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Author: twinkystar

EP7:FT ISLAND♥~Top Secret!!~♥

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Post time 17-7-2012 11:51 AM | Show all posts
lagu Top Secret ni best... 1st time dgr pon dah melekat... apetah lg dgn iringan PVnye yg mantop...lg la berkesan....

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Post time 17-7-2012 12:24 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 17-7-2012 11:39 PM | Show all posts
Reply  muun

    ledo mmg suke dok sorg2 kot.... ms gi HK pn kat waiting area dia  dok sorg2... ...
kebayaunggu Post at 17-7-2012 11:49

   leader mmg suke menyendiri kan...

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Post time 17-7-2012 11:43 PM | Show all posts

― ONE OK ROCKボーカルのTakaさんと親友ということですが、MCをやることは伝えましたか?


― そもそもTakaさんとはどのように知り合ったのですか?


― FTISLANDのイ・ホンギさんとも仲が良いようですが、K-POPはよく聞きますか?


Shohei Miura, one of Hongki's friend in Japanese celibrity, is going to be the main MC for "LIVE REPORT FROM THE FIELD! ROCK IN JAPAN FES.2012", a new TV program for WOWOW.

―I heard that you are good friend with ONE OK ROCK's vocalist Taka, have you told him about you, being MC of the new program?

Shohei:Yes, I told him. I work in different genre and in different company, it's so rare to work together so we will stimulate each other in good way.

―How did you get to know about Taka?

Shohei:When I went out with Shintaro Yamada, he asked me "May I call another friend?", and that was Taka.

―I heard that you are in good relation with Lee Hongki from FTISLAND, do you often listen to K-POP music?

Shohei:Yes. I listen to them because it's popular these days(laughter). When I visited Korea at the end of last year, my friend in Korea introduced me FTISLAND. FTISLAND and Taka knew each other, but I had no idea about FTISLAND for the first time...However I saw Korean drama "You are beautiful" at that time, so I knew about the vocalist Hongki. We had common topic, acting, so we get to know each other well.

Credit : Model Press Japan
Translated by [email protected]

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Post time 17-7-2012 11:46 PM | Show all posts
[Trans] Details on FTIsland Japanese New Album "TOP SECRET"

8月8日発売「TOP SECRET」の詳細&タイアップが決定しました!

TOP SECRET:日本テレビ系「ハッピーMusic」7月エンディングテーマ


作詞:Kenichi Maeyamada

M2. Beloved
作詞:Goro Matsui
作曲:Lee Jaejin & suzuki ”Daichi” hideyuki

M3. Here
作詞・作曲: Nobuaki Hiraga


最新MVやSpecial Feature映像に加え、
メンバーがそれぞれ話すTOP SECRET秘話を収録した映像を収録。

「TOP SECRET」MV+Special Feature + FTISLAND talking about TOP SECRET


「SATISFACTION (Korean Version)」「WANNA GO」「PAPER PLANE」「YUKI」「STAY」の5曲にSpecial Featureが収録されます!

Details on "TOP SECRET" has been decided!

TOP SECRET:Will be the ending theme of July for "Happy Music"(Nihon TV)

Will also include "Beloved" which music is composed by Jaejin!

Lyrics:Kenichi Maeyamada
July's ending theme for "Happy Music" (Nihon TV)

Lyrics:Goro Matsui
Musicee Jaejin&"Daichi" hideyuki

Lyrics&Music:Nobuaki Hiraga

The contents of bonus DVD attached to the first limited edition has been decided!

Including the newest MV and Special Feature video,
"TOP SECRET" from each member will be filmed in this DVD.

●The first limited edition DVD
"TOP SECRET"MV+Special Feature+FTISLAND talking about TOP SECRET

Lawson's limited edition is also decided!

●Lawson's limited edition DVD
"SATISFACTION"(Korean Version) "WANNA GO" "APER PLANE" "YUKI" "STAY" from CD release event @ZeppTokyo +Special Feaure

Trans by takaneofjpp@hongjaebiased

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Post time 17-7-2012 11:53 PM | Show all posts

naseb baik x langgar tiang dak sorang neh..

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Post time 17-7-2012 11:57 PM | Show all posts

[Pic] Hongki with his friends

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Post time 18-7-2012 12:00 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 18-7-2012 12:16 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 18-7-2012 12:23 AM | Show all posts

love sick

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Post time 18-7-2012 12:35 AM | Show all posts
[TRANS] 120608 FTISLAND at A-Port [Bang CH] Special Interview (cr:@SecretsIsland)
mc - you've a full-day schedule since morning, haven't you tired? And you also have fanclub who ran after you to any places, how do you feel about it?

