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Author: nashrudean

"BEYONCE "IA..SF era"Grammys!Big win!No surprise,so expected!

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Post time 28-11-2009 10:20 PM | Show all posts

lawak duh gmbo nie

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Post time 29-11-2009 08:00 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 28-11-2009 16:04

yang seperate dvd memang murah..tempat tu pun ada yang dvd punya, lain dari cd/dvd deluxe..dvd alone je rm39.90 je..yang cd/dvd de ...
syoksendiri Post at 28-11-2009 15:53

LOL{:3_81:} talking bout yg cd/dvd tuh la..kalo nak ckp yg seperate2 tuh nak wat pe...xperlu nak jeles2 pn,aku xdpt ape pn...aku sekadar ckp jek,aku pn akan beli gak nnti..setau aku la kan,dapat awal atau pn lambat cd/dvd tuh xde beze pn..still dpt dpt sebijik bende yg same..kecoooo

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Post time 29-11-2009 08:15 AM | Show all posts
well congrats Taylor..saya tak da apa apa against dia pun..biar la dia nak enjoy puas puas this era..paling sian Lady Gaga sebab dia nominated lebih kurang 5 i think..tapi pulang dengan tangan kosong  ...
syoksendiri Post at 28-11-2009 17:52

OMG?Gaga??seriously sedeh+kesian gile aku tgk die neh.....mcm2 leh wat andaian kat gmba neh..

1.die malu camera zoom kat die
2.sedeh sbb kalah
3.die terase muke die hodoh (hahaha)
4.die mcm seorg manusie miskin humble yg cm xdijemput ntuk dance bersame putera raja

adoi gaga..kesian gile..die ptut menang doe.err..

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Post time 29-11-2009 09:36 AM | Show all posts

sedeynye muke stefani

takpa, next time bole cuba lagi..

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Post time 30-11-2009 12:21 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 30-11-2009 00:29

saya dah nampak dah album cd/dvd 'i am yours' tadi kat speedy, tapi ni yang ada sticket gov malaysia tu, depan belakang so memang spoil habis..rm49.90..agaknya saya rasa tu yang murah gila tu, yang saya punya tak da, nasib baik..! straight import dari usa..heheheh..saya tak nak beli kalau ada benda alah tu kat cover/back cover..merosakkan saja..tak best buat collection..lebih baik order online..tak kisah kalau setakat rm3 beza..

apa apa pun, saya tak pernah tengok gambar ni sebelum ni..baru first time..happy beautiful family..beyonce dan her mum tina cantik sungguh..solange eh, boleh la dikategorikan 'cantik' jugak jikalau dibandingkan dengan kebanyakkan normal2 negro..


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Post time 30-11-2009 02:13 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 30-11-2009 13:08


And the winner is...


Yes, Rimmel London Presents The Worlds Greatest Popstars can proudly announce that Beyoncé has been crowned the new all-time queen of pop as voted by a massive 100,000 of you in the UK.

T4 and 4Music have showcased 10 of the planet's greatest stars in a series of exclusive shows fronted by celebrity superfans, who have given a unique insight into their idols and told everyone why they think they deserve the title of The World's Greatest.

To announce the result, 4Music's Edith Bowman was joined by a carefully selected super-panel of industry experts who all had their opinions on the ten featured popstars and put forward the cases for their favourite contenders for the title. Then, in front of the T4 Stars Of 2009 live audience at London's Earls Court, Beyoncé was revealed as the winner with a very special tribute organised in her honour.

Beyoncé's triumphant win was followed by strong votes for Britney, Eminem and Pink, but the bootylicious diva's style, grace and reputation for delivering a constant string of hit pop tracks meant she was able to kick the other pop acts to the proverbial curb.

And if you missed the final shows, there's a chance to see them at the following times:

Rimmel London Presents The World's Greatest Popstars: Result
4Music on Sunday 6pm, 10pm; Monday 12pm and Tuesday 11pm

T4's Stars of 2009
T4 3pm and 4Music 7pm on Sunday, 4Music Monday 6.50pm, Tuesday 8.30am

jangan marah hookayy..

UK betul betul gila Beyonce this era..!! yayyy..! bee memang deserve pun.. :pompom: :pompom: :pompom:

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Post time 30-11-2009 03:49 AM | Show all posts
2350# nashrudean

aku pon bli fresh baru kuar dari kotak bagai beberapa hari yg ni bukan nk megah2 ye uols...
smpi2 kedai cd trus tgk org dok susun2 dvd bagai...tgk2 ade bey...cekau terus...hakahk
n mule2 nk bli yg double version cm malas lak..
bli dvd pas enjoy tgk tuh, aku ingt nk bli yg double tuh la pulok...
hakhak..aku rasa price yg aku jmpe ni plg murah diantara price yg korg dh listkan tu..
rm46.90 klu xsilap..
kt jusco ipoh..

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Post time 30-11-2009 11:39 PM | Show all posts
2367# kecuali

ko duk ipoh ke...aku pon ipoh gak....ko jumpa kat ne...friendly records ke....

