LeoGurL This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Arwen at 19-1-2005 01:30 PM:
LeoGurl, angelika ada belakon cite Habang Kapiling Ka kat TV3 tapi baru habis last month. Dlm cite ni dia byk buat watak serious dan keras hati. best lagi watak die dalam cite SWNW.
oo ye ke..cemana aku leh terlepas? |
LeoGurL This user has been deleted
thanx leotazz for angelika's pics..
comel sungguh mary ann nih.. |
okay gak tu babyface.....francine and truman show.....pakcik truman tu kan kayo, francine plak nak cari "pakcik kayo". kira okla tu. |
kat mana ye kita boleh dapatkan vcd citer filipina?
apa2 citerlah...sebab citer korea ada dijual...takkan citer filipina dan thai
tak de kat kedai vcd... |
LeoGurL This user has been deleted
ada kot..tp kena carik aa baby..sblom nie aku gile tgk citer jepun..aku minat giler kat kashiwabara takashi..hensem siot! tp la nie i'm falling in love with diether ocampo..oh no! |
Originally posted by Arwen at 19-1-2005 01:41 PM:
okay gak tu babyface.....francine and truman show.....pakcik truman tu kan kayo, francine plak nak cari "pakcik kayo". kira okla tu.
:ah: bukan ke salah satu sebab francine nak sangat kat cristian kerana hartanya kan...:hmm: dan sekarang mana tahu bila dia tengok cristian dah dilucutkan jawatannya...:cak: pakcik truman lak digodanya...hahaa:bgrin:
:devil: biasalah mata duitan... |
Originally posted by LeoGurL at 19-1-2005 01:43 PM:
ada kot..tp kena carik aa baby..sblom nie aku gile tgk citer jepun..aku minat giler kat kashiwabara takashi..hensem siot! tp la nie i'm falling in love with diether ocampo..oh no!
:clap: aku pun minat gak mamat jepun nie...kalau korea :cak: aku minat
bae yong june... hensem gak mamat nie...dan sekarang :cak: kat leo..
:pompom: taste kau ngan aku samalah...hahaa
:hug: love loegurl... |
ngko reza...kijam!kijam!.....kok ye pun ko tak suka leo jgnla bagi DVV kat die. bagila mary ann ke, francine ke. ini situa kerepot DVV tu ko bagi die. tapi takpelah, hak mengundi di tangan anda. buatlah ape yg patut. kih kih kih |
LeoGurL This user has been deleted
ntah2 francine goda don marcelo..coz lagi kaya daripada truman..tua pun tua lar..janji kaye! |
LeoGurL This user has been deleted
Originally posted by babyface76 at 19-1-2005 01:50 PM:
:clap: aku pun minat gak mamat jepun nie...kalau korea :cak: aku minat
bae yong june... hensem gak mamat nie...dan sekarang :cak: kat leo..
:pompom: taste kau ngan aku samalah...hahaa
:h ...
hakhakhak..kita memang leh geng aa baby..jgn jadik gengster dah..kang marah rosyam nor.. |
Originally posted by rezacaloway at 19-1-2005 01:44 PM:
aku nak vote dvv ngan don marcelo........ ok tak? :cak:
tapi dvv ngan leo pon sepadan gak :hmm: :cak: lol:lol
yaaa ampunnn :tq:
:ketuk: tiada amoun bagimu...haha:bgrin::bgrin:
:bgrin: DVV syok kat ramonlah....sebab ramon hitam manis buah manggis ...itulah taste DVV..hahaaa :bgrin: jgn mare ha |

leo & gracie |
Originally posted by LeoGurL at 19-1-2005 01:52 PM:
ntah2 francine goda don marcelo..coz lagi kaya daripada truman..tua pun tua lar..janji kaye!
:setuju: francine :devil: lepas tu :ketuk: francine.... |
Originally posted by LeoGurL at 19-1-2005 01:53 PM:
hakhakhak..kita memang leh geng aa baby..jgn jadik gengster dah..kang marah rosyam nor..
:clap: betullah... nie satu lagi aku tertinggal...untuk thailand lak aku minat
hero princess...:cak:anothai...atau nama sebenarnya tik...nie pun hensem...hahaa |
Originally posted by babyface76 at 19-1-2005 01:41 PM:
kat mana ye kita boleh dapatkan vcd citer filipina?
apa2 citerlah...sebab citer korea ada dijual...takkan citer filipina dan thai
tak de kat kedai vcd...
I think you can order on line. ff:.I want to order the new movie
because of U..Diether O Leo:love::love::love: & Kirstein H ..but not sure
if it's ok.. Otherwise have to check with my neighbour's Philipino maid:cool:
maybe thru her contact.. |

diet bersandar dibahu tin tin.... jaket diatas kepala tin tin itu belongs to diet....
berehat semasa shooting drama...... very2 the sweet couple.....:love: |
Originally posted by willowbe at 19-1-2005 02:04 PM:
I think you can order on line. ff:.I want to order the new movie
because of U..Diether O Leo:love::love::love: & Kirstein H ..but not sure
if it's ok.. Otherwise have to check with my n ...
:pray: kau tanyalah maid kau...nak sangat beli vcd pilipina...boleh simpan...
kalau kau tahu mana nak beli...kau bagitau aku ye.....muahhh:bgrin:
thanks willowbe...... |
Originally posted by db10 at 19-1-2005 12:50 PM:
since I've been the follower of Sanay.. from the beginning, I would prefer the ending which Ara and Christian. I think forumners here are confused what's in real and reel life... it's 2 different ...
Why do you prefer the ara-xtian ending in reel life? How about real life? |
Originally posted by babyface76 at 19-1-2005 12:38 PM:
tak kecewa pun yondoi...walau apa pun berlaku ara&leo tetap menang dihatiku...:hug:
buat ara-xtian's fan...happy for you all.......
:clap:Bravo Babyface.:hug: |
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