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Author: Takki_Aniki


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luvrema1982 This user has been deleted
Post time 30-1-2004 03:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 30-1-2004 12:42 AM: did you manage to sign-up with KBS? Ada Korean counterpart ke? Thanks for sharing the info with us, appreciate it very much. Keep us posted with the drama ok ;).

p/s: btw, welcome abo ...

no i don hav any Korean counterpart (i wish i hav one). u can register easily at d english site link over at

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Post time 30-1-2004 04:14 PM | Show all posts


Originally posted by whitedove at 30-1-2004 09:50 AM:
rasanya inilah konflik yg bakal timbul dan 'menghangatkan' lagi citer ni...apa la agaknya akan berlaku bila2 masing2 dah dapat tau siapa penderma jantung Hye-won yg sebenarnya?

mesti Hye Won kecewa kot? may be dia fikir yg Min Woo suka dia sbb dia bagaikan ada bayang En Hui..

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Post time 30-1-2004 07:05 PM | Show all posts

Konflik atau bukan konflik...

Takdir menentukan segala-galanya, walaupun Min Woo nampak En Hui dalam diri Hye Won tapi Hye Won tetap ialah Hye Won. Min Woo pada mulanya rasa bersalah kerana selalu memikirkan Hye Won tetapi akhirnya dia dapat menerima suatu percintaan yang baru iaitu Hye Won dan bukannya En Hui. Mungkin bayangan En Hui yang memulakan segala perasaan tersebut tapi saya rasa Min Woo cintakan Hye Won sekarang dan bukan disebabkan En Hui. Tapi tak jaminlah kalau Hye Won mempunyai pandangan yang sama....:sad:

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Post time 30-1-2004 08:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 28-1-2004 11:16 PM:
Mungkin ada yang kurang bersetuju dengan pendapat ni but I think that SSH & SYJ have a good on-screen chemistry together. Subtle yet so sweet. Personally, saya memang suka tengok the  ...

yes ...c-mei pun raser yg SSH ngan SYJ matching couple in drama beside BYJ ngan CJW...and SYJ pun makin lamer makin cantik plak...

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Post time 30-1-2004 11:44 PM | Show all posts

Konflik atau bukan konflik...

Originally posted by Asiafever at 30-1-2004 07:05 PM:
Takdir menentukan segala-galanya, walaupun Min Woo nampak En Hui dalam diri Hye Won tapi Hye Won tetap ialah Hye Won. Min Woo pada mulanya rasa bersalah kerana selalu memikirkan Hye Won tetapi akhirnya dia dapat menerima suatu percintaan yang baru iaitu Hye Won dan bukannya En Hui. Mungkin bayangan En Hui yang memulakan segala perasaan tersebut tapi saya rasa Min Woo cintakan Hye Won sekarang dan bukan disebabkan En Hui. Tapi tak jaminlah kalau Hye Won mempunyai pandangan yang sama....

Mula-mula mungkin Min-woo tertarik dengan Hye-won sebab 'bayangan' En-hui tetapi lama-kelamaan he's falling for Hye-won's true self.

Hye-won on the other hand, mungkin 'terasa' suatu kelainan bila bersama dengan Min-woo but at the same time selalu rasa bersalah terhadap Jung-jae. :re:

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Post time 30-1-2004 11:46 PM | Show all posts

KBS online

Originally posted by luvrema1982 at 30-1-2004 03:44 PM:
no i don hav any Korean counterpart (i wish i hav one). u can register easily at d english site link over at

I see, thanks for the clarification.^_^

Never thought that it would be that easy to register with KBS. Don't they need a Korean identity number or something? :re:

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Post time 31-1-2004 02:55 PM | Show all posts

EP 14 RECAPS...30/1/04

err...actually, kite tak sempat nak tengok citer ni malam unfortunate of, kalau ada recaps ni yg terlebih atau terkurang, sorrylah ye...

Courtesy of tracy@dramaholic:

The next morning...Hye-won walks and stands on the dock. The boat driver asks if she抯 coming or not because he抯 leaving.


