Nedim Allahu Akbar -Masih Menempel Dgn DSNA?Bejarlah Utk Terima Ibu Tiri Yg Vogu
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ooo masih dlm mode silent kot
mesti comel adik ned
Dia beri talk cara menoreh getah,cara pikat prmpn,dan juga ajar utk menyanyi stayle gagap
mesti laa comel, mak ayah pun jelita n hensem..
Fasha ade up gmba kan dgn Haflin
Katenye kawan baik lama x jumpa 
Fasha now betul2 bg setepek kt muka Ned yer |
IxoraP replied at 25-1-2017 03:31 PM
hahaa... ye ker?
Ade dlm ig sheols
Katenye pegi beli kuih pastu jupe kawan setaman...terus swafoto
uols...bila kes cukur kening ni? baru lagi ker...? sorry tertinggal LRT 
cara cara nak clubbing bersama2 kita enjoy sampai tua kerepot dengan noned |
she replied at 25-1-2017 03:44 PM
Ade dlm ig sheols
Katenye pegi beli kuih pastu jupe kawan setaman...terus swafoto
try scroll2 ig fs tapi xjumpa pun kak she |
intanumbrella replied at 12-2-2017 01:31 PM
try scroll2 ig fs tapi xjumpa pun kak she
nah iols belanja |
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gigi replied at 4-2-2017 11:28 AM
cara cara nak clubbing bersama2 kita enjoy sampai tua kerepot dengan noned
heolsss dah mention, my life time date katanya
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adelea replied at 12-2-2017 01:44 PM
nah iols belanja
Tenkiu sayam tolong tepek on my behalf
Macik silap igt beli kuih upenye beli buah |
she replied at 12-2-2017 03:07 PM
Tenkiu sayam tolong tepek on my behalf
Macik silap igt beli kuih upenye beli buah
lawa si haflin ni wpun x mekap , floles je muka |
aku pun de follow DSH ni.. mmg pakej terbaik la.. cantik n educated..
seronok ja tgk life dia .. |
DS mmg cantik... no wonder DSNA tsangkut |
ItisDD replied at 30-3-2017 05:57 PM
DS mmg cantik... no wonder DSNA tsangkut
i tgk rupa dia dah seiras DSNA pulak time dia x mekap tu |
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