wkk5159 posted on 24-4-2013 09:44 AM
“But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat ...
orait. thanks bro. sorry a bit occupied harini. nanti dah free aku check.
Thanks again!
wkk5159 posted on 24-4-2013 09:44 AM
“But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat ...
sedih aku tengok posting ko...tu la kuat sangat bertuhankan bible bertulisan omputih tu..............
cmf_BeachBoys posted on 24-4-2013 08:57 PM
sedih aku tengok posting ko...tu la kuat sangat bertuhankan bible bertulisan omputih tu........... ...
Saya lagi sedih tengok kamu diperdaya oleh seorang Arab yang berperangai Syaitan dan buta huruf dari Abad ke-7.....
wkk5159 posted on 24-4-2013 11:38 PM
Saya lagi sedih tengok kamu diperdaya oleh seorang Arab yang berperangai Syaitan dan buta huruf da ... “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die” (Genesis 2:17).
Ayat ini Tuhan jelas memberi amaran kepada Adam dan Hawa agar jangan terpedaya dengan helah Syaitan yang seolah olah menitikberatkan kebaikan dan kejahatan, harga(akibat) untuk mempercayai helah Syaitan dan dosa yang berikutan adalah kematian. Tidak ada tempat untuk dosa dan kematian di alam Tuhan. mana ayat yang kata syaitan yang cipta kematian???????????????????????
Compare all the faiths with open mind before one finally make up his/her mind in embracing it.
I was once a atheist and i did extensive personal research into comparative religions of the world.
Sadly in Malaysian and even most muslim countries, muslims are shunned from formal contact with other faiths.
I haven't seen any reply from @wkk5159 regarding my last questions. Despite all the extensive personal research into comparative religions of the world, I haven't see any real evidence from him to prove that Bible is the word of God. Until then, the question still remains open...
Last edited by mashimaru83 on 27-4-2013 03:01 PM
mashimaru83 posted on 27-4-2013 02:55 PM
I haven't seen any reply from @wkk5159 regarding my last questions. Despite all the extensive pers ...
Don't worry you are not alone, you have plenty of bretherens here who share your sentiments; zamkunis, beachboy, sam........
You have a absolutely absurd mindset, that's why i find it's dry and boring talking to you. You are stationary in the same spot chasing your own shadow. Anyway, just want to share some relevant Bible verses with you.
Matthew 7:13,14 "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."
Hebrews 9:27 says And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: Which road or path are you on; is it the road to Heaven or the road to Hell. Choose life today.
wkk5159 posted on 27-4-2013 03:22 PM
Don't worry you are not alone, you have plenty of bretherens here who share your sentiments; zamku ...
Don't worry you are not alone, you have plenty of bretherens here who share your sentiments; zamkunis, beachboy, sam........
You have a absolutely absurd mindset, that's why i find it's dry and boring talking to you. You are stationary in the same spot chasing your own shadow. Anyway, just want to share some relevant Bible verses with you. Again, subjective judgement. I'd rather deal with evidence. I suggest that you bring forwad the evidence instead of busy doing subjective judgement against other people (dry, shallow, boring, absurd mind, chasing your own shadow, etc.). Your subjective judgement on other people is certainly not going to help you or the discussion. Kindly stick yourself to the topic. Let me know if you have difficulties in doing so.
Matthew 7:13,14 "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."
Hebrews 9:27 says And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: Which road or path are you on; is it the road to Heaven or the road to Hell. Choose life today. None of these verses talk about the Bible. Please try again. Let me know if you have difficulties finding the said verse. I'll help you with open heart.
mashimaru83 posted on 27-4-2013 03:47 PM
Again, subjective judgement. I'd rather deal with evidence. I suggest that you bring forwad the ...
No, i don't need a muslim's help in searching of God, thank you.
Why you still sticking to the matter of subjectivity, you still have problem with it ?
By the way, the so called Quran verse you quoted to support your claim that your Quran is word of God hold no weight in my analytical perception. It didn't address the topic you brought up and let alone claiming to be objective.