Min-woo is sleeping on the church pew. When he wakes up, he sees Hye-won sitting on the pew behind him. She smiles at him. He抯 surprised.

Min-woo: Hye-won, you抮e still here.

Hye-won: I woke up too late and missed the boat. I抣l take the afternoon one.

Min-woo: I see.

They walk along the shore happily chatting. Hye-won offers to get food.

Hye-won calls Jung-jae from the pay phone but hangs up when he picked the phone up.

Hye-won: I抦 sorry, Jung-jae oppa. This is the last time that I抣l do anything I have to apologize for.  I抦 sorry, Jung-jae oppa.


Jung-jae misses breakfast to greet Hye-won by the shore, instead he finds a boat without any passenger. The boatman tells Jung-jae that a woman was standing at the dock but when he asked her if she was coming or not, she disappeared and did not get on the boat.

Jang-mi: Jung-jae, where抯 Hye-won?

Jung-ah: Didn抰 she come back?

Jung-jae: She probably overslept and missed the boat. She抯 not a morning person. She probably didn抰 fall asleep till late.

Dae-poong: You mean she didn抰 get on the ship?

Jung-jae: She probably couldn抰.

Jang-mi: It抯 not like her to oversleep in an unsafe situation.

Dae-poong looks worried.

Dae-poong: What do you mean unsafe?  

Jang-mi: A woman feels unsafe in an unfamiliar environment.

Jung-ah: Are you sure nothing happened to her?

Dae-poong mutters, "Stupid Min-woo...wait till I get my hands..."  

Jung-jae: What was that about Min-woo?

Dae-poong: Huh? Nothing.. Never mind.

Jung-jae says to look out for Hye-won if he wouldn抰 be back in time from Seoul to get Hye-won抯 medication.

Jung-ah is still worried.

Jung-ah: You think something happened to Hye-won? Min-woo and I should抳e gone with her.

Jung-jae: Min-woo?

Jung-ah: Min-woo and I were supposed to follow her to the island.

Jung-jae's suspicion about Min-woo grows stronger.

He asks Dae-poong if Min-woo could be reached at his office at the resort. Dae-poong hesitantly says he could try but Min-woo is always unavailable and his cell phone抯 still broken.

Later, Jung-jae calls the resort and confirms Min-woo is not there.

Meanwhile, Min-woo build a sand castle on the beach.

Dae-poong and Jang-mi are busy playing computer so Jung-ah goes out and walks around the beach. Dae-poong notices that Jung-ah seems bored. Jang-mi hopes she wouldn抰 go back to the resort and follow Min-woo.

Dae-poong: What?! Jung-ah抯 going back to the resort?

Jang-mi: Why are you so shocked?

Dae-poong: Nothing...

Jang-mi: Something抯 fishy. What are you hiding from me?

Dae-poong: I抦 not hiding anything.

Jang-mi isn抰 convinced.


Walking around the dock...

Boatman: You抮e the young lady from yesterday. Has that young lady come back yet?

Jung-ah: You mean Hye-won? She missed the morning ship so she抣l be back in the afternoon.

Boatman: I guess the long-haired guy will be back then too.

Jung-ah:  Pardon?

Boatman: The young guy that was with you. The handsome boy with the bleached hair...

Jung-ah wonders.

Boatman: He kept asking if he could borrow my boat. I told him it was too dangerous but kept insisting so I let him borrow it.

Jung-ah: Is that right?

Boatman: Of course, he paid me quite a lot.   


Min-woo and Hye-won talk about her heart surgery.  She says the donor was a man from the place where she visited, where she ran into him before.


Jung-jae gets more medicine for Hye-won. The doctor says the donor's father wants to contact the recipient... Jung-jae finds out that the donor was actually a female in her 20s.


Min-woo and Hye-won found a grave. There抯 a message from the man who lost his lover.  It says, 'Thank you. I抦 sorry and I love you.'

Min-woo: I wonder why he was so sorry.

Hye-won: Because he had to let her leave first... Because he couldn抰 love her more...Wouldn抰 those be the reasons?

