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Author: maxxwu

Adam Lambert in Malaysia = ENJOY!!!!

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Post time 16-10-2010 11:51 AM | Show all posts
memandangkan aku tak ke mana2 arinih, jap aku tepek mana2 revies yg aku dapat ek

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Post time 16-10-2010 11:52 AM | Show all posts
aku tolong tepek member kite punya review, hidegurlz

Fanaccount Adam Lambert in Malaysia.
Ay yo~

Sebenarnya aku memerlukan masa untuk menulis pasal konsert Adam Lambert ni. Sebab terlalu banyak benda yg aku dok pikirkan. Yang pasti, konsert Adam mmg mabeles tahap dewa langit ke lapan~!!

Koleksi fancam aku. Sorry ler kalo kualiti hampeh. Pe nak wat, kamera 7mp jek.. uwaaaaaaa~


Lagu ni adalah lagu favorite aku dlm album 'For your entertainment'. Sangat mendayu-dayu yet sangat sesuai dengan suara Adam. Aku tgk banyak fancam "Soaked" masa Glam Nation kat tempat2 lain dan ternyata Malaysian ver pun tak kurang hebat. Cuma aku kurang berkenan sebab fans dok jerit2 gak masa Adam nyanyi lagu ni. Dorang tak leh bertenang ke? Cuba menghayati ke hape ke. Masa rakam ni, aku almost nak nanges tau. Sebab terharu punya pasal. Mana tak nya, impian aku nak dengar Adam nyanyi lagu ni live depan mata jadik kenyataan... huhuhu >__<;; Suara Adam mmg mabeles gilerrrrrrrrrr........ Banyak yg aku nak moyankan masa persembahan Soaked ni, tapi biarlah benda ni dlm otak aku jek................. *moyan*

[Fancam] "Waddaya want from me"

Acoustic version. Tapi cam rushed sikit? Still, fans sing a long with him &#9829;

[Fancam] "Strut"

Cut. Sebab time neh aku sibuk nak join people kat seat aku nari... wakakak~

[Fancam] Adam Lambert introduce Tommy to Malaysian fans

Ni aku rakam pakai henpon jek sbb kamera aku dah lintang pukang tak ingat letak mana. Abaikan jeritan moyan aku tu.. wakakakkaka~ Bila tgk live cam ni Tommy hensem apsal bila tgk dlm gambo muka dia cam chilakak jak? wakakaka~ Masa ni orang jerit kaw kaw... Adam pun tau Tommy ni popler kat Malaysia.. hahah ^^ Tommy senyum2 malu tu cute sangat. Patut ler Adam tak leh tahan.... hahahahah ^__^

Aku sangat berpuas hati dengan persembahan malam tadi. Suara Adam mmg takde tolok bandingnyer (konon). Super high pitch kalah ahkak Mariah Carey gittew~. Masa konsert start, aku rasa la kalo aku pegang botol gelas, mau pecah botol tu gamaknye akibat kenyaringan sore Adam neh.. hahaha... Tapi lelama telinge aku dah immune. Cuma dah balik tu aku cam pekak sket la.. hahahah ^__^

BTW, lepas habis konsert ni fans jerit for encore and yup... Adam kuar dan nyanyi lagu Mad World dan.... aku tatau apa tajuk lagu lagi satu tuh... hahaha...

Walaupun singkat, tapi sangat berbaloi. Tiket bagi aku still murah lagi berbanding Super Junior Super Show 2 dan showcase JYJ ahad nanti. Tapi ye la..... mana leh bandingkan Adam ngan k-pop . Ni bagi aku la. Tapi talent wise Adam >>>>>>> JYJ > Super Junior Adam Lambert satu-satunya artis omputih yg aku sanggup pi tengok konsertnya. Kalo artis omputih lain bleh blah. Kalo Justin Bieber datang Malaysia pun haku tak henggen perabih duit menengok nyer. Buang karan jek!

