Merged: Bangkok & Central Thailand (by WinXP, mamak & munshiabdullah)
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Reply #2237 Acun's post
mbk tu kene trun skytrain national stadium...mkn kat fc mknan arab...tp harga mahal sket la...momo ade dgr forumer ckp ade nasi ayam halal kat mbk tp xtau kat ne..harinie x wat ape rase nak round mbk lagi la kot |
Reply #2233 momoko's post
kat MBK tu sebenarnya ada 2 foodcourt..satu yg International satu lagi Foodcourt biasa..
Nasi Ayam tu kat foodcourt biasa..tak ingat level berapa might be one down below or up dr International FC..Thai beef Noodle punsedap..ada juga org arab/lebanon yg jual kebab kat situ..
momoko boleh try kat situ..
satu lagi nasi kuning..mcm nasi beriyani..ok jugak..kalau tgh lapar.. kat foodcourt ni mmg murahlah compare tu yg International FC tu..
[ Last edited by cupcakes at 27-1-2009 12:53 PM ] |
Reply #2234 Acun's post
ada ke nasi ayam halal kat robinson tu..hari tu usha2 jugak..tapi tak jumpa pun.. |
Reply #2241 cupcakes's post
Thai beef noodle tu same level ngan nasi ayam tula? kire bkn fc tingkat 5..kat tgkt 1 ye |
Reply #2226 Acun's post
Mak Yah Muslim Restaurant
497/16 Petchburi Road, Rajthevi, Bangkok, Thailand
Ko turun dr Ratchathewi Station (belah yg connected dgn hotel tu dan menghala jalan besar..ko jalan depan sikit sampai satu jalan besar, ko kena ambil belah kiri..ko akan nampak flyover kan..ko lintas dan lalu bahagian bwh flyover..nanti depan tu ko nampa restoren farida dan atas sikit restoren mak yah..
Kalau ko pi kanan ko akan menghala ke area platinum mall etc..(tpi jauh lagi)
ni link to halal food guide:http://www.zabihah.com/ds.php?id=2785
[ Last edited by cupcakes at 27-1-2009 01:03 PM ] |
Reply #2244 cupcakes's post
thanks..momo dh pegi mak yah tu..mmg bes mkn situ .....farida x rase lg, rasenye harinie nak round mbk mall je kot...teruja tgk album korea diorg murah2 |
Reply #2243 momoko's post
bukan kat tingkat 1..tapi kat tingkat 6..tapi agak horror sikit (tapi ok jer) sbb unlike mcm kat International Foodcourt tu nampak cam bersih dan teratur walaupun bercampur dgn non halal food..
kat sini:
Level 6, Mah Boon Krong Food Court, MBK, Siam Square
Bangkok, Thailand
Ni kpt yg momoko maksudkan:
Khao Mok Gai Stall
Level 6, Mah Boon Krong Food Court, MBK, Siam Square, Bangkok, Thailand
[ Last edited by cupcakes at 27-1-2009 01:15 PM ] |
Reply #2246 cupcakes's post
thanks cup.... |
kfc bangkok halal ke?kat zabihah ade halal..kwn abg momo ckp lak dah tarik balik lesen halal die? |
Reply #2249 se7enstarz's post
xjumpe la seben...arghh..geram...mmg pening pusing mbk mall tu...sbb momo gie ngan family..so kalo tersesat ssh la..lgipon pakai 2 prepaid je
yg momo jumpe album harga rm20-40,plg mahal dvd dbsk 2nd tour rm88, tp momo xtau la plak kalo tu ori dri korea atau thaii yg kuarkan..rasenye company thai yg kuarkan sendiri...momo beli satu je album dbsk |
Reply #2251 se7enstarz's post
beli dvd O version yg ade balloon tu je..sbb mirotic sume baru ade lagu je..momo nak carik yg ade video skali...*sori forumer..tercite psl korean plak * |
Reply #2252 momoko's post
yea, algaesumnida... so biler balik? nnti tempeks gmbor bebyk yek kt sini... |
aku tgh menghitung hari ni... hari isnin ni bertolak... yeayy |
[quote]Originally posted by duyong95 at 28-1-2009 01:57 AM
jgnla mara... |
Reply #2256 lilyflower's post
selamat bertolak....
kalo lily nak tour guide private ade..nanti kat airport bleh book..sempena chinese new year promotion nie rm50 je utk satu tmpt,satu family..family momo ade 4 org, kire murahla...momo pilih sg chao pharaya je.... |
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