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Post time 22-2-2010 07:09 PM | Show all posts
2360# babycruzer

kite pun perempuan gak

ntah nape suke sgt kat dieorg nimaken kenal..maken suke

boleh  dikatekan lebih mengutamekan 4min dr group2 laki:kant:

jatuh  cinte kat dieorg ni sbb mini album dieorg ni..time dieorg mule2 debut tu biase je..sbb tak penah pun tgk perf dieorg..just suke ngan lagu hot issue tu je time tu

baby pun rajen2 la update ape2 kat sini:pompom:

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Post time 22-2-2010 09:26 PM | Show all posts
sukebintang : oh...awk pun plak mmg utamakan boyben dulu, tp bl dh ada dpn mata, sy sapu smua esp yg grup xkira laki ke pompuan.

14.2.2010 (showcase n fan signing)

Sy p ke cntral world (tmpat showcase dibuat) dlm pkul 9.30 pg. ms smpai tuh, nmpak org tgh bz set up stage. ms tggu tuh, ada 2 org tu mark no kt tgn org yg ddk kt sblh saya.
sy pun heran la nape dia mark no 2 ngn marker pen kt tgn bdk tu. bl tny dlm eng, dorg la mslhnye bl dok cni...rmai org thai xpndai ckp eng. nsbaik tau ckit2 ckp siam (ni berkat tgk drama siam slalu). tnya la...then brla org tu ckp yg mark kt tgn tuh utk fan signing...sbb dorg limitkan 300 org sy yg ke 20..

ms tggu tuh, adala prtandingan cover dance kt stage yg akn dgunakn oleh 4min. mmg bes tgk dorang dance. mcm real artis yg sy mnt mcm 4min, shinee, 2pm, snsd, 2ne1, f(x). sebijik mcm original punye. siap chant skali tuh.

dlm pkul 6 lbh, 4min smpai. mula2 dorg ditemuramah. xphm ckp apa...then...lps tu dorg diberi hadiah smpena valentine..

ms dtunggu dah tiba..dorg nyanyi lagu intro muzik, hot issue, cover song pussycat dolls, what a girl wants, an julle n muzik. AAAHHH!!!!! mmg bes dorg nyanyi n dance!! mcm x caye je bl dh tgk ngn mata sdiri!! rsnya hmpir stengah jam gak showcase tu


Kali ni dtg bgkok lupa plak bw bdera mesia. sblm nih, dtg utk knst dbsk, suju, big bang n sm town, sure bawak. ish!! x patut!!
mmg bl ms sesi otograf mmg xleh amik gmbar. ikut pengalaman dulu, ms otograf fti n shinee, sy on vid (gntung kamera kt leher). tp ntah kali nih mmg x brani.

ms sy dah tiba. bila 1st person, ga yoon. dia greet sy cr org thai buat tuh (sawasdee kap). then, bl sy ckp 'hi!i'm from msia', trus dia xgreet cr tu. trus dia lmbai tgn dia n sign kt cd n salam ngn dia

nx person, hyuna pn sm. bl tau sy dr msia, dia greet 'hi' mcm gayoon. then, ji hyun pun ckp 'oh really? u re frm msia? nice 2 meet u'. bia dorg tau ada fan dr msia. hehehe...then so hyun n ji yoon...

mlm tuh sy tdo kt epot sbb awal pg isnin (7.45am flight ke KL). bl smpai kt epot dlm pkul 10pm, nmpak rmai pmpuan baya2 sy n ciri2 dorg tu jlas nmpak mcm kpop tnya, tggu sape...dorg jwb tggu jung min (ss501) yg akn blk ke krea pd mlm tuh. mmg jumg min bg fan service yg tbaikla kt fan.



