ainil This user has been deleted
testing2...bitarax keep on trying......ramei yang bagus2 tak dapat and ada gak kawan2 yang biasa2 je dapat rasanya very subjective kan...
saya pun tak sangka dapat g interview ni...g exam dah 5 kali taksangka lulus exam g pac and now g interview..masa PAC tu banyak tips saya baca, kawan2 dah ramai jadi PTD and mostly fresh grad and ramai kasi tips..masa PAC tu macam rasa serabut with all the tips...the do's and don't macam jadi terlalu berhati2 pulak..and some more very pressure...
gurls / guys yang ada tips interview hopefully boleh share...banyak kena tau ni kan sebab dia orang akan gunakan 'stress interview approach'.....
doakan kita semua berjaya.....selamat berbuasa and bersungkei! |
ainil This user has been deleted
aha..mesti dia akan tambahkan dalam senarai tu dont worry...i think if sapa2 nak appeal pun a very good idea,,
anyway bitarax berapa kali dah pac???
im doing HRD sebab tu saya nak sangat jadi PTD and hopefully dapat kerja dalam bidang HRD jugak tp tp itu harapan sahaja sebab dia orang kan boleh kasi mana2 jabatan kan?
anybody yang ada tipss supaya tak gelabahh ker?agak2 bila interview erk? |
ainil This user has been deleted
apasal saya post baru satu je dapat ah?ermm tak faham..before this ada jugak join tp hilang jugak..ehehe maklumlah saya ni buta IT...kita just submit post je kan..ada jangka hayat ke post kita kat dalam forum nie?? |
Originally posted by bitaraX at 4-10-2006 05:50 PM
my friends yang lain-lain memang power giler, semue tak dapat. yang dapat, one of my friend, memang passive giler, memang soooooooooo ordinary. tak tahu lah, kenape yang die boleh terpilih. y ...
yes bitarax, those who are really good couldnt get through.........tapi people like me...panic and buat public reading lulus pulak.......
So i really suggest you to appeal...Tak salah kalau mencuba kan? |
Originally posted by cutepie at 5-10-2006 09:13 AM
yes bitarax, those who are really good couldnt get through.........tapi people like me...panic and buat public reading lulus pulak.......
So i really suggest you to appeal...Tak salah ka ...
yup.. betul tu. bitarax...try la appeal. tak salah mencuba. mana tau insya Allah ader rezeki nnt. tp aper2 hal pun mmg aku kagum ngan semangat bitarax. never giveup to those yg tak dpt. try dulu appeal, then kalo tak dpt jugak, apply lagi for next intake...aku doakan semua org dpt nnt..insya Allah...:pray: |
miss_tigers This user has been deleted
camne nak wat surat appeal tuh ek..aku pun fail gak |
Originally posted by bitaraX at 5-10-2006 06:39 AM
harap-harap SPA tambah lah lagi nama pade senarai tu lagi. or, just hantar je surat panggilan untuk interview. tak ade nama pade internet pon tak pe...
yup chances utk nama yg takde dlm web site tapi dapat surat tu mmg ade..
dat was wat happen to me before ^_^
dah sedey gile2 takde nama dlm web site, skali, lagik dua hari nak iview tetiba dpt surat..kalut den... |
crispycrunch This user has been deleted
Originally posted by bitaraX at 5/10/2006 06:39 AM
harap-harap SPA tambah lah lagi nama pade senarai tu lagi. or, just hantar je surat panggilan untuk interview. tak ade nama pade internet pon tak pe...
hi bitarax..hehe..crispy pun x dpt..huuu..mula2 tu frust gak tgk xde nama,pdhal da all out da masa PAC hr bila tgk bitarax,sbr je la.tgk le klu rajin,insya allah lain kali apply lagi..yg fail kali ni jadikan iktibar..sedih sedih gak..lain kali kite cuba lagi eh.. |
crispycrunch This user has been deleted
Originally posted by cindenieta at 4/10/2006 12:29 PM
walaupun kantoi.....
semangat masih ader.... cayala......
hehe..cindenieta..kite pun x time,bila awak na apply..gtau pun na apply lagi skali..smgt lak tgk awak cool je...hehe.. |
crispycrunch This user has been deleted
Originally posted by th3_3nDLess at 5/10/2006 11:25 AM
yup chances utk nama yg takde dlm web site tapi dapat surat tu mmg ade..
dat was wat happen to me before ^_^
dah sedey gile2 takde nama dlm web site, skali, lagik dua hari nak iview tetiba ...
