tq mizz..
malu plak nak komen kat blog..
wonder, ET tu mmg hari2 long queue erk..
sbb fazz ...
fadzssha Post at 9-1-2012 16:04
Hmm... boleh kata cenggitu le fadzssha.. memang asek2 long q. But better beli awal drpd buang masa berdiri dlm q kan? Same thing kalo ada niat nak masuk Louvre. For Mizz kalo travel prefer kalo boleh spend some time at one place rather than touch n go just for the sake of cakap kita dah sampai tempat tu. That's why actually kat Paris banyak lagi tempat yg kekawan diskas kat sini tak sampai lagi .. Kami limitkan tempat yg kami pegi kpd the common destinations yg semua org nak pegi.
Kalau ada rezeki akan sampai balik le kat situ... |
Reply 2441# harimau76
mau, moh borak sini.
Ok berry dah calling2 few money changer, best i can get 4.04. Nak pi tukar satgi. Kat bawah stamford college dkt dgn hilton PJ.. hehehe....
nak tukar chinese renmimbi skali..nak gerak dah ni next week friday... semua dah naik benciii... awal2 taknak tukar ni nak raya cina padan muke.. huhu.
mau, pound brp mau carik paling best? semua cam bg 4.93 gitu jah.. huhu... tp ok kot.. ritu berry byr wit exam mahal jugak.. sob sob |
Reply 2445# Changa
Vokk! cantekkk nya gmbar awak niee....! mekasihhh... |
Reply 2445# Changa
Lupa nak tanya, awk ada lepak ke kat restaurant tepi lorong sambil people watching gituh.. tapi tepi lorong nak tgk ape khen.. cam cantik pulakkkk dah kawasan tu.. hehehe |
Post Last Edit by Changa at 12-1-2012 13:48
Reply Changa
wow.. terima kasih utk semua gambar yg menarik tu.. utk pengetahuan VOk, sebenarny ...
harimau76 Post at 12-1-2012 13:06
jikalau nak minum hot choc kat cafe angelina dna kamu bukan seorang diri, baik kamu minum kat dalam sahaja namun biasanya penuh.
saya segan minum kat dalam sebab seorang diir ketika itu, semacam sendu pula lagipun mcm exlusive jah takut ada extra charge
nasihat saya jikalau kamu 3 org mungkin memadai order 2 hot choc karena even saya tak lunch pun lagi time itu saya tidak mampu habiskan hot choc mereka yg satu cup itu sbb mmg sangat pekat, ala2 choc bar yg kamu cairkan sebegitu. |
Hmm... boleh kata cenggitu le fadzssha.. memang asek2 long q. But better beli awal drpd bu ...
Mizzsued Post at 12-1-2012 13:11
saya setuju sama kamu,
walaupun bagi saya paris below expectation saya namun di akui paris ini ambil masa agak lama untuk visit tempat2 yg menarik di sana unlike other cities yg saya pergi semasa tempoh hari.
seperti saya mmg tidak berapa gemari museum dan saya jenis konsep asal kaki saya bawa berjalan maka saya redah sahaja.
saya jenis konsep strolling ikut suka hati tengok kawasan sekitar. |
Reply Changa
Lupa nak tanya, awk ada lepak ke kat restaurant tepi lorong sambil people watchi ...
whiteberry Post at 12-1-2012 13:41
saya ada lepak kat place du tertre itu minum cappuccino dia sedap yg gambar ada tulis tertre itu, itu la cafe nya, seat seberang jalan gitu.
kawan saya order crepe sekali, biasa2 jah crepe dia itu, tak makan pun tidak apa kaedahnya. |
Reply harimau76
mau, moh borak sini.
Ok berry dah calling2 few money changer, best i can g ...
whiteberry Post at 12-1-2012 13:38
wow..rate Euro yg Berry dpt 4.04 tu sgt bagus.. pound pun sebegitu.. Mau blum calling2 lagi.. nampaknya money changer kat PJ tu boleh Mau consider lepas ni.. Mau cuma plan nak pi survey area Masjid Jamek tgk brp rate yg ditawarkan di sekitar situ.. |
Reply 2455# harimau76
mau, tadi my office colleague ada ckp satu lg yg best kat bestrates sg wang. berry tatau kat ne sbb tak penah pi pon.. bila berry google n dpt phone number dia kan, skali dia kate euro 4.02 haha murah lagi sikit... hihi..