JYJ is next~!!!! wohoooooooooooo~ Minggu ni mmg minggu busy untuk aku.. &#12619;&#12619;&#12619;



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Post time 16-10-2010 11:55 AM | Show all posts
xpe..kompem adam dtg akan pergi tyme tu
put3reen Post at 16-10-2010 11:45

yup konpem...konsert adam yg ni i tau xleh arrange utk pegi..tau pun sbb adik yg gtau....jarang plak tu masuk bod ni...skrg baru rajin masuk sbb hakak adam...hehe...

p/s..xpenah rsa frust sbb xpegi konsert..sblm ni xpenah teringin nk pegi konsert sbb panahan suara adam jd ketaq lain mcm je..huhu...

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Post time 16-10-2010 12:11 PM | Show all posts
yup konpem...konsert adam yg ni i tau xleh arrange utk pegi..tau pun sbb adik yg gta ...
suree_aa Post at 16-10-2010 11:55

tahu xpe...samalah...lagi satu xleh nk pgi n xsempat nk fikir sal adam pun coz my ayah masuk everything about adam dh tolak tepi tapi round i hope i will be there...nnt leh buat gath u fan adam yg lepak cn

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Post time 16-10-2010 12:11 PM | Show all posts
tgh layan u tube konsert kat m'sia..mmg byk dance move yg di toned down kan....
suree_aa Post at 16-10-2010 11:51

link plis

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Post time 16-10-2010 12:12 PM | Show all posts
memandangkan aku tak ke mana2 arinih, jap aku tepek mana2 revies yg aku dapat ek
lake Post at 16-10-2010 11:51
bestnye kalau dpt tgk live

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 Author| Post time 16-10-2010 12:40 PM | Show all posts
Reply 226# put3reen

    sama laa put...xpa2...meh kita lobi Katy Perry California Dream World Tour sampai Malaysia!

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Post time 16-10-2010 12:48 PM | Show all posts
Reply  put3reen

    sama laa put...xpa2...meh kita lobi Katy Perry California Dream World Tour ...
maxxwu Post at 16-10-2010 12:40

wahhhhhhhhhhhh.....kalaula jadi kenyataan..kite pg sama2 ye

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Post time 16-10-2010 12:53 PM | Show all posts
bestnye kalau dpt tgk live
put3reen Post at 16-10-2010 12:12
iols geram ngan anak buah iols yg umur 12 tahun...sbb tunjuk gambar dgn ticket gi concert Adam Lambert kat facebook.  siap amik gambar tunjuk2 lagi

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Post time 16-10-2010 01:01 PM | Show all posts
iols geram ngan anak buah iols yg umur 12 tahun...sbb tunjuk gambar dgn ticket gi concert Adam Lambe ...
xAthenax Post at 16-10-2010 12:53

mcm mana rupenye tiket adam tu

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Post time 16-10-2010 01:09 PM | Show all posts
Rupanya kat sini ye kalo nak meroyan pasal nyah adam.

Akak paste je ek my recap kat board lain

I'm a bit more coherent now so I'll just list down my "experience" last night  

I arrived pretty early just before 7:00 pm and there were long lines for each block entrance.  The stadium is obviously round and therefore have a few entrances throughout.  Therefore the lines will not be terribly long for each entrance.  There were about 3 FRU "fire brigade like" vehicles parked.  These are uniformed government force used to control protesters; I guess they were there to control the crowd incase there would be any "aggressive" protests.  As at that time we can't see any such activities going on; what I could see is a crowd of colorful glittery people of all ages.

As I've mentioned before I met the reporter who had interviewed Adam in the Malay Mail papers and our conversation mainly centered on what a wonderful artist Adam is.  The doors were then open for us to enter; our bags are checked but the security just turn a blind eye to the cameras that I'm sure they noticed.  As it was still early we had light snacks and drinks at the food court within the stadium.  As the ticket stated that the show starts at 8 we entered the stadium halls.

As everyone know we were then entertained by local artists; the first being the guy that won 4 gold medals in LA at Kodak theater for an annual singing competition and the second act was the second Malaysian Idol winner with some guy on strings.  Obviously I was not really paying attention to them.  Then the break before Adam starts and it was a longgggggggggggggg break and thank God Malaysians was easily entertained by bouncing giant yellow balls.  We also had our own version of balcony dancer in the form of a voluptuous lady in silver glittery jacket dancing to Michael Jackson and later on Lady Gaga.