HK - first of all, I'm very tired now, su-su (fighting in Thai) hwaiting! But theren't any place that we can be closed to fanclub like this

MC - FTIsland used to come to Bangkok for many times, What's the most impressed activities?

HK - I think of the first Thailand's visting. After released first album at Korea, Thailand was the very first country that have Promotional activity. Everybody gave us a great welcome that time, so we have a first FTIsland concert in Thailand, and I impressed a lot

MC - what's your favorite activities in Thailand?

HK - Thai Massage

JH - I've to eat Thai fruit everytime coming to Thailand, and also Thai food

SH - I love seafood

MC - I'm also good at massaging, Won't you try?

HK - I don't quite like massaing *JH start massage HK's shoulder*

MC - Let's talk about your mew song "severely" Its MV was very touch and Hongki were very good at acting too, almost peaple cried after watching it. Could you please talk abot this song, mv, or acting?

HK - Everyone may not know, but I'm very embarrassed in acting! In fact, Severely was the song that we kept it for a long, It's also recorded before "Like a Birds", so when shooting MV, I'm very nervous and don't know whether MV should better be band-style or drama-style. After thinking, we've decied that this's a sad song, and drama-like

MC - Your acting's very great

HK - Khob Kun Krab (said Thank you in Thai)

MC - What does other members think about this MV?

JH - I didn't think of anything, like "ah~ already shot?"

*JH pinching HK's shoulder one more time, and HK shout "Argh!"*

MC -What did you think about HK's acting in this MV

JH- All members didn't worry at all, because Hongki was a actor since childhood. So, I didn't think that should it be any mistakes or not. HK will always do his best. And after releasing of MV, we're very proud of HK, his acting's really great.

HK - Why did sometimes JH teased me, then turn to pleased me?

MC - Teasing is way of expressing LOVE

HK - Ahhh~

*JH do the X mark by his arm*

JH - A Love from men

HK - I don't want it! (laugh)

MC - What is your favorite song in "GROWN-UP" album?

HK - Severely

SH - Grow Man

JJ - Even Had Lost a Friend

MC - Why did you love this song?

JJ - Because it's a love song, it reminds me of old memory.

MH - I also like 'Grow Man' too

JH - I like 'We Hope to Become a Lover'

MC - Could you please talk about new Japanese song 'Naverland' & 'Stay' and also new release album 'twenty'

JJ - Neverland is the theme song of Japanese animation 'OZUMA' which is once braodcast long time ago, and it was just revised and rebroadcast. FTIsland hava a chance to sing opening song of this animation, so we were very happy. About twenty, it's second full Japanese album. and we putted many efforts into this album. Every members joined composing and writing the lyrics. So, this album was very important to us

MC - FTIsland have many overseas activities, haven't you miss your hometown?

HK - Recently, I just bought 3 puppies, so I'm worring about my puppies very much. They're still very young.

JH - Now, I don't miss my home, I would rather go to many countries to see many fanclubs

HK - I want to hurry back home.

MC - FTIsland also got a chance to open concert in USA together with CNBLUE, how do you feel?

HK - No need to tala, it's an arts! We. FTIsland were very happy, since USA is the origin of rock. Fristly, both cultural and audience were way difference with Asian concert. It's new experience we gained from USA.

MC - This's question from fans to Leader, Who's the most good and stubborn member in the band?

JH - I don't sure about good boy... but the most naughty boy were... (point at Seunghyun and Hongki)

HK - It's not true! (in English)

MC - Since Leader was said... It should be true

JH - Really, really!

MC - Stress?

HK - I almost cry now

MC - I've heard that Jaejin got '91 Line'. What's it?

JJ - I don't know since when I got 91 Line group? But I'm close with Shinee's Key and Minho. Three of us is in the same age, so we were set up many times. After that, they're a lot of Entertainment star who was born in 1991, so we were gather a little by little, then it's became a 91 Line. Hongki have a group named 'chocoball' and I also want to have a group like that, so I've 91 Line

MC - He was naughty but cute, right?

HK - Krab (yes, in Thai)

MC - What's a cute point of each member?

HK - mine is too much~ (everybody laugh)

MC - Please tell me one

HK - This question's very hard, it's too hard to pick only one (laugh) Since a on-stage Hangki and Daily-life Hongki was not the same person

MC - And who's cutier?

HK - I should be cutier when doesn't stand on the stage, I'm very cute! But on stage, I'll be another one who didn't know before

*everybody laugh*

HK - Why did you laugh!?

MC - Are you in Daily life mode now?

HK - Now, I'm a good boy~

MC - What's about others?

