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Author: nashrudean

"BEYONCE "IA..SF era"Grammys!Big win!No surprise,so expected!

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Post time 24-1-2010 05:27 PM | Show all posts

Thats my Bee...sibuk mana pon...peminat tetap di layan....

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Post time 25-1-2010 01:09 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 25-1-2010 01:13

Simon Cowell wanting Beyonce as a judge on X-Factor?

SIMON COWELL is working on an A-list battle plan to cover for mum-to-be DANNII MINOGUE on The X Factor this year.

The music mogul is making moves to get Beyoncé and other top stars in to replace the Aussie on the ITV talent show's judging panel when she's due to give birth.

Dannii, 38, has made it clear there's no chance she'll quit the show - despite her child being due in the middle of auditions in July.

My X Factor source revealed: "Dannii was brilliant on X Factor last year. Simon and everyone else would love to have her back. But there are real concerns that she isn't going to be able to combine motherhood for the first time at 38 and the exhausting auditions.

"Simon leaves nothing to chance and is planning for the future already. He wants to bring in Beyoncé. And what Simon wants, Simon gets.

"Expect Beyoncé on the panel. Nothing has been confirmed yet because the deal hasn't been sealed with ITV but she'll be there in some form."

Simon is expected to create a FIFTH category for singers - leaving room for both Beyoncé and Dannii.

He'd also use other high profile names like EMINEM, ROBBIE WILLIAMS and Beyoncé's husband JAY Z to step in for Dannii at different times when she can't work. Simon did not assure Dannii her job was safe when asked at last week's National Television Awards.

He said only: "I don't know what her dates are like. She's having a baby in the middle of the show."

But a source close to Dannii said: "The producers want to find a way to make it work with her. They support her pregnancy."

Simon had hoped Robbie, who was a mentor to acts last year, would sign up to the whole series - but he is unlikely to take on such a long commitment.

The insider added: "It's difficult to get A-listers to commit to a six-month slot as a full judge, but a fortnight is a lot simpler. Simon wants to extend the mentoring to the judging panel so you get to hear what the stars really think."

Simon is also in the process of lining up his dream team for the American version of X Factor - including CHERYL COLE as I first revealed last year. He also wants Beyoncé's hubby Jay Z and PAULA ABDUL. Simon has some big decisions to make. Negotiations with Dannii will begin in April if he does decide to keep her on and go with temporary stand-ins.

I think he'd be crazy to boot her out after such a successful year.

simon ni just couldnt get enough of beyonce these days selepas performance bee kat xfactor last year kan..! simon sek dok puji beyonce gila gila je..tau pulak dia sekarang kan..!
i mean korang tau tak simon cakap 'beyonce is the biggest superstar in the last 20 years' kat twitter dia..? ahahah..GILA LA..! thats huge coming dari dia..!
simon tak kisah pasal favourite korang pun..

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Post time 25-1-2010 02:28 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 3-2-2010 15:41

High Quality performance of Beyonce performing "Halo" at "Hope For Haiti" event with Chris Martin (Coldplay) on Friday's night!!

watch the clear sound and video of it on YouTube..! HD..sapa2 nak download yang HQ MP3 studio version of this song boleh download kat sini.. hq..

Beyonce betul betul nak buat saya nangis dengan performance ni..SO heartfelt beautiful emotional performance from Bey..Bee betul betul sings from her heart and soul kat can feel her pain of the people in Haiti..gave me shiver, goosebump and chills..amazing..the emotion was just so sad and too much for me to see.. =( mungkin BEST performance of Halo so far...its so simple yet so powerfull.. =(

cuba bayangkan dah berapa banyak version Beyonce tukar lagu 'halo' ni..semuanya SUPERB dan kena dan related dengan situasi yang Bey nyanyi..hanya Beyonce yang boleh tukar tukar arrangement dan buat macam tu..saya bangga dengan beyonce..! tersangatlah bangga..sedih sangat saya..


pics backstage:


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Post time 25-1-2010 03:30 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 26-1-2010 16:59

Beyonce and Jay Z leaving France NICE airport earlier today 24/1/2010..

