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Author: myst_leen

Bull's Fighting (Hebe Tien/Mike He/Lee Wei) SESI BORAK2

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Post time 17-11-2007 09:43 PM | Show all posts

Reply #243 myst_leen's post

mike mmg dari dby pon foundation betepek ttp encem wakaka
nape ah dia pkai suar kecik kat bwh tu

Use magic Report


 Author| Post time 17-11-2007 09:59 PM | Show all posts

Reply #245 kalchi's post

oohh..sejak dr dulu ker? aku tak perasan laks dalam dby dia pakai foundation banyak artiste dia ni kurang professional sket kuts..ehehe..laaa..ko mention tu baru aku perasan dia pakai suar gitu ..ehehe..agaknyer nak sama fesyen dengan seluar jeans hebe kuts. .tp bukan diorang sendiri yg plh pakaian diorang kan .

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 Author| Post time 17-11-2007 11:24 PM | Show all posts

the latest preview clip (2 mins duration)

OMG!!!!!ahakss!!! korang kena tgk klip niii ...ade adengan yg paling tak disangka2 akan berlaku dedekat akhir klip ..huhuh..mmg menarik gilerr..lepas tu ade adengan macam citer HYD sket2 ...aduss..suka giler tgk semer scenes mike dengan hebe gaduh2 yg paling kelakarnyerrr..part yg paling akhir dalam klip nii ..huhuhh... Mike  tertgk Hebe naked . .dah la kelakar giler laks time tu ..adess!!! buat aku lg tak sabo nak tunggu malam esok nii ..

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2007 12:08 AM | Show all posts
Filmed "Bull Fighting" Together, Mike He Calls Hebe Unattractive

(from left to right) Lee Wei, Hebe, Mike He

Mike He, Hebe, and Lee Wei participated the "Bull Fighting" preview screening, they were all very excited and first time as leading actress, Hebe had to consult best friend Ella many times: "Ella can teach me to cry and play basketball. There was one scene where I broke down and cried, the mood is actually very difficult to grasp, once I cry I really think that I've been abandoned!"

Regarding the three cooperating for the drama "Bull Fighting", this upcoming Sunday (November 18, at 10PM it will begin airing. Yesterday (November 15) at a press conference, Mike He and Lee Wei wore velvet suits, while Hebe wore a sexy black top.

Although some people say that Hebe's acting is not up to par, in the drama she looks like a vase. Hebe laughs and says that she isn't as pretty as Mike, how could she look like a vase? Mike refutes immediately, but accidentally says: Hebe is indeed not pretty enough, leaving Hebe glaring gently at him.


*adus Mike ...sampai hati ckp Hebe unattractive ekk .....huhuh..hurm ..aku rasa lakonan Hebe agak  improved kali ni ..citer tak start lagi dah ade komen yg tak menyenangkan ..huhuh..dari preview clips tu mmg nampak Hebe dah ade expression utk scenes yg kelakar..mungkin utk scenes nangis je yg susah sket nak tgk dia dapat hayati sebab Hebe ni mmg jenis yg susah nak nangis ..tu yg dia kena mitak tolong Ella ajar dia camner nak lakonkan scenes tu ..hopefully nanti lepas citer ni ditayangkan , dapat tgk peningkatan dalam lakonan Hebe .

[ Last edited by  myst_leen at 18-11-2007 12:11 AM ]

Use magic Report

Post time 18-11-2007 10:42 AM | Show all posts
aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!klaka nye scene last tu!LOLLLXX..

aku terprasan scene dia baling botol air kot kat kepala mike tu,mcm scene goong plank hoho(cuma nye CG baling kasut kat shin)..pastu yg masa dia sepak mike kat perut tu pon..

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 19-11-2007 12:38 AM | Show all posts

Bull's Fighting Episode 1 (Complete)

Part 1 -

Part 2 -

Part 3 -

Preview for Episode 2

aku tak dapat tgk live tadi baru nak gi tgk la skang ni ..ehehee..dengar citernyer mmg episode 1 pun dah best gilerr...happy watching all ..

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2007 12:39 AM | Show all posts

Reply #249 kalchi's post

a'ahh laa..bila ko mention tu baru aku perasan ..mmg sama dengan scene dalam cite goong..