MH - My charm is no charm, this cutiness is my charm. Because I'm not good at funny talking

MC - Then, please try talking with fans

MH - Rak Na Jub Jub *puing* (Love you, chu chu~ in Thai)

MC - A shy, quiet, but cute boy~

HK - This's Minhwan who was in front of the camera.

MC - Behind camera?

HK - It's secret.

JH - He'll turn to be a cool boy

JJ - Where's my charm?

HK - hair! (try to speak 'Khon' which mean hair in Thai, LOL) many many Khon! (laugh)

SH - mine might be smile~ (SH try to act many prank pose, include flying kiss ^^ then JH slap his head slightly)

JH - Mine is... sexy!

MC - Please act your sexiest pose!

*JH posed then shout 'next next!'

HK - Khon Khon! (laugh)

MC - Plaese speaking Thai in Sentence, not a single word!

HK - Aw Yu (I can bare it all) Na Rak Aa~ (cute~)

MH - Phom Rak Khun (I Love you)

JJ - Khon *wave hand* *throw flying kiss* (everybody laugh)

then MC teach him 'Khon Yer Mak' (many Khon)

JJ - Nooo! Just Khon!

HK - Jaejin have manay man khon! Anywhere!! Khon!! White Khon!! Oh Jesus!!! (in English)

SH - Mai Dai Jer Kan Nan Na Krab (Long time no see)

JH - Kid Teung Jang (I miss you)

then MC teach him 'Phom sexy mai krab?' (Am I sexy?)

JH - Phom sexy mai krab?

MH - No!

Next part is the 'Pali Pali Game'
Rule : Every members will have a face tag of all members, and there will be a question. Members have to quickly reply by show a face tag of one member, who got highest score will be received a gift : )

Q - Who use twitter the most frequently?
Everybody answer - HK

Q - Who got the strangest and hardest to understand fashion?
Everybody answer - MH

Q - Who is the dirtiest member?

SH - If the room was cluttered, I'll be the one who tidy it all

Q - When face a girl, who change the behavior the most?

Q - Who's the most popular in FTIsland?
Everybody answer themself, except Seunghyun

MC - Why did you give Jaejin a point?
SH - Khon Khon!! (laugh) Handsome face~ (in English)
HK - Hairy skin and popularity will come together (laugh)

Q - Who's addicted to Technology devices the most?
Everybody answer - MH

HK - In fact, five of us didn't much addict in technology. But Minhwan interested in it the most

And the winner of this game is... Minhwan : )

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Post time 18-7-2012 06:10 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2491# zuranura

    Adeh.... lawak la... apsal kt mesia xbuat interview cam ni ekk??????? Kasi la interview lelame skit.....

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Post time 18-7-2012 09:53 AM | Show all posts
Reply  muun

    ledo mmg suke dok sorg2 kot.... ms gi HK pn kat waiting area dia  dok sorg2... ...
kebayaunggu Post at 17-7-2012 11:49

tu ler ak ckp, "forever alone"

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Post time 18-7-2012 11:15 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2488# zuranura

    tu anjing idop ke anjing teddy??? oh ledo.... chomellll.....

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Post time 18-7-2012 11:42 AM | Show all posts
F.T. Island to endorse ‘Toreore Chicken’ with a new CF

‘Toreore Chicken‘ has officially announced the news of idol band F.T. Island being selected as their endorsement models.

The boys have already completed their filming for the upcoming CF last month, so fans can expect to see the full ad soon featuring the boys and their love for chicken!.

Top idols are often selected to endorse Korean chicken franchise brands, and F.T. Island who recently received the opportunity remarked, “All the members really like chicken, and we are extremely excited to be selected as advertisement models.”

Band drummer and maknae Minhwan enjoys eating chicken so much that he’s even been given the nickname, ‘professor chicken’, and fans have even uploaded clips of Minhwan eating chicken online.

Meanwhile, F.T. Island recently concluded their independent Japanese tour which took place from June 24th to July 8th in front of 60,000 fans, and also performed at a concert in Hong Kong for an audience of 4,000 on July 14th.

The band will be releasing their eighth Japanese single “TOP SECRET” August 8th.

Source & Image : KJ Today via Nate

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Post time 18-7-2012 10:31 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 18-7-2012 10:35 PM | Show all posts

hongki main ngan 'anak2nye'

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Post time 18-7-2012 11:18 PM | Show all posts
love sick
zuranura Post at 18-7-2012 00:23

tingat time konsert mesia aritu

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Post time 19-7-2012 10:51 AM | Show all posts
Da bole bukak rumah baruuu

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Post time 19-7-2012 11:44 AM | Show all posts

mane nk cari bj encore concert tu yg lengan pendek ye??? me ade yg lengan panjang aje....

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