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Post time 22-2-2010 09:35 PM | Show all posts
2362# babycruzer

ooohhh...jungmin tu mmg slalu bg fanservice yg terbaik..time die dtg malaysia aritu pun die plg beria:pompom:

wauuu..rajen gile pi konsert2:pompom:bestnye..jeles

baby ni dah keje ke

nape slalu SR je kat sini??lainkali redah jex yah malu..tak kesah la kat umah mane pun

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Post time 22-2-2010 09:37 PM | Show all posts
2362# babycruzer

lupe nak tanye..time ckp kat dieorg dr malaysia tu...nape tak tanye dieorg..tak nak dtg malaysia ke

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Post time 22-2-2010 09:47 PM | Show all posts
woah best gila baby~!!
waa jumpe hyuna!! WAAAAAAAAAAAARKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!
patot ajak je depa ke sini hehe

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Post time 23-2-2010 12:38 PM | Show all posts
sukebintang : xsm[pat nk bual pnjg sbb pkgad main heret jer cr ji hyun ckp tu, mmg xde bunyi korea lgsung. diala plg comel bnding yg lain. suke sgt dia!!!

Jung min tuh mmg. ms kt mesia diala asyik dok sengih je ms fan signing. bl amik gmbar dia, dia mulala buat aegyo. miss him!

sy ni lbh suka jd silent reader jer...suke bc komen org lain..hehehe...

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Post time 23-2-2010 01:12 PM | Show all posts
2366# babycruzer

jihyun tu muke penyanyangkan..suke tgk die..
die fluent english kewaaaaaaaaaa...rasenye die tak penah duk oversea..:pompom:bagus2...

bile CUBE nak tunjuk talent die plaksean die
die ni ade talent menari ni
suke suare die time OST GOD OF STUDY..DREAMS COME TRUE tuw/pun 1 line

dari kecik dah comey..rasenye die tak wat plastic surgery


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Post time 23-2-2010 03:00 PM | Show all posts
terlanjur masuk sini

aritu dengar lgu hot issue kat tesco shah alam.... hahha,,, memula dengar tak pasan..biler dh lelama.... cam tak caya lak

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Post time 24-2-2010 10:07 AM | Show all posts
2368# nzhass79

mesti tekejut sbb tibe2 lagu korea kuar kat tesco

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Post time 24-2-2010 10:12 AM | Show all posts
UFO reply

2/5/10 12:42 - Gayoon
[Q] (To Gayoon, Sohyun, Jihyun) 3 unnis!! You appeared in my dream the other night!! I hope you appear in my dream again tonight..! Good night
[A] Was it a cameo appearance??

2/8/10 01:27 - Jiyoon
[Q] You're pretty when you wear glasses and sunglasses. You're pretty when you don't wear them too ^^
[A} Oh thank you

2/8/10 21:29 - Gayoon
[Q] Gayoon unni~ I'll give you a problem to solve~ Problem: _ _ _ is in 4nia's hearts. Who is this _ _ _? Hehe
(T/N: Korean names have 3 syllables)
[A] Heo Gayoon!!!!!!!!!!!

1/30/10 23:35 - Sohyun
[Q] Sohyun unni~ Did your dance practice end? Did you not have dance practice??? hehe
[A] Hm hm keke

2/8/10 23:51 - Gayoon
[Q] Tomorrow is graduation for 3rd years so we don't have to go to school but I have to go because of my dyed hair ㅠㅠㅠ
(T/N: You're not supposed to dye your hair when you're at school in Korea)
[A] Eh... We're going to Kkwon Sso's graduation tomorrow1
(T/N: She didn't press shift?)

^The same girl sent this one (and it was translated in another post of mine above):
2/5/10 12:42 - Gayoon
[Q] Today I got caught for dyeing my hair ㅠㅠㅠ It didn't stand out that much either ㅠ
[A] Eh...... If you wash your hair and not dry it, it stands out a lot!
(T/N: You're not supposed to dye your hair while you go to school in Korea)
She probably had to go to school for punishment or something.

2/9/10 00:31 - Sohyun
[Q] (To all) I should put 4minute's picture as my wallpaper in my dorm~
[A] An edgy thought keke

2/9/10 00:37 - Sohyun
[Q] (To all) Chicken delivery has arrived! ____ has paid the bill so please remember the name!♥
[A] Chicken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(T/N: The person blurred out his name before he posted it on the cafe)

2/8/10 23:50 - Gayoon
[Q] Gayoon noona => Sun
Me => Sunflower
Because noona is there... I can smile (~♥.♥~)
[A] Ooh~~~ Then I guess you'll smile all the time^^

2/9/10 00:44 - Sohyun
[Q] (To all) I'm listening to music because I can't fall asleep~~ What songs do you listen to frequently these days?
[A] I still listen to 4minute's songs !!