Beyonce sooooooooo CANTIK..! seriously bee ni betul betul natural beauty..! tengok muka dia kat sini tanpa make up banyak2 dan putih2 dan tanpa red lipstick, nampak MUDA dan FRESH sangat..! her smile is gorgeous..! SWEET sangat pic dia pegang tangan dengan husband dia tu..awww..!


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Post time 25-1-2010 11:46 AM | Show all posts

Louboutins ker? OMG!!! AI LOIKE!

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Post time 26-1-2010 04:58 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 27-1-2010 01:30

Beyonce received "Artist Of The Decade" award at NRJ Music Award 2010, kelmarin..!!!

ahahahahahhh..! boleh tak cakap sapa yang dapat special 'artist of the decade' award, melainkan beyonce..?
siapa..? tak de sapa kan..beyonce sorang je..bee betul betul deserve this..! she worked so hard, and she is the female 'artist of this decade' kan..? betul betul legend dan amazing dia ni..
ala korang punya favourite tu baik duduk kat rumah tukar lampin baby je..


Beyonce to FILMING 2 VIDEOS minggu ni dengan Lady Gaga and Alicia Keys..

Here to a week Beyoncé arrives the Brazil for 5 shows, but before the singer will have several commitments. In that week, she is going to record two clips in partnership with Lady GaGa and Seduces Keys.

In the Wednesday, 27, Beyoncé enters in study with Seduces Keys for record the video of the streak "Put it in to Love Song", that is part of the album "The Element Of Freedom", last launching of Keys. The next day, the woman of Jay-Z has a new commitment with Lady GaGa: It record the music video of "Telephone", one of the streaks of the "The Fame Monster", thrown by GaGa in December.

Beyoncé encloses the week in the parties of heating for the Grammy and also with a performance in the prize-giving, that happens in Los Angeles, in the near Sunday, 31.

woooowww..! Beyonce is the definition of true WORK ETHIC..GILA la bee ni..24/7 busy memanjang..
energy dia betul betul incomparable..semua orang nak lagu dorang jadi single kalau Beyonce ada..ahahah..

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Post time 28-1-2010 12:14 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 28-1-2010 00:39

Askmen Top 99 Desirable Women of 2010!

1. Emmanuelle Chriqui
2. Marisa Miller
3. Kate Beckinsale
4. Alessandra Ambrosio
5. Jessica Alba

6. Beyonce
7. Penelope Cruz
8. Cheryl Cole
9. Eva Mendes
10. Miranda Kerr
11. Megan Fox
12. Gisele Bundchen
13. Bar Refaeli
14. Erin Andrews
15. Padma Lakshmi
16. Kelly Brook
17. Natalie Portman
18. January Jones
19. Monica Bellucci
20. Paz Vega

the 1st BLACK female in the list..dan the 1st singer in it..tabikkk..tapi tak surprising sangat pun kan..? dah berapa banyak bee asek conquer semua list je..dah memang tu je keja dia..dominate everything..

untuk FULL list boleh ditengok di sini..

tapi nak di-ingatkan awal awal yang britney spears tak de kat Top 100 list ni toksah dok susah payah nak click website tu carik dia..buang masa ajo..6 millions voters yang vote untuk list ni semua tak kisah pasal dia or think shes sexy, hot or desirable..ahahahhh..

Celebrity Couples paling kaya 2008/2009..!

Between Jay-Z's musical empire, Beyonce's chart-topping hit "Single Ladies" and several clothing lines and ad deals, this couple knows how to use their fame to make money. Jay-Z has a hit with "Empire State of Mind," which he performed with Alicia Keys at the World Series. His next tour launches in February. Last year Beyonce sang at Obama's inaugural ball and her film, Obsessed, earned $74 million at the worldwide box office.

Beyonce and Jay-Z once again top this year’s list of Top-Earning Celeb Couples with combined earnings of $122 million. (Apparently we’re in a recession because they ranked in $162 million last year — down $40 million!)

Beyonce and Jay-Z made the big bucks with their hit songs, fashion lines and endorsement deals (Budweiser, American Express). B out-earned J this year with $87 million to his $35 million.