Use magic Report

Post time 19-11-2007 08:55 AM | Show all posts
myst...takde sinopsis ke tuk ep1?

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Post time 19-11-2007 08:56 AM | Show all posts
myst...takde sinopsis ke tk ep1?

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2007 09:11 AM | Show all posts

Reply #253 babyface76's post

baby...ade...nanti kalau dah complete , kita letak sini ...

tp sebelum tu nak ckp........................citer ni BESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTT GILERRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! la citer yg kedua buat aku excited dan tertunggu2 nak tgk sambungan nyer lepas citer Hanakimi ..

and frankly speaking..utk episode 1 ni pun aku rs plot dia lebih menarik dari Hanakimi ..tak tau la utk episode akan datang , tp nampaknyer lepas ni mmg citer ni akan jadi tumpuan utama aku ...huhuhuhuhh...highly recommended to watch . lakonan Hebe , Mike dan Lee Wei sesama mantap dalam ni ...aku pun suka jugak dengan watak Lee Wei dalam nii ..and Mike , tok sah ckp laa..mmg forever handsome and cool dalam nii ..huhuhh..nanti kita akan tgk Mike yg egois akan jatuh cinta pada Hebe yg agak boyish , kelakar dan keras hati ..huhuh..dan aku mmg puji lakonan Hebe dalam ni mmg banyak sgt improved berbanding dengan lakonan dia dalam RFTS dan YE ..huhuhuh..yatttaa!~!!!

even Ella pun semalam tulis dalam blog dia yg dia dah jadi slh sorang fans Bull's Fighting ..siap ckp dia minat giler tgk lakonan Hebe dalam nii ..huhuhuh.. tak sabo nak tunggu episode ke dua nanti ...

Use magic Report

Post time 19-11-2007 09:14 AM | Show all posts
wah giler ye cite nie...
tapi sayang aku seperti biasa mana dapat nengok myst...harapkan nengok screencap kalau ada letak dan juga sinopsis aje...huhuh

Use magic Report

Post time 19-11-2007 09:45 AM | Show all posts
cane lakonan hebe?okay x? yg xsbr ni.ade org uplod kat veoh x rase2nye...

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 19-11-2007 10:33 AM | Show all posts

Reply #255 babyface76's post

ok ..aku tgh tunggu org poskan screencaps ..dah ade screencaps dan sinopsis pendek rasanyer..huhuhh..aku pun baru je habis nonton ni ...

jatuh cinta dengan lee wei dan mike he sekaligus..huhuh..sebab nyer lee wei ni tersangat protective kat hebe ..seorang bodyguard yg sgt setia dan mmg amik berat giler kat hebe ...huwaaa...nanti sure tersepit nanti nak side belah mike ke lee wei ..uhuks..masa aku memula tgk lee wei dalam preview , rs cam biasa tgk watak dia..alamakk ...mmg berbunga2 la jugak hati aku ..huhu...

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 19-11-2007 10:35 AM | Show all posts

Reply #256 kalchi's post

thumbs up to hebe ..lakonan dia kali ni bestttt..huhuh..sure nanti kalau ko tgk pun ko akan berpendpt macam aku jgk ..dah tu yg bestnyer citer ni ..opening and ending montage tu pun berhantu .. mmg besttt..haaaa..dah mula terasa addictive citer ni..huhuh..tunggu , aku nak pi carik bahan2 utk sinopsis dan screencaps episode 1 ..huhu..nanti ko tgk la..takat ni takde lg link veoh link yt dah ade ..

Use magic Report

Post time 19-11-2007 10:47 AM | Show all posts
wokey nak nunggu screencap dan sinopsis dari kau...hehe

lee wai tu bodyguard yg ada makna...hehe mestilah jaga giler hebe sebab selain anak boss...dia pun syiok kat minah nie...jadi mestilah jaga lebih...hahah macam pandai je aku nie...

off topic..
myst kau kata ada rahsia ce yg tak bole post kat thread hanakimi...aku nak tahu sangat rahsia ce aku boleh

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 19-11-2007 10:58 AM | Show all posts
huhuh..mmg dedicated giler la fans citer ni ..dah siap pun translate dialogue satu2 utk setiap adengan lam citer ni ..maknanya , tunggu diorang buat timing jer la nanti ..huhuh.. btw .. ni dia ...utk sinopsis takde lg ..aku tau ,kalau yg tak tgk lg citer ni ..sure rasa konfius sket bila baca dialog je kan ..hopefully akan ade full synopsis ..hari tu aku ade letak incomplete synopsis citer ni utk episode 1 kan ..boleh rujuk yg tu dulu..yg bagus nyer org yg translate ni dah translate part by part ..jd senang la utk rujukan nanti .

