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Author: Takki_Aniki


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Post time 3-2-2004 04:56 PM | Show all posts

KBS online

Originally posted by luvrema1982 at 2004-2-3 01:10 PM:
:sp: i signed up as foreigner so i use my real no. K/P, my real address n it worked. KBS requires real info... so.. u get d picture? good luck then

Thanks luvrema1982!

You've been a great help. Excellent info. ;)

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Post time 4-2-2004 09:41 AM | Show all posts

EP 15 RECAPS...2/2/04

Hye-won returns to mainland...
Jung-ah confronts and slaps Hye-won...

Jung-ah: I don't have a friend called Shim Hye-won. From now on I trust no one.


Hye-won remains speechless next to Jung-jae by the shore.

Jung-jae: First thing first, let's return to the hotel.

Jang-mi sees Hye-won and runs toward her and Jung-jae. He leaves Hye-won to look for Jung-ah. Jang-mi sees handprint on Hye-won's cheek and asks if Jung-jae and Jung-ah found out everything.

Hye-won: You knew too? Everyone knew...I thought if I could just put away my feelings then...
Jang-mi: ...
Hye-won: You don't actually like Min-woo, do you?
Jang-mi: Hye-won...

Min-woo wants to talk to Jung-jae and Jung-ah but Dae-poong stops him.

Jung-jae tells Jung-ah to just let it go. He tells her that he already knew but he wanted to resolve the matter quietly. Jung-jae tells Jung-ah to pretend like nothing happened. Jung-ah is shocked that Jung-jae can pretend like there's nothing going on. Jung-ah gets angry at Jung-jae that he only cares about protecting Hye-won. She threatens to tell their parents.
Jung-jae tries to stop her.

Jung-ah: I will never forgive Hye-won. Never. She knew how much I like Min-woo. Because it was her, I can never forgive her.

Hye-won comes.

Hye-won: Jung-ah...
Jung-ah: I don't want to talk to you.
Hye-won: Jung-ah...
Jung-ah: What exactly happened between you and Min-woo that you can let go of a 10-year relationship with oppa over Min-woo?

Jung-ah: Did you two sleep together?
Hye-won: ...
Jung-ah: It wouldn't be surprising if you did. You and Min-woo lied to us and snuck behind us many times.

Jung-jae slaps Jung-ah. Jung-ah leaves.


Jung-jae and Hye-won are alone.

Hye-won tries to talk to him but he tells her to say nothing for the moment. Jung-jae gets Hye-won's medication and tells her to pack and he'll drive her to Seoul soon.

Min-woo catches up to Jung-jae and apologizes to him. Jung-jae asks if Min-woo is apologizing for the mountain incident or for loving Hye-won.

Jung-jae punches Min-woo and tells him that he's punching him because he caused her to miss her medication. Jung-jae tells Min-woo that he's taking Hye-won to Seoul and there won't be any more meetings between her and Min-woo.

Jung-jae and Hye-won drive off.

Hye-won: Oppa, I have something to say to you.
Jung-jae: Say nothing. I know what you want to say.
Hye-won: Oppa..
Jung-jae: Say nothing. I deserve that much respect, don't I?
Hye-won: ...
Jung-jae: And I'm not letting you go under any circumstances.

Jung-jae: This isn't the way I wanted to resolve this matter. I'm sorry.
Hye-won: Why do you apologize?
Jung-jae: It's my fault it turned out this way.
Hye-won: You didn't do anything wrong.
Jung-jae: I was hurt when Jung-ah accused you and asked if you love Min-woo.. you didn't deny loving him like I had hoped you would.
Hye-won: That..
Jung-jae: Let's not talk long...and forgive Jung-ah for using strong words against you.
Hye-won: I understand her.
Jung-jae: And stay in Seoul from now on. You're no longer working for the resort, okay?