2/8/10 23:50 - Gayoon
[Q] (To all) 4nia misses 4minute but does 4minute not miss 4nia?
[A] I miss you so much that I'm about to go crazy

2/9/10 00:42 - Sohyun
[Q] Unniiiiiiii
[A] 으으으으으으!
(T/N: 으 doesn't really have a meaning... It's basically a sound or sth)

2/8/10 23:52 - Gayoon
[Q] As expected, 4minute is spreading throughout the world!! Be a big hit~!
[A] We have to spread our roots in Korea!

2/10/10 20:29 - Jiyoon
[Q] Jiyoon noona, it's time for you to come back!!!! Hurry up and fill the empty stage!!!ㅠ
[A] Mm.. I'll do that. I'll be there soon ㅎㅎㅎ

2/10/10 20:39 - Jiyoon
[Q] Unni! I'm going to graduate in a couple of hours!!!! My graduation present... unni's aegyo? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[A] ah ah ah ah you're graduating already ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
(T/N: The way she typed her message cannot be translated accurately enough to show her "aegyo")

2/10/10 20:36 - Jiyoon
[Q] Wow, noonas are communicating with us even though you're overseas ㅎ
[A] ㅋㅋㅋ We're amazed too. I'll work even harder from now on ㅎㅎ

2/11/10 03:25 - Jihyun
[Q] (To all) Where are you all instead of being in Korea ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ!!!!!
[A] Seriously~~ Wait a little bit

2/11/10 03:28 - Jihyun
[Q] (To all except Sohyun) Hit me for graduating instead of Sohyun ㅋㅋㅋ
[A] Okay~ I'll do some push-ups tomorrow~ ㅎㅎ
(T/N: You hit someone lightly on the arm or w/e to congratulate them sometimes?)

Source: 4min fan cafe
Translation credits: [email protected]

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Post time 24-2-2010 10:14 AM | Show all posts
4Minute's thoughts on Hong Kong

After the 'EMax X 4Minute fan-signing' which was held in Hong Kong on the 20th of February, 4Minute were interviewed briefly.

The girls expressed that they did not expect so many fans to turn up and support them. They were deeply touched by the Hong Kong fans' enthusiasm. They jokingly said that they hope there will be more fans waiting for them at the airport the next time they come to Hong Kong.

But will they ever visit Hong Kong again? 4Minute said they really wanted to watch 'A Symphony of Lights' *, but due to time-constraint, they were unable to make it. However, they will try to look out for the beautiful sceneries of Hong Kong through the bus windows.

When asked about their label seniors from Universal Music, Mr., and whether they are anywhere near the girls' ideal types of man, they replied, "We only managed to look at them for a short period of time, so we need to know their characters, and have more interactions with them in order to know."

4Minute were also asked if they have any Hong Kong star in mind with whom they want to work with. The reply came as "Regardless of who it is, as long as someone invites us, we will accept the invitation in 4 minutes!"

*A Symphony of Lights - A famous musical from Hong Kong which comprises the usage of laser lights and songs, and showcases the colours and glamour of the Victoria Harbour. It was put into the Guinness World Records as the biggest musical in the world that uses lights on the 21st of November, 2005.

News source: HK Wenhui News
Translated by: [email protected]                                                                                               

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Post time 24-2-2010 03:19 PM | Show all posts
100220 4minute Signing Event @ EMAX Hong Kong

credit: as tagged + 4minute-hk                                                                                                wintersun@soompi

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Post time 24-2-2010 03:25 PM | Show all posts

credit: as tagged + 4minute-hk                                                                                                 wintersun@soompi

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Post time 24-2-2010 03:30 PM | Show all posts
Zhuanzisouhu Entertainment

as tagged& prisha@soompi

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Post time 24-2-2010 03:38 PM | Show all posts

cr: as tagged                                                                                                prisha@soompi

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Post time 24-2-2010 04:52 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sukebintang at 24-2-2010 16:53

UFO reply

[10.02.18] Gayoon
Q: Did you do well on KJE’s Chocolate ?
A : So so… Because I wasn’t feeling well

[10.02.17] Jihyun
Q :  Happy New Year ! My short words of blessings ! This year, write down everything you want in your diary !
A : Waaah thank you ~ Please give me an 앙바우 too~~ ㅋㅋ(T/N : Jihyun knows what is.)