Translated Dialogues (subtitle) for Episode 1

ZC=Lee Wei
Louie = Mike's uncle (pakcik yg bawak watak ayah Joe Cheng dlm ISWAK)

episode 1part 1

SX: have you ever heard a basketball bouncing on the floor can effect a person's heart rate? that is the world's most beautiful war sound. it triggers a person's courage. the story i have to tell everyone is related to bull fighting and love. because of basketball i met different forms of love, and also because of basketball i met RH. until then i met him, i realize that one basketball can change a whole competition, how it effects a person's heart beat, how it decides on two people's faith.
SX: RH, are you willing to compete with me in a real love competition? dou niu you bu you?
SX: to me, love is the same thing as bullfighting's spirit. even though your defense is so carefully plotted. just the fact that i like you, i can always find a solution, break it and go beyond you and then score. if you're also curious about this bullfighting and love story, then folllow me and look at these real love competition. dou niu you bu you.


episode 1 part 2

RH: haven't seen you for a long time, uncle louie
Louie: YH, haven't seen you in a long time! your fighting has gotten better. no wonder your dad is relieved and give you such an important case.
RH: right now, the swiss bank is open. can we start now?

SX: spirits up there, me SX currently attending Han Yan girl school, even though i'm not a student of the dong shang school, but i am dong shang's most loyal bull fighting fan. Right here with all my heart, i pray that that 13th street bull fighting competition, dong shang can be the 10th in a row winner. i hope you can give me a prediction. tell me the dong shang that i've supported for 9 years can win the 10th time
(after she threw the thing i don't know how to explained it, it either means dong shang will win or lose)

RH: this 5 million euro and you that prepared to help my dad to take up G-mail's product contract's first half. after the deal is done, the other half will be given to you
Louie: go back and tell your dad that this 1 million euro  is worth it
Louie: oh yea i heard that today you're the representative of dong shang?
RH: i need to leave now

SX: king pick!! this pick has higher than the high high pick of high high pick!
SX: go dong shang!!
ZC: come!
everyone: go dong shang go dong shang!

Louie: this boy has no expression, talks little, fights good. i can't figure what he's thinking in his heart. looks like that he will be harder to deal with than his dad, shen guo shen

SX: to thank the spirits and to support dong shang. i decided to run home
follower: ZC, miss she.. oh i understand. everyone listen. everyone get in the car and get ready and go home and wait for miss.
ZC: miss is running and you're gonna sit in the car and go home?
follower: no one
ZC: go back and sit on a needle bed for me!
follower: sit on needle bed.
other follwer: but ZC brother, look at my body, it's not fitted for running
ZC: *grills
other follower: running.....

SX: go go go dong shang dong shang gogogo

RH: dad, everything is successful. after louie is done with everything, our company can easily take the g mail's contract.
Dad: this g mail in "au men" (place in hk?) is the place that has the most profit. you did really well
RH: louie's expectations was a bit high but has a customer, he's very fast
Dad: oh later you have to go to the basketball court?
RH: ZK and BZ (his friends) are already at 13th street to wait for me
Dad: alright then thats thats. after the competition is over. come back immediately. at night we have a celebration party. everyone is going to celebrate for you that you won for dong shang the 10th bull fighting competition. you are the main character, you have to appear
RH: a person that can't distinguished between a basketball and a baseball will help me plan a celebration party. won't that be too hilarious? i see that this is just a celebration party to make me closer to you.