Jung-ah tells Hye-won to leave her brother. Jung-ah tells Hye-won that she cannot accept her marriage to Jung-jae. Since Jung-jae won't initiate a breakup, Jung-ah asks Hye-won to leave. Hye-won says if her absence could solve everything, she wanted to leave. Hye-won calls out to Jung-ah and asks for her forgiveness. Jung-ah says she could never forgive her.


Hye-won is mournful over Jung-ah and Jung-jae's wounds.

Min-woo comes to talk to Jung-ah. Jung-ah tells him that she is tired of talking about him and Hye-won.

Min-woo: Alright. I'll stop with excuses. I apologize.
Jung-ah: Don't leave.
Min-woo: Jung-ah...
Jung-ah: Actually, I was so happy to see you here.. but when I think about Hye-won..
Min-woo: Jung-ah, I understand your heart. I understand your heart over everyone. It's because of love you act this way. It's because you love me.
Jung-ah: Is it the same way with you and Hye-won? Do you love her so?
Min-woo: I know it's wrong, but I want to be honest with you.
Jung-ah: So it's true.
Min-woo: I'm sorry.
Jung-ah: Let's forget it. I'll forget it..
Min-woo: No, don't make me a bad person even more.
Jung-ah: No, I won't let you go. What do you like so much about Hye-won?
Min-woo: Let's talk another time. Right now it's useless. I'm going.
Jung-ah: No matter what you say, I won't stop loving you.


Jung-jae tries to put up a cheerful spirit when meeting Hye-won.

Hye-won: Oppa, why do you pretend like nothing happened? I know you're hurting and suffering...We should break up.
Jung-jae: Why are you talking about breaking up? Did you talk to Jung-ah?
Hye-won:'s because I'm troubled.
Jung-jae: I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear what you just said.
Hye-won: That morning when I missed the boat...I didn't want to get on the boat on purpose. I don't know why i did that. Even I cannot forgive myself. So how I can look at you? That's the reason I want to break up.

Jung-jae solicites Jang-mi's help. Jang-mi goes to Seoul to be with Hye-won.

Jung-jae's mom calls to tell him to bring Hye-won home so the family can celebrate the dad's birthday together.

Min-woo hands in his resignation letter. Jung-jae tells Min-woo to finish his job and not to mix work with personal matters. Jung-jae tears up the letter. Dae-poong is happy to see Min-woo back at the resort. Min-woo tells him about the letter and says he wants to leave because if he stays then everyone will be uncomfortable. Dae-poong tells him to be patient and finish their work together and then forget about everything.

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Post time 4-2-2004 09:44 AM | Show all posts

EP 16 RECAPS...3/2/04

Jung-jae's mom comes to see Hye-won. Hye-won asks if something's the matter. Jung-jae's mom tells her they're celebrating dad's birthday early this year. Hye-won comes to the house and Jung-ah sees her.

Jung-ah: Didn't I tell you break up with my brother?
Hye-won: I'm working on it, but i haven't told the parents.
Jung-jae: You're here. Why don't you come in?

After dinner, Jung-jae's father asks Hye-won about her opinion toward Min-woo, and Min-woo's feelings toward Jung-ah. Jung-jae tells his parents that Hye-won no longer works at the resort and says he and Hye-won will marry soon.

Jung-ah tells her parents that the two aren't getting married. Jung-ah asks Hye-won isn't it true that Hye-won will break up with Jung-jae soon and Hye-won says yes. Jung-jae's father tells Hye-won to talk to them in private.

Hye-won follows the parents to their room. They ask why she's breaking up with Jung-jae and if Jung-jae has done something wrong. Hye-won says it's all her fault. Mr. Park tells her that he knows she's a thoughtful person so he won't ask her anymore, and he tells her that after Hye-won's parents passed away in the accident, he had promised that he would always look after her like his own daughter, whether or not she will become his daughter-in-law.

Mrs. Park overhears Jung-ah talking about Hye-won and Min-woo, and she faints.

Jung-ah forbids Hye-won from entering her mother's hospital room and tells her to not ever show up in front of them again.

Hye-won packs and leaves. She visits the resort one last time and runs into Min-woo.