[10.02.16] Gayoon
Q : Unni ! I got good at singing « Heart Damage » too ! Sing it with me !
A : Since you’re prepared , come to me ! After I prepared myself too !

[10.02.16] Sohyun
Q : Unni, By chance, do you know [that your] mother is an alien  ?
A : The icecream ? (T/N : "Mother is an alien" is the name of an icecream, but the way it was asked seemed tricky)

[10.02.17] Jihyun
Q: Jihyun unni’s height is close to mine…….. but Sohyun unni’s one…ㅋ…
A : Ing… Our Sohyunie turns out to eat food full of nutriments !!

[10.02.17] Jihyun
Q : - To 4minute - Even abroad, Have you thought of the crying 4nias !?!? Or you haven't !?!? Naturally… ? ^♥^
A : Of course….. Hm hm, we might have ㅋㅋㅋ

[10.02.17] Jihyun
Q : You shot snowballs for Sohyun’s graduation Peok !! Peok !! ㅋㅋㅋ
A : ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ All the graduating people should gather ^^

[10.02.16] Gayoon
Q : 2010 is 4minute’s ♥ I’ll wait for your comeback ~^^
A : Hoho, prepare yourself for something you won’t see coming ^^

[10.02.16] Sohyun

Q: - To 4 minute – At school, I felt very very sleepyㅜ 4minute, tell me, what should I do… ?
A : Don’t fall asleep !

[10.01.25] Gayoon
Q : - To 4minute - How was Taiwan ?
A : Hm…It was changing !!! The food on the plane was delicious !

Q : Are you fine !!? You must be ♥ㅋ
A : It hurts.. ㅜㅜㅜ

Q : Sa...sasasasa. You know the words I can’t say, don’t you? ♥
A :I don’t know!!!

Q : Now it doesn’t hurt…, does it? ♥ I was worried
A : Today again it hurts… Hing hing make me feel better ㅜㅜ (T/N : Hinng = sound of someone crying)

Q : Gayoon unni, I’m about to bring up a nonsense quiz. Q: Who is the fastest one to go to bed out of the world?
A : Jeon Jiyoon !

Q : Because I can’t really go on the computer these days, It’s only now that I see the picture from Thailand  ㅋㅋ Ah, unni you’re really a goddessㅠㅠ You’re really really pretty !
A : Where do you see such picture?

Q : Gayoonit why so pretty ! And y our body is the best ㅠㅠ Gayoonshin is really a goddess (T/N : Play of words, yeoshin means goddess)
A : Ay ~~~~ Even when I’m not looking good !! Hihi

Q : There are lot of people who want you ! If you only knew ㅠㅠ
A : Who does ?......


Q: - To 4 minute – Among the BEAST members, who is the kindest one ~~?  ㅎㅎㅎ!
A : They’re all the same…ㅋㅋ                                                                                                                                                                        

Translations : Meeli

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Post time 25-2-2010 09:32 AM | Show all posts
Live event in Japan : Cube making it big?

The information started to circulate earlier on Twitter, it seems that 4minute's first live event in Japan is planned for March 5th. What is surprising is that this event will take place in SHIBUYA-AX, a concert hall in Tokyo that usually hosts big events (Note : it can welcome 1,500 people).
The ticket sales already have started and they will end on March 2nd.