SX: dong shang dong shang dong shang gogogogogo!
SX: you sweet vinegar fish, how you you drive?!
RH: go to one side! i don't negotiate with girls
ZC: you fried octopus! you're talking to miss with that attitude? do you know you almost crashed into her?
RH: i don't wanna waste my time on you guys
ZC: what are you talking about? you're stepping on my part of th land and you're talking to me like this?
follower: boy.. everyone go! family ye's martial art of poles!
RH: looks like you guys are large group of people against one. is that the skills of your black society?
follower: this brother, our wu ye (SX's dad) is the legend's lost prince (something like that)
other follower: you haven't heard of wu ye? our wu ye is part of the super black society
followeres: ah you hit the nose!
ZC: what super black society? wu ye is not black society. it's just he has a lot of friends. family of ye is onlt 13th street landlords. you guys are own people and you don't even know? you guys are living for nothing!
followers: sorry ZC brother!
RH: i don't have time and i don't have the interest listening to you guys talking about your family's history. move to one side.
ZC: let's fight 1 on 1
SX: this is weird.. how come i saw this face before?
ZC: are you scared? if you're scared go thru my thigh under and i'll let you go
SX: oh yea it's him. the representative of dong shang that will compete with lan di.  trio's new leader, RH. Me YSX, the first thing that i ever done wrong was to bitter with RH or else i won't have looked into his eyes in this process. these 4 eyes looking at each other started a bitter war between me and RH. and it's faith that in the future i am the momst attacked person in the crowd and even being nude in front of him. this is my horrible future. but i could've never thought..
RH: take this (money) and get out of my way! you fried octopus. you wanna push me with money?
SX: wait a sec, let RH go
ZC: RH? you're talking about the representive of dong shang that will go against lan di?
RH: how do you know my name? this year lan di also changed their head and his name is TAN KE (TK) and he is highly known. i'm warning you, you better compete well today. you're not allowed to lose. i helped dong shang got te king pick and its the high high high pick. if you lose, i'll let you die horribly you know? you can leave now
RH: it's another stupid bull fighting fan
ZC: you better win or else you'll see..
SX: RH don't disppoint me! because dong shang... my feelings toward dong very special

SX: 9 years ago, a bunch of people wants to steal 13th street. they want to kidnap me to scare my dad. they chase me all the way to the bull fighting courts. at that time no one on the road helped me. when i accidently go into the court, dong shang's 1st ever bull fighting competition, dong shang big brother whose playing on the court risk his chance of losing, stopped and competition and saved me. to me dong shang and lan di's bull fighting is not any court that anyone can play on . its something that made me believe, the spirit of bravery and courage. so RH, you better win today. you can't lose.
SX: before.. no one did anything stupid right?
follower: haha no i just peacefully put a hole in his tire
SX; if you made him be late or effect him to lose the game. you, yourself get ready for some oil and soil
ZC: get up already do you need me to help you prepare these two stuff?
follower: ZC brother i don't want to die
ZC: you won't die. miss is only scaring you.
other follower: why are you so sneaky? doing all the dirty tricks! you're dirty
ZC: miss already ran very far, we have to catch up
other follower: brother ZC i gotta tell you one thing.. before when it was a mess i took the dude's duffel bag and cut a hole. i'm sorry i didn't know he was from dong shang and i thought that he wants to do something to miss... uhuh uh i did it for you
ZC: you better forget this thing at the moment. don't let anyone know
other follower: brother ZC did i say something before?

to be continued in the next post

[ Last edited by  myst_leen at 19-11-2007 11:08 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2007 11:07 AM | Show all posts
episode 1 part 3

ZC=Lee Wei
Louie = Mike's uncle (pakcik yg bawak watak ayah Joe Cheng dlm ISWAK)