ha ah..th3_endless camtu x sume org yg luck camtu..neway..ada gak terbaca thread yg lama2 hr tu..kte leh kol na confirm nama kite ada ke takde eh..klu na kol,kol sape eh..lupa lak..huhu...oppss..lupa lak na wish tahniah utk sume yg lulus utk ke interview..baca la yg sy quote tu..penat tau baca smpi berbilau biji mata (tp x dpt..huuuuu..sedih..)..hahaha...xpe la..xde rezeki..lagipun mmg tul instinct hari tu kata cam x dpt jek.. |
crispycrunch This user has been deleted
Originally posted by cahaya_sempurna at 4/10/2006 10:42 AM
akum semua...akhirnya kuar jugak result kan..dan alhamdulillah syukur sgt2..aku lulus..w/pun aku rasa performance aku masa PAC tu teruk sgt especially public speaking. namun alhamdulillah...pada fo ...
ye ke cahaya..hehe..mintak2la..neway,thanks sbb mndoakan semua forumers kat cni dpt g interview..klu ada la yg terpanggil tu,mintak2 bitarax dpt..kite doa sama2 eh.. |
Dara^Lara This user has been deleted
Originally posted by cutepie at 4-10-2006 01:57 PM
Congrats dara lara......yes now we have to prepare ourself for the interview.....bila hah? lepas raya keep in touch.....and lets share our interview experience later...okay.... ...
To Cutepie... congrats to you too!! I'm in shock yesterday...still can't believe i made it.... but today i have to gear my head back towards this PTD mission again... what should we prepare for? i scanned newspaper.... reread again the 'kenegaraan' books.... and .... try not to panic.... i've read all the post about interview and that's sure tough...uhukss... i don't even know the interview protocol... and what should i wear to the interview.... ahaks...banyak soalan ni.... so all kengkawan.... pls throw me a lifeline...coz i am helpless in preparation towards d interview....
To those who didn't make it... please don't give up.... learn from bitarax... u r the man!... try again next time with better evaluation....
To crispycrunch...thanks for pasting all the tips from previous post.... thanks buddy.. that really help.... |
Reply #2333 crispycrunch's post
life's goes on friend...
bukan first time gagal dalam periksa... dah byk kali..
tapi anggap jek bukan rezeki lagi....
ntah bila la nak dapat masuk gomen nie...
boring dah keje ngan swasta.... |
Reply #2334 crispycrunch's post
Takpe crispy tak lulus pun takpe...
Allah bagi kredit coz tolong orang...
lg berharga tue... |
Originally posted by Dara^Lara at 5-10-2006 01:02 PM
To Cutepie... congrats to you too!! I'm in shock yesterday...still can't believe i made it.... but today i have to gear my head back towards this PTD mission again... what should we prepare f ...
kalau pasal protokol interview rasanya dia dah bagitau masa kat PAC kat, pakai seformal mungkin, ladies baju kurung, kasut bertutup. mens with formal suit with blazer and tie with kasut bertali. |
Originally posted by voizze at 5-10-2006 01:19 PM
kalau pasal protokol interview rasanya dia dah bagitau masa kat PAC kat, pakai seformal mungkin, ladies baju kurung, kasut bertutup. mens with formal suit with blazer and tie with kasut bertali.
Ladies baju kurung ke? kalau non malay ladies pakai apa pulak? I think i have to go and buy baju kurung for the interview...... |
Originally posted by Dara^Lara at 5-10-2006 01:02 PM
To Cutepie... congrats to you too!! I'm in shock yesterday...still can't believe i made it.... but today i have to gear my head back towards this PTD mission again... what should we prepare f ...
To dara lara, i have started to read Malaysia Kini book again... I'm quite blur now..dont what and how to prepare my self towards the interview.....But one thing for sure, we shouldnt be panic.....okay..... |
Originally posted by cutepie at 5-10-2006 01:52 PM
Ladies baju kurung ke? kalau non malay ladies pakai apa pulak? I think i have to go and buy baju kurung for the interview......
kalu boleh pull pakai pants dan nampak seformal mungkin maybe, but prefer baju kurung ler, sebab panel interview perempuan yang bukan melayu pun pakai baju kurung. whatever is be very primp and proper. jangan pakai sandal terbuka |
crispycrunch This user has been deleted
seronoknye tgk org lulus PAC...huuuu....cindenieta...hehehe.bitarax,jd ke na hantar appeal letter?de pe2 news, gtau le ek.. |
Originally posted by crispycrunch at 5-10-2006 11:47 AM
ye ke cahaya..hehe..mintak2la..neway,thanks sbb mndoakan semua forumers kat cni dpt g interview..klu ada la yg terpanggil tu,mintak2 bitarax dpt..kite doa sama2 eh..
Thank you soooo much to all the forumers kat sini.. i am very touched. really. i will write an appeal letter as soon as possible. Thank you..hanye Allah saje yang mampu membalas. i will get the info regarding the appeal and i will post it here. don't worry. |
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