing a prodigy.
"한국 배우들은 다른 어떤 나라 배우들보다 다재다능하고 치열하게 사는 면이 엿보인다.
Ifeel that Korean actors/actresses, even more so than actors from othercontries, live their lives utilizing their many other talents withpassion.
특히 이병헌 선배나 비, 구혜선 등 여러 면에서 재주를 보이는 이들을 보면 슈퍼맨 같다"
When I especially watch the various works of Lee Byung Hun sunbae, Bi, GHS, etc. I feel like they are Superman.
안성기 - Ahn Sung Gi
"영화 자체를 너무 좋아하고 사랑하고 있고, 그런 마음만 있으면 된다라고 생각을 했고
구혜선씨의 젊고 분명히 어떤 기발한 발랄한 그러한 아이디어가 있을 것이다 믿음을 갖고 해달라고 했죠"
It was enough for me that she likes and really loves the movies forthemselves. I felt that, with such mind, she will do a good job. Ibelieve that she will have that youthful, uncommon lively idea. That iswhy I asked her to make the trailer.
"자기가 그 일을 함으로써 행복감을 느끼고 또 그 일을 통해 사람들이 즐거워하고 좋아하고 그러면 다 되는거죠.
그런데 사실은 두 가지 병행해서 한다는 것은 더 많은 노력과 인내와 이런 것이 더 필요하지 않나 싶어요."
Ifeel that one can make things happen when one feels so much happinesswhile putting all the effort into the work and then, through thatprocess, make others feel happy from it. Of course, it is truly muchharder to do more than one thing at the same time. It requires evenmore effort and patience. I believe.
이명세 감독 - Lee Myung Se Director
GHS said that she looks up to both Director Lee Myung Se and Director Kim Ji Woon. (I forgot from where.)
(유쾌한 도우미) 영화 잘 만들었다. 영상미가 좋다.
(about Cheerful Caretaker) You made a good movie. The beauty of the image is good. creditsC
I think that QueenQue said that HyeSun has already signed on for the Musical, but we just have to wait for the offical news. I have a feeling that she won't make any official statements until Magic has premiered.
Goo Hye Sun to Appear in Kim Seung Woo's WinWin Program
(Translated from KBS2 승승장구) The guest for Kim Seung Woo's WinWinprogram this time. A beauty in every respect who transforms from anactress to a director! She is actress Goo Hye Sun who never stops herenergy and keep moving up.
Please let us know what various questions you wish to ask her. We'lllet the viewers and everybody have the answers through the programme.
Kim Seung Woo's WinWin <Very Special Project - Let's Meet Now!>
If actress Goo Hye Sun is to polish shoes at MyeongDong on May 25, what will you do together with Goo Hye Sun then?
You can either put The work which you can do or The thing which you want to do together with Goo Hye Sun!