[BRF] Istana Bawang 16 - Meghan vs Buckingham , still !! ...Lilibet who ?
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Another gorgeous B&W pix of Kate, Chris Jackson has done it again!
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A Royal Quiz 4 you... 
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snazzydaisy replied at 25-6-2021 03:12 AM
Another lie exposed!
Angela siap mentioned psl gossip ttg Spotify akan ambik acti ...
Yg kelakarnye gegula hangit tak percaya walaupun terpampang dalam royal account. Mati matian defend monte duo |
kalau tgk birthcert ni.. kalau diorang namakan baby tu as Lilibeth (or Lilybeth) instead Lilibet lagi proper la kot.. mcm inspired gitu.. ejaan lilibet tu mmg nama pelat sgt ropanya and too cringey as the fact diorang tak boleh pun tahan hidup kt bumi queen tapi sibuk nk nk hidup dlm shadow Queen..
anyway, i layan ajalah drama the sussexes ni.. diorang rasa tindakan diorang tu regal la sgt but kt mata org lain mcm budak2 bebai aja.. |
bodoh diorg ni mmg takleh sorok sikit ke?
motip nama bapak letak gelaran.
ni acah2 kalau gelaran kena tarik skg2 nya ada peninggalan bukti la yer..?
Pelik gak bila sugars tak kutuk/hentam Harry re this, lelaki yg approaching 40 tapi masih mengharap duit bapak, notelo sungguh 
Smeg tak perlu beli rumah, dia kan parasite, tumpang rumah jantan aje kerjanya, she's a bed hopper! 
entah2 doc ni fake, it doesn't make sense, royal title bukannya laku kat US, mcm letak "US President" sbg nama bapa. 
Just nak share some tips re attaching images kat CARI ni, for desktop version.
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yupp, Lilibeth sounds nicer...
instead of Lilibet, kalau diaorg pilih Alexandra lagi baik kot - Alexandra Diana Mountbatten Windsor. Archie & Lexie...
snazzydaisy replied at 25-6-2021 03:46 AM
Amboiii, sensitive benar dgn word "DUMB"... tapi tak kisah lgsg dgn word "SEX" in their titles!
Kata tak kisah, tapi why brought that up in the interview??? Kengkonon above all lah kata the most important title is MOM! My capital S. |
snazzydaisy replied at 25-6-2021 04:45 AM
TMZ has obtained copy of baby Lili's Live Birth cert.
Kenapa JUST HARRY listed his name as HRH Du ...
Legit ke cert ni? I thought the title only laku at UK je. Jadah hape atas sijil anak tu letak nama title instead of real name?
TMZ ni biar betul???
I think better other party try to retrieve the same thing too. Takut ni keje mekgan & co jur nak spice the things up utk cover diana-mary fiasco tu |
Fuuuhhhh lama sis tak menyinggah.. Kalau dekat tiktok serious aku semak ummah Amerika dok menyembah Maggot. Sekali dengan White people yg nak jugak 2 kata BRF ni racist |
Cam biasalah acik GAYLE cakap bagi pihak h&m
Tapi yg menariknya kat bawah tu ha part komen.... harry’s throwing his tantrum sampai mekgan kene panggil polis
Link: https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1439522/Meghan-Markle-news-Duchess-of-Sussex-Prince-Harry-latest-Royal-Family-update-vn |
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Edited by delia3003 at 25-6-2021 06:41 PM
belilies replied at 25-6-2021 03:08 PM
Cam biasalah acik GAYLE cakap bagi pihak h&m
Nak maintain lavish lifestyle mmg perlukan duit byk, duduk kat mansion, kena bayar kos sekuriti, lepas tu byk membazir dgn bayar PR lagi. Ramai giler publicist monte duo ni. Nak kena maintain ala2 keluarga bahagia lagi.
Nampak update kat twitter, heret dah sampai LAX nak balik UK |
adelea replied at 24-6-2021 10:47 AM
Kaka daisy dah post dah ...
Cer scroll up or tgk page sebelah page #179
Sorry tak perasan |
snazzydaisy replied at 25-6-2021 12:49 PM
Just nak share some tips re attaching images kat CARI ni, for desktop version.
Byk bod yg facin ...
Terima kasih, cari2 juga cara nak upload gambar tapi tak jumpa… tq tau |

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Post time 25-6-2021 09:22 PM
From the mobile phone
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Alamak tertinggal 2 page macam byk je nak khatam ....kang mlm sikit iols masuk semula ...
Thank you atas jemputan kaka. Meols dah lama tertinggal istana acik meg ni. Banyak nak kena catch up Ingatkan dah duduk US tu reti nak diam, rupanya masih nak limelight lagi ye acik ni. |
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