setting of 13th street court
DJ: this is the 13th street bull fighting courts and we're getting for the 10th competition between lan di and dong shang. every year's bull fighting competition. it produces such a great crowd and it's an honor from both school. six scores. six scores determine everything. this is the basic rules of bull fighting. but this one year one time thing and it mesmerized by the students.. where did it all began?
old man: this i know!
DJ: but old man, i won't buy your noodles!
old man: ok, 10 years ago students from both schools has bee competing for this court so the two schools made a deal that every year they would determine who will use this court and i heard whoever wins they will put their flag in the court representing the students who will use this court for bull fighting for a yr. have you seen the flag of dong shangs? it's been up there for 9 yrs
DJ: the other part of this competition is that the loser will have to kneel down and say sorry to the winner. why? because back then the leaders wanted people to also know the spirit of losing. the competition is about to start. welcome all the fans!
girls: BZ ! (RH's friend)
BZ: thank god you met me and not RH, he hates it when stuff comes in the way when he is driving
DJ: the first one to make an appearance is from dong shang, part of trio also. trio means three people singing
old man: no no no! trio is dong shang's three people team
DJ: alot of power?
old man: how should i say it? all three of them is rich (kind of like F4 in meteor garden) and they think very highly of themselves so everyone else is afraid of them and even scared to breathe. all three of them always appear together so they're known as trio. hope that this time they can represnt dong shang against lan di and because of their power they can be represented.
old man: the 2nd one came! its the second of trio, ZK(also RH's friend). i heard that when he appears theres always a beautiful girl next to him
dude that pops up: don't think so highly of yourself
*ZK's girl kicked him
DJ: lan di's players also appeared. the new leaders, super tall 195 kg's TK just looking at his body you can tell that he is strong at breaking defenses. behind him is Mu Yu and Roma. these three are lan di's special pick. that they can break shang dong's 9 year wining
TK: wheres RH?

RH: theres a cut! seems like its those people from the crowd. looks like i gotta run.
grandma: hello! my little RH! how come you have free time to call me?
RH: grandma, something happened to my car in 13th street ask the hometaker to take care of it.
grandma: no problem no problem, i'll ask the hometaker. don't worry about it. go play your bowling ball.
RH: grandma its basketball
grandma: oh your bowling ball turned blue? okok grandma said that blue is your lucky color. today you will win. where did your car stopped? ohhh i'll tell the home taker. don't worry goodbyee
hometaker: miss, its time to eat you medicine.
grandma: oh little RH called me and said that his car and broken and you need to go take care of it.
hometaker: yes miss, i will go immediately but where is the car?
grandma: where is it? oooo goodbye you know it?
hometaker: yea yea

ZC: miss, everything has been prepared
SX: after a few minutes the competition will start let us suport 10 year winning dong shang!
dad: everyone BE QUIET!
everyone: wu ye!
dad: SX, ZC. i let you guys watch the basketball game quietly here but i didn't let you guys fool around with cameras. going too far! sloe the camera for me
SX: we're only seeing a great game
dad: you look at you. a good girl doesnt even look like a girl.
SX: then why you ask me to learn those karate stuff?
dad: shut up, i let you learned those for the health of your body and for defense. i didn't ask you to get all obsessed with those bull fighting
SX: oh daddy sorry sorry you are the nicest!
dad: call me mr. father how many times do i have to tell you? the word daddy has no sense of power
mom: little wu wu ! you wanna watch the competition with us?
dad: how many times do i have to tell you? don't call me little wu wu when we're outside our room
mom: sorry la. then can we start watching now? today the competition is very exciting
dad: ok if you want to watch then watch but be quiet. after all SX is the sucessor of family ye. she always has to be..
everyone: woman-like
mom: wu ye, don;t worry we all remember and when we watch the show we'll be lady like. ok?

TK: dong shangs! is RH gonna come? Us, lan di don't have that much time waiting for one person. when i count to 10 and he still doesn't appear, then i announce that dong shang giv up and lan di wins ok!?
DJ: oh everyone befire TK already announced that in one min if RH doesnt appear then this yr it means dong shang give up and lan di wins. will dong shang give lan di the court?
TK: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DJ: please RH are you here? please apppear!
everyone: it's hiM!!

