Elle_mujigae posted on 4-6-2013 11:18 PM
erm i macam pernah baca yg kalau ambil pil2 kecantikan ni ada pantang dia kan..yg i ingat tak bole ...
Takpelah, me makan makanan biasa-biasa sajelah.
I mean bukan pil/supplement bagai.... Me tak reti nak berpantang makanan yg sangat sedap ni...
Like hot coffee.... Hot choc...
Aiira posted on 4-6-2013 11:21 PM
Takpelah, me makan makanan biasa-biasa sajelah.
I mean bukan pil/supplement bagai.... Me tak reti ...
aiira suka hot chocolate ye....
kalau jaga makan sure kulit pun cantik....once a year bila buat detox fruit juices kulit pun jadi glowy like that...my sister said berseri mcm muka orang sedang bercinta je...haha i guess we are what we eat...tapi sekarang quite a stress moment so it shows..pimples here and there..
Aiira posted on 4-6-2013 11:30 PM
Waaa! Celebrate birthday Singapore and Penang tu...
erm disaster la my trip...... hard to admit but travel with family member much nicer...feels much safer...and penang is over rated..i don't find the food nice at all...but one thing i learned from last weekend trip is.. i loved my hometown more than ever..i love midvalley,i love sunway pyramid,i love klcc...and i love ikea..
masa jalan2 kat georgetown tu..i feel so happy when i see the shopping mall..all familiar brands are there..i was like "yeah..civilisation" ..my friend said then what is the point of coming here if you want to lepak in the shopping mall je...hehe
Elle_mujigae posted on 4-6-2013 08:55 PM
wedding kat janda baik...tema ala ala resort like azlan iskandar wedding...nice...
amboi sampai k ...
hehe......kitorang suke makan merata sikit....best g wedding dia haritu kampung style ..tapi kat tepi rumah dia ada sungai kecik....men celup2 kaki...lol