Min-woo: Because he had to let her leave first.. Because he couldn抰 love her more...I see.

Hye-won: Min-woo, what抯 wrong? You look so sad...Did you lose someone too?

Min-woo: .. En Hui.

Hye-won: ...


Min-woo: I wasn抰 even there at the moment of her passing...I couldn抰 bear to watch. I thought if I didn抰 look she wouldn抰 die. So I didn抰 even get to say goodbye.

Hye-won becomes teary hearing Min-woo抯 past heartbreak, En Hui抯 death...She remembers him saying, 'I抳e wanted to forget her thousands of times a day.'

Min-woo: After she left, I thought I抎 never love again. That there抎 be no second love in my life...Then I met you.. And I was so glad and grateful.

Hye-won抯 crying.

Min-woo: I shouldn抰 have said anything. I抦 sorry.

Hye-won: Since En Hui passed away, you抳e been hurting for so long. You have to be happy now. There shouldn抰 be anymore tragic loves for you...

Min-woo: ...

Hye-won: All I抳e done is hurting you. There抯 nothing I can do for you. You have to meet the person who really loves you. And you can be happy that way.  
She starts to leave but Min-woo reaches for her and hugs her tightly.

Min-woo: Hye-won, I抦 okay. I told you I抳e been happy since I met you. This is enough for me right now. I don抰 need anything more.

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Post time 31-1-2004 03:00 PM | Show all posts


Jung-ah goes to Min-woo抯 room. She finds his bag still there. She gets his organizer and finds the picture of him and Hye-won from the mountains.

Dae-poong and Jang-mi suddenly arrive so she hides in the bathroom and listened to their conversation.

Jang-mi: I know you抮e hiding something. What抯 up with Hye-won and Min-woo?

Dae-poong: Nothing! Why won抰 you believe me? You抮e driving me nuts.

Jang-mi: Then why won抰 you answer me? Is Min-woo really at the resort?

Dae-poong: ...

Jang-mi: See...Something抯 fishy. Hye-won抯 probably on the island. But why would you say something about Min-woo and the ship? They抮e on the island together, aren抰 they?

Dae-poong: ...

Jung-ah is anticipating his answer.

Jang-mi: Dae-poong, just tell me they are! I won抰 tell anyone.

Dae-poong: Yes! They抮e on the island together.

Jung-ah can抰 believe what she had just heard.

Dae-poong: And you have to keep it a secret from Jung-jae and Jung-ah.

Jang-mi: But you said Min-woo went back to the resort.

Dae-poong: I lied. Just imagine if Jung-jae found out.

Jang-mi: You did the right thing. You抮e so thoughtful...Hye-won and Min-woo are acting so strangely though...You think they like each other?...No way...

Dae-poong: I know for certain that Min-woo likes her.  

Jung-ah starts crying in the bathroom.  


Min-woo goes to the dock.

Min-woo: When will the ship be leaving?

Boatman: In about two to three hours.

Min-woo: Can you leave a little later?

Boatman: That depends.. Will you be getting on?

Min-woo: Well, no...

Boatman: That woman from this morning probably will.

Min-woo: Pardon?

Boatman: She walked around the ship and then never got on. I had to take an empty ship there. She didn抰 seem like she抯 from around here.


Jung-jae抯 back and meets Jung-ah at the bar.

Jung-ah: You did come back in time for Hye-won抯 ship. Jung-jae, you never fail to amaze me. Your devotion to Hye-won is absolute. No misunderstanding her...not even suspicion.

Jung-jae: What is it you want to say?

Jung-ah: I asked you once before if you have doubted Hye-won抯 love for you.

Jung-jae: I never have. Not once.

Jung-ah: Of course, you actually got mad at me even after you found out she was in the mountains with Min-woo. You said love is not about suspicion, but trust...Do you still think that?

Jung-jae: Park Jung-ah...

Jung-ah: Even if she spent the night with someone on the island, would you trust her? You probably would...Because you love her...I guess I抳e got a long way to go..I can抰 trust someone just because I love him.