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Post time 1-12-2009 10:52 AM | Show all posts
2367# kecuali

ko duk ipoh ke...aku pon ipoh gak....ko jumpa kat ne...friendly records ke....
the_builder Post at 30-11-2009 23:39

ha'ah...aku ap2 mesti g trus kt ctu..
kt ctu la plg murah, latest nn service pon ok...
xde la tgk org msk cm tgk pncuri masok...wawawa

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Post time 1-12-2009 11:44 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 2-12-2009 00:05

ahahahaha..guys this is too funny..!!! just shows how much christina dah tak irrelevant langsung kat music industry..sian xtina..dia dah terlalu ketinggalan zaman..dah tak de sapa kisah pasal dia..lolll..tapi saya tetap suka dah prefer dia dari britney..


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Post time 1-12-2009 11:48 PM | Show all posts
bee accepts 'album of the year' kat soul train awards hari tu..!

MESTI TENGOK..! cute gila tengok bee punya personality macam silly dan funny..!!! tak boleh blah beyonce menari last last tu..random..ahahahah..saya betul betul suka personality bee kalau 'behind the scene' sangat..keluar semua personality dia kan..lawak..

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Post time 1-12-2009 11:55 PM | Show all posts
2371# syoksendiri

bee memang down to earth person.....seronok je tgk kan...

syok sendiri amacam best tak dvd konsert tu..aku lom tgk lagi...sibuk keje sampai tak sempat tgk...hehehe

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Post time 1-12-2009 11:56 PM | Show all posts
another article Beyoncé Knowles is World's greatest Pop Star.

Beyoncé has been voted 'The World's Greatest Popstar' by viewers of 4Music.

The 'Halo' singer fought off competition from nine acts including Britney Spears, Kylie, Madonna and Take That to scoop the prize.

Over 100,000 music fans took part in the online vote and Beyoncé was announced as the winner with a special tribute at the T4 'Stars Of 2009' live show at London's Earls Court yesterday.

"We're really excited to announce the winner of our 12 week search to unveil the world's greatest popstar. Pop music remains the cornerstone of great British music and it is only right that we recognise and honour the best talent in this category," head of T4 Neil McCallum said.

"Beyoncé is a true global superstar and is well known for her flexible artistic style, from her powerful R&B ballads through to her brilliant dance anthems.

"It is no great surprise that she's won the hearts and minds of our audiences and so deserves the title of the World's Greatest Popstar."

1- Beyonce
2- Britney
3- Eminem
4- Pink


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Post time 2-12-2009 12:04 AM | Show all posts
ahahahahah..cuba korang tengok commercial video ni..tengok je sampai habis..! tergelak gila gila proud of my Bee..

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Post time 2-12-2009 12:18 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 2-12-2009 00:50

2372# the_builder
kan..? bee punya personality memang so 'down-to-earth' sangat..makin suka saya kat dia..=)

dan ya, best gila concert 'i am yours' ni..berbaloi tul buat collection..memang so special to her dan all her fans(die-hard fanatic fans especially)..its all about her voice..dan how versatile her vocal really is..suka saya time dia scatting guna suara dia part 'deja vu' tu..ingat senang ke nak buat macam tu..saya memang puas hati habis lepas tengok concert ni..sebab bukan senang nak dapat concert macam ni dari bee..this is very 'unplugged'..its unlike anything of what we've seen of bee before..truly intimate dan personal..dan saya suka time dia cerita story sejak dia kecik apa yang dia been through untuk capai ke tahap dia sekarang aka A list SUPERSTAR..yang 'destinys child medley' part pun ada pulak tu dia tambah tambah..hahahah..lepas tu saya suka cara bee tukar arrangement dengan lagu lagu seperti 'crazy in love', dan yang lain lain..pandai tul..bee ni memang creative kalau tukar lagu lagu dia ke slow, midtempo or uptempo..different style dia memang pakar..super-talented indeed..

seriously selepas tengok concert ni kalau someone still deny her amazing vocal, they are truly a 100% HATER..confirm..after this concert you will appreciate and respect bee a whole lot more as an artist, dan a singer..she truly on another level than anyone else..this shows why shes the best of them all..

dan the behind-the scene clip kan, memang inspiring betul..memang nampak habis betapa kerasnya bee keje siang malam sampai tak tido/makan nak buat concert ni..ahah..dia terpaksa prepare a whole NEW/DIFFERENT concert ni hanya 3 hari sebelum actual show..boleh nampak semua hard-working kerja keras dia..professional sangat..bee ni memang perfectionist..saya bangga dengan dia..