Check out the full list: (jauh beza duit dorang dengan yang lain2)

1) Jay-Z & Beyonce Knowles - $122 million
2) Harrison Ford & Calista Flockhart - $69 million
3) Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie -$55 million
4) Will Smith & Jada Pinkett Smith - $48 million
5) David & Victoria Beckham - $46 million
6) Ellen DeGeneres & Portia de Rossi - $36 million
7) Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson - $35.5 million
8) Jim Carrey & Jenny McCarthy - $34 million
9) Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes - $33.5 million
10) Chris Martin & Gwyneth Paltrow - $33 million
11) Sarah Jessica Parker & Matthew Broderick - $29 million
12) Tim McGraw & Faith Hill - $28 million
13) Eva Longoria & Tony Parker - $22 million
14) Katherine Heigl & Josh Kelley - $20 million
15) Nicole Kidman & Keith Urban - $17 million

jauh ketara beza gila kan duit Beyonce/Jay Z dengan couple couple lain kan..! power couple tul dorang dua..dah la tahun lepas pun dorang conquer best couple kat #1..this year pun sama..Beyonce pun the richest female musician for 3rd year in a row..Jay Z richest rapper..
hebat tul dorang dua ni..truly unstoppable..sian couple lain tak laku..ahahahhh..

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Post time 2-2-2010 01:37 AM | Show all posts
title thread baru ni tak boleh blah la..macam dengki je..
at least your husband jason mraz also menang 2..okay apa kan..

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Post time 2-2-2010 03:47 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 3-2-2010 15:43

bee at grammys..campur semua backstage,audience,arrival,party etc..


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 Author| Post time 2-2-2010 05:12 PM | Show all posts
The best dress last nite i rasa Taylor swift.2nd Beyoone.sygnya Taylor xde boob..kalu boobs dia besar skit msti lg cantik.

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Post time 3-2-2010 07:59 PM | Show all posts
Artis2 kat Grammy pun mcm sakai jugak ek... lagi2 Celine Dion. Semua artis nak digambarnya.

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Post time 3-2-2010 11:11 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 4-2-2010 03:47

Beyonce to appear on Today Show this Friday, 5th February 2010 untuk promote her new minyak wangi fragrance 'HEAT'..minyak wangi bee ni dah officially release hari ni kat negeri dorang..

heres gambar baru Bey shooting the show TODAY..

omg beyonce look so cantik..! suka rambut dia..!


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Post time 4-2-2010 03:59 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 5-2-2010 02:10

Beyonce 'HEAT' launch party last night..! 2 Feb 2010..this is after the Grammys..dan lain event dari pic yang i posted kat atas tu..baju lain gak..

Beyonce look FLAWLESS..seriously perfect gila from head to toe..dia ni betul betul beauty..all natural tak de je injek apa2..kalau make up dan rambut yang kena dan sesuai kan, beyonce always nampak CANTIK dan MUDA gila kan..? noticed dia selalu nampak lagi cantik tanpa make up banyak2 kan..? rambut dan baju dia makes her look SO SEXY..!


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Post time 5-2-2010 03:58 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 9-2-2010 00:51

Beyonce Launches Her Fragrance ''Heat'' At Macy's Herald Square in NYC & Meet & Greet, earlier today..
nampak stunning PERFECT as usual omg..!!!


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Post time 5-2-2010 06:00 PM | Show all posts
Congrats Bee for the big win at the Grammys!!! :pompom:
Kalau nak artis yang mampu memecahkan rekod, inilah orangnya!!

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Post time 12-2-2010 01:28 AM | Show all posts
Beyonce got attack by dozens of fans when she was out and about in Rio, Brazil earlier yesterday noon 11/2/2010..

OMG cuba tengok berapa ramai orang berkerumun dekat bee tu..sesak gila..! dah famous sangat ni susah sikit..nasib baik bodyguard ada..! sian dia..mesti tak de privacy langsung..!


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Post time 12-2-2010 02:09 PM | Show all posts
Dlm banyak shoot, aku tengok muka mak Beyonce sama dgn muka Beyonce.