Hye-won: Hello.
Min-woo: What brings you here?
Hye-won: I came to clean up some things...and to say farewell to you.
Min-woo: Farewell?
Hye-won: From now on, I won't be coming here anymore and won't be seeing you anymore, so I thought I should say good bye.
Min-woo: Can I ask if you've been okay?
Hye-won: ...
Min-woo: Have you been okay?
Hye-won: Yes, of course. Jung-jae oppa is good to me and Jung-ah.. Jung-ah and I are still friends.
Min-woo: I see...
Hye-won: So if you're happy, then it's all okay.
Min-woo: Hye-won...are you happy?
Hye-won: Yes, I'm happy...and I wish you happiness, truely.
Min-woo: ...
Hye-won: I must go.

Hye-won leaves. From the proposal room window, Min-woo sees Hye-won running away. Back at the office, Dae-poong tells him that Hye-won left home. She apparently broke up with Jung-jae and left in the morning.

Min-woo runs out.

Min-woo runs out to look for Hye-won after finding out that she left home and left Jung-jae. Jung-jae asks Jang-mi to let him know should Hye-won contact her. She asks him to do the same but Jung-jae says Hye-won wouldn't contact him.

En Hui's dad contacts Jung-jae. He tells Jung-jae that En Hui's mother wants to see the recipient of En Hui's heart. En Hui's mother has been ill and is hospitalized for an extended time until recently she moved home and wishes to see Hye-won since she has her daughter's heart. En Hui's father tells Jung-jae that he knows Min-woo and asks if Jung-jae knows him, and Jung-jae tells him that Min-woo is the art director at "calla" resort. Jung-jae begins to understand the complex relationship among Hye-won, the donor, and Min-woo.

Mrs. Park asks Jung-ah about Hye-won's whereabouts.
Jung-jae tells Jung-ah that Hye-won disappeared.. that she's hiding from him. Jung=jae asks Jung-ah if she's happy and satisfied now. Jung-ah thinks Min-woo knows where Hye-won is. Jung-jae is upset that Jung-ah thinks so low of Hye-won. Jung-ah says that Hye-won is not the same girl they once knew.

Min-woo remembers Hye-won wanting to visit her heart's donor's family and realizes she could be there.
Hye-won visits the house where En Hui's family lives but no one is home. Hye-won meets En Hui's father on the road. En Hui's father recognizes her as the lady from "calla" resort and asks if she would like some tea. Hye-won realizes the man is the father of her donor.

Hye-won wants to ask about the man's son (she's under the impression that her donor is a man), but she remembers Jung-jae telling her thar the donor wanted to remain anonymous and undisturbed. Hye-won is touched and thanks En Hui's father for the tea and asks if she could come back to visit from time to time. The man shows Hye-won his daughter's room which had a picture of his daughter with Min-woo, but Hye-won does not see the picture.
He gives Hye-won his daughter's old necklace since she seemed to like it so much. Hye-won tells the man to address her by her name, "Shim Hye-won", instead of "miss", as a friendly gesture.

Min-woo searches for Hye-won through the fields near En Hui's house. He remembers the times he spent with her during their last meeting there. Min-woo finds Hye-won at the train station.

Hye-won: How did you know I was here?
Min-woo: From your last visit I remember that this place is special to you.
Hye-won: ...
Min-woo: But why did you lie, Hye-won? About Jung-jae and you...about your happiness... how could you say that and leave like that? Do you know that everyone's worried about you? It's hard for jung-jae and for me.
Hye-won: Me too. It's hard for me too. I blame you, for changing me. I really wanted to hide somewhere this time.. but why did you find me like this?
Min-woo: This cannot be your farewell. Did you not say that Jung-jae and Jung-ah are like your family? Can you be sure you can live without ever seeing them again?
Hye-won: ...
Min-woo: You can't. Don't be like this. Come back with me.

