JerichoKristine's SWAN [ Sessi sembang-menyembang ]
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14 post lagik nak terrrrbukaaaaaaaakkkkk page yg dinanti-nanti :cak: |
Originally posted by HeavenLeigh at 15-2-2007 02:53 PM
Aiyoo, sudah bukak la page 887. Suspen ni, sapa yang rasmi page 888.
sape yg dpt........
jeng...jeng ...jeng... |
Originally posted by rp17 at 15-2-2007 01:39 PM
Carrie Lee: "I chose my career instead of love"
Alfred Vargas's leading lady in Muli, Carrie Lee, reveals that she sacrificed her Chinese New Year and Valentine's day for this TV serie ...
lelaki ni ade berlakon kan dlm PSY kan ....
yg jd model dgn Yna & suka kt Yna tp Yna x suka kt die.. |
Reply #22162 adheq's post
adheq.. kasi le can kt Yen ...  |
Reply #22157 HeavenLeigh's post
he is so scrumptous...yummy yummy... |
Reply #22158 HeavenLeigh's post
mak aihh....awat gaya tu..ahakss.....grrrrrrrrrrr |
She admits that she was a |
Heart and Jericho: No wedding plans yet
Heart says she's just waiting, while Echo says he's not yet ready.
hahhahahha...everyNOTready....go go echo |

kalu echo ngan tin ni..dah berlaga pipi...bersuap2...berpeluk2...huuuuu |
Originally posted by HeavenLeigh at 15-2-2007 01:00 PM
Hai, perasaannyer minah sorang ni. Ntah ye ntah tidak si Echo ni nak settle down.
in her dreamssss...hahahha  |
+++HEART'S DAY. Heart will be celebrating her 21st birthday on February 14, Valentine's Day. She says she still has no idea what her boyfriend梬hom she fondly calls "Babe"梚s cooking up.
duhhhhh...tak ada panggilan lain ke...tak romantik langsung... |
ya allah..jessica simpson...but look it at the bright side....jess ngan nick...eerrrrrr....so mungkinkah heart n echo pon...akan mengalami nasib yang sama...hehheheh  |
Originally posted by eskremVanila at 14-2-2007 05:30 PM
itu dulu..skang dia suda kawen tp tatau aa still on ke dh cerai..
rica skang ngn piolo yg ensemmms ittews......:love:
uit...bior betiks...piolo tu baby face...rica tu cam garang giler...masa ngan bj cam sesuaii...sebab bj tu cam ganas..hehhehe |
open 888....sekaranggggggggggggggggggg |
up up...and awayyyy...... |
kalu la jadi projek echotin tahun ni...korang nak kenduri apa ekk....aku nak sedekah pisang monyet satu tandan...cukup tk?..hehhehe |
sekrg mesti bukak page 888  |
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