dressing tabi tu paling iols tak berkenan in history bb iols rase.. look so weird.. ...
amemiya Post at 21-2-2011 08:18 PM
ape ke namanyer ek miya yang pramlee tdo kandang kuda tu?? mende ni la ditampal kat baju si tabi tu hah... adey laaa.. sakit mater tgk... jidi pon burok2 pon, tp tgk muker terubat sket... rambut top pon buwokkkkkk... nk wambot itammmmm,...
confirm kan ni ??!!! kalu dh kuar news bagai ni ??!!! ak nk nangis ker nk mnjerit ni
(NEWS) BIG BANG 2NE1 coming to MALAYSIA on 4th June!
2011 the Korean wave will continue to sweep through Malaysia, Kpop fans be prepared to be busy for the whole year! Following an earlier report by “Sin Chew Entertainment” that Halo Music will bring Big Bang and Se7en to Malaysia this year to meet the fans, 2NE1 will be making their way to Malaysia too.
According to sources, Big Bang and 2NE1 have finalized to come to Malaysia on June 4th where the 5 member group Big Bang and 4 member group 2NE1 will also collaborate to hold a large-scale fan meeting at Bukit Jalil Putra Stadium.
It is reported that earlier this year, Jang Geun Suk has released notice through its website on the launching of “Jang Geun Suk 2011 Asia Tour” and has announced schedules for various countries, organizer HS Media has confirmed the tour for Malaysia to be on June 4th. However presently the performing venue and ticket price for Jang Geun Suk Asia Tour Malaysia stop have not been decided yet.
Now that Redstar who is hosting Big Bang and 2NE1′s fan meeting has announced the performing venue and date except for the ticket price, it is not known if there will be any last minute changes to the performances, but if both groups (Jang Geun Suk as well as Big Bang & 2NE1) come to Malaysia to carry out the activities as scheduled, the Kpop fans will certainly be very busy, having to choose between the two.
Redstar’s partner Marctensia is also collecting comments from fans about Big Bang, 2AM and miss A coming to Malaysia on its facebook. It is believed that as long as the response is good, the KPOP concert in plan will come true!
source : ent.sinchew-i.com
translated & edited by Miseremei @ bigbanghaven.blogspot.com
Me pun macam x caya jer..macam mimpi la..guen suk oppa pun ari yg sama..ottoke? Teruja giler..btul k ...
nata_girl Post at 22-2-2011 00:44
tarikh tuh tentative... they are scheduled to be in Japan during that time, tp derang mmg akn dtg. bulan 5 tuh jadual derang agk packed, but derang leh selit ujung bulan 5 tuh atau bulan 6 utk dtg cni. so, just put in mind, event tuh confirm, tp tarikh is tentative.