tp satgi berry nak pi kat mid v. sana bagi 4.03. maybe berry tkr skali kat sana kot. beza sikit jah pon. |
Reply harimau76
mau, tadi my office colleague ada ckp satu lg yg best kat bestrates sgwang. berry tatau kat ne sbb tak penah pi pon.. bila berry google n dptphone number dia kan, skali dia kate euro 4.02 haha murah lagi sikit...hihi..
tp satgi berry nak pi kat mid v. sana bagi 4.03. maybe berry tkr skali kat sana kot. beza sikit jah pon.
whiteberry Post at 12-1-2012 16:14
yer la Berry.. setakat 4.03 and 4.02 tu takda la byk mana pun..4.03 tu pun dah dikira baguss.. sg wang kira lebih dekat ngan area Mau kat Pandan ni... mmg boleh consider sgt2...thanks for the info Berry.. seronok la Berry nak berCNY kat China sana... |
Reply 2457# harimau76
Berry lak mmg kat area damansara bangsar ni semua mmg dekat sekangkang kera jah mau.. hihi... nnt jgn lupa minum hot choco tu and update kat sini k.. ala2 dejavu gitu nnt sbb vok da penah buat hihi... |
Reply 2458# whiteberry
tgk Announcement dari AA
Drp FB airasia....
Important Announcement: AirAsia X Re-Aligns Network
Dear fans, please be informed that due to soaring taxes and higher jetfuel prices, AirAsia X is re-aligning its network to focus on coremarkets and will be withdrawing services to India (Mumbai and NewDelhi) and Europe (Paris and London) from our Kuala Lumpur hub asfollows:
• Mumbai- Four weekly services will be suspended with the last flight on 31 January, 2012
• New Delhi- Daily services will be suspended with the last flight on22 March, 2012. Flights in March will be reduced to four weeklyservices.
• London- Six weekly services will be suspended with the last flight on 31 March, 2012
• Paris- Four weekly services will be suspended with the last flight on 30 March, 2012
All Guests who hold bookings after these dates will be offered analternative travel option at no additional cost to mitigate theinconvenience caused as a result of these route withdrawals. An e-mailstating options that are available will be send, including a fullrefund, a reroute to another AirAsia X destination (e.g, in Australiaand North Asia), or a move to an alternative carrier where available.
AirAsia X will concentrate capacity in our core markets of Australasia,China, Taiwan, Japan and Korea. Announcements of our future expansionsplans will be made soon.
Berry nyer flight bila ek? Mau dah lupa.. |
Reply 2460# harimau76
yes mau... im crying sob sob... bencii... camne ni... bila boleh dpt refund tu.. i need to buy ticket lain pulak.. huhu.. matta fair bilaaa.... |
Reply 2461# whiteberry
yer la Berry.. apa nak buat.. anyway, besides refund Mau rasa Berry leh tgk apa alternative yg AA provide wether sesuai ker tak.. kalau sesuai tu still leh consider..kan AA dah ckp w/out additional cost tu...Nanti Berry update la apa yg dorang offer.. |
OR move to an alternate carrier where available... huhuh... pray hard.. =( |
Reply whiteberry
tgk Announcement dari AA
Drp FB airasia....
Important Announcement: AirA ...
harimau76 Post at 12-1-2012 17:01
kesian berry...kak aishah....uittt kak aishah dh made booking ke...alahai...nasib aii baik lagi klu x mmg susah ht la.. |
kesian berry...kak aishah....uittt kak aishah dh made booking ke...alahai...nasib aii baik lagi ...
nurazza Post at 12-1-2012 17:58
tu la pasal Azza..kesian kat dorang kan..kita pun lepas sipi2 jer... |
Update sini pulak... thread paris london mmg berry syg sgt org dlm thread ni.. so so kind
Dear Guest,
Please be informed that effective from 1st April 2012, AirAsia X will be suspending our flights to/from London.
We will be sending individual notifications to all guests affected by this move, in stages, based on your respective flight dates, via email and SMS.
The email notices will also outline the various service recovery options offered which are:
i. cancel your reservation and opt for Full Refund/Credit Shell; or
ii. re-route to any other AirAsia X destination, without any additional cost; or
iii. transfer to an alternative airline subject to availability, without any additional cost.
In order to avoid undue congestion and delays in replying to your queries, we request that you contact us in relation to any queries you may have, only after you have received your individual notice.
For further explanation on the reasons for our flight suspensions, please refer to our Press Release at http://www.airasia.com/my/en/corporate/pressrelease.page
AirAsia X |
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