The basic unit of resistance, reactance and impedance. The symbol for the ohm is “W”, the Greek letter omega |
Page/Paging: "To summon or call by name" (Definition from The Free Dictionary). If a book or other library item is located at another location, you can page, or "summon" the book to be sent to your location. For example, to obtain a book from Grand Avenue Library, an off-site USC Library, will require you to page the item and pick it up from Leavey Library. This generally takes one business day. For more information on paging from Grand, click here.
PDF: "A file format developed by Adobe Acrobat® that allows files to be transmitted from one computer to another while retaining their original appearance both on-screen and when printed. An acronym for Portable Document Format."
Peer reviewed journal: "Peer review is a process by which editors have experts in a field review books or articles submitted for publication by the experts’ peers. Peer review helps to ensure the quality of an information source by publishing only works of proven validity, methodology, and quality. Peer-reviewed journals are also called refereed or scholarly journals."
Periodical: "An information source published in multiple parts at regular intervals (daily, weekly, monthly, biannually). Journals, magazines, and newspapers are all periodicals." See also: Serial.
Primary source: "An original record of events, such as a diary, a newspaper article, a public record, or scientific documentation."
Print: "The written symbols of a language as portrayed on paper. Information sources may be either print or electronic."
Print Card: "A card that enables its user to print from a computer, or to make copies of a document at a photocopy machine. Student ID cards sometimes serve as copy cards." For more information see the "Library Printing and Copying" page.
Proxy server: "An Internet server that acts as a “go-between” for a computer on a local network (secure system) and the open Web. Often checks to determine “right of access” to the secure environment and speeds up requests by caching frequently accessed Web pages. Can also act as a firewall." |
Thesaurus: "A list of terms which serves as a standardized or controlled vocabulary for identifying, locating, and retrieving information." (Definition from New York Public Library)
Thumb drive: "A small portable device for storing computerized information. A thumb drive can plug into the USB (Universal Serial Bus) port of any computer and store electronic information." |
Random Access Memory-
Usually refers to a type of semiconductormemory often used (RAM)for temporary storage. RAM requires the continual application of power to retain information. For some systems, battery backup is used to prevent data or program loss in the event of a power outage.
l desko - facetious(of meals or eating) at one's desk in an office |
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Ingratiate [in·gra·ti·ate]
tr.v. Bring oneself into favor or good graces of another, especially by deliberate effort. “She soon ingratiated herself with her new boss.” |
Titular [tit·u·lar]
adj. Relating to or constituting a title. “The titular head of the business.” |
Histrionic [his·tri·on·ic]
adj. Overly theatrical or dramatic. n. Exaggerated dramatic behavior designed to attract attention. “His histrionic reaction disrupted the meeting.” |
Sagacious [sa·ga·cious]
adj. Shrewd; showing keen mental discernment and good judgment. “A sagacious remark.” |
Apoplectic [ap·o·plec·tic]
adj. Overcome with anger; extremely indignant. “He showed apoplectic rage.” |
Serendipity; Serendipitous [ser·en·dip·i·ty]
n. The faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident. “A fortunate stroke of serendipity.” |
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Overt [o·vert]
adj. Done or shown openly; plainly or readily apparent, not secret or hidden. “Overt hostility.” |
Intrinsic [in·trin·sic]
adj. Belonging naturally; essential. “Intrinsic stock value.” |
Confluence [con·flu·ence]
n. The act or process of merging. A flowing together of two or more streams. “A fortunate confluence of factors led to his success.” |
Formidable [for·mi·da·ble]
adj. Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively powerful, large, or capable. “A formidable opponent.” |
Obfuscate [ob·fus·cate]
v. Render obscure, unclear, or unintelligible. Bewilder (someone). “The eclipse will obfuscate the sun’s light.” |
Trepidation [trep·i·da·tion]
n. A feeling of fear or agitation about something that may or may not actually happen. “He entered the cave with considerable trepidation.” |
Egress [e·gress]
n. The action of going out of or leaving a place. “The company’s egress procedures.” |
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Abrogate [ab·ro·gate]
v. Repeal or do away with a law, right, or agreement. “To abrogate a law.” |
Credulous; Credulity [cre·du·li·ty]
adj. A tendency to be too ready to believe that something is real or true. “A credulous rumor.” |
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Category: Belia & Informasi