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Post time 4-2-2004 10:57 AM | Show all posts
cerita ni nampaknya dah nak sampai ke kemuncaknya...tak lama lagi nanti Hye-won mesti akan tahu yang penderma jantung tu adalah En-Hui first love Min-woo...tak taulah macam mana perasaandia masa tu...

kesian kat Hye-won dia nak lari dari semua masalah tu tapi tak tau nak pergi mana...since parents dia dah tak de..Jung-jae dan Jung-ahlah keluarga dia...

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Post time 4-2-2004 11:05 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sara at 3-2-2004 01:08 AM:
kesian kat Hye-Won...tak pasal-pasal dia kena penampar dari Jung-Ah...

tapi hari ni cerita dia entah terasa macam sedikit slow...sepatutnya konflik macam ni mestilah ada klimaks tapi yang ni sed ...

memang agak slow, but that's only because the storm is coming up...jangan lupa tengok malam ni...dari spoiler yg kite baca, tonight's episode should be explosive & 'bergelora'...

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Post time 4-2-2004 11:22 AM | Show all posts


Originally posted by katt at 3-2-2004 12:40 PM:
Err, Hye Won atau Min Woo? Bila Hye Won rambut kerinting?

Hye Won... ala minggu lepas kan rambut dia ada sedikit curly dan berombak gitu... lawa jer aku tgk... hari ni dan semalam, rambut dia dah lurus... ada gak iras si En Hui tu sikit... (dr pandangn tepi)

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Post time 4-2-2004 11:28 AM | Show all posts


Originally posted by aLiN_82 at 2004-2-4 11:22 AM:
Hye Won... ala minggu lepas kan rambut dia ada sedikit curly dan berombak gitu... lawa jer aku tgk... hari ni dan semalam, rambut dia dah lurus... ada gak iras si En Hui tu sikit... (dr pandangn tepi)

Oh ye ke.....mesti tak perasan atau tak sempat tengok masa tu.

Elok juga kalau dia kerinting rambut sikit, biar wavy. Kalau rambut lurus memang nampak macam En Hui, mungkin untuk lebih 'effect' pada drama ni. :re:

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Post time 4-2-2004 12:03 PM | Show all posts


Originally posted by whitedove at 2004-2-4 11:05 AM:
memang agak slow, but that's only because the storm is coming up...jangan lupa tengok malam ni...dari spoiler yg kite baca, tonight's episode should be explosive & 'bergelora'...

Explosive & 'bergelora' ya? Ini yang nak tengok ni......the truth's finally out!

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Post time 4-2-2004 03:11 PM | Show all posts
Tapi saya tengok Jung Ah memang kesian. Dia jatuh hati pada orang yang tak mencintainya. Lagipun saya tengok Jung Ah sebenarnya sangat sedih kerana rakan baiknya Hye Won yang mengkhianatinya, memang sukar untuk diterima walaupun cinta itu buta. Hye Won pula memang patut kena penampar tu. Jung Jae lagilah kesian..... pura-pura tak tahu. Bukan senang tu....

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Post time 5-2-2004 11:02 AM | Show all posts

EP 17 RECAPS...4/2/04

Jung-jae comes and sees the two together.

Hye-won: Oppa!
Jung-jae: Seeing you two together here, I'm more surprised than anyone.
Hye-won: How did you know to come here?
Jung-jae: I had a feeling, but looks like I came one step too late. Hye-won, did you leave home to be with Min-woo?
Hye-won: Oppa...
Min-woo: It's not what you think. I came to look for her too.
Jung-jjae: Is this once again a coincidence meeting between you two? Why would you, Min-woo, find my fiancee?
Min-woo: Because I was worried.
Jung-jae: You finding my fiancee before doesn't seem right, does it?

Jung-jae takes Hye-won away.


En Hui's mother comes back from her walk and finds her daughter's necklace missing. En Hui's father tells her that he gave it to the visitor who reminded him so much of their daughter. En Hui's mother is upset because she still believes En Hui will return and En Hui would be sad to find her necklace gone.


Jung-jae pulls the car over. He asks Hye-won how much more patience does she want of him. She apologizes. He tells her from now on she is to follow everything he says.