Again, whether it's your "muslim mind" that fails to appreciate the countless Biblical verse that i've quoted you or simply it is your intellectual limitation in comprehending it.
Eitherway you better gave me a sound and intelligent reply or i'll simply give it a pass !
cmf_BeachBoys posted on 26-4-2013 08:22 PM
mana ayat yang kata syaitan yang cipta kematian???????????????????????
Kan saya dah bagi ayat-ayat dalam Genesis sebelum ini ??? Tak faham atau mata sudah dikaburi Syaitan ???
wkk5159 posted on 27-4-2013 04:17 PM
Kan saya dah bagi ayat-ayat dalam Genesis sebelum ini ??? Tak faham atau mata sudah dikaburi Syait ...
aku xjumpa pun ayat yang kata "akulah syaitan yang mencipta kematian" atau "Tuhan berkata "syaitan lah yang mencipta kematian".ada tak ayat macam tu.ayat yang ko bagi ntah ape2.........xde kaitan pun ngan syaitan yang cipta kematian
wkk5159 posted on 27-4-2013 04:09 PM
No, i don't need a muslim's help in searching of God, thank you.
Why you still sticking to the ... wkk5159:
No, i don't need a muslim's help in searching of God, thank you.
You are welcome. Let me know if you change your mind. I'll help you with open heart.
Why you still sticking to the matter of subjectivity, you still have problem with it ?
Mmm... most of your statement to support that Bible is the word of God is subjective. Is your 'research' is an actual research? It sounds questionable...
By the way, the so called Quran verse you quoted to support your claim that your Quran is word of God hold no weight in my analytical perception. It didn't address the topic you brought up and let alone claiming to be objective.
'Hold no weight in my analytical perception' -- your perception is subjective. I suggest if that you want to reject something, try to use standard analytical method i.e through proper proof and evidence. Remember, different people have different perception. I hope you understand why I keep mentioning the subjectivity word...
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
All scripture --> this surely inclusive of Al-Quran and The Bible, if not why not?
Again, whether it's your "muslim mind" that fails to appreciate the countless Biblical verse that i've quoted you or simply it is your intellectual limitation in comprehending it.
Eitherway you better gave me a sound and intelligent reply or i'll simply give it a pass !
None of the verse even mentioned the word 'Bible', let alone prove that Bible is the Book of God. Please kindly give me a proven answer (answer that can be proven through standard analytical method) and not analytical perception, interpretation, feelings, etc.
Last edited by mashimaru83 on 27-4-2013 05:38 PM
Angelic Origins, Creation & the Fall of Satan
The Angels are not created in the image and likeness of God. The human race is God’s pinnacle of creation, and so He saved His best for last. Other races of God’s creatures fill the universe, being intelligent, sentient, and social in nature. From the ranks of the numerous races, God has gathered the best individuals of these civilizations to be eternal and angelic servants in his heavenly abode, grouping them in 8 different choirs of ascending perfection, according to their kind. The highest of the choirs is the 9th, being the Seraphim, who were created before all things. The 7 Seraphim were created as preternal beings before God’s majestic throne before anything else was brought into being. They are called the “Sons of the Morning”, having assisted God in creating every part of the universe, including all other living beings. At the end of His creation, God created the human race to be the 10th choir before His heavenly throne. Created in His image and likeness, humans were created to be reflections of God’s perfection and to rule over all other races and angels, including the 7 Seraphim. Having 10 choirs of angels worshipping beneath His throne, God is associated with ELEVEN.
Angelic beings have a physical dimension, but also have other dimensions defined by the level of their choir. Science has begun to understand the essence of multiple-dimensions. String theory and specifically the “M” theory have posited that there exist 11 dimensions. The eleventh dimension would seem to be associated with resurrection, which is something only the human elect will experience. The problem of original sin is a genetic issue, and all of God’s elect will be “resurrected” or “reincarnated” so to root out degenerate DNA, removing the origin of sin, death, and disease. The human race will start over, or to put it more succinctly- resume as intended before the fall of Eden.
