Wook,Kyu, Hae, Han, Won called to congratulate 300th day of Chunji, Min saidhe was surprised when the members called to congratulate them and hewas kind of have to guess which mems called to the show by their voices
Wookis the first one to call, he use a weird voice which sounded very likeLord of the Rings' Gollum's voice and Min was like...is it Gollum . Wook was like...Ming sshi, SooYoung sshi instead of Sunny sshi
The second mem is KyuHyun and he sang a bit of a Sung Shi Kyung's song so that Min could know who he is
Next is DongHae and he introduced himself "Hello, this is KiBum" and after that "Sorry, this is DongHae"
HanKyung is next, Min was like..."HanGeng 哥哥" which Han responded "Who ? Who is HanKyung ?"
Butthe cutest part was Min & Won, Won called Min "Minnie minnie minnieminnie minnie....." and Min was like....."Wonnie wonnie wonnie wonniewonnie......"
quote from evanesco@soompi
lawok tul wookie, buat sore gollum... siap ckp sunny tu sooyoung...