Jung-jae: Did you call the resort by any chance? Did you hear he抯 not there?

Jung-ah: And why did you call him? I didn抰 even call him...

Jung-jae: I had some business.

Jung-ah: Is that really why? ..So you knew he wasn抰 there...And you even called to confirm it...

Jung-jae: You抮e clueless.

Jung-ah: You抮e the really clueless one!   


They are on the sea shore by the rocks.

Min-woo: I think it抯 time for the ship to leave.

Hye-won: It抯 already time? ..And you?

Min-woo: I have to take the boat back.

Min-woo and Hye-won dread her return to the mainland.

Hye-won: I thought of a gift for you...

Min-woo: What is it?

Hye-won: Close your eyes...

Min-woo: ...

Hye-won: Come on...

He obeys.

Hye-won: *silently in her mind* I want to thank you for our time together. This feeling.. this scent.. And this heart of mine.. I want to give them to you as a present.

She moves closer...leans and gives Min-woo a gentle kiss at the corner of his lips.


Min-woo sees Hye-won off. The boat is slowly leaving as he waves goodbye from the dock. Hye-won waves back.


Jung-ah: Jung-jae, lets go. The ship will be arriving.

Jang-mi and Dae-poong are also coming.

Jung-jae: No need for a big crowd. I抣l go by myself.

Dae-poong: We抣l just wait here.

Jung-jae: You stay too, Jung-ah.

Jung-ah: Is it wrong for me to see Hye-won? What are you so worried about?

Jung-jae: Just listen to me.

Jung-ah: No, I won抰. Hye-won is like a sister to me. She抯 also the love of your life. And she of all people knows the depth of my love for Min-woo.

Jung-jae: ...

Jung-ah: That抯 what Hye-won means to me. You抮e well aware of that. Just think how lonely she was by herself on that island. Isn抰 it only right that I should greet her?   


Hye-won抯 boat arrives. Jung-jae and Jung-ah stand on the dock waiting for her to get off.

Hye-won: Jung-jae oppa...

Jung-jae: You抮e here. Everything is fine now.

Jung-ah: Oh, is it? Really?

Hye-won: Jung-ah, I bet you抮e worried about me so much? I抦 sorry.

Jung-ah: Why are you by yourself?

Hye-won: ...

Jung-ah: Where抯 Min-woo?

Jung-jae: Jung-ah...

Jung-ah: I guess he抣l be coming back on the boat later, huh?

Hye-won: ...

Jung-jae: What are you talking about?

Jung-ah: As if you didn抰 know?! They were together on the island.

Hye-won: ...!

Jung-ah: I heard Min-woo took the boat there!

Hye-won: ...

Jung-jae: That抯 enough!

Jung-ah: You had your suspicions too.

Hye-won: ...

Jung-ah: I know you抮e trying to avoid the truth.

Jung-jae: ...

Hye-won: ...

Jung-ah: Are you and Min-woo in love?

Jung-jae: ...!?

Jung-ah: Are you?

Hye-won: Jung-ah...this...

Jung-ah slaps Hye-won hard on the face.

Jung-ah: You wench!

erm, boleh tak somebody beritahu episod malam tadi sampai mana? at least, kalau ada yg terkurang, bolehlah jugak kite tambahkan...

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Kiddo This user has been deleted
Post time 1-2-2004 12:47 AM | Show all posts
betul la tuh semlm 30/1 sampai kat situ. thanx for the recap.
isnin and selasa depan mungkin x dpt tgk nanti jgn lupa recap ye

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Post time 1-2-2004 08:45 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by whitedove at 31-1-2004 03:00 PM:
Jung-ah goes to Min-woo抯 room. She finds his bag still there. She gets his organizer and finds the picture of him and Hye-won from the mountains.

Dae-poong and Jang-mi suddenly arrive so she hi ...

whitedove thanks for the review....bolehlah ingat balik scene-scene yang menarik....

