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Author: PrincessFiona

GOONG/PRINCESS HOURS~(updated : page 1 link hardsub/megaupload pg248

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Post time 4-4-2006 11:33 AM | Show all posts
ayie...kau pun sama ye...part yul ngan cg tu kuar kaler biru ye....hehehe ch ada masalahlah kot...yg lawaknya suara ada.....heheehe

wah princess baju korea tu rm600 ke?

aku merasa pakai baju nie masa kawin dulu...hehehe tukar2 baju gitu....

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 Author| Post time 4-4-2006 11:35 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by babyface76 at 4-4-2006 11:29 AM

gambar yg kau kasi nie ke baju dari koreanya...takde ke sesapa yg nak wat fesyen baju cg nie....wah bergayalah kau ye....hehee

yelah color yg sama cuma terbalik...coat color  merah..dress color biru.(aku bayangkan masa cite My bf type B tu pakai dress jer masa dating mmg seksi tp cantik)..baju patern CG ada dlm hp aku ....sedihnya...

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Post time 4-4-2006 12:04 PM | Show all posts
ha'ah kaler biru kat tgh2 ep 24 tu mmg ada... aku rasa masa dorang record LQ citer ni reception tak bagus... hehehhe masa aku tgk online tak ada lah kaler biru tu... kalau nak clear semua cantik.. kenalah donlod HQ

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Post time 4-4-2006 12:22 PM | Show all posts
oh kiranya yg LQ menghadapi masalah ini ye...

eh kawan2 yg kat sini...korang layan cite apa sekarang arr??

off topic jap arr:
nak tanyalah kat aec19 cite jepun apa sedang ke??

lepas nengok hana yori dango teringin gak nak layan cite korea tapi tak tahu cite apa yg best2...yg penting kisah2 sekolah ke...cite cinta yg happy endinglah...sapa tahu??

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 Author| Post time 4-4-2006 12:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by babyface76 at 4-4-2006 12:22 PM
oh kiranya yg LQ menghadapi masalah ini ye...

eh kawan2 yg kat sini...korang layan cite apa sekarang arr??

off topic jap arr:
nak tanyalah kat aec19 cite jepun apa sedang  ...

nie nak layan jepun lak ker...aku suka jepun/korea...byk drama jepun yg best kat AEC tu best gak...

nie masa Goong 1.5 interview

that chinese version subbed version of 1.5 was abit off.. so i gave up on it
-> i think let's wait for yycaf.

with my lousy korean..
JJH said : he likes bubbly girls compared to quiet girls
he likes shorter girls because he is tall (this is a lousy way to include YEH)
he doesnt like skinny girls (probably because he is too used to hugging yeh)

and the actor acting as cg's dad said : In that case, JJh and YEh are very compatiable...

then blah blah~i dun really understand but they did mention kim jong kuk.

then after that the host asked them how they feel about dating real life.
then they went : ...........................
then the host said : so both of u are NOT denying anything either right....
the crowd went : wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

the actor acting as cg's dad said : if u all seen the off screen, there is something fishy going on..
then both jjh and yeh went very SHY~~~~

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 Author| Post time 4-4-2006 12:30 PM | Show all posts

TRANSLATING just the ones underlined in red:

The first underlined sentence is what mostly every Goong fans are hoping for:
With all of the Goong popularity, netizens are hoping YEH and JJH will date in real life.

The second: YEH-"It is true as filming progressed we became more and more close to each other, but we are only close colleagues"

The article also says that they will be filiming (well, at least YEH) S2 sometime in August of this year. They are currently going over with consideration 6-7 supposed scenarios.

I know S2 will be up to standards as S1 so I'm not worried about that, but I am nervous with what type of storyline will be introduced. I think I will grow tired if I have to see more Shin and CG relationship angst....especially caused by another guy/girl.

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Post time 4-4-2006 12:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by babyface76 at 4-4-2006 12:22 PM
off topic jap arr:
nak tanyalah kat aec19 cite jepun apa sedang ke??

baby citer jepun kat astro aec ch 19 skrg best... ko boleh baca kat thread astro aec citer jepun tu "baby girl & ghost date"

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Post time 4-4-2006 01:34 PM | Show all posts
oh ada cite jepun baru ye....itulah sementara nak nunggu cite2 korea yg best2 nie ingat nak layan cite jepun....tapi kalau hari sabtu ahad nie nak nengok mesti lupa...mana taknya masa nielah gi jejalan....balik kglah....hehehe

eyka cite baby girl &ghost date nie baru main ke??
takut dah lama main tak tahu jalan cite....nantilah aku gi jejalan kat thread tu....