Hye-won: It won't work anymore between us.
Jung-jae: Do you really want us to break up?
Hye-won: I'll be only hurting you more.
Jung-jae: You really don't love me?
Hye-won: ...

At her silence, Jung-jae goes back to the car.


Min-woo tells his friend that Jung-jae has taken Hye-won back to Seoul. Min-woo says that Jung-jae saw him and Hye-won together and may have misunderstood the situation. Jung-ah overhears the conversation and confronts Min-woo. Min-woo tries to explain and Jung-ah screams that she's sick and tired of him talking about Hye-won. She asks how much more will they torture her and her brother. Jung-ah says she is tired of Min-woo's selfishness. Min-woo tells Jung-ah to hate him and not to forgive him. After Jung-ah leaves, Jang-mi tells Min-woo not to be upset about Jung-ah but Min-woo says that Jung-ah is right and he is the bad person.


Jung-jae brings Hye-won to his family's condo. He tells the butler that they will be staying for a while. Nye-won wants to leave. He yells at her.

Jung-jae: Until I give you permission you cannot move even one step.
Hye-won: Oppa...
Jung-jae: Until you come back to me.. until you forget all about Yoo Min-woo, I'll stay here with you.

Jung-ah sees a drunk Min-woo calling out for Hye-won.

Hye-won thinks about her past with Jung-jae. Jung-jae comes to see her and she is startled.

Jung-jae: You're afraid of me now, aren't you? This is what we've become.
Hye-won: ..
Jung-jae: Take your medicine and rest.


Hye-won: Let's go back now, oppa... For hurting you, I'm sorry. I liked you a lot, oppa. Really a lot. For betraying you, I'm mad at myself too and upset at myself. Now it's your turn to be upset, oppa. Don't forgive me and free yourself from me.
Jung-jae: No, I can't. Don't you think I want to be free? I can't, so this is why I'm like this So give him (Min-woo) up.

Dae-poong tells Min-woo that he called out Hye-won's name many times in front of Jung-ah.

Min-woo: I should have told the truth to Hye-won.
Dae-poong: What truth?
Min-woo: That I don't want to let her go...that I want to be with her.
Dae-poong: Now you're talking nonsense.

Jang-mi tells Min-woo and Dae-poong that this time, both Jung-jae and Hye-won are missing.

Jung-ah finally gets a hold of Jung-jae by phone. He tells Jung-ah where they are. She tells Jung-jae that locking Hye-won at the condo won't make her love him again. Min-woo overhears this and asks Jung-ah where Hye-won is.

Jung-ah: You want to know where she is for what? If I tell you, are you gonna go rescue her? My brother loves her and he'll take care of it.
Min-woo: But I still have to go..
Jung-ah: Why? Just why?
Min-woo: Because I love her.
Jung-ah: ...
Min-woo: That's right. I love Hye-won. That's why I must go look for her.
Jung-ah: Stop it. I really don't like hearing you say things like that...

Min-woo drives to the condo.

Hye-won asks Jung-jae to eat dinner. He is drunk.

Hye-won: Oppa...
Jung-jae: I'm fine. I'm really fine. Hye-won...Hye-won...
Hye-won: ...
Jung-jae: What should I do? Showing you this side of me? You said you like the calm me, but I let you see this side of me. What should i do? What am I to do? What can I do?
Hye-won: What can I do? If I return to you, does that solve everything? But can I return to you? After tearing apart Jung-ah's heart, after tearing mom and dad's hearts, after tearing you and that what I must do for you?
Jung-jae: Do you really love that man? The one you love is really him and not me? Please answer me. The one you really love is that man?
Hye-won: ...Yes, I love him.

Jung-jae tries to force Hye-won to make love. Hye-won cries.

Jung-jae: Go! Leave!

Hye-won runs out and upon seeing Min-woo running toward the condo, she stops and begins to sob. Min-woo sees a crying Hye-won and embraces her.