episode 1 part 4

*everyone shouting RH
TK: you're late because you're scared that after losing you'll kneel down to admit you lost? is that why you hided to get a warm up?
RH: hopefully your basketball skills are as good as your talking skills or else i'll be disppointed
TK: alright we'll see later
ZK: whats wrong RH?
RH: my shoe fell
TK: RH, are you gonna play or not? if you still don't come out, this year the 13th street court is ours. what do you guys say?
BZ: don't worry i have a new pair
ZK: but your feet is one size smaller is that ok?
RH: nothing is impossible
RH: do we wanna win or lose?
BZ and ZK: win!
DJ: alright the 13th street bull fighting competition is beginning both of the teams has got to their spots on the court. who will win this years court? and who will kneel down? the competition will begin now
TK: today i must make yu guys dong shang kneel down
RH: say that after you guys win. old rules. 6 scores determine win/lose
DJ: the competition began, the first one to have the ball is.... lan di. Roma first plays a little with RH and use some fake actions to lie to RH but RH's eye vision is so good and didn';t get cheated on. both of them try to get the ball into the basket and RH play still the basketball on the wall and stopped Roma from making a score. all the audiences is cheering. even though Roma is pissed he can't do nothing, who told anyone that RH has such a good vision? next up mu yu (MY)  is playing with RH. mu yu have no idea what to do with RH and RH with a a wave with his right hand did a trick and cheated MY and RH makes a backward dunk. right now its 1-0 dong shangs winning. now its BZ against Roma and BZ is doing many tricks cheating on Roma and BZ passed the ball to ZK. Roma is very mad but who would've thought that ZK then passed the ball back to BZ from his back! both of them working together and they score again!
RH: only 4 more baskets! then this year's bull fighting competition's winner will be dong shang's again. this year TK got stronger. the Roma is not that simple either. just focus on the ball. TRIO!
DJ: before having two scores now its 2-0 dong shang still wining and now dong shang has a very braggy attitude. but roma is not giving up

dad: how come theres no noise?

DJ: the competition continues. Lan di gets back its sequence under TK and increases its offense. and Roma scores. Lan di got its 1st score. all the fans of lan di is so happy now. Roma and TK's spirit is back they grilled at RH and RH grills back. now its 2 -1 dong shang still winning. the competition is getting more and more exciting. the two teams are working hard and the ball right now is at TK's hands ZK is doing some defense but TK turned and does a dunk tieing the game. right now MY has the ball passed it to Roma and Roma fooled around with ZK then Roma passed the ball to TK and RH does some defense and then TK throws the ball behind RH and runs to get back the ball and does a dunk

SX: RH! dong shang's reputation is ruining in your hands!

DJ: 3-2! lan di is starting to get braggy now and now the pressure is at dong shang's. they still both like to grill at each other. this competition is dong shang's biggest competition in 9 yrs. RH right now is by himself and does a fake move throws the ball under TK's thighs and does another dunk making it 3-3! a tie who will get the other 3 pts?

to be continued in the next post

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 19-11-2007 11:12 AM | Show all posts
episode 1 part 5

ZC=Lee Wei
DJ=Pengulas pertandingan bola keranjang
watak2 lain yg ade nama TK dan sebagainya tu adelah watak kawan2 Mike dan jugak sidekick Hebe . kalau ade tulis Mum dan Dad tu ..watak mak tiri dan ayah Hebe

DJ: the competition is very tough now. who will have the court? is it the revengeful TK or RH? right now Roma has the ball and passes it to MY and then passed to TK and he does another dunk and scores

SX: ugh what is RH doing? how could he easily let them score?

DJ: right now, its disadvantage to dong shang

ZC: miss don't worry, the competition still has 3 balls to determine win/lose
SX: how could i now worry? losing one score is already important!
mom: alright don't be mad
SX: ugh that sweet vinegar fish

DJ: right now MY has the ball and does a flowery trick goes throught BZ passes it to Roma and Roma does a dunk and scores.

mom: omg thats so hot! i'm saying the person is hot

DJ: the score right now is 5-3. dong shang has the ball and passes it to RH. RH dunks with his right hand on the basket rim he catches the ball with his left hand and dunks again!!!! this shows that he has so much potential. this is america's legend skill. dong shang has RH doing two dunks making the score tied 5-5!! such a heart touching score!
BZ: can you still handle it?
RH: its a small thing
BZ: don;t you think Roma is a little..
ZK: have a lot of dirty tricks?
RH: don't forget this is not real basketball. over here even if he does more little tricks its still not counted as breaking the rules. focus on playing ball. we have one score left
DJ: this is great 5-5. this competition is going into its climax! nervouss. will this court belong to dong shang or lan di? BZ got the ball and makes a throw for it and RH runs up to the ball ready to make a dunk but who could've thought right behind RH was TK and TK makes the dunk making it 6-5. the game is voer dong shang lost and ended the 9 yr in the row winning. this is such an accidental accident