Then at long last the show started and the noise level in the stadium was cornea piercing;  I was quite lucky that those who sat infront of me were mothers with their children.  Therefore noone infront blocked our view and hence my friend could take her videos in peace and with no obstructions.  I was glad that she came along and so I could just sit and 100% just watch the concert without thinking about taking photos etc.  These were my thoughts throughout the concert:

1.  I was surprised Adam does look good (handsome) in flesh
2.  His movements were not as feminine as some of the videos I watched on youtube
3.  He can really sing; his vocals were so smooth especially during the so-called wailing
4.  I'm quite sure during the fast numbers the sound engineer somehow made his voice a bit too high that at times he sound he's on helium
5.  He did not change a thing about the show except not kissing Tommy and no physical contacts with the dancers
6.  I did not notice so much whether the dancers did any changes in choreography only that the ladies were more covered up
7.  As for the band members only difference was that the drummer had his shirt on
8.  I did notice Monte was on fire that night

My favorite performance was the middle set - WWFM/Soaked/Aftermath/Broken Open, I could just listen to him unplugged all day long.  The emotions he brings out during that set was powerful and that for me defines Adam, his beautiful voice and his deliverance of ballads.  I was happy that he did both songs for his encore and moreover its wonderful to see that he was constantly smiling and seemed to enjoy the response of the audience.

When it ended I was truly satisfied and emotionally drained.  Its a moment that I'll remember and keep it close to my heart  <3

Off topic:  I was amazed that besides us, a young couple brought their young son about 4 and he managed to sleep throughout the concert  :haha:



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Post time 16-10-2010 01:12 PM | Show all posts
Ni pulak gambo2 yg diambil sorry tak cantik pasal duduk jauh kat L6



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Post time 16-10-2010 01:19 PM | Show all posts
Ni lak video yg sempat dirakam



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Post time 16-10-2010 01:31 PM | Show all posts
All KL GNT videos can be seen here; minah ni dah tlg kumpulkan

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Post time 16-10-2010 03:27 PM | Show all posts
wah byk nya kacang mod kasi kat kak sweet

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Post time 16-10-2010 04:58 PM | Show all posts
tak boleh jadi ni........aku pon nak wat recap gak

beberapa jam sebelum konsert:
aku ader exam kat shangrila putrajaya petang tuh.  So abis exam, ingat nak balik terus, tapi ader minum petang lak.....soh aku pon makan2 ler isu perut sebab ingat nak cepat gi bukit jalil, so tak sempat ler dinner bagai kan.  Balik2 umah kat Bukit Jalil, aku pon cepat2 cari CD Adam, nak hapal lagu konon........rugi wooooooo beli tiket mahal tak boleh sing-along bagai kan.  Selepas habis satu round CD dan pilih 2-3 lagu yg nak hapal betol sambil bergoyang nanti, I pon terus mandi and pakai baju sume........ofcos baju pilihan is black tee Armani aku yg ader bling2 bagai tuh...harus ler mak mensupport tema glam and glitter kan.......oh i bese jer just tambah eyeshadow warna purple...ada cam barney the purple dinosaur pulak

7.15 - 8 pm
sampai....ramai nye kete, susah gak cari parking tapi I manage to park kawasan VIP.  Awek melayu dua org depan kete aku pakai tee hitam and blue jeans cam aku gak dengan ader bling2 kat depan tuh.  Wah ramai nyer bertema bagai gi konsert.  Aku terus gi amik tiket.  Ader le apek nih jual tiket kat depan kaunter tuh, nak jual kat aku.  Aku kata aku dh ader tiket, just nak amik kat counter jer.  Lupa lak tanya dier, kot2 dier jual tiket murah ke hapa.  Dapat2 tiket aku pon terus meround kat depan stadium.  Amik gambar kat signboard "DigiGlambert", gambar kat belon Digi tuh, pastuh amik gambar kat announcement board.  Ader beberapa awek pakai baju bling2 world, siap jaket kulit ader bling2, pakai silver earring besar2 dgn makeup world.....nak jer aku ajak amik gambar tapi awek tuh nampak bz pulak.