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Post time 4-4-2006 01:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by PrincessFiona at 4-4-2006 12:30 PM


dalam artikel nie ada gambar shin kayuh duk kat belakang....gambar nie ada dalam cite goong ke??

tadi waktu rehat aku nengok semula scene kejar2 keta tu...huhuhu sayu hati ku...heeh

la baru perasan aku tak masuk khype....eyka ada apa2 info terkini ke pasal cite goong nie??

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Post time 4-4-2006 03:54 PM | Show all posts
Dlm goong 1.5

Host1: In reality, JJH, what style of woman do you like?
JJH: What I like is, rather than a quiet woman (gesturing like he's squeezing oranges or something), a woman who is fun to be with. (as YEH makes fun of his answer and gesture about the quiet woman - jogun jogun yeojah)
Host2: And height?
JJH: Height? Because I'm tall, I like shorter women.
Crowd: oooohhh
Host1: And do you like a healthy (insinuating "plump") woman or a thin/skinny woman?
JJH: I'm not particularly keen on thin women.
Crowd: Ohhhhh
CG's Dad: Actually, if you look at JJH and YEH, don't they look like a match (i.e. a good couple)?
Crowd: Aahhhh
Host1: YEH, you have to set something straight.
Host2: Lots of things to settle. Shin Goon may not be aware, but our YEH has very complicated male issues. Because Shin Goon is very naive, he doesn't know this side of things. I'll try to explain. There is still a man that hasn't been settled yet: Kim Jung Kook. What are you going to do YEH?
YEH: I don't hear you (as she hides behind the bear). Well, the two are very chic (stylish, popular?) my blessing has exploded (or, I'm very blessed - not too sure of the wording used here).
Host1: As things progressed, the thought that the two of you have grown close to each other is circulating. Have you heard?
JJH: Yes
YEH: Anyhow, during the seven months we've only been close for only a month.

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 Author| Post time 4-4-2006 04:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jasmine at 4-4-2006 03:54 PM
Dlm goong 1.5

Host1: In reality, JJH, what style of woman do you like?
JJH: What I like is, rather than a quiet woman (gesturing like he's squeezing oranges or something), a woman who is fun t ...

dlm 7 bulan tu sebulan jer diaorg rapat..mesti dah nak habis baru close...

aku busy tgh tgk last episode kat Youtube so tak sempat nak tgk soompi nie..

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Post time 4-4-2006 04:40 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by PrincessFiona at 4-4-2006 09:40 AM

ni part masa mkn tart telur  tp apesal tak nampak scene ni masa tu??

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 Author| Post time 5-4-2006 08:47 AM | Show all posts
this time it's in epi 24, the scene of the night before CG had to leave and when Shin hugged her from the back in the courtyard


First scene : on the bench
{ Shin is about to enter into his place and CG is outside on the bench}
CG : Shin Goon
{Shin sits on the same bench}
CG : you're sitting there, i always find it far
Shin : If i sit next to you, i'm afraid i'll grab you and never let off your hand.
Can't say for sure, in this life, in this world, if i can request you to wait for
me here.
CG : From now on, we have to go on different roads.
Shin goon, you must come back at the position of the Crown Prince
I already said it before. Compared to others, the position of the Crown
Prince suits Shin Goon the best.
I will become an outstanding/remarkable person.
Shin : Shin Chae Kyung
On this world, among all teh person I met, you are the most dazzle one.
CG : Shin Goon
On this world,among all the person I met, you are the most lonely one.
Today i want to remember Shin Goon's face.
Shin : Why?
CG : Because today's Shin is the real Shin, warm, honest and pure.
{Shin is smilling and sad at the same time}

Second scene : the hugging scene

a poem by Kim Wang Dong " Nine Cloud Dreams" (not sure about the title, literaly translate fron chinese)

{ Shin is telling a poem to CG }
" ------ flowers all over the sky"
" ----- other flowers in the water"
" the scenery of the spring in dream"
" ---------------- great distance"

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 Author| Post time 5-4-2006 08:51 AM | Show all posts
apasal posting ilang nie...ishkkk

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 Author| Post time 5-4-2006 08:52 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 5-4-2006 08:54 AM | Show all posts
This is Ep23 spot translation
King : How's the investigation?
Investigator : There is witness
King: Any suspect?
Investigator: Sorry, till now, the Crown Prince is the prime suspect

CG: (Surprised) Shin is the suspect? How can that be?
Sangoong : The witness had said whatever the Crown Prince had said is not the truth
CG: You mean Shin lied?
Sangoong : I'm afraid that was what it meant.
CG: Is not right. Something must be wrong. Shin would never do that.
Sangoong : All the evidences are not in his favor
CG: Who's the one who sent the msg? I just feel terrible, this has happened to Shin because of me.
Sangoong: The King has already knew of the outcome
CG : I must go and take a look

Shin appeared dejected.
CG talking to herself saying that this is the first time she sees Shin so down. A proud prince has become as such and it ached her to see such a sight

In the hospital. Yul visiting his mum and asked why didn't she run when there's a fire.
Yul asked if she knew who set the fire.
Yul's mum pointed her fingers at Shin.
Yul said Shin would not do such a thing.
Yul's mum just told him to get ready to be the King.