SX: why are you still wearing that?! take it off
everyone: yes miss
SX: ZC let go
ZC: miss i can;t let you alert wu ye or else you can't watch basketball games anymore
SX: RH the stupid head losing the reputation of dong shang winning 9 times. i won;t forgive him
mom: ZC quick go
ZC: i knew you would be here. what are you doing?
SX: looking for a weapon! gonna hit RH luntil he turns like a bread
ZC: using a needle shoes?
SX: why won't it work? what are you laughing at?
ZC: she forgot to bring her oxygen spray again
ZC: miss you still didn;t bring a weapon
SX: i can just use my legs and all his teeth will be on the floor. let's go we need to go find the stupid head

everyone: take off the flag Lan di Lan di Lan di! get off the court, kneel down lan di number 1
RH: everyone stop! this flag, i will hang it again
TK: did you forget one thing?
everyone: kneel down kneel down
RH: everyone stop!

ZK: before Roma's trick was really dirty.. or else we won't lose
BZ: that stupid leg
ZK: is your leg ok?
BZ: this times mistake is Roma it is also the show that didn;t fit you
RH: enough. lost is lost. even if we spoke more, it's not gonna help

episode 1 part 6

SX: RH, you're gonna die today
ZK: RH, you know this girl?
RH: why would i know someone tht brings messy people around, a stupid head?
SX: what stupid head? you lost dong shang's 9 yr winnings you're the stupid head. why don't you suicisde right now?
ZC: our family's miss is talking to you
SX: you stupid head, i wanna have a war with you. are you scared now? if you beg me right now i wont let you die
RH: are you a woman?
SX: if i'm not a woman then you are?
RH: then leave, i don't play basketball with woman. woman bull fighting...
ZC: you fried octopus! today if i don't hit you until all your teeth falls on the floor then i'll have the same last name as you!
SX: ZC! just say you're scared! what kind of funny excuses is that? well this is no surprise. you just lost your last game. what is trio? from what i see its "ee oo"
follower: miss thats funny!
SX: the second that thing that i did wrong in my life was i shouldn't have establish a war with him knowing i can;t play. 5 minutes lateri will pay for this stupid decision i made.
SX: at home i always score. 2 scores = 1 dish
RH: you're playing for the first time huh? if you give up now you'll still have a chance.
SX: basketball court is like war when i come to my spot i will not back off and theres no reason to back off. i say that you should just kneel down and beg me
RH: it's you thats going to a dead road
SX: 6 scores determine win/lose the one who will die is you
SX: oh shooot the board is not moving! you sweet vinegar fish what kind of eye sight is that? your dad me my hand was just slippery when my hand sense comes back i'll hit you till all your teeth is on the floor
follower: ZC brother what is that boy doing?
ZC: what else can he do? he's trying to look hot
ZK: RH, she's a girl not a monkey, give her some face
ZC: what chu say? you said miss is a monkey? say it one more time!
SX: you're not allowed to come in, you're playing me like a monkey huh? RH your death date came cry!
ZC: miss i think i should help you
SX: NO! that boy is playing me single handed he;s obviously trying to make fun of me. if you help me, it's just gonna make him laugh while he's dreaming. sugar vinegar fish!
RH: 2-0, 3-0
SX: you sugar vinegar fish, this last ball i will sure be defensive. i won't let you pass me
RH: are you done leaning on me? dead monkey

to be continued in the next post

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 19-11-2007 11:15 AM | Show all posts
ZC=Lee Wei
DJ=Pengulas pertandingan bola keranjang
watak2 lain yg ade nama TK dan sebagainya tu adelah watak kawan2 Mike dan jugak sidekick Hebe . kalau ade tulis Mum dan Dad tu ..watak mak tiri dan ayah Hebe

epsiode 1 part 7

ZC: miss are you ok? you didn't wanna use this chance to "eat her tofu"(touch her) right?
RH: only retards will be interested in your non developed miss
SX: why would you care how i develop?! RH, this is my first time playing basketball, losing is very normal. you're the one who lost at 13th street. you "ren jin he fu" (can't translate this)
ZC: miss its "ga dan he jue" (can't translate this)
SX: its the same thing. either way you better give me a good explanation
RH: i'll wait till you become a student of dong shang's first
SX: every thing of dong shang's i will care. i tell you i won't let you go so easily. me, YSX i say it i do it!
ZC: he's walking really weird
SX: he's just over the top. this sugar vinegar fish is getting me so mad
ZC: miss don't be mad with these kind of people. if you're really that mad, hit me.
SX: no, its not good. i did it everytime

follower: whats wrong with miss?
other follower: she's mad why?
follower: this is miss's medicine. it's empty. thank god she is ok or else you're dead
other follower: looked at miss she's obviously purposely covering her emotions. she's going to feel not well. don't worry ZC brother will have another oxygen spray.