Dah bosan pusing2 depan stadium..selepas tengok booth Digi, Sony, Starworld..aku pon masuk stadium. Pak Guard soh aku buang botol air aku...geram gak sebab botol air aku baru minum beberapa teguk.  Masuk2 dalam amik gambar lagi, pegi makan kat foodcourt.  Kat luar ader A&W tapi mak aaaaaaaiii giler pjg q. Sedap pulak wedges goreng ala KFC cheezy wedges nih, dorang letak black pepper sos lagi...Masa tgh makan nengok ramai gak omputeh, siap full set satu family nih.  Yg makan kat sebelah aku ader satu family melayu nih, mak pak dier cam middle fifties ngan anak2 dara ngan anak bujang.  Mak dier pakai tudung ala2 makcik kampung jer, kagum gak aku dorang boleh gi konsert adam nih, ingat2 set2 nih gi konsert mawi jer

Setelah mendengar org terjerit terlolong dari dalam konsert hall, aku pon cepat2 abiskan makanan terus masuk dalam.

8.00 - 10.30 pm
Masuk2 jer dalam, aku pon terus jeles dgn org yg dapat dok L6 & L7, menyesal lak tak beli tiket awal2  Masa nih tmmpt kat tengah, standing area tuh mmg kosong2 lagi.  Aku pon terus meneruskan camera-whoring aktiviti aku, dgn pelbagai aksi menarik to buy time.  Aku terkezut gak nengok stage kecik giler.  Aku siap terpikir tak pakai dancers kot sebab nak kurang2kan unsur2 erotic gitu. Selepas beberapa lagu yg giler tak best.....siap ader lagu ala2 country cam lagu dolly parton jer, saat yg ditunggu...ader ler opening act nih.  

Crowd giler sporting.  Kiut jugak budak ikhwan nih walopon aku tak kenal sapa.....ala2 justin bierber mesia gitu.  kalo aku budak 15 tahun boleh jugak join histeria gitu dgn lagu jay sean down tuh.  tapi pitching melaut sume lah mamat ni. pastuh kuar pulak daniel.  Apesal lah nyanyi bon jovi its my life....lepas tuh si mamat adam nih tak kuar2 lagi.  Masa nih dorang dah start main lagu best sikit, bad romance, mikel jeksen...siapader aksi makcik bling2 menari kat seat belakang tuh.  Pastuh layan nengok org yg berdiri main giant ball DIGI tuh.  

Pastuh kol 9 baru ler mek hadam kuar ngan lagu voodoo. Terus sume org kat tmpt ku tuh berdiri......dan terus tak duduk. Sebab Voodoo tak ader kat CD and aku pon masih dalam terkezut nengok Adam pastuh sound system yg agak tak best dgn sore adam cam chipmunk....kurang menghayati ler lagu dan sore Adam.  Nasib baik pastuh lagu FYE.  Aku pon join menyanyi cos lagu nih antara yg aku paling hapal.  Masa lagu FEVER.........aku mmg paling layan sekali cos I like the dance routine and nih pon lagu aku paling hapal (being a big fan of gaga). Also the lights and laser show mmg marbeles...cantik sgt2. Selepas abis set2 rancak nih, Adam pon start nyanyi lagu slow2........masa nih baru dapat appreciate sore Adam and masa nih sound system pon cam dah ok and aku punyer telinga pon dah immune dgn pitch sore Adam.  Macam opera pon ader masa dier nyanyi Soaked.  masa nih aku sempat ler duduk sekejap tapi biler set rancak start balik, aku pon kena berdiri cos sume org sebok menari kat tmpt aku, esp minah pinoy kat belakang aku nih.. tapi lawak nye minah nih menari ala2 joget lak, berkepak2 bagai tangan dier Aku suka jugak masa If I had you.......sebab Adam pon soh nyanyi ramai2kan.  Pastuh lagu 20th century tuh pon best sgt walopon aku tak hapal lagu tuh.  Masa abis tuh, cam pelik jer sebab terus lampu terang.....rasa cam baru bangun dari mimpi indah gitu.  Back to real world gitu.

My only wish for the concert is letak ler byk2 sikit poster Adam ke, mannequin poster of Adam ke.  Sebab bila masuk dalam hall cam tak ader apa2 pon Adam-related.  Also bigger and grander stage pls.  

Big kudos to the FANS.  The crowd is really great, supporting, sporting.........from the baju, chants, claps, shouts, the sing-along......Bangga pulak aku jadi rakyat mesia....kan org mesia nih selalunya malas nak bertepok tangan sume.  Even mamat Ikhwan tuh pon boleh dapat tepukan gemuruh gitu, just imagine cemana crowd clapped during Adam's performance.