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Post time 1-2-2004 11:12 AM | Show all posts

Summer Scent ^_^


SWEETnya avatar kamu......Min-woo dengan Hye-won lagi >> very nice. ;)

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Post time 1-2-2004 03:05 PM | Show all posts
korang tahu tak mana nak cari lagu ending yang ader satu popuan nyanyi tu.lagu tu the way,i like the part minwoo n hyewon at the beach.

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Post time 1-2-2004 07:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Kiddo at 1-2-2004 12:47 AM:
betul la tuh semlm 30/1 sampai kat situ. thanx for the recap.
isnin and selasa depan mungkin x dpt tgk nanti jgn lupa recap ye

hehehe, nasib baik betul...

utk info semua, Isnin & Selasa ni maybe tak sempat nak online, so recaps nanti hari Rabu...just in case ada yg wonder kalau kite takde nanti....but Insya Allah, kite akan dapat tengok SS utk 2 hari tu...

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Post time 1-2-2004 10:37 PM | Show all posts

Female singer - Seo Jin Young

Originally posted by nmi at 2004-2-1 03:05 PM:
korang tahu tak mana nak cari lagu ending yang ader satu popuan nyanyi tu.lagu tu the way,i like the part minwoo n hyewon at the beach.

Di page 2, sara ada postkan the download links for the soundtrack of Summer Scent ni.

Kalau ending theme SS, the song is uh jjuh myun - Seo Jin Young.

Here is the link >> 04 uh jjuh myun - Seo jin Young <<

Kalau bukan lagu ni yang dicari, you can try downloading the other songs by Seo Jin Young.

Btw, nmi punya avatar pun cute & sweet macam sara punya jugak. Siap dengan motif WS lagi. ;) Tak ada ke sesiapa dengan animated avatar motif Autumn pulak? shanew3stgalz, nampaknya dah tukar avatar Soh Ji Sub pula .

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Post time 3-2-2004 01:08 AM | Show all posts
kesian kat Hye-Won...tak pasal-pasal dia kena penampar dari Jung-Ah...

tapi hari ni cerita dia entah terasa macam sedikit slow...sepatutnya konflik macam ni mestilah ada klimaks tapi yang ni sedikit slow....

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Post time 3-2-2004 11:42 AM | Show all posts


apsal aku prefer Hye Won rambut kerinting dr Hye Won rambut lurus ek?

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Post time 3-2-2004 12:32 PM | Show all posts

Off-topic: Ryu Jin

2/1/04 - Ryu Jin will costar with Choi Soo Jong in MBC's weekend drama "Rose War" scheduled to be aired after "Wooden Horse Carousel".  He plays an engineer of a life science company.

New credits to Cindy of

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Post time 3-2-2004 12:37 PM | Show all posts

Off-topic: Song Seung Hun

1/29/04 - 600 Japanese fans of Lee Byung Hun will visit Korea from 3/6 to 3/8.  Lee Byung Hun will meet these fans on 3/7 at Grand Hyatt Hotel in Seoul. LBH's good friends including Song Seung Hun, Jo Sung Mo, and etc. will also show up in this fan meeting.  LBH's drama "Beautiful Days" was very popular in Japan.  Subsequently, his other dramas including "All In" and "Happy Together" will be aired in Japan.  Also his movie "Addicted" will be debuted there in April.


New credits to Cindy of

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Post time 3-2-2004 12:40 PM | Show all posts


Originally posted by aLiN_82 at 2004-2-3 11:42 AM:
apsal aku prefer Hye Won rambut kerinting dr Hye Won rambut lurus ek?

Err, Hye Won atau Min Woo? Bila Hye Won rambut kerinting?

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luvrema1982 This user has been deleted
Post time 3-2-2004 01:10 PM | Show all posts

Regarding KBS registration...

Originally posted by katt at 30-1-2004 11:46 PM:
I see, thanks for the clarification.^_^

Never thought that it would be that easy to register with KBS. Don't they need a Korean identity number or something? :re:

:sp: i signed up as foreigner so i use my real no. K/P, my real address n it worked. KBS requires real info... so.. u get d picture? good luck then

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