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Post time 12-2-2010 06:21 PM | Show all posts
^dah nama pun MAK..genetic..of course la rupe sebijik gila..lolll..tapi kan Mama Tina time muda dulu2 memang cantik gila..i mean sekarang pun dia dah umur 50+ something still nampak marvelous kan..maintainnn rupa..
kalau nak dibandingkan TINA KNOWLES adalah perempuan mak celebrity yang paling cantik sekali saya nampak..dan paling famous..tak nampak tua atau krepot sgt..LOL..bee nanti time tua rupa dia mesti macam tina la..tapi lagi cantik la..ahahahh..


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Post time 17-2-2010 12:49 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 17-2-2010 01:13

korang dah tengok tak video..? funny..alicia keys buat lawak..tapi cute..hehe..pendek je 10 saat..

"Who’s the best at dancing, you or Beyonce?"

no one is a better dancer than Queen Bee..ahahahhh..

saya tak pasti dah posted ke belum yang ni..

Beyoncé Tops List of Celebrity Stumblers

Beyonce has also topped the celebrity stumbler list.  The Top 5 in full:

    1. Beyoncé fell down 12 stairs while performing at the Amway Arena in Orlando, Florida – July, 2007
    2. Robbie Williams fell on stage whilst performing at Leeds in 2006. Robbie carried on singing from the floor. He was quick to see the funny side and admitted his embarrassment to the crowd
    3. Dizzee Rascal fell off stage at the University of Kent in June 2009. He tripped over mid-song and fell head first into the University of Kent crowd in Canterbury.
    4. Jennifer Lopez November 2009, American Music Awards – see above for details
    5. Dave Grohl fell over in May 2008 in Auckland after jumping on the drummers mini stage

even jatuh atas stage pun Beyonce dapat #1..semua dia top..ahahhah..

X-Factor winner Alexandra Burke: ‘Beyoncé called me her friend’

LOLLLL..dia ni betul betul gila ngan Beyonce..sama la dengan saya..awww..

Alexandra Burke has revealed that Beyoncé described her as a “friend”.  Burke, who performed with the popstar during the 2008 X Factor final, also revealed that she has signed a US record deal with Epic.  Writing in the News of the World, she said: “While I’m in the States I’d love to hook up with Beyoncé. She came into the studio to see me recently and when she walked in I literally screamed in her face.  “She said I didn’t need to cry because we were now friends – but that set me off. Beyoncé can’t call me her friend, can she? Wow! Working with her would be incredible – she is the best singer out there, after all.”

Beyoncé leaves Rihanna starstruck..rihanna ni pun huge fan of bee..

The 21-year-old singer shared her first concert experience with iTunes. “My very first arena concert was Beyoncé/Alicia Keys/Missy Elliott [in 2004]. I think it was the ‘Ladies First’ tour,” she said.  Despite her bad seats, she will always remember that special night. “I was in like a nosebleed seat, but I was in tears. I could not believe that Beyoncé was right there, and Alicia Keys and Missy Elliott.”  Rihanna was in awe of the artists she now considers her peers. “I was a little starstruck. No, I was very starstruck, but it was so much fun. It was very inspiring and it motivated me so much.”

Beyoncé used to iron her hair… literally!

LOLLLL..this is SOOOO funny..! iron rambut dia guna seterika..! ahahhahh..

Beyoncé Knowles used to press her hair with an iron.  The pop superstar — whose luscious locks are rarely out of place — admits she and her Destiny’s Child bandmates grew into the habit of putting their hair on the ironing board and ironing it!  “I remember when I started doing my hair myself — I cut bangs, and I started curling my hair and pressing it, literally, with an iron,” Knowles, who’s married to rapper Jay-Z, told Allure magazine. “The girls from Destiny’s Child, we would put our hair on the ironing board, and iron it, which is so crazy!  “My mom [who used to own a hair salon] was like, ‘We have to get you out of your own hair, because you are destroying it!’”

Michael Thompson on Beyoncé

completely 100% true..!

Beyoncé has a tremendous work ethic. She gives 110%, and over the years I have never heard her complain about anything! This combined with her approachability and beautiful looks makes her one of my favorites.  The inspiration came from the fragrance’s name, HEAT, which has many different meanings. I chose to focus on three things: strength, sensuality and provocativeness. I wanted to be sure that Beyoncé came across the woman that she is. Someone that is in charge but also approachable.