Min-woo: I'm sorry. I made a mistake. I'm not letting you go anymore. Just let me be the bad person. I'm not letting you go ever again.

Min-woo takes Hye-won away from the condo. Jung-jae watches from the window.

Min-woo brings Hye-won to his apartment. Min-woo notices Hye-won's dress strap is broken..

Min-woo to a sleeping Hye-won: I'm sorry.

Hye-won awakes in the morning and smiles at Min-woo who is also awake.

Min-woo: Did you sleep well?
Hye-won: Did you worry a lot?
Min-woo: I didn't worry, since you're here I don't worry.

Min-woo presents a bowl of porridge and 'calla' flower to Hye-won.

Hye-won: So, how long would it take to pay you back for all this..?
Min-woo: ... A lifetime...

Min-woo notices Hye-won's engagement ring. Min-woo goes to get water...Hye-won takes her ring off. Min-woo comes back and sees her ring off..

Hye-won: Now.. I have made my decision... would you go somewhere with me...?

They arrive at the cathedral.
Hye-won tells Min-woo that she wanted to introduce him...

[ Last edited by whitedove on 5-2-2004 at 11:06 AM ]

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Post time 5-2-2004 11:09 AM | Show all posts
Jung-jae: Do you really love that man? The one you love is really him and not me? Please answer me. The one you really love is that man?
Hye-won: ...Yes, I love him.

ni sebenarnya first time Hye-won admit her feelings for Min-woo, kan? tapi to Jung-jae pulak tu...

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Post time 5-2-2004 11:29 AM | Show all posts
Tengok Jung Jae menderita betul. Semua watak terseksa....... Kadang-kadang terasa pulak En Hui yang menyebabkan semua ni.

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Post time 5-2-2004 12:05 PM | Show all posts

Typical 'desperate' men in K-dramas

Hmm, from Autumn to Winter to Summer, the scriptwriter sure knows how to 'kill' the good image of the second lead. Masukkan saja elemen 'paksaan' and he'll be the bad guy. Padahal tak perlu buatkan Jung-jae jadi begitu desperate, IMO.

But one thing for sure, Ryu Jin membawakan watak 'terseksa'nya dengan baik sekali. He's the actor to watch, with good "expressive eyes". ^_^

p/s: btw, malam ni tak ada SSlah, ada Chap Goh Mei Special instead.

[ Last edited by katt on 5-2-2004 at 03:39 PM ]

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Post time 5-2-2004 12:22 PM | Show all posts
Hye-won: So, how long would it take to pay you back for all this..?
Min-woo :..........A lifetime

so sweet and very touching......

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Post time 5-2-2004 05:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 1-2-2004 10:37 PM:
Di page 2, sara ada postkan the download links for the soundtrack of Summer Scent ni.

Kalau ending theme SS, the song is uh jjuh myun - Seo Jin Young.

Here is the link & ...

thanks katt.

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Post time 5-2-2004 05:24 PM | Show all posts
aku rasa kan min woo kan pernah jatuh cinta pada en hui, en hui dah dermakan jantung pada hye won,so min woo pun jatuh cinta ngan hye won plak.tapi,hye won nie memang cute.


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Post time 5-2-2004 07:17 PM | Show all posts
Ade tak lirik untuk lagu Seo Jin Young yang lain?

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Post time 6-2-2004 08:35 AM | Show all posts


kalau aku jadi hye won, aku mesti susah nak pilih... dedua mmg syg gila kat Hye Won...

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Post time 6-2-2004 11:28 AM | Show all posts
Tapi Hye Won sedar dia suka kat Min Woo. Rasa bersalahnya yang membuatkan dia undecided.

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Post time 6-2-2004 01:32 PM | Show all posts

Side topic: Summer Scent elsewhere

Articles featuring how Korean Dramas are going beyond the native borders and how other countries are enjoying Korean dramas.

From KoreAM Journal.

To read the article, just click on the image to open up a new window.

Credits to chrissejin of; articles from KoreAM.

[ Last edited by katt on 6-2-2004 at 01:37 PM ]

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