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Post time 16-10-2010 05:52 PM | Show all posts
Reply 225# put3reen

ni die link

tp quality x bagus xpe janji leh tgk..huhu...banyak dance move yg ala2 golek2 still best

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Post time 16-10-2010 06:00 PM | Show all posts
aku meroyan lagik

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Post time 16-10-2010 06:10 PM | Show all posts
nak tempek review dari satu blog nih..........lawak siot

credit to http://memangsangatbergaya.blogs ... m-lambert-whut.html

Guess who went? YEAH ME. HAHA I know you're prolly sick o it because I've been talking about it non-stop but TOO BAD, I'M WRITING THIS ANYWAY. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

So I went with Hayani and her mom, they're really cool. I wasn't wearing that much make-up (actually, I was looking at myself thinking, "wah, quite a lot ah"). I step into the car, and Hayani's mom is all, "Hoi, why so little make-up? Hayani, put more mascara!" XD And Hayani did my make-up for me in the back sear. IT TURNED OUT TERRIBLY. HAYANI, THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD NOT PUT ON MAKEUP IN A MOVING VEHICLE. I LOOKED RIDICULOUS. HAHAHAHA.

We got stuck in the jam for an hour, but whatever. We sat around pointing at old people and wondering if they were gonna go see Adam Lambert too. Hayani had a big black star over her eye btw and she was trying to scare people. Her sister, I tell you, never seen Indian before HAHA.

So we got in and the place was half-empty when we showed up (but it filled up a little later). You know there were these VIP seat things on the side. The seats were crappy but they cost like RM500. The only thing is that you get a cocktail. The freak? Why would you do that?

But whatever la, you know. There were military people standing around to make sure nobody went crazy and tried to storm the stage and everything. Weren't allowed to turn around and watch the concert, poor guys.

You know there was this guy in front of us going "WE WANT MAWI, BRING US MAWI!" He turned around to Hayani and went "Wei, you salah tempat ke? Ni bukan konsert KISS la. Ni konsert Mawi." HAHA dumbass.

Everyone got really bored waiting for Adam so people started paying with those giant beach ball things. There were six in the standing area all bouncing around  People where trying to get it up to the higher seats, when they finally succeeded everyone went WHOOOOO and the higher and lower seat people played volleyball with it. And, and, some people accidentally tossed it onstage, so one of the (whit) technicians had to kick it off and everybody cheered.

OH OH AND, there was one soldier standing right in front of me being all stoic and standing at ease and not moving like a good little soldier. BUT, one of the beach balls came his way, and he looked around first, then when he thought nobody was looking we went sorta "" and hit the ball, then quickly went back to normal. HAHAHA SO CUTE.

They started playing music to keep us entertained after that. Everyone sang along to Single Ladies. WAH, TURN AROUND AH, THERE'S AN OLDER WOMAN INA SPANGLY SILVER SUIT DANCING IN THE STANDS, DAMN COOL HAHAHAHAHA. The best part, this group of guys were all, "I'M GAY FOR TODAY!!!" XD And another guy behind me was bloody squealing while videotaping everything HAHA. Going "I feel so gay! X))))"

Adam Lambert makes people crazy.

So they had two opening acts, the first was this guy called Iqwal. Everyone booed at first but he apparently won lots of gold medals in Hollywood so whatever. He danced really well, everyone ended up cheering anyways. HE WAS SO CUTE HAHA, the whole time he was like "" And he likes to wave at people. The second guy wasn't very impressive, he was some Akademi Fantasia winner or something IDK I wasn't really listening. BUT, THE GUY WITH HIM HAD AN ELECTRIC VIOLIN AHHA SO COOL, IT WAS RED.

So then we waited around some more yada yada AND THEN HE CAME ON OHENLIFJHBNFGQ3IUGHJNQ3GLIJ54NG45PQGUIH54G1NL HE WAS SO CLOSE I COULD SEE THE SWEAT FLYING OFF HIS BODY. HIS HAIR WAS AWESOME AND GRAVITY-DEFYING AS USUAL, AND HE WAS WEARING LEATHER IVBEQNRLGQ ADAM. He looks and sounds EXACTLY like he does on tv, so cool! Well-trained, I suppose XD American Idol can do that to a person.