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Post time 2-12-2009 12:25 AM | Show all posts
2375# syoksendiri

rasanya yg part masa destinys child tu aku ada tertengok kat you tube behind the scene....yang part dia citer masa masuk talent show tu tapi kalah...muka down dengan background sound yg funny...hahahah...ada part yg dia kata syarikat rakaman dia kata album DIL takde satu lagu yg hit...tapi dia dpt 5 grammy...part tu pon kelakar.....

tak sabar nak tgk full dvd...aku dah order kat yg ko ckp tu...esuk sampai la kot...heheheh..hopefully..aku baru order tadi.....aku rasa ko ngan aku je yg beli online...hehehehe..mesti ada org komen kata beria nak nunjuk2

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Post time 2-12-2009 12:36 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 2-12-2009 14:42

2372# the_builder
kan..? bee punya personality memang so 'down-to-earth' sangat..makin suka saya kat dia..=)

dan ya, best gila concert 'i am yours' ni..berbaloi tul buat collection..memang so special to her dan all her fans(die-hard true fanatic fans especially)..its all about her voice..dan how versatile her vocal really is..suka saya time dia scatting guna suara dia part 'deja vu' tu..ingat senang ke nak buat macam tu..saya memang puas hati habis lepas tengok concert ni..sebab bukan senang nak dapat concert macam ni dari bee..this is very 'unplugged'..truly intimate dan personal..saya suka time dia cerita story sejak dia kecik apa yang dia been through untuk capai ke tahap dia sekarang aka A list SUPERSTAR..yang 'destinys child medley' part pun ada pulak tu dia tambah tambah..hahahah..lepas tu saya suka cara bee reinvent dan tukar arrangement dengan lagu lagu seperti 'crazy in love', dan yang lain lain..pandai tul..bee ni memang creative kalau tukar lagu lagu dia ke slow, midtempo or uptempo..different style dia memang pakar..super-talented indeed..

seriously selepas tengok concert ni kalau someone still deny her amazing vocal, they are truly 100% a HATER..confirm..and after this concert you will appreciate and respect bee a whole lot more as an artist, dan a singer..truly a quality star..she really on another level than anyone else..this shows why shes the best of them all..

dan the behind-the scene clip kan, memang inspiring betul..memang nampak habis betapa kerasnya bee keje siang malam sampai tak tido/makan nak buat concert ni..ahah..dia terpaksa prepare a whole NEW/DIFFERENT untuk concert ni hanya 3 hari sebelum actual show..boleh nampak semua hard-working kerja keras dia..professional sangat..bee ni memang perfectionist..saya tersangatlah bangga dengan dia..

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Post time 2-12-2009 12:39 AM | Show all posts
ahahahahah..cuba korang tengok commercial video ni..tengok je sampai habis..! tergelak gila gila proud of my Bee..
syoksendiri Post at 2-12-2009 12:04 AM

memang tak leh blah iklan ni....paling lawak siap letak dlm wallet lagi tu....impresssed....hahahahaha...memang betul ke gambo Bee tu ataupun depa dah edit bagai...hahahahaha

tapi funny kan....bangga pon ada...hahaha

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Post time 2-12-2009 01:10 AM | Show all posts
saya rasa dorang dah edit bagai..ahaha..tapi still rasa bangga sangat kan..? 'bee is our HERO' proud of her..

lain news: 'Crazy In Love' was voted as NME's #1 track of the decade!!!

Beyoncé's 'Crazy In Love' has been voted the greatest track of the decade by NME's critics.

It was announced today that the 2003 single, which features Jay-Z, was Number One of the Top 100 poll, which was voted for by the staff and writers at NME, NME.COM, NME TV and NME Radio.

The NME Top 20 tracks of the decade are:

1. Beyoncé – 'Crazy In Love'
2. MGMT – 'Time To Pretend'
3. The Strokes – 'Hard To Explain'
4. MIA – 'Paper Planes'
5. OutKast – 'Hey Ya!'
6. The Rapture – 'House Of Jealous Lovers'
7. Klaxons – 'Golden Skans'
8. Blur – 'Out Of Time'
9. Arcade Fire – 'Rebellion (Lies)'
10. Arctic Monkeys – 'A Certain Romance'
11. The Libertines – 'Can’t Stand Me Now'
12. The Streets – 'Dry Your Eyes'
13. The Walkmen – 'The Rat'
14. The White Stripes – 'Seven Nation Army'
15. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - 'Bang'
16. Rihanna – 'Umbrella'
17. Yeah Yeah Yeahs – 'Maps'
18. OutKast – 'Ms Jackson'
19. Radiohead – 'Reckoner'
20. Hot Chip – 'Over And Over'

Full list:

jangan jealous lagi hookay..

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Post time 2-12-2009 01:25 PM | Show all posts
stju dgn ko ss...
mmg superb gile...
n plg buat aku shock tu sbb die prepare cncert ni dlm mase yg bgtu sgkat!!!
tp hasil die mmg bes gilee..
yup mgkn die just refresh lagu2 yg da biase bwk kt cncert...
tp bkn sng nk ubah2 part2 lagu tu...
esp gile3!!!!
aku dh kemaruk beyonce...
dr 2 thn lepas...
sblm ni aku kutuk die kaw2..
tp ropenye die la artis yg betol3 bkualiti...

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