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Post time 17-2-2010 01:30 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 17-2-2010 01:32

Beyoncé on Sade

I love Sade. She has effortless sensuality and a tone like no other. Her music is timeless. You can hear her compassion. One of my favorite female artists of all time. I cannot wait to hear her new music. – Beyoncé

good to see beyonce suka Sade..sade ni memang betul betul amazing..!

Beyonce nominated for "Nickelodeon Kid’s Choice Awards"

Beyonce and Lady Gaga have just been revealed as nominees for this year’s Nickelodeon Kid’s Choice Awards! Both up for awards in the music category, the duo joins Mario, Miley Cyrus, Nick Jonas, Ne-Yo, Joe Jonas, The Black Eyed Peas and Taylor Swift as nominees.

Favorite Female Singer:
Miley Cyrus
Lady Gaga
Taylor Swift

The 2010 Nickelodeon Kid’s Choice Awards are set to air March 27 at 8/7c.

saya pasti mesti miley cyrus atau taylor swift yang akan menang sebab ni award budak2 kan..tapi good for bee for nominated..!

Monica’s new video inspired by Obsessed movie..

The video is a take of the movie “Obsessed”. It takes lots of different turns as you see me attempt to protect my family throughout the video. Today was however bittersweet. All of the clothing was made by the amazing Alexander Mcqueen, and learning of his death was heart wrenching. My stylist Marni and I were devastated. I dedicate this video to him, and his beautiful visions that helped us to achieve all we wanted and more. Life is short. We must all enjoy each moment.

The Beatles; Paul McCartney followed Beyonce's X Factor footsteps

>> Sir Paul McCartney's friends warned him not to appear on Simon Cowell's The X Factor - but he decided to go ahead after superstar Beyonce performed on the U.K. talent show. The Beatles legend played two tracks on the live reality competition last month (Dec10) but admits he had to carefully consider Cowell's offer after his pals urged him to turn it down. MCCartney insists it was the Crazy In Love singer, as well as former X Factor winner Leona Lewis, who inspired him to perform on the show. He explains, "Actually, when the offer came through it polarised a lot of people. Lots of my friends told me not to do it. It's a pop show. But what turned me around - apart from the huge audience - was the fact that it's a family show, and so many kids are obsessed by it. "But Beyonce was on it, and if it's good enough for her then it should be good enough for me. Know what I mean?"

omg The Beatles..! i mean i know beyonce would be proud dengar Paul Mccartney cakap ni..! ni huge sebab even veteran legend macam dia pun respect Bey..! everyone loves Beyonce..! woowww..

Beyonce: "I Don't Want to Lose My Curves"

>> Beyonce wants to stay bootylicious. "I always say, 'I don't want to lose my curves.' I like firm curves," the singer, 28, tells the February issue of Allure. "You can never do enough squats, you can never do enough sit-ups. I like for women to look feminine." She also opens up about having babies with Jay-Z, 40, whom she wed in April 2008. "I definitely want to have a child, but I know from my nephew it's a lot," she says, referring to little sis Solange's son, Daniel, 5. "I hope that these things will just happen naturally. I still haven't had time to relax," continues Beyonce, who has been touring with her "I Am...Sasha Fierce" album. Before starting a family, she's having fun -- and getting into trouble, she says. When asked about her good girl reputation, Beyonce insists, "Trust me, I'm not at all." (Still, she admits a fave hobby is playing Spades online -- "I play with everybody, and they curse me out when I make mistakes, and kick me out of the room. I love it, it’s really fun because no one knows it’s me.") Adds Beyonce of being a role model, “It is hard living up to people thinking that about you.” She also talks about her alter-ego, "The thing that’s interesting is I don’t need Sasha Fierce anymore, because I’ve grown, and I’m now able to merge the two. I want people to see me. I want people to see who I am."

you're right beyonce..saya pun tak nak tengok bee hilang dia punya curves dan jadi kurus keding macam most of hollywood stars..bey got the best curves..!

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