From the few Japanese blogs I've seen, the response to the girls' venue to Japan is quite positive. Let's hope that more of their plans in Japan will be unveiled soon. I'm eager to know how Cube Ent. will run this : if there will be outdoor showcases like in the previous countries and if the girls will attend music shows there. Even if on the face of it, the whole thing looks as if it was planned in the rush, Cube definitely goes for an higher level this time : the Japanese edition of 'For Muzik' (including - at least - a Japanese ver. of Muzik) is to be released soon and the company did go for the SHIBUYA-AX.

Reporting : [email protected]
Source :

hope dieorg leh diterime kar jepun..risau gakjepun suke konsep yg cute2

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Post time 25-2-2010 09:44 AM | Show all posts
JiHyun's Cyworld Update, BLOG


BGM : 3 by Britney Spears (The Singles Collection)
Credits : Namji's Cyworld meeli@4minute-forum

lagu 3-britney...aku pun duk dgr lagu tu

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Post time 25-2-2010 09:56 AM | Show all posts
UFO reply

2/22/10 08:15 - Sohyun
[Q] Sohyun, if I want to grow abdominal muscles, what do I have to do?
[A] Mm... raise your upper body !!

2/22/10 08:16 - Sohyun
[Q] I want to go to Japan too ㅎㅎ
[A] Are you going to come with us?

Translated by: [email protected]

[10.02.23] Gayoon
Q : When is your happiest time as a 4minute member?
A : It is day by day, day after day.

[10.02.23] Gayoon
Q : Unni.... I really miss you, do your comeback in Korea
A : Our album is coming out before long^^

[09.12.16] Gayoon
Q : Unni... My birthday was on the 6th^^*Please wish me an happy birthday~~
A : I'm late but I wish you a very happy birthday.

[10.02.21] Gayoon
Q : Are you hurt/ill? Because I'm too.
A : Now, I'm all right

[10.02.24] Jihyun
Q : Miss Jihyun ! What does 'Angbau' mean ? I really want to know what it is !!!!!! Please  clear this up ㅠㅠ !
A : It’s a Thai word for a new year gift !! Huhu, I’m sorry for writing this difficult word ~~

[10.02.24] Jiyoon
Q : Unni, I really miss you… ㅠ. ㅠ Heuk heuk, when are you coming back.. !!!!!!??
A : Ing hing, I miss you too ㅠㅠ

[10.02.24] Jiyoon
Q : I miss you so much that I’m becoming crazy~ !! ㅜ^ㅜ (a little)
A  Me too @

[10.02.23] Gayoon
Q : Noona, is your body fine ? Does it hurt a lot ?
A : I’m all right now !!

[10.02.23] Gayoon
Q : Unni, what are you doing~ ? Right now I’m thinking about you unni !! (T/N : the message was sent 3 days ago)
A : Right now, I’m replying U-Tas I was sent during the trip in Hong Kong !

[10.02.24] Jiyoon
Q : - To 4minute – It’s late and I’m watching fancams of noona(s?) ㅋㅋ You’re very popular ~
A : ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Not really ㅋㅋㅋ

[10.02.23] Gayoon
Q : In Myeongdong, because I heard unni’s voice, I walked towards the sound until the song ended ㅎ
A : Oh !! Was it played from far ??

[10.02.23] Gayoon
A : Is there a drama you enjoyed watching ?
Q : Hm… These days… 'The World That They Live In' even though it aired a while ago (T/N : just in case : 그들이 사는 세상  / 그사세, KBS 2TV, 2008)

[10.02.23] Gayoon
Q : Ah I can’t get tired of 4minute’s songs !!! I really like the song ‘Funny’ in particular !!!
A : Our mom really likes ‘Funny’ too !

[10.02.18] Gayoon
Q : ㅜ The weather is cold ㅜ Be sure not to get the flu ㅠ!! ㅎㅎ
A : My friends are careful too ! The flu gets really scary this time ㅜ

Translations : Meeli ...

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Post time 25-2-2010 11:58 AM | Show all posts
Universal Music Malaysia upload gamba 4minute kat Hong Kong kat fb diorang.
ape motif? kasi kita berharap gila. cpt2 la ckp, yes or no! sobs.
ke diorg nak tgk reaction malaysian fans dulu?
so apa kata jom pakat ramai2 gi komen. haha

oh, ni link dia:

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