The order of earthly creation mirrors that of heaven. The multitude of God’s animals on the earth was modeled upon the non-human races of God’s living creatures, who are also of a spiritual nature, having been created with a soul. The human being is also at the top of the order of creation on earth, above the animals here, which do not possess a spiritual nature or soul. The human being was created by God to never experience death, unlike the other races of His living creatures. Human death and sin are in essence genetic inventions of the devil. Samael/Satan was the highest creation before Adam and Eve, being the prince of God’s heavenly host. Through his rebellion, Satan introduced human death, disease, and aging through genetic tampering, altering, and manipulation. In this way, original sin has been passed down through all human generations, by way of our chromosomal gametes.
The Seraphim were God’s crowning achievement before He brought forth humanity. The “Sons of the Morning” are magnificent beings of light and grace, who can be likened to feathered serpents. A Seraph never touches the ground, being in a perpetual state of “flight” or elevated stasis. The Ourobouros of the Milky Way galaxy has been represented as a Seraph biting its tail, constituting the perfection of a circle. Movement of the earth through space in relation to the Milky Way Ourobouros has been represented as a means of temporal-measurement, demarcating ages and derivative measures of time. The geometry of the Seraphim may be displayed as a line as well as a circle, in addition to manifold variations of the two. Unfortunately, the term “Serpent” has taken on negative connotations on the earth, having been defamed by the wickedness of their prototype Samael. The other angels have the geometry of an angle, between acute and obtuse, up to 180 degrees.
When God announced His plan for the human race to be created in His image and likeness, to be put at the head of the heavenly hierarchy and order, it came as a surprise to the hosts of heaven. The human race was to be superior over the Seraphim and lower choirs of heaven, ruling all the races and nations of God’s creation. In obedience and honor of God’s will, the hosts of heaven all sang “alleluia” together. This development however, became a source of resentment to the former prince of the host, Samael. Was he not created perfectly and before all else? It was not an issue to serve the Almighty God-man Yahweh who created him, but to bow before these human newcomers was not something he was pleased with. Samael the Seraph was no longer to be the first under God. No doubt there are many other contributing factors which led to his complete rebellion against God, but this must suffice in explanation for the time being. After his fall, Samjaza (Satan) lost the physical beauty of his created body, becoming deformed and devoid of plumage. As recounted in the Book of Genesis, all serpents (animals) on the earth were transformed by God to mirror the devolution of Satan from a magnificent plumed Seraph to a lower-creature stripped of its eloquence. The earthly serpents lost their ability to fly along with their feathers. At that time, serpents became more akin to the earthworm than to the present animal that we now call the snake; the latter being a product of Satan’s genetic-tampering to better suit his self-image; i.e. fangs, venom, scales, etc. Having assumed a kind of temporary dominion over the earth, Satan turned God’s order upside-down. The living creatures here were created to mirror the peace and harmony of heaven. Satan turned the genetic herbivore nature of animals and humans against each other to become carnivorous predators. God has allowed for this consequence of original sin, and humans are not forbidden from eating meat, nor am I a vegetarian/vegan. Many of God’s earthly-inhabitants are not of God’s original creation, for example the virus, prion and the mosquito.
After Satan’s fall, God concluded a plan for the salvation of the human race, more-specifically those who give witness to His name and obey His commandments. To define this more precisely, God has provided a means of redemption only for the elect of His covenant. This has been realized by the sacrificial-passion and resurrection of His only begotten son, Jesus the Christ. To reward His loyal Seraphim, God willed that the “Sons of the Morning” minus their former leader Samjaza, would become human in God’s image and likeness. This was not to come without a price. The Seraphim must be born upon the earth as humans, and overcome the fallen-nature of our corrupted human flesh. If they emerged victorious in a holy life and death, then the “Sons of the Morning” would be eternally-human, and they and their descendents would rule the universe under God. In doing this; they undertook the risk of succumbing to the world, the flesh, and the devil in their human life; in which case they would be eternally-condemned to damnation with Satan’s reprobate angels and humans. God’s Word informs us that the holy Seraphim have succeeded and the Holy Scriptures recount the deeds of Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael as human angels. Although they remain to be the Seraphim, they are correctly called Archangels, not to be confused with the nomenclature of the corresponding-choir of lower-berth.
