Originally posted by cluesan at 30-11-2008 12:35 PM
haha, klu clue, kembung air tu, kira kenyang la jugak. tak makan pun takpe.
erkk....kembung perut ni tak best.....sakit perut...
me klu dah kenyang air, pas2 makan roti atau nasi or ape2 la kan, beberapa jam pas2 me sakit pale n loya..
dah kene muntahkan balik ape yg makan tu.............
"Canon Rock" is a neo-classical metal arrangement of Johann Pachelbel's Canon in D major by the Taiwanese musician and composer Jerry Chang (JerryC). The composition contains a variety of melodic licks (more suitable for the advanced guitarists), showing Jerry's unique way of phrasing and his immense finger dexterity. The piece became popular on the internet after a video of JerryC playing the piece was posted online.