The Granny Queen came to visit CG. CG said she regretted talking about the divorce and leaving the palace. She should have given more thoughts to it.

The Granny Queen consoled her that she is only 19 years old and is an age to make mistakes. But most importantly is to admit one's mistakes

Part where CG in Shin's room:

CG: *hugs shin from the back*
I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I won't talk about divorce anymore. I won't talk about leaving anymore.
The reason I got to breath in the palace is because of you. So, I want to be next to you.
Shin: By the looks of it, I might not even be king.. I might be outcasted...
CG: the person I love is not the prince, but just you..
Shin: What.. what did you say?
CG: I love you.. When I see you hurt and I'm hurt.. I think I love you
Shin: But if you're by me, I can break your wings
CG: It doesn't matter. Just say that you want me near you...


CG tries to leave..
Shin: Be next to me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me alone

Grandma consoling Yul:

GQ : i know best how to let go of the person in one's heart
Yul : Granny, my heart has already been thrown away, there's nothing to give up now.
GQ : Though it may be painful now, but one day it will be gone just like the wind.
Yul : Will there be such a day?
GQ : Yes, there will be. A 19 years old heart shouldn't feel it is worst than death. You must still look forward to 29 years, 39 years, life is waiting for you. (Hug Yul), Yul, this is life. Seeing tears in your eyes, I understand that man don't cry, unless it is really hurting...

Shin appeared when CG was reading a newspapers on some news on the Crown Prince.
Shin hugged CG and wanted her to listen to what he has to say. In time to come, to trust and believe in him, no matter what happen. Not to get sad without his permission.

When Shin visits CG in her room, he says many times bo goh ship po:

CG: Shin goon, are you done now?
Shin: no.. I was done before.
CG: what happened?
Shin: They have no direct evidence.. so they can't do much.
CG: thank god. (whew). so you came here to tell me that this early in the morning?
Is that why you came here.. to tell me?
Shin:.. I miss you.. If I don't see you now.. I might not be able to breath.
CG: can you say it again?
Shin: I missed you. Even if I'm seeing you now, I still miss you
CG: You should have said.. you should have said it from the start. from now, tell me how you feel all the time..
*kiss gesture from shin*
You're going to pull a prank on me again right?

Shin: no. this time's for real
CG hiccups
Shin: Can you stop hiccuping *laughs* you're ruining the mood
CG: I can't stop it by will. I think I got shocked by you... do something.. to stop hiccuping. say a scary story.. something..

Before: CG was told to leave the palace

Shin: I'll take care of it. Just leave it to me.
CG: *holds him back* Shin goon.. don't. They said they'll leave it to my degression (my choice)
Shin: You think there is a choice? This isn't right.
CG: I have chosen (to go)
Shin:What.. perhaps..
CG: This is for the betterment of the palace and for you.. so I want to go
Shin: Don't talk about things that don't make sense
CG: When I first came to the palace, I chose to come here.. so now when I leave, I'm choosing to leave as well.. no one's telling me to go.. I'm choosing.. and taking my responsibility
Shin: You said we wouldn't part
CG: We're not. I'm just going on vacation... Think like i'm off winter break
Shin: What the palace rules are is not important, your life is
CG: taking care of this family, is part of my life (duty- i guess). The palace is my family

CG & Shin went out to Myeondong Street:

on the bus:
Shin: Why did you want to go out?
CG: So I could show you my life
Shin: Why all of a sudden..
CG: Just because.. what if my winter break turns out to be really long.. then I will never be able to show you

at the game pc bang (game place):
CG: I want to turn back (or give back) all the common things prince shin has missed in his life
Shin: But because i'm prince.. I was able to find you

sticker place:
Shin: If... if you were to disappear from me. i will always remember this day
CG: I will forever remember too

CG: Can I ask how much you love me?
Shin: What kind of girl asks such a thing..
CG: Cause I want to know and remember
SHin: Really that curious?
CG: yup.

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Post time 5-4-2006 08:59 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 5-4-2006 09:07 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 5-4-2006 09:08 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 5-4-2006 09:08 AM | Show all posts
mkn egg tart

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