The damned angels and humans will receive their own resurrections in hell, which have been defined in Holy Scripture as “The worm that never dies” and “the consuming fire”. Damnation may defined as the eternal full-sensory experience of reincarnation in the flesh as it is consumed and regenerated in regular and unending cycles of painful-consummation while all nerve-endings fire without respite. This is their chosen after-life as they willed to live according to their own flesh instead of God’s Word. Those who are condemned to damnation will be eternally confined within the earth without freedom of movement or communication.
The human-elect of God’s covenant will be brought to a new planet and solar-system, more glorious than the present. The new planet’s magnitude will dwarf that of our present sun. They will worship together in eternal harmony around God’s majestic throne; the Heavenly Jerusalem, God’s Holy Mountain; an enclosed pyramidal-city. The human race living on the “new earth” will multiply and chosen families will go forth to live among the many races of nations, each ruling over one in God’s stead as His ambassadors. God’s throne will reside on the human world, and the nations of the universe will stream to it in constant-pilgrimage to worship in the Holy Presence of God. The ten choirs of angels will continue to reside-perpetually in God’s Holy Mountain in worship and adoration. The human being will never die, but can accept invitation to eternal-angelic service inside God’s Holy Mountain, leaving their physical life in the human world.
aduyai kucing hitam ni,kematian itu adalah suatu ciptaan Tuhan.Ianya juga adalah bukti kekuasaan Tuhan ke atas alam ini.Dia yang mencipta langit,Dia juga yang mencipta bumi.Dia mencipta tanah,Dia juga yang mencipta air.Dia yang mencipta haiwan,Dia juga yang mencipta tumbuhan.Dia yang mencipta emas yang bernilai,Dia juga yang mencipta Mutiara.Dia yang mencipta kehidupan,Dia juga yang mencipta kematian.Di atas kekuasaan-Nyalah,Dia mengawal tiap-tiap sesuatu yang hidup mahupun yang mati. |
wkk5159 posted on 30-4-2013 03:24 PM
Angelic Origins, Creation & the Fall of Satan
The Angels are not created in the image and ... When God announced His plan for the human race to be created in His image and likeness, to be put at the head of the heavenly hierarchy and order,
Thats is reason why humans are more higher than animals.........
I also noticed when as we get older...many humans face and physical body goes damaged and face become unpleasant to see...
Why? because sin, negative behaviours and etc
I also noticed, once we are connected to God in spiritually and God fearing...we always look young , face shines, pleasant to look at...physical body too get nice to look at.....
Just like lucifer the fallen angle ...was nice looking because bad behaviours and negative way of life...it turn ugly ....
we don't need to go far..just look at political peopels....fat, face get ugly and etc...thats explained...
Truth.8 posted on 2-5-2013 09:53 AM
Thats is reason why humans are more higher than animals.........
I also noticed when as we ...
Hallelujah ! Amen.
wkk5159 posted on 30-4-2013 03:24 PM
Angelic Origins, Creation & the Fall of Satan
The Angels are not created in the image and ...
You can improve the contents by including the Biblical reference (chapter/verse).
Fallen angel??? (some say angle )
Surely this is a misinterpretation of the holy scriptures.
- Fallen soul(self) |
Dzulqarnain posted on 3-5-2013 05:18 AM
Fallen angel??? (some say angle )
Surely this is a misinterpretation of the holy scripture ...
fallen angle?
his name Lucifer: good looking amoung all angles...very smart and etc..giving the power or to control other angles....as time goes by...become greedy...behaviours changes...hences , God sent Lucifer and his followers to earth...
what happen to earth while lucifer control it???
coming soon
Truth.8 posted on 3-5-2013 09:58 AM
fallen angle?
his name Lucifer: good looking amoung all angles...very smart and etc..giving th ...
Don't forget to quote the actual Biblical verse. Thank you.
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