ZC: miss..
SX: ZC.. i can;t anymore
follower: you see everytime miss feels unwell she doesn;t say it and just let ZC carry her but from a different view its kinda good. this is so cute
SX: this is horrible. that RH, having nothing to do why is he so good in basketball? but seeing him trying to be hot before.. he really is kind of hot. what's so good about knowing how to play basketball? ZC go learn how to play basketball. if you play basketball you'll look hotter than him
ZC: miss don't worry. i will finish him off helping you out.
SX: ugh i'm getting more mad as i think of it. RH, just wait patiently, see how ZC is gonna finish you off
follower: ehh miss is not mad at dong shang anymore
other follower: are you sure?
follower: oh no oh no she's at it again. her attitudes are coming again its inevitable
ZC: wehn miss is mad you guys look at it as a show?
followers: ZC brother
ZC: even if you guys don't help her it's alright now you just look at it as a show? right now wu ye is not here. what if wu ye was here? what will happen to miss?
everyone: wu ye
dad: what happened?
ZC: nothing
dad: go to one side!
everyone: wu ye sorry
followers: ZC brother sorry!
followers: ZC brother are you ok?
ZC: go and get mistress! if miss is in trouble i will try my best to help her!
ZC: wu ye miss...
SX: don't think that if you say my dad's name i'll be scared! i only need help from little mom and everything will be ok
dad: oh so its like this?

last part

SX: daddy, dad, mr father
dad: mm you're very brave huh? even you can be mad to your dad huh? lift up your head and answer me. where did you go this afternoon?
SX: i went to the library.
dad: library? librar... to the bullfighting court at 13th street? you're good. you're really good. running to bull fight with someone. don't look at ZC. you don't think that i have the ability to track you doqn if you did anything in 13th street? don;t forget. you're the successor to family ye. you need to be stable and lady like
SX: right, mr daddy is right. how can i forget all these stuff? i won;t ever forget it
dad: being lady like is the motto of han yan girl school and thats also the reason why i send you there. you went there for 6 yrs alrdy.
SX: little mom help.....
little mom: what happened? was there a robber? did you call the police?
dad: call what police? the real convict is here. she.. she went to bulll fight with someone. you couldn't have not known about this right?
little mom: you bull fight with RH? did you win? looks like you lost
dad: i just knew that you were a part of this too
little mom: i'll say sorry later but what;s important right now is to take care of SX's hurt soul right?
dad: i see that its this room that was hurt
little mom: looks like it is too haha. SX still not saying sorry to your dad?
dad: it's mr father
little mom: ooo mr father say sorry
SX: mr father sorry sorry i won't dare to do it next time
little mom: good, i punish you to fix up the room to what it originally was. did you hear? i already punished her. i brewed some tea. little wu wu we haven't drank tea in a while. let's go

ZC: miss don't think about dong shang school anymore or else you're get wu ye mad again
SX: how can spare RH so easily? no.. i have to be a student of dong shangs

-end of episode 1 -

credits to lurvee @ for the translation .

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 19-11-2007 11:18 AM | Show all posts

Reply #259 babyface76's post

tp dalam ni ..mmg watak Lee Wei tu ikhlas giler kat Hebe ..but of course la Hebe akan end up dengan Mike jugak nanti ..huhuh..yg bestnyer awal2 tu Hebe dah cerita sket camner dia boleh jumpa dan jatuh cinta dengan jugak tunjuk adengan romantik diorang berdua di awal2 episode tu ..ehehe...kira citer ni sebenarnyer macam olahan flashback jugak bukan flashback ..kira Hebe jadi narrator utk citer ni ..

p/s: huhuh..nanti aku akan pm ..sori ..lambat skett...

Use magic Report

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