It was absolutely unfair that EVERYONE on the stage was ridiculously awesome. The drummer was hot. Drummers are not supposed to be hot, you know, but this one was. He had a bandana and everything. The bassist, OHJN3GPNJ SO CUTE Y SO CUTE? His hair was kinda shaved on one side and longish on the other, so he kept flipping his hair to get it out of his face HAHA take that, Beiber. AND, WHEN HE COMES ONSTAGE HE HAS THIS ADORABLE LITTLE WAVE UNF SO CUTE. Hayani has a crush on him XD Really, who doesn't. Oh, and apparently this is the same guy Adam kissed onstage at the Grammys. People say the bassist is straight though. Well, showbiz.

The guitarist was really cool, he was bald and had a goatee. He played crap awesome.

The keyboardist was a chick so I didn't look at her HAHA.

AND AND, there were these backup dancers that kicked ass. White chick was okay, didn't notice her much. BLACK CHICK WAS SO COOL, she had a freaking MOHAWK and she was all badass and crap. The two male dancers, UNF SO DISTRACTING, WHY YOU STAND OVER HERE AND MAKE ME WONDER IF I SHOULD BE LOOKING AT ADAM OR YOU? Y U NO JUST STAND TOGETHER SO I CAN LOOK AT EVERYTHING AT ONCE?

The black guy's ass is sent from Heaven, I swear. Every time he twirled, I'd be staring at his ass. It was like BAM haha. Absolutely gorgeous. The white guy, though, he really got me. He was SO BLOODY ADORABLE, so good-looking, my god. Looked so sweet, too. BOY, WHY ARE YOU DANCING FOR ADAM LAMBERT? Must be gay la these two AHHA. :'D So hot.

Oh look, I found a picture of them LOL. Whitey's hair was different, though. Cuter. Actually this picture doesn't do him justice.

Being as subtly gay as the entire show was, the dancers had rather revealing outfits. I'm talking about the guys, of course. Like, these half-shirts that stop at the waist. EVERY TIME THEY LIFT THEIR ARMS, I SEE ABS. MUSCLES MOVING AND HIPS ROLLING. CLEAR WHITE SKIN. MY GOD, LIKE I WAS GOING TO DIE RIGHT THERE AND THEN.


But, most importantly, ADAM. He sang a whole bunch of songs, I can't remember them all now HAHA. But he did sing a couple of covers, the ones that made him famous like Mad World and Ring Of Fire. His showmanship was EXCELLENT, he really knew how to get the crowd rolling. To be fair, of course, the crowd was pretty damn cool anyway. But Adam, it was like magic. I'd been standing for hours and my feet hurt like giving birth to the antichrist but I didn't even notice. It was surreal, I kept pinching myself like, "is he really there?" XD

I tell you what made me jealous. This one girl, right in the front, had a sign saying "drumsticks please!" Halfway throught the show, Adam pauses between songs, turns to his drummer and goes, "hey, look at that sign. Can you see it? You want the drumsticks? Okay, after the show you're getting the drumsticks." After the show, the drummer gets up, goes over to her, and tosses her the drumsticks.




But this stupid bitch pissed me off. Some fat chick squeezed herself in front of me and started headbanging and swinging her stupid ugly frizzy hair in my face. I was physically pushing her out of the way but the cow wouldn't budge. Hayani, from the front, saw this and purposely stomped and that woman's foot. HAHA bless that girl. I eventually got my place back, though. (Y) Serves you right, bimbo.

Ah, the concert lasted for about two hours. I went deaf because I was right in front of the speakers. Still can't hear so well actually. And I lost my voice. And some retard soldier chased us out of the food court claiming it was closed, but when we went there later it was full of people. Ffuu.

I saw the Iqwal guy again. His manager was walking in front of him and he was holding on to his manager's bag. HAHA. So cute :')

Then I got home and looked at my makeup and went WTF.

Also, Hayani can't make Milo to save her life. :'D

Holy crap that was a long post.

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Post time 16-10-2010 06:10 PM | Show all posts
Reply 232# sweetmm

bestnye korang tumpang gembira ni...dlm tangisan..

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