and me suka tearsdrop in the rain(english version jonghyun nyer solo yg in korean tajuk dia I..will forget you..)
bila in english lagi feel walaupun pronouncation jonghyun x berapa clear..
yg korean nyer x best cam yg original..
and me suka tearsdrop in the rain(english version jonghyun nyer solo yg in korean tajuk dia I..will forget you..)
bila in english lagi feel walaupun pronouncation jonghyun x berapa clear..
yg korean ...
twinkystar Post at 9-4-2010 22:26
kan...merdu sunggoh sora JH ni....
kena baiki skit lg pronouncation 2 baru lg umpphh kan paling suka lagu2 yg Yonghwa buat..
Y,why, just please, love revolution..
lagi best dari komposer yg pro buat..
and me suka Yonghwa nyanyi in english..sedapnyer suara..kalau lagu k ...
twinkystar Post at 9-4-2010 22:24
annyoung yorobun.. me newbie kat cni..
me tau Y,why je yg yonghwa wat me mmg ske lagu just please, love revolution & Y,why.. tp xsangka 3 3 lagu yonghwa wat.. waa.. die mmg talented.. xsabar nak tggu album baru diorg..
annyoung yorobun.. me newbie kat cni..
me tau Y,why je yg yonghwa wat me mmg ske lagu just please, love revolution & Y,why.. tp xsangka 3 3 lagu yonghwa wat.. waa.. die mmg talented.. ...
nickynisa Post at 9-4-2010 22:50
lagu Love Revolution tu Yonghwa tulis lirik..lagu bukan dia yg composed..
F & C Music finally realized that fans hated the suggestion of BLUE..... for cn blue's official fanclub name
so they are asking for fans to come up with their suggestion of na ...
twinkystar Post at 9-4-2010 21:14
nasib baik F&C consider balik..